The beard...] The Celestial King was stunned for a moment.

[This is not a beard. Even if you are an old friend, you cannot give in on this point! ]

Lucy ignored the Celestial King's reaction and continued:

"This is an unfortunate accident. What crime did you say Loki committed? If he is not innocent, I cannot agree with it!"

"I don't agree! Absolutely!"

Lucy's emotions became more and more excited, and the golden light appeared around her again.

In Lucy's opinion, Loki was at fault for Kallen's death, but Loki's fault was not to the point where he needed to pay with his life.

She absolutely could not accept the rule of exchanging life for life.

In this matter, Loki was wrong, and Kallen was also wrong. If Kallen had not treated Aries like that, Loki would never have done such a thing. After all, Loki has felt guilty for Kallen's death for three years.

And Loki did not stay in the human world to kill Kallen in the first place.

If Kallen could listen to the advice of the Blue Pegasus President Bob and treat the Star Spirits well, she would not have come to this point.

If she had to choose, she would stand on Loki's side. The Star Spirits are lives and have their own emotions.

In Lucy's view, the Star Spirits are still her friends, not some kind of contracted mercenaries.

The more Lucy acted like this, the more guilty Loki felt. He looked at Lucy painfully and shouted:

"Enough...Lucy, I don't want to be forgiven by others, I just want to atone for my sins, I want to disappear like this!"


The magic power emanating from Lucy became stronger and stronger.

"Even if you disappear, Kallen will never come back. It will only add new pain!"

"That's not a sin! Thinking about your friends is not a sin!"

Lucy shouted unwillingly, and the golden light around her became more and more dazzling...

Aquia, Talos, Caplico...

These Celestial Spirits who signed a contract with Lucy appeared behind her one after another.

Even Virgo Baluge, who had just signed a contract with Lucy, appeared behind Lucy.

Even if the person facing was the Celestial Spirit King, the Celestial Spirits behind Lucy dared to look directly at him.

[Celestial Spirits... So many appeared at the same time! Is Lucy's bond with the Celestial Spirits so deep? ] Loki was shocked.

"Lucy!" Ultear and Kagura wanted to go forward to help Lucy, after all, she looked quite painful now.

Rose stretched out her arm to block them: "Let's see first."

"If Loki disappears, we here will just be hurt."

Lucy turned her head and looked at Loki with a firm look and said: "That kind of thing is not atonement at all!"

Lucy's magic power can only last for a few seconds, and all the Celestial Spirits who appeared also returned to the Celestial Spirit World.

Now she is exhausted, and she fell to the ground and looked up at the Celestial Spirit King with all her strength.

"If you are also a Celestial Spirit, you should understand the feelings of Loki and Aries!"

"Lucy!" Ultear and Kagura walked up quickly to help Lucy up.

"Celestial Spirit King, I think you have seen it too, this should be the answer, right?"

Rose received Alphamon and came to the same height as the Celestial Spirit King, and looked at him.

"I see, the strong man of mankind..."

The Celestial Spirit King glanced at Rose, whose figure suddenly rose. In the eyes of the Celestial Spirit King, Rose was already a strong man.

Not only Lucy, the descendant of an old friend, but also the magic power that Rose had exploded at this time, all of which made him need to respect.

[I know Anna Heartfilia, too. ]

Rose did not speak, but her voice reached the ears of the Celestial King, who looked at Rose with wide eyes, with an incredible look on his face.

Anna Heartfilia, his old friend.

He appeared here because he felt Lucy's determination, but Lucy was also Anna's descendant.

Of course, now he also recognized Lucy. He had heard the conversation with Loki before, and he also felt the bond between Lucy and the Celestial Spirit.

She who could say that the Celestial Spirit was a friend was definitely worthy of the title of old friend.

At this point, he had already made a decision:

"Well, I was criticized to such an extent by my old friend, so maybe it was the "rule" that was wrong."

"In order to save Leo, who wanted to save Leo's old friend, for the sake of this beautiful bond, I will make an exception for this matter. ”

“Leo, I allow you to return to the Celestial Spirit World!”

“You still have your merits, Bearded Daddy!”

Lucy gave a thumbs up and winked.

Hearing this, the Celestial King grinned and bared his big teeth.

The Celestial King looked at Ross and nodded. Since she is Anna's friend, she is my friend, no problem!

"If you have the chance, welcome to the Celestial Realm, human."

"Of course."

Ross also gave a thumbs up in response.

"To be forgiven, you should thank the stars for their guidance."

Along with these words, the Celestial King's figure gradually emitted a little starlight.

"Please wait a moment, I..." Loki still couldn't let it go.

"If you still want to atone for your sins, I order you to become the power of that friend and live. She is a friend worthy of you."

"Protect her at the risk of your life!"

The body of the Celestial King gradually turned into a cross starlight, bright and dazzling.

As the cross starlight disappeared, Loki's glasses stopped in the air began to fall to the ground, and the water flowing upstream also began to respect gravity, and the waterfall resumed again.

[Sure enough...As long as you are related to Heartfilia, you are very unprincipled...Celestial King. ]

Rose couldn't help but complain as he watched the dissipating Celestial King.

Although he complained, Ross felt that the Celestial King's appearance was still quite explosive, with a built-in time-stop BUFF.

"That's what he said."

Loki, kneeling on the ground, stared blankly at Kallen's tombstone.

He seemed to see Kallen, who had been entangled with him for three years, smiled at him and gradually dissipated under the starlight.


Seeing this scene, Loki began to let go of his obsession.

Loki stood up and turned to Lucy.

"Thank you, Lucy."

"Thank you too, Ross, Ultear."

Loki stretched out his hand and shook Lucy's hand, then turned into golden starlight and returned to the Celestial World. A golden light turned into the key of Leo and appeared in Lucy's hand.

"Please give me more advice in the future, Loki."

Lucy smiled as she looked at the key in her hand.

Lucy only remembered to ask this question now: "Speaking of which, how did you end up here?"

"Like you, I also found out about the relationship between Loki and Kallen."

Rose tapped his forehead with a finger.

"Okay, Loki's matter has been resolved. It's too late. Let's go back now."

"Yes!" Lucy smiled and nodded vigorously.

With a flash of light, the few people returned to Magnolia again.

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