After a few days of peace, Ross and his three friends set out on a mission again. Guild missions generally have two forms of commissions. One is that the client goes to the Council, and the Council assigns tasks based on strength and proximity. The other is through designation.

Since the last time Duke Grant designated Ross to accept a mission, Ross has inexplicably received more commissions, but the content of the tasks has been stated in the letter of entrustment. It is not like the commission that Duke Grant asked Ross to accompany his son on his birthday. Many people can't afford it. The Duke Grant's commission is a price gouging, probably because he is afraid that Ross will be troubled by many such designated commissions.

There is an advantage to designating Ross. Ross is not like other people in Fairy Tail. Ross is as far away from the town as possible when doing crusade missions, and he tries not to cause damage as much as possible. This is very popular with many clients.

People who often do quests in Fairy Tail, Gray and Leo are now a bit of a destroyer, Makao is also a mess, not to mention Gildarts, under the leadership of Ross and Urrutia, Erza sometimes destroys too much, but generally it is acceptable, and Urrutia can recover with the arc of time.

"These are all commissions designated for Ross, is it really okay for us to share the rewards with you like this?" Erza asked while pulling her huge suitcase.

"It's okay, although it's designated for me, unless it's a commission like Kevin, most of the time I'm ready to let you take action, and it's still quite interesting to form a team. I'm not interested in doing the quest alone." Ross yawned.

"This mission is very strange. I saw that the commission said it was a monster suspected to be a giant crocodile in the swamp, but there is no need to commission it specifically for a giant crocodile." Urrutia did not participate in their topic. When he was about to arrive, he took out the commission to confirm the address and content first.

"As long as the address is correct, just ask the client for the specific situation."


"I am the village chief here, and the client this time. There is a large swamp and forest behind our village. Many people who went there in the past two months have disappeared. Some people also said that they saw a huge monster, but they saw it from a distance and were scared. They couldn't describe it clearly, so they specially asked the guild for help."

"This kind of task should be assigned to any guild, why did you specify me?"

"The forest and water and soil in that swamp are very important to the ecology of the surrounding villages. Although it is important to drive away or kill monsters, the wetland and forest cannot be destroyed. I heard that some members of your team can use time magic, so even if it is destroyed, it can be restored."

[Is it the work of Duke Grant or has Urrutia become famous? 】 Ross raised his eyebrows. This place seems to be under the jurisdiction of Duke Grant.

"I see, I know, we will pay attention." Ross nodded.

"Did any monsters or animals originally live in that swamp?"

"In addition to fish and small animals, there are very small crocodiles, which are about two to three meters long. There are also some snakes and pythons, but they are very small and pose no threat to humans." The village chief shook his head.


The three of them came to the swamp behind the village, and Ross flew up to the sky to take a general look.

After coming down, Ross said to Urrutia and Erza: "It is indeed very large. It is called a swamp, and there are rivers and forests. It can be called a watershed."

"Then it is too big. We can't risk going deep. There is no way to determine where it is hidden." Urrutia pinched her chin and thought.

Ross asked, as he was not the one who recorded the conversation just now, "Which places were witnessed?"

Eluza handed Ross a map with five places marked on it. "From the map, it can be seen that there are indeed fewer vegetation in these five places, and most of the villagers from the surrounding villages enter from these places, so the probability of witnessing is relatively high."

"But from the map, it can be seen that there are more than five places, and they are quite far apart." Ross took a rough look at the map.

"The most important thing is to lure it out, after all, we can't destroy this place."

"It shouldn't be a big problem to lure it out. The village chief just said that it happened in the last two months. Maybe it's because there is not enough food, so it attacks humans. The village chief also said that the crocodiles and snakes that originally lived here were not big. If it is particularly large, there is indeed a possibility of insufficient food."

"Go back to the village chief first to ask for a few larger herbivores, and then borrow a few small ones that no one uses.

Boat. "

Rose asked the village chief for three goats, tied each to the river bank, and the three of them waited in a place.

After two days of waiting, the giant crocodile finally appeared at the place where Urrutia was waiting, which was near the river. Ross and Erza received the Fairy Tail emblem flare sent by Urrutia and immediately flew to Urrutia.

"ICE MAKE Ice net."

Then use the arc of time to grow shrubs from the seeds to restrict the giant crocodile.

When Ross arrived, Urrutia was trying to restrict the giant crocodile's actions. After eating, the crocodile did not intend to fight, but just shook its head and planned to go back.

Rose received the stubborn beast and jumped in front of it. First, he punched it on the head with his right hand, then flipped it over with both hands, and prepared to drag it to the shore. Urrutia used the ice shape to create an ice chain to tie it up and started pulling.

While Ross was dragging, the giant crocodile kept struggling, and Ross was about to turn around and punch it.

"Black Feather Moon Flash". "Eluza, who changed into the black feather armor, arrived and ripped open the giant crocodile from above.

"Okay, it's dead." Ross had time to look at the giant crocodile. In addition to estimating, this giant crocodile is about 15-16 meters long, much longer than the Purus crocodile Ross knew. The skull and mandible are very thick, and the back is covered with hard armor with spikes. Ross tried it and found that the hardness is not bad. If you forcefully attack from above, the effect will not be great. It is most effective to attack its abdomen like Erza did.

"I will bring the remaining two sheep back first, and then notify the village chief. You guys stay here first." Ross accepted the Ultimate V-dramon and flew away after giving instructions.

"Did the village chief say how to deal with this crocodile?" Erza asked when Ross arrived with the village chief.

"Why, are you interested in this crocodile? ”

Eluza nodded and said, "I just tried it with the red cherry. Its carapace has good defensive power. I wonder if I can use it to make a light leather armor."

"I'll ask the village chief for it. It shouldn't be a big problem. If not, I can buy it."

Rose negotiated with the village chief. The village chief didn't like the giant crocodile that ate the nearby villagers and let Ross deal with it at will.

"The village chief agreed. We can take off the leather armor and keep the bones. The bones are a good collection."

After the village chief and others left, the three of them took off the crocodile's skin together. They were all ice knives made of ice shapes, which were quite handy. Finally, Erza took both the leather armor and the bones away. Erza planned to keep the bones as a collection. She has rented another room in the girls' dormitory to display her collection. This skeleton will be one of them, but it needs special treatment.

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