The two of them had been practicing together for two years. After rigorous training, their bodies became stronger and their heights increased with age. Compared with their peers, their heights were very high. Laxus's dragon-slaying magic improved, but he began to follow Makarov's advice and did not use the dragon-slaying magic in front of others. Ross did not know why Makarov suggested this. He guessed that he was protecting Laxus. After all, dragon-slaying magic crystals were still quite rare, and at this time, God Selene was not sure whether she was also collecting dragon-slaying magic crystals from various places. Ross's receptivity has also greatly improved, approaching 40%. It will be more difficult to increase as time goes by. According to Ross's estimation, more than 50% should be a water-free S-class wizard like Fairy Tail.

In addition, as the receptivity increases, the hardness of the Time Digital Alloy also increases. Ross is not sure about the specific hardness. Anyway, he has not encountered anyone who can break the defense. Maybe he can compare with Erza when she has the Diamond Armor.

There is no division below the S-class on the Ishgar continent. Those with some strength are famous, but the S-class will be more famous. Besides, there is also a gap in the S-class. The watery S-class of most guilds is really not good.

Kana Alupelona came to Fairy Tail as scheduled to find her father Gildarts. Kana is only 6 years old now and has not awakened or learned magic, but Makarov still let her join. She just lost her mother.

During this time, Gildarts hurried back and went on the mission. Kana only exchanged a few words with Gildarts. Gildarts didn't recognize her, and she couldn't say anything. She was tripped by Makarov, the stumbling block. Makarov kept urging Gildarts to hurry up and do the mission. After that, Kana often showed a sad expression, and Ross and Laxus noticed it.

"Hey, let's take Kana out to play." Looking at Kana who had been staring at the tarot cards for several days, Laxus sat at the bar and quietly discussed with Ross.

"Oh, you pay attention to Kana." Ross looked a little teasing, but he was just joking. After all, Kana was still a little kid at this time.

"Come on, she's been acting like that for days in a row. Anyone with eyes can see it. Didn't you see that Makao and Wakaba were trying to make her happy? Lidas is the same. It's really strange. It seems that she has been like this since Gildarts left." Laxus rested his hand on his chin and thought.

Ross said that Laxus was surprisingly sharp.

Ross knew the answer, but didn't plan to tell Laxus. After all, this was a family matter between Kana and Gildarts. However, he was already thinking about whether he should tell him next time Gildarts came back?

Gildarts came and went too hurriedly this time, and he didn't communicate much with Gildarts. Makarov just helped introduce him. Thinking about it, he felt that what Laxus said was a good suggestion.

"Good suggestion, let's go find her." Ross snapped his fingers and nodded to Laxus.

Then he looked at Makarov who was drinking: "Grandpa, I think I may need your help to persuade him."

"I see." Makarov paused with his hand holding the wine glass and nodded slightly. He was actually very worried about Kana's condition.

"Kana, how about we take you out to visit Magnolia?" A voice suddenly sounded in her ears. Kana raised her head and saw a figure wearing a spiked sound pot and a yellow short-sleeved shirt, with a smile on his face, and Ross, who was almost the same in figure.

"Let's go out and play together. This guy is very good at playing and knows a lot of fun places." Ross pointed at Laxus with his thumb.

"What do you mean this guy is very good at playing! Didn't you go with us?" Laxus looked at Ross with anger on his face. He said that he absolutely could not accept such slander!

"Well, well, don't care about these details." Ross smiled and waved his hand.

Kana didn't say anything all the time, just looked at them. It's not that she didn't believe it, but she was really in a bad mood and couldn't get interested.

"Kana, don't be depressed when you're in a bad mood, go out and have some fun." Makarov said at the right time.

"Yes, yes." Wakaba and Makao nodded like two lackeys, "Go out and play with them."

"Okay." Kana pondered for a while, and finally nodded, and just like that, she was depressed.

=Father won't be back soon.

"How about we go to Nankou Park to see the Sky Tree first?" Laxus looked at Kana and pointed in the direction of Nankou Park.

"I'm fine with it." Kana hadn't been to Magnolia much. When she first came here, she took her dog and went straight to Fairy Tail.

"But before that, how about we go buy some food? Is there anything Kana wants to eat?"


"As expected, even children can't escape marshmallows. Isn't Kana the female barrel who drinks tons of wine now?" Ross complained silently in his heart.

"Okay, let's see if there are other things we like on the street and buy them together." Laxus walked forward a few steps and turned back to look at Kana.

