Fairy Tale Chronicles
Lesson 9
"... it's a strange rush."
Makoto, his first face to the Adventurers Association since the day he came to Loufeus, was baffled by how he was running around butterflies in a floating atmosphere.
"Decent request, I wonder..."
True harp tries to walk towards the request board with his face inside the association, which is extra floating. To be honest, I just came by today to look for a little favor to fill the gap time I happened to be able to make. I want to avoid getting into serious trouble.
Even if we get involved, we'll have a special lecture on Macro until tomorrow, so it's only after that that that we can move properly. Besides, we're also waiting for the big job of diving into a special library in the Great Library.
At a time when the international situation is also apparently starting to stink, we want to avoid any further extra stops.
"Crusade request, crusade request, all the way"
Making money is out-of-the-box, a true harp that ends in the shortest possible time and searches around for requests to crusade monsters that are likely to be ingredients. Originally, the main idea was to procure monster ingredients that might be used for a Macro birthday party, but what a poor little civic idea to simply end up doing ingredient hunters.
If it's true, it's not something True Harp does alone. Spring vegetables, however, still have menu-related work in the cafeteria, Mio is full because he takes care of the three people who came in as juniors of Gino, Tatsuya is currently in the process of organizing the materials and is not available enough to be involved in this aspect.
I also thought I would help Tatsuya organize the materials, but at a stage where I am now re-compiling them into sentences and tables based on the materials I have sorted out, I was refused help because it would be more difficult if someone else poorly put their hands on them.
That's the situation, so I want to go with a policy of not touching as much trouble as possible. Trouble comes from the other side, as you can see through such a blatant idea.
"Are you from the Azma Workshop?
An official who sees the true harp takes confirmation from the true harp with a wavering look of anticipation and anxiety. Due to the fact that Japanese people are of different races and that there are anthologies on the set with comments from Adventurers' Associations in other countries, the identification itself is very easy for Adventurers' Associations officials.
"... that's what happens when you belong."
"Could you help me!?
An official who is affirmed by the true harp and makes his face shine for a moment, then asks him to just hang around in a serious, chopped manner. True harp opens his mouth to try to explain what happened to us.
"Help me, I'm the only adventurer who can move in our workshop right now, and if you're counting on the workshop owner, you can't move all day tomorrow with a special lecture, can you?
"No problem after that! I can't believe I'm stuck with a lot of things! Please!!
"Even if they say so, you can't make up my mind. I happen to be the only one free today, but this one's busy."
"Then at least just consider it!! Even the rewards will be increased above the limit!!
I get a feeling similar to some kind of giving up that I'm resisting to the limit of what an official looks like who is desperate to get to the point. That said, this is not a relief to love.
True Harp has too weak a tag to escape the opponent who will eat this far.
"... I get it. I'll go home and discuss it, so tell me what's inside."
Still, he continued to press questions for a few more minutes, where the opponent tried to use the heirloom's treasure knife, rather than even the intervention of state power, which is a half-destruction move, and finally gave up his resistance completely and raised his hands, Makoto. Officials who are horrified that they managed to drop the dictation and explain the critical issues that are currently happening.
"Actually, there was a surge in the number of people on the island of Lake Roudell who were out of touch..."
"That's fine after tomorrow, what a relaxing project!?
"I know, that's not true! The search party we've sent in four times, they're all missing information! What a Level 3 adventurer you sent in last!?
"... in short, you don't have the personnel you can send in?
"... that's right..."
An official who drops his shoulder and answers that to the point of Zhenqin. Being a third-degree adventurer, even the big cities that said Urs and Dar, Stillen and Rufeus don't have that many. It is therefore quite difficult to catch that ranked adventurer with free hands. Even if it is above the second level, it becomes normal to belong but not in the city. It is impossible to make a request to an adventurer above the second level other than to catch him when he happens to come back with supplies or something.
So if we don't solve this by sending in Level 3 adventurers, in the current situation where Level 2 and above are not back, we virtually run out of personnel to send in from the Adventurers Association.
"But if that's the case, why don't you send us in?
"If you're a normal fifth or seventh level adventurer, but nobody thinks of you at the Azma Workshop as a strength on par."
"... what are the grounds for that?
"Wherever you look in this world, there's no fifth degree adventurer wearing new Orihalcon gear"
True harp accidentally stuck in words to officials who also very much disagree and poke hard reasons to disagree. Though the price of equipment is the price of life, it is true that excess is good if our equipment is ranked or based on daily job descriptions.
"Anyway, I'm with you no matter how many other ordinary adventurers you can move now than you could have sent in a third-degree adventurer and nothing could be done about it. So there are no measures we can hit except relying on everyone at the prestigious Azma Workshop who makes and owns a lot of special equipment"
"Yes, sir. For now, I'll just talk to you, but we have our priorities here, so I can't say I'll ever take them on, can I?
"Yeah, I know."
"In the meantime, tell me about the location of the island that the person who lost touch with went to and what's on that island. And the process for this request."
An official who looks sinister when he sees the requisition form that True Harp has been offering. In the course of previous stories, there seems to be a lot to think about about the attitude of trying to get a grand and normal request.
"Oh, um..."
"Anyway, our workshop owner can't move out of school until evening, and if we don't pull him out, the defensive surface will be thin, so we won't be able to get this request from the start. Then you'll have no problem doing the work you'll finish by then, will you?
"... ok"
Officials who decide it's not a good idea to get in a bad mood here and finish the process. Thus, among the hosts, it was rare that the true harp attracted trouble.
After dinner that day.
"That's why... Sorry......"
"No, well, if it's that pattern, I think it's going to come around to us anyway..."
"Maybe if I hadn't gone to the Adventurers Association, I wouldn't have had to touch it until I dived into the forbidden library..."
By way of example, the Japanese gather alone in the Japanese-style room and bow their heads by explaining the request that the true harp be pressed just for consideration. Tatsuya can work so hard to make the true harp look very sorry. Obviously it was force majeure about this time, and the true harp resisted until the end of the line, so I don't have a muscle to complain about.
Besides, unlike the usual pattern in which Hiroshi or Chunvegetables do extra things and stick to the side roads, this time it is a legitimate request, even though it was pushed with force moves. In my capacity as a member of the Adventurers' Association for once, I can't even say no.
This is true when it comes to the previous reform of the College of Loufeus, which has also been requested directly by the King and the Dean of the College, but the problem is that the way it is done is defeating it on the side roads. Trying to do that on the best-road-level side roads as soon as you leave things to the hong or spring vegetables is very headache from time to time as an elderly person. It's often impossible to pull it off later at that point, so it would be superfluous.
Compared from there, this true harp is an adorable one.
"Well, to get back to it, where are we going to find out?
"An island called Dorte Island within Lake Roudell. There are about three fishing villages on a fairly large island a little over fifty kilometers around. There are other islands over there and other fishing grounds further afield that seem to be in a very good position as a relay point, and there's quite a bit of movement."
"I see. How far is it?
"It's not the kind of distance you can go by hand rowing boat on a boulder, but you said a regular fishing boat would get there in about three to four hours. It seems to change quite a bit due to routes and lake flow."
"Sure, it's close enough."
True harp explains this destination while spreading a large cluttered map with general location relationships. Common fishing vessels in this world do not go as fast as small fishing vessels on Earth. Therefore, when it is around half a day on a fishing boat, it is not so far away at a straight distance.
"So, the story is that none of the boats coming back from the fishing through there are coming back after more than three days, and when I checked it out because I thought it was strange, I was out of touch with all the fishing villages there. Fortunately, we're fishing on a different route. The ship is safe and stockpiled, so there's no confusion for the distributors."
"It's not important."
"You're taking a lot of care of yourself. And the tricky thing is, communication itself seems to connect."
"When I sent the third-degree adventurer in, he said the comms were connected. The communication itself is still connected, but they haven't heard back from me."
From the point of view of the communication being connected, there has not been at least a kind of alienation that blocks it from the outside. I can assure you of that. But that doesn't add up to anything.
"So, when's that supposed to be?
"Sounds like you sent in your first team of investigators, mainly in fifth grade, last week. So, it was yesterday that I sent in the third level and lost touch. In the meantime, a group from the club, a group from the Knights, they went to investigate, and they're all missing information."
"You're in a messy situation, that."
"I'm in a difficult situation. The association didn't think the third level would be able to get in touch so far, so I put my face in the middle of a very bumpy place..."
"Well, you can't help getting caught..."
I have to ask about the situation and understand that it was force majeure everywhere Tatsuya. At this minute, I couldn't even abandon the possibility that as soon as Hiroshi finishes his lecture tomorrow, there will be a direct ride around the king. Perhaps it was the difference between being pushed today or tomorrow.
"Something even more horrible about pushing a birthday present..."
"Shh. Besides, it's a little too close to overlook the story."
I'm sorry, I bow my head to the Machine, and the Machine tells me that I intend to be involved either way. In the first place, I used to get them for birthday presents that weren't even busy. For what is still an adventurous content, my heart is much more excited than a special lecture, which is an ongoing troublemaker.
"Even so, when we talk about it, it's like a movie about horror or mystery. Yay."
"That's right."
Spring vegetables agree with Hiroshi's point. Other members seem to have the same impression. Both genres seem to be poorly fed for what they are and fantasy, but I can't say enough that it's impossible.
"Master. Horror or mystery changes the response, what do you do?
"I don't know which way to look at that, and I'm just gonna have to prepare for it to work in common."
"Hey, Hiroshi. That's all we have. What do you mean, ready to work together?
"Whether it's horror or mystery, the so-called anxiety or terror that disrupts our footprint is the basics, so let's not go there first. Maybe there will be an abnormality in the hands, and the countermeasures must be taken."
Hiroshi answers slushly about the necessary preparations. Measures to keep you out of anxiety and fear are certainly a must, but countering anxiety and fear to the point of excess held by the characters as a state anomaly, which is often a film of that hand, is somewhat of a subtle story.
"I'm going to have trouble convincing you and I can't handle that, but if some kind of panic about a horror movie or something can be prevented by state anomaly control, that's going to make me feel like I'm not interpreting anything, but is it weird the way I think?
"No, I know exactly how that feels"
"I mean, I guess that could help counteract that leads to bad eating with fantasy and horror and mystery"
"Well, ghosts and zombies usually exist as monsters, which is probably why they don't go well with horror."
subtle mood for the measures launched by the Macro. Tatsuya and Makoto agree with Spring Vegetables who honestly mouthed it.
"I don't care if they complain about it, so let's get back to it, ya. If we're going to prepare for something else, we're going to work a lot to make sure we know where we are, we're going to strengthen our detection capabilities in a lot of ways so that we don't get hit by accident, and then we're going to have to deal with physical attacks that don't work against them?
"And I think we also need to be prepared to create a safe area so that we can rest safely. I mean, from the feel of it, it's never gonna end in a day, is it?
"Let it go. Whatever you're dealing with, don't you want to be able to tie the line?"
Discussions make me blur out more and more what I need. Too little information, rather than going to gather information, so I know what I might be able to do in advance, but there are still a lot of things I would like to do.
"I still have the biggest problem, how do we get there?
"If you use a submarine, yeah?
"Can you go with that?
"Basically, I just drilled into a submarine. Normally go underwater."
Tatsuya, who listens to subtly unintelligible answers and has a somewhat distant eye. I'm not going to ask for anything else, but still entering the horror stage with a submarine with a drill feels like the genre is shattered with tremendous momentum.
"In the meantime, mental disorders can be a lot of trouble if you eat them, just in case you need to prepare a little fortified panacea."
"Strengthen, huh? Specifically?
"Pretty tough material, but I'm gonna make a second-degree panacea somehow."
"... well, yeah. It may be excessive, but panacea should be powerful..."
To Hiroshi's comment, Tatsuya agrees with a serious look, remembering the elf forest dungeon