Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper

Chapter 150: Searching for Magic Power (Part 2)

Aedras World, in a grove close to the royal city, a group of people wearing cloaks were sitting or standing in the grove at this moment. Looking carefully, it was impressive that they came to Aedra after Aqier. Mystergang and his party in Dralas!

"Crackling~gulu—" Amidst a burst of teeth-stinging chewing sounds, Ge Jier crushed the few small pieces of iron that had been thrown into his mouth, and then swallowed them directly into his stomach with a grunt. Patting his stomach, Ge Jier couldn't help belching a lot, and said, "Hey, not bad~ the magic power has been replenished! You can have a big battle with someone at any time! Or let's go directly to the king's city to have a big fight, How is it, Mystergang?"

"You dragon slayers are so convenient~" Looking at Wendy, who was also replenishing her magic power by swallowing air, Mistgang sighed sincerely, "It stands to reason that in Edlas, where the magic factor is extremely rare, , even if other mages can use magic after taking my magic pill, it is extremely difficult to replenish the consumed magic power. Dragon Mage is great! As long as you eat something with the same attributes as yourself, you can directly replenish your magic power! It’s really fast and convenient...It’s really enviable.” After finishing speaking, he couldn’t help sighing again. He shook his head slightly.

"Hey~" Hearing this, Ge Jier raised his eyebrows proudly, obviously feeling very pleased with his praise of his ability.

"Phew~ My mana is full!" At this time, Wendy had replenished the large amount of mana she had consumed while helping Mistgang to heal her injuries, and then asked Mistergang concerned, "Mistergang Brother Gang, how is your body now? Shall I use the magic of the sky to comb it for you again?"

"Don't force Wendy too much." With a gentle smile at Wendy, Mistgang shook his head and refused, "Although you can recover the consumed magic power by swallowing air, but your physical and mental fatigue, But it’s not possible to recover in this way (I remember that the Sky God Slayer Magic can recover stamina by eating air, but Wendy’s Sky Dragon Slayer Magic can only restore mana~), and the injuries on my body are now also You have fully recovered, and there is no need for further treatment, so you should save some energy, which will be much more beneficial to our next actions."

"En." Hearing this, Wendy didn't insist anymore, but nodded obediently, and then found a piece of grass to sit down and rest, hoping to recover her exhausted physical strength as soon as possible.

"Everyone should also take this opportunity to take a rest as soon as possible, and recharge your batteries to recover the physical strength you lost before." Speaking of Mistgang, he also found a piece of grass and sat down, exhorting, "This will be beneficial to us. In the next operation to find Brother Aqier, we will always maintain a better state!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes slightly and took a nap on the spot. After Ge Jier and Xia Lulu looked at each other, they closed their eyes slightly like him and began to rest.

They had already consumed too much magic power and stamina because they quickly ran to the capital on foot from the point where they had just arrived in Edras! As Mistgang said, even though the two dragon slayers, Gejill and Wendy, can quickly recover the magic power they have consumed by devouring substances with the same attributes as themselves, the consumption of physical strength is not enough. It is so easy to recover, so it is necessary to relax and rest at critical moments.

At the same time, on the other side, on a scorching hot yellow Gobi desert, a certain space suddenly twisted and shook, and some desert animals around were feeling strange. Big~ But it’s a bit big from the perspective of animals!) The building just popped out of nowhere! Immediately, the animals on the scene jumped up and down, and it was the Fairy Tail guild that used the teleportation magic circle to teleport!

However, although the teleportation was successful, there was an unusually dignified and strange atmosphere in the guild, or in other words, even if they wanted to laugh, they couldn't laugh! because-

"Yo~ good morning, everyone..." Seeing that everyone was looking at him with serious eyes like facing a big enemy, Aqier seemed to be totally ignorant of the atmosphere in the arena, and slapped everyone with a smile on his face. Hello.

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help reaching out to pat the little head of Leibi who was the closest to him and stared at him with a puffy face, as if he was patting a fully cooked Like a small watermelon, it also made a bang bang crisp sound.

Seeing this, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became weird again, especially Leibi, whose face was so dark that it was almost dripping water.

"We're not good at all! And it's afternoon, not morning..." Wen Yan couldn't help complaining about Achill's way of greeting, but after realizing that she seemed to have deviated from the point of the question, Lucy immediately came to her senses With a solemn face, he asked Achill loudly, "Hey! Who the **** are you?! By the way, people in our guild don't seem to have offended you?!"

Although the words were loud and righteous, anyone could see the tension and anxiety in Lucy's heart at the moment from her tightly clenched hands! But this is quite understandable. Before they figure out why Achill forcibly followed them for space teleportation and the attitude of whether they are enemies or friends, anyone will be very nervous! After all, the absolutely overwhelming strength that Achill showed when he tortured the goblin to hunt Erza before, they asked themselves that they were absolutely irresistible! I'm afraid that only legendary monsters and demons can contend with that inhuman terrifying strength, right? ? !

You said they were actually overly nervous? Because didn't Achill just help them defeat the elf hunting Erza? ! From this, it should be seen that they are friends rather than enemies, right? ? ! If that's the case, then why be so nervous~

In fact, if you really think this way, you will undoubtedly make the problem simple. First of all, you have to understand the current situation of Fairy Tail, because after the Edras Kingdom issued the decree to disband the Magisters Guild, but they resisted, Ai The Fairy Tail guild in Dralas has been reduced to the Dark Guild since its seventies! Although he didn't do any bad things, he became like this only because he resisted the laws of the kingdom, but no matter what the reason, he became the Dark Guild! That means they are already out of sight! And always have to pay attention to how to hide well and escape from the wanted arrest of the kingdom!

They who have been careful to survive until now, are now like frightened birds, and they will no longer easily trust other people except their guildmates! So even if they watched Achill help them defeat the Royal Army who was chasing them~www.readwn.com~, they still didn't want to believe him so easily! Because with their heads, they really can't think of how a terrifyingly strong superpower like the other party can help them Fairy Tail? !

Has he plotted against us? In other words, it was directly a master spy specially sent by the kingdom to completely destroy their guild and completely disintegrate all members and foundations of their guild? ! The previous battle was just a bitter trick deliberately directed and performed by Wang Guo, in order to allow him to gain the trust of himself and others, and then use this to successfully break into his guild! In the end, when he had fully figured out all the strongholds and personnel of his Fairy Tail guild, he would wipe out all the personnel on his side with a thunderbolt! Uproot the entire Fairy Tail guild all at once? !

The more they think about it, the more they feel chills down their backs and fear! The more they think about it, the more they feel that the other party must have an impure purpose! Ever since, after their wild thinking and guessing, plus automatic brain supplementation, they have already believed in their second guess and judgment! I think Achill must be a spy sent by the kingdom on purpose!

Thinking of this, everyone in Fairy Tail, who had already made up their minds to a certain extent and had no cure, and gave a burst of self-hypnotic self-suggestion, immediately cast extremely hostile glances at Achill—

"..." Seeing this, Achill is not an idiot, and he easily understood the meaning in their eyes, but he didn't bother to explain anything, because even Aslant's Fairy Tail guild, except for those few Apart from the one person he cares about, other people are already some extras to him, not to mention Fairy Tail in this different world of Aedlas? In his words, it is equivalent to piracy

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