The two of them had a very happy ending.

That night, Hal was still "busy working" with Mira, when suddenly, the frog messenger of the Council arrived.

Hal was called to go to the Council branch to receive the reward and process report for the previous Eligore incident.

Hal was a little confused at first, but then he realized that this was the reward for the task he had done with the old men of the Council.

Before X784, Hal's name was not known to the outside world. The outside world only knew Hal's title of "Nature Controller".

His reason was that the Council did not want Fairy Tail to be too famous, because Hal's strength and reputation in the magic world were too high.

On the other hand, Persko protested against the Council. Persko made it clear that Hal's name was exactly the same as the prince who had disappeared in Persko for 400 years. It seemed that the prince 400 years ago also had a high reputation among the people of Persia today.

This matter puzzled Hal, especially the Persian matter, but Hal was very angry about the Council's repeated unfair assessment of Hal and Fairy Tail. He decided to solve this matter first and then deal with the problem on Persko's side.

So Hal found Mr. Yajima to discuss

Yajima told Hal to complete the long-standing backlog of tasks in the Council, some of which the Council had promised but could not do or had no time to do now. The backlog of these tasks made the outside world very dissatisfied with the Council.

If Hal took the initiative to complete these tasks, the remaining nine councilors would not be able to continue to target Hal and the guild

In this way, he could strive for a place for the Fairy Tail Guild to be promoted to the Holy Ten. In this way, the guild would naturally not be constrained by too many Councils.

So, Hal has been helping the Council to complete their target tasks one after another since five years ago, and the last time he worked for half a year =-=

Now, finally, the Council is going to fulfill their promise, and Hal is very happy.

(As we all know, there are only eight Saint Tens, including all the Saint Tens who have appeared)

So that night, Hal left the guild under the discussion of everyone in the guild.

"President, Hal looks very happy, what happened?" Mira walked up to Makarov and asked curiously.

"This kid has finally been rewarded for what he has been doing silently since five years ago, of course he is happy." Makarov replied with a smile.

"Five years?" Mira repeated in surprise.

"Yes, he completed the tasks that the Council had been backlogging for five years for our guild." Makarov nodded, revealing a relieved smile.

On the other side

Natsu chased Lucy to her house, but Lucy angrily put a sign on the door saying "Natsu and the blue cat are not allowed to enter" and even drew a picture as a warning.

"Looks like she's really angry this time"

"Hey, Lucy is always like this, but you're wrong too, Natsu, you actually treat Lucy as food. If it were me, I'd be angry too"

"We have to think of a way. By the way, what does Lucy like? Let's give it to her and apologize"

"Hey, Lucy likes the Celestial Spirit Key and novels"


"I remember there was a zodiac key in the order sheet on the second floor. I saw it when Mira was sorting out the order sheets this morning"

"Hey~? But we can't go up to the second floor"

"This is a good opportunity to prove my strength to Hal and Grandpa, and to coax Lucy"


So Natsu and Happy took advantage of the president being drunk and Mira being busy to return to the guild, sneak up to the second floor of the guild, and run away with Lucy that night.

The name of the mission is [Save Karna Island]! It was three hours later when Mira found out and reported to the president.

"What!? The commission for Karna Island disappeared?"

Makarov, who was drinking, spit out a mouthful of old wine and sobered up suddenly

"What's going on Laxus, aren't you on the second floor?"

The president immediately asked Laxus who was resting on the second floor.

"I only saw a blue little thief cat flying by, hahahahahahahaha"

Laxus responded to Makarov with a nonchalant tone and arrogant laughter.

At this time, everyone in the hall was talking.

"Huh? Natsu and Happy ran off to do S-level missions"

"But how did they avoid Hal's light magic perception?"

"Stupid Arzak, wasn't Hal called away by the messenger of the Council in the evening?"

"That means these two

The idiot had planned it all along."

Makarov couldn't help but get anxious. He liked Natsu very much and didn't want him to lose his life, even if it violated the rules of the guild.

"Laxus! Go and bring them both back."

"Don't you have Hal? Let him go. I still have commissions to do later. Hahahahaha."

"Remember to wait for Natsu to come back and expel him from the guild."

Laxus answered provocatively, and then turned into lightning and disappeared on the second floor platform.

"Damn it, Laxus!" Makarov's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but scolded.

"Old man, let me go. Although it's a little late, I promise to catch that brat back. "Gray stood up and promised solemnly.

So Gray set off on the train at dawn and dusk. He was sure that Natsu, the brat, would take the dragon carriage and get to Hargeon before them to stop him.

Dozens of minutes after Gray left, Erza had just returned to the guild. After hearing about Natsu, the brat, she immediately packed her luggage and prepared to catch up.

Just then, Hal came back. He had already reached the reward he wanted with the Council and rushed back quickly with magic.

Seeing Erza's anxious look, Hal hurried forward to stop her and learned about what happened.

He looked at Erza's full of luggage and smiled bitterly: "No need to pack so much luggage. Now that I'm back, I can use magic to send you there. When you get there, you can judge whether Natsu can perform this mission. "

Eluza looked at Hal gratefully, with a strong sense of regret in her tone: "Thank you, Hal, you really helped a lot. Natsu, this brat, is really worrying. "

Hal patted her shoulder gently and said seriously: "I'll leave it to you this time, Erza. There is something important tonight, and I can't go there in person. I'll leave Natsu and Gray's matter to you, I believe you can handle it. "

Hal looked at Erza, and suddenly thought of something and added seriously: "By the way, Erza, I've seen that mission before. According to the information from the Council, the root cause of this incident is likely to be caused by a group of northern people transferring the demons from the frozen Zeref. "

Erza nodded, with a flash of surprise in her eyes: "Zerf's demons? Okay, I understand. "

Hal cast tree magic, and the huge vines lightly sent Erza to the target location.

Before leaving, Hal looked at her back and suddenly recalled some things in this plot.

"In this case, if nothing unexpected happens, the Phantom's rats will attack the guild tonight. "Hal's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a red light flashed in his pupils. Even if he couldn't remember most of the plot, he couldn't allow his family to be hurt.

He decided to give the ghost children who came to visit Fairy Tail a little punishment and shock.

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