The power of the wild boar "monster" does not lie in its power or speed.

   is the weird jumping power and high durability.

   Even if it is stabbed twice by the ground, and every time it is stabbed so deeply, it still maintains a very strong vitality...


   The wild boar "monster" flees towards the suburbs with awkward movements, blood is constantly spilled along the way!

   Wei Yi followed the blood on the ground, but he did not follow too closely, so as not to "pig jump over the wall" and initiate a counterattack against himself before he died...

   But even if Wei Yi deliberately controlled the speed, he still quickly caught up with the wild boar "monster".

   The long-term bleeding caused the wild boar "monster" to consume quickly. At first, it was able to get rid of Wei Yi with a short burst, but as the blood loss increased, its speed slowed down involuntarily.

   After all, not every creature in this world can bleed for seven or eight days without dying.


   The more blood bleeds, the more the wild boar "monster" will stumble.······

   to the end!

   The wild boar "monster" even began to shaky his body, as if it might fall down at any time.

   See this scene!

  Wei Yi tried to make a move several times, but in the end he was forcibly restrained.

   "What if this pig fights back before his death and hurts himself?"

   With this thought, Wei Yi never made a move, but carefully followed the wild boar.


   Half an hour passed like this!

   The wild boar "monster" walked swayingly for more than half an hour, walking vainly, as if it could fall down at any time, but it still couldn't fall down.·······

   Wei Yi, who was waiting at the end, was in a hurry!

   just when he couldn't help but was ready to shoot...


   I saw the wild boar, who had been very "weak" just now, glanced around with a grimace, then the speed suddenly increased, and he slid into a small forest in front of him.

   Wei Yi: "·······"

  Am I special... Didn’t it mean that animals were not allowed to become refined after the founding of the People’s Republic of China?


   Looking at the disappearance of the wild boar "monster" in the small mountain forest, Wei Yi's handsome face turned green!

   Now this world!

  Men don’t look like men, and women don’t look like women.

   Even the pigs started to have no pig samples.

   Is there really no sincerity in the world?

   Wei Yi is very sad and feels deceived by the world...

   When watching anime before, Wei Yi still felt that people in this world are too naive, and even naive is a little bit unbelievable.

   But now, a wild boar is so shrewd that it almost fooled Wei Yi. One can imagine what kind of people the big guys are.

   After this incident!

   Wei Yi discovered that the world suddenly became dangerous.

   Because his original plan to use IQ to crush the world fell through in an instant.

   In a blink of an eye!

   He went from a "naturally talented" traverser to a "weak, pitiful, helpless...but very edible" traverser.

   "I blame that **** boar, or else how could I be like this?"

   Wei Yi, who didn't have a tree in his heart, decisively blamed the source of the problem on the wild boar "monster".

   "Maybe it's not that people in this world are too shrewd, but because this pig is an exception..." Wei Yi cursed in his heart, suddenly thought of some possibility, and his face instantly became serious.

   "It really is a monster. It seems that we must get rid of it today, otherwise it will definitely be a big trouble in the future." Wei Yi's gaze gradually became firmer.

   Originally, Wei Yi was still thinking about whether to enter this small mountain forest. After all, although there is no such thing as “no entry in the forest” in this world, the mountain forest at night is definitely not a good place.

   But now, he has to go!

   The wild boar "monster" is very smart, but he can't bandage his wounds like a human, so even if he escapes into the forest, the blood on the ground will not disappear.

   Wei Yi walked into the forest along the blood stains!

  The mountains and forests at night are definitely not a good place, at least Wei Yi feels that way.

   There is dead silence in the dark forest, almost any sound will be infinitely amplified...

   Wei Yi feels that he is a bit like a bird of surprise now, and from time to time he will be surprised by some inexplicable small sounds...

   If this continues for a long time.

   Wei Yi even suspected that he might not have found the wild boar "monster" yet, but he would collapse first!



   This "if" did not happen.

  Because Wei Yi had just entered the forest, he came to the end of the blood stain.

   Looking along the blood stains, Wei Yi soon found the injured wild boar "monster" in a small cave!

   This wild boar "monster" did not know where it was contaminated with mud. With the help of the coagulability of the mud, the bleeding speed of the wild boar "monster" was greatly alleviated.······

   Wei Yi originally wanted to make a sneak attack to kill him in one blow.

   This time, it is obviously impossible to launch a sneak attack For the time being, regardless of the terrain and casting distance, it is difficult for Wei Yi to avoid it with the vigilance of this wild boar "monster" alone.

  The sense of wild beasts is far more sensitive than human beings. The reason why the first two sneak attacks were successful was entirely because this wild boar "monster" was too bloated.

   And now, let alone a sneak attack!

  Wei Yi only moved a few times in the forest, and the head of the wild boar "monster" suddenly lifted up, and his eyes looked very vigilantly around the surroundings...

   See you here!

   Wei Yi also gave up his plan of sneak attack, and walked out directly.

   Seeing Wei Yi's figure, the wild boar "monster" instantly showed his fierce appearance, slowly got up, his body was tense, a pig's hoof was constantly digging on the ground, and his mouth let out a dull growl...

   Wei Yi moved forward step by step, looking at the wild boar "monster" with a guard, while looking for the farthest cast range.

   Suddenly, only a low growl was heard, and the wild boar "monster" suddenly opened a mouthful of hideous fangs and rushed towards Wei Yi.


   This roar really scared Wei Yi, making his casting speed hesitate for a second or two than usual.

   But fortunately, Wei Yi is located quite far away from the wild boar "monster", so before the wild boar monster rushes over, his magic circle has been successfully portrayed.

   The water-blue magic circle burst into light in front of Wei Yi, and the magic power quickly converged in it.

   Next second!

   Three bullet-like water droplets suddenly rushed out of the magic circle, and shot at the wild boar "monster" quickly...

   Basic water magic-water bomb!


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