The old man was very angry.

"Disappeared. Medalikana suddenly disappeared from my sight one day without leaving any words."

Natsu kept asking where he learned the dragon-slaying magic. Gajeel couldn't stand Natsu's pestering, so he told the truth before leaving.

The ghost wizards didn't forget to take away the four elements, but they forgot to take Gajeel. Now he has to limp away on crutches.

"Was the day of disappearance on July 7, seven years ago?"

"Mr. Gajeel, too?"

Natsu and Wendy were a little surprised.

"What, do you know where Medalikana is?"

Gajeel didn't intend to pay attention to Natsu at first, but turned around to ask after hearing July 7, X777.

Natsu hugged his chest and answered with his head tilted:

"I don't know, I'm looking for the fire dragon Igneel, and Wendy is looking for the celestial dragon Grandile."

Wendy then said: "But Igneel and Grandile also disappeared on July 7, seven years ago."

"Did the three-headed dragon disappear together on July 7, X777?" Gajeel lowered his head and murmured.

"Why are there so many 7s!"

"How would I know!"

The two of them quarreled with their heads against each other regardless of their injuries.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Gajeel shook his head and planned to leave.

"Hey, if you hear any rumors about Igneel or Grandile, remember to tell us."

"Why should I tell you!" Gajeel was very angry. Are they so close?

"Aren't we both dragon slayers? The dragon that took care of us also disappeared on the same day."

"Don't be ridiculous. Next time we meet, I will definitely beat you up! Absolutely! You better wash your neck and wait!"

"You are really a dangerous guy. Forget it. I won't make peace with you."

"Which guy is the dangerous one?"

"That...the two..." Wendy stood between the two of them and was a little overwhelmed.

The two of them couldn't talk for a few words and started arguing again.

"How old are these two guys?" Ross shook his head helplessly.


The guild members stood in front of the ruins of the guild, looking at the guild tavern that had just collapsed.

"Well...this is really badly damaged."


Lucy felt a little guilty. It was because of her that the guild was damaged like this, and many guild members were injured.

"Don't show that expression, Lu-chan." Rebecca smiled and shook her head.

Ross ignored everyone and comforted Lucy. He climbed up the ruins with his hands and feet and searched inside.

"Do you want me to help?" Mira watched Ross searching non-stop.

"Your shoes are not suitable for coming up. Forget it."

"Found it!"

Ross moved the stone covering it, pulled the guild flag out of the ruins, shook it twice, shook off the smoke and dust on it, and raised it high:

"The flag is there, the guild is there!"

"Today, everyone worked together to defeat the ghost. This is not an individual victory, but a victory for the guild! A victory for the family!"

"Although the guild tavern was destroyed, it's fine to rebuild that kind of tavern. Let's build a bigger one!"

Facing the ruins of the tavern, Makarov immediately said:

"Lucy, whether it's happy or sad, not everything goes as expected, but to some extent, everyone can share it. This is the guild. Personal happiness is everyone's common happiness, and personal anger is everyone's common anger. 's anger, and personal tears are the common tears of everyone, there is no need to feel guilty. "

"Lucy, everyone's feelings should have been conveyed to you."

"Raise your head, you are a member of Fairy Tail."

Mira walked to Lucy, who was trembling a little, hugged her and said gently:

"This is not something that needs to be blamed on anyone, this is the common responsibility of everyone in the guild.

Lucy leaned on Mira and cried.

[By the way... Did I go a little too far? I guess the Council must be quite annoyed now. ]

[No, wait... Maybe I will be sentenced to imprisonment...]

Makarov was now imagining a moment of fear, and cold sweats ran down his body.

"After all, we also attacked the Phantom, you should prepare to apologize, Grandpa."

"Why do you want me to apologize for what you did, bastard!!!"

Makarov looked at the seemingly indifferent

Ross shouted angrily.

The Rune Knights finally rushed to the battle after the battle...

The battle between Phantom and Fairy Tail alarmed the Council, and they sent out the Rune Knights.

The Fairy Tail people were taken to the military camp and were questioned.

Ross helped the Rune Knights deal with two incidents, and he was an old friend of the leader. He was afraid that Natsu would make trouble, so he immediately found Ross and whispered in Ross's ear:

"I have a general understanding of the situation. It's just a routine inquiry. The symbolic supervision will end in one day. Tell that fire dragon not to make trouble, otherwise it will be embarrassing."

Ross nodded and made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you."

A week later -

The Phantom has been announced to be disbanded by the Council, and Joseph's Ten Holy Ones have also been removed.

The punishment for Fairy Tail has not yet been issued, and there are many differences in the Council's punishment for Fairy Tail.

Over the years, Ross has assisted the Council in handling many incidents. There are still two of the Ten Holy Mages in Fairy Tail, not to mention that the one who has been in seclusion and doing prevention in the desert is also one of the founders of Fairy Tail...

If you disband Fairy Tail, that one will jump out immediately.

Yajima, one of the councilors, has also been speaking for Fairy Tail.

Evidence from all sides is that the Phantom's Magus Giant attacked Magnolia.

Ross and his team raided the Phantom's branch... Although it is obvious that it was them, there is no actual evidence...

They did it late at night, and most of them ended the battle quickly and left.

After the battle with the Phantom, a week has passed. The reconstruction of the guild has been put on the agenda, and everyone is building a new guild in full swing.

Ultear and Erza have also returned, and Erza is excitedly supervising at this moment.

"Everyone, take a break first." Mira, Lucy and Lisanna held the tray and served everyone drinks.

Natsu and Gray quarreled again over a trivial matter.

"I still remember what you said that day. What do you mean I'm weak!"

"I was talking about Gajeel being weak! What ears do you have!"

The two heads collided heavily.

"The two people over there!"

A rectangular wooden stick hit the top of their heads heavily.

"Instead of talking, why don't you do it! We need to rebuild Fairy Tail as soon as possible."

Erusa, wearing work clothes and a helmet, carried a wooden stick in one hand and looked sternly at the two people who had fainted.


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