The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the guests to come back.

Juvia joined the group of tourists seamlessly.

Even Natsu didn't care about Juvia's sudden appearance. In Natsu's opinion, the past was the past.

At night, Kagura, who returned to the hotel room, noticed something strange.

The hair stuck in the door crack was gone. She had clearly hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign.

Besides, it was a newly opened room, so how could the waiter come to clean it?

She was always very careful when she went out. She would always put a hair in the door crack, so tightly that the wind couldn't blow it away. If there was anything unusual, she would find it immediately.

"What happened? Kagura." Erza noticed that Kagura's expression was not right.

"Someone should have entered the room."

Kagura took off the "Grudge Blade: Unfearful of the Heavens" worn around her waist and stood ready.

"Change clothes!" Erza immediately conjured up a red cherry.

Erza and Kagura stood on each side, looked at each other and nodded.

After opening the door with the room card, Kagura kicked the door.

Erza shook her head: "No one."

The two searched carefully.

Kagura then found an envelope on the bedside table next to the pillow: "Nothing is missing, but there is an envelope."

"Open it and take a look."

"Simon is in our hands. If you want to save him, come here."

At the end of the letter, it was written about how to get to the island and a photo of Simon.

In the photo, there was not only Simon, but several people, including Simon, were wearing magic limiters on their hands and feet and were tied up.

Erza and Kagura had also seen these people. Their names were not clear, but there seemed to be one named Xiu, whose name was easier to remember. They remembered that they were friends who traveled with Simon.

"I'm going to save Simon!" Kagura clutched the letter tightly.

"Go find Rose first."

Erza held Kagura's arm and signaled her to calm down. Kagura was so angry that her whole body was shaking.

Erza was also worried about Simon's safety, but the more she was at this time, the more she couldn't panic.

The two came back to pick up the gifts they had bought. This place was not far from their hometown, Fengxianhua Village. The two had planned to go back to Fengxianhua Village tonight to see the villagers, but they didn't expect a basin of cold water to pour down on them from top to bottom.

At the same time, an unknown team of wizards appeared and attacked the Akane Resort.

"Bang-bang-" The explosion sounded in Natsu's ears.

"What's going on... Why is it so noisy outside..."

Gray, Rose, Natsu, Happy and the cat put towels on their heads and leaned their heads against the side, just soaking comfortably.

Natsu, who has a more sensitive ear, heard the roar coming from outside.

"Who cares, maybe they are setting off fireworks..." Gray felt quite at peace with the world while taking a bath.

"That makes sense." Rose gave Gray a thumbs up.


The other party seemed to be just here to show their presence. After creating some panic, they left, and the army couldn't catch up with them.

"The sound is gone, great..."



Eruza and Kagura shouted the names of the two.

"???" The three people and the cat sat up straight, and everyone heard it now.

Magic Council ERA——

The members of the Council held a meeting at this time.

This meeting was urgently convened by Speaker Crawford Shim. As for the news, he heard it from the new councillor Zekrein.

Since the investigation team found evidence, they had to take measures quickly.

"How is it possible that "that" still remains!"

"About ten years ago, the magic cult that believed in black magic invested a huge amount of money to build the R system."

Ajima said firmly: "Seven towers, those should have been destroyed by us, and Ross of "Fairy Tail" destroyed one first."

A picture appeared among the councillors, showing the R system.

Councilman Berno nodded: "That is the one. For some reason, it was built again without anyone noticing, just off the coast of Calum."

Councilman Oge looked at the picture in surprise: "This shape... is it already completed?"

Berno shook her head and said: "The whereabouts of the members of the investigation team are unknown after sending back this image. ”

“Why did the R system only come up with this now…”

Ziklein said slowly: “The “Tower of Paradise” is not the R system, but the “Tower of Paradise”

"Tower of the Garden", right?"

Ouge was a little panicked: "It doesn't matter how you call it! That is forbidden magic! Just knowing its existence can cause serious chaos!"

"Prepare to dispatch troops immediately and suppress it as soon as possible."

"But the other party, the incident at Akane Beach on the border last night, according to the rescued witnesses, it seems that the magic cult that occupied the R system is not that magic cult."

"Who is it?"

"That man seems to call himself Jellal."


The councillors have all heard of this name.

Ouge said: "It's your twin brother, Zikrein."

Zikrein nodded: "Well, about this matter... I know. "


Several people gathered following the voices of Erza and Kagura.

Kagura showed Ross the letter and photos as soon as she saw him.

"That's what happened, and we found that someone suddenly attacked Akane Beach and the theme park just now, but the other side retreated very quickly."

When Natsu heard that someone attacked outside just now, he said excitedly: "Look, I just said what happened!!!"

Rose asked Gray to control the somewhat excited Natsu: "Don't worry about the outside in advance. If such a big thing happens, the army of the Council will definitely be dispatched."

Rose scratched his head and was puzzled: "Is this direction the Tower of Paradise? But didn't I destroy it?"

The address of the nameless island described in the letter is so close to the coast of Calum, it looks like the one he destroyed.

Urutia was puzzled by Ross's words and asked: "What do you mean? "

"Ten years ago, when we lived in Fengshanhua Village, I might have been to this island. If it was the one I went to, I rescued Grandpa Rob there."

"But I'm not sure, because it's been too long, and the ship was still driving automatically at the time. I can only say that it's possible."

Erusa and Kagura looked at each other and said, "It's the black magic cult that attacked the village!"

Rose nodded and said, "Yes, it was them ten years ago, but it's hard to say whether they are still there now, because ten years ago, the major guilds and the Council cooperated to purge most of the black magic cult members."

Rose comforted Kagura, who was breathing a little quickly, "Don't worry, Simon's safety should be no problem, after all, he is still needed to lead you there."

"Without further delay, let's set off now!"

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