The three of them left Derwent the next day. The next one was to fight bandits. Why were there bandits every day? They probably learned some magic or physical skills but didn't want to make money from formal channels. There might be some who said they couldn't work even though they said they wanted to.

Walking on the path, Urrutia quietly took out 300,000 J, and Erza also took out 100,000 J and handed it to Ross.

It wasn't a tacit understanding, it was discussed last night.

After paying taxes in Magnolia, the remaining money would be theirs. Makarov would not take a commission for underage missions.

"Huh? I said I didn't want any reward." Ross didn't reach out to take it. He didn't do anything except eat the exhaust gas in the back.

"I'm returning it to you. I borrowed it from you in Crocus." Urrutia was talking about the necklace she bought for Uru and the gift she bought for Kana in Crocus. Uru also gave her money, but the meaning of using her mother's money to return it is completely different from that of earning money.

"Me too, the money for two magic swords." Erza didn't make money before, and she still remembers that Rose helped her buy magic swords in the city.

"Okay, I'll take it." Rose took both of the money. There was no need to argue meaninglessly, and he probably couldn't argue with them.

Seeing Rose take the money, the two smiled at each other.

"Go find the client to learn about the bandits, Erza."

"Okay, I also want to go to the town to see if there are any stores selling magic props. I want to buy or order magic armor."

Speaking of Erza's costume magic, it's still quite expensive. Otherwise, you have to go to the bandits' dark guilds and see if there is anything suitable for you from the spoils.

The reward for the mission they took this time was meteorite, a black metal that is very good for making armor.

The strength of the bandits they attacked was not very strong. Erza and Urtia worked together to easily solve the problem. The bandits just robbed money, gems and accessories, and there were no rare metals. Erza was quite regretful.

Urtia and Erza returned to the center of the town and returned the registered stolen money, gems and accessories to the owners who reported the case. As for the ones that were not reported, they did not hand them in.

In this way, in addition to the reward, they also obtained a considerable amount of wealth to enrich their own small treasury, and it was much more than the mission reward. This is something that everyone knows.

Ross had done this before, and Ross did not tell them, but this thing was learned without a teacher.

The magic shop here has a complete range of armor. Erza invested all her rewards and the money she looted here. If the money was not enough, Urtia helped her to make some customized armor - the Heaven Wheel Armor and the Diamond Armor, one for attack and one for defense.

The armor can be enlarged and reduced appropriately with the owner's body shape, but it cannot be enlarged indefinitely. Now the two magic swords that Ross bought before have been perfectly retired, but they were originally intended to be used excessively, after all, each sword is only 50,000 J.

Erza especially likes the Tianlun Armor. This armor usually summons only two swords, but as the magic power increases, more swords can be summoned. Erza couldn't resist the owner's boasting and made a direct decision.

The Diamond Armor has super defensive power. The two-handed shield is combined to form a diamond barrier. Erza used this armor to resist the magic cluster cannon-Jupiter in the original work, which shows how strong the defense is.

After staying for a few days to get the armor.

Watching Erza put on the Diamond Armor and gather the shield in front of her, Ross felt full of security, which reminded him of a sentence-Stand behind Braum!

Huckbe Mountain-

"ICE MAKE Thorns." Urutia made a seal with both hands from above and used a thorn net to restrict the blizzard monster.

"Heavenly Wheel·Dizzy Sword." Erza, in the form of Heavenly Wheel Armor, had a lightsaber appear behind her, and instantly launched a series of attacks with multiple swords, shooting at the Blizzard Monster.

The Blizzard Monster was attacked by the lightsaber, and the lightsaber also shattered the ice net, and the Blizzard Monster also took the opportunity to break free.

It bent its knees and flapped its wings to attack Urrutia in the sky.

"ICE MAKE Infinite Blade Leaf." The ice magic particles gathered into leaf-like ice blades in Urrutia's hands, hitting the Blizzard Monster's head, and the Blizzard Monster fell from the sky.

"Heavenly Wheel·Three Swords." Erza saw the opportunity and used the sword to draw a triangular track at high speed and hit the Blizzard Monster in the air.

"Enough." The target this time is a Blizzard Monster, which eats magic herbs all year round. Their guts have a certain healing effect on injured wizards.

The strength of the Blizzard Monster is not particularly strong, but it has

It is a bit tough and tough, and is somewhat immune to ice magic. Urrutia mostly plays a supporting role.

"Next, let's defeat the Snow Dragon and take its scales." Erza used the magic sword to cut through the belly of the blizzard monster and took out the liner, and said to Urrutia calmly.

"You look so scary..." Urrutia looked at Erza who was holding the bloody sword in her right hand and the liner in her left hand.

It's really big to be able to hold the bloody liner so calmly.

The Snow Dragon is also a flying monster similar to a wyvern. It is covered with hard armor all over its body. Because its body is white, it lives in the snowy mountains all year round. It is much larger than the blizzard monster. It is a carnivorous monster and can be called a high-end version of the blizzard monster. Its main diet is the blizzard monster, snow wolf and snow mountain Valken.

The Snow Dragon was lying on its stomach and sleeping. It was the undisputed overlord of Mount Hakbe, at the top of the food chain, and it could sleep wherever it wanted.

Erza and Urtia quietly went around behind it.

"ICE MAKE: Super Freezing Ice Arrow." Urtia consumed a lot of magic power to create an ice bow, and the ice arrow pierced through the scales of the Snow Dragon from behind.

"Heavenly Wheel·Circular Sword." Erza, also in the Heavenly Wheel Armor form, launched multiple swords in a circle at high speed, and the swords hit the Snow Dragon that wanted to flap its wings and fly.

"Roar————" The Snow Dragon was pierced and its wings were also injured.

"Heavenly Wheel·Five-Star Sword." Erza flew over the Snow Dragon at high speed, and drew a star-shaped orbit with the sword at high speed to attack.

"Future Flash." After Erza flew over, dozens of crystal balls appeared beside the Snow Dragon and exploded beside it.

After several rounds of attacks, the Snow White Dragon could not withstand the attacks and fell down.

"Okay, the mission is completed, let's go back to the client to hand in the mission." Erza used a sword to pry off the scales on the chest under the neck of the Snow White Dragon. This part of the scales is the hardest scale of the Snow White Dragon, which is also the requirement of this mission.

After handing the scales to the client, they also received a reward. Including the time spent on the journey, they completed six tasks in three weeks. The meteorite iron was also successfully obtained before coming to Hakbe Mountain. It was to help a blacksmith go into the mountains to find a special mineral. Erza also mined some herself.

In addition to the meteorite iron, Erza also got a knife from the blacksmith - the demon sword Hongying, which was given to her by the blacksmith. The blacksmith thought that this knife was very suitable for Erza and insisted on giving it to her. In the end, Erza paid some money to buy it.

Meteorite iron alone is not suitable for making armor. Erza plans to collect other materials before deciding what attributes of armor to make. At present, her goal is to have at least one set of all attributes.

Ross did not take any action in these missions. He was just responsible for keeping watch and cooking. In the town, they ate in the restaurant. Urrutia and Erza had to solve all the missions by themselves. These two future strong women have already shown their strength.

"Let's go back to the guild. I miss Magnolia's strawberry cake and soufflé, Urrutia." Erza looked expectant. She still thought Magnolia's strawberry cake was delicious after eating it for three weeks.

Urrutia nodded and agreed.

"Let's take a few days off and continue the mission?" Erza was addicted to doing missions. She liked the missions of defeating bandits and monsters.

"Okay." It's not that she likes to do missions. Since she went on a trip with Ross, Urrutia prefers to go out and see the scenery outside.

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