"In the end, you bought so much." Ross sighed. Laxus and Ross carried large and small bags, which were full of various grilled sausages, takoyaki, crepes and drinks.

Laxus was holding a puppy in one hand. It was Kana's dog, a white puppy with droopy ears named Xiaoxue. Ross didn't know what breed it was, but Xiaoxue was very excited. She kept looking around, sticking out her tongue, and wagging her tail.

Kana held a pink marshmallow in her left hand and an Italian ice cream in her right hand. She licked it and finally saw her smile on her face as she ate the sweets.

Ross and Laxus, who were one step behind, grinned at each other.

They came to Nankou Park and stood on the steps. Today was not the weekend, so there were not many people. There were only a few families playing in the corner. There were trees in the corner. It might be more hidden there, so the families didn't have to be too cautious about talking. But there was nothing they couldn't say about their chat, so they decided to have a picnic under the sky tree. Laxus followed Kana and strolled around Nankou Park.

Under the sky tree, Ross first spread out the green square cloth he brought, and then put the food on it. The puppy was very interested in the food and kept wanting to eat it. Ross picked up Xiaoxue and said to it: "You can't eat it, these are all heavy in oil and salt. Puppies can't eat too salty. I prepared something else for you."

Ross and his friends also bought a can of pet food on the way. He opened it and put it in front of Xiaoxue. Seeing this, Xiaoxue finally stopped pestering him and started to deal with the can in front of her. She kept wagging her tail while eating.

"Okay, come and eat first." Ross put his hands on his mouth and shouted in the direction of Laxus and Kana.

"Oh vaguely." The three people who were eating grilled skewers with iced drinks looked up and shouted.

"Cheers." Then the three of them gently clinked their glasses.

"What are we going to do in the afternoon after eating." Ross asked while chewing grilled squid.

"The time for Rainbow Sakura is not right. There is a hot spring street in Fengshanhua Village that is not bad, but Kana is too young to let her go to the women's bath alone. She can only see cherry blossoms there. How about watching a play and asking Uncle Varo if there are any concerts?" Laxus tapped his hands lightly on his knees. Considering Kana's age, he made a suggestion.

Varo's store has expanded now, and there is another stage next to the front desk, on which various musical instruments are placed. Varo often holds various concerts. Laxus is a regular customer, and Ross only comes sometimes.

"I can do anything, but who is Uncle Varo?"

"He is a rock uncle who plays music. He is a very nice person." This is the evaluation from Laxus.

Hearing this, Kana nodded and agreed.

They went to watch the play first. Ross, who had watched many TV dramas and plays in his previous life, found the play boring, but Laxus and Kana watched it with relish. The three of them went to the restaurant for dinner and then went to Varo's store.

The dishes were ordered according to Kana's taste and preferences, after all, they invited Kana, but Ross said he was not picky.


"Laxus, Ross, you are here, who is this?" Varro was adjusting the sound equipment on the stage when he saw Laxus and Ross walk in with a little girl in an orange plaid dress.

"Uncle Varro, this is Kana who just joined our guild." Laxus introduced Kana.

"Hello, Kana, you can also call me Uncle Varro." Varro walked off the stage and squatted down, revealing a friendly smile.

"Hello, Uncle Varro." Feeling Varro's kindness, Kana nodded and greeted him.

"Uncle Varro, are you going to perform? We are here to see you perform."

"Almost, you came just in time, do you want to help me with the accompaniment, electric guitar or drums are fine." Varro suggested to Laxus.

"Then let's play the drums." Laxus was somewhat tempted. The songs performed by Varro were all rock music, which suited his taste.

"Then Kana and I

Just be your audience." Then Ross took Cana to pick two good seats, sat down with Cana and prepared to watch their performance. Varo also signaled the waiter to serve Ross and Cana two glasses of juice.

Laxus, who played the drums, had a different face and loved to laugh.


"Okay, it's late, Cana, go in and have a rest." Ross and Laxus sent Cana back to the girls' dormitory. Although Cana had received help from the church before, Makarov arranged her to live in the girls' dormitory after joining Fairy Tail, and Makarov paid for it.

"Leave quickly after you've sent people there. Boys are not allowed to stay in the girls' dormitory." The girls' dormitory supervisor, Granny Hilda, started to drive people away with a broom.

"I'm very happy today. "Kana, who was held by Grandma Hilda's hand, smiled with her head tilted to one side, her eyes narrowed into two slits.

The two who were ready to go home turned around when they heard the voice, raised their thumbs, grinned, and their big white teeth shone in the night.

"That's good, you can come and play with us anytime."

Young Kana & Xiaoxue

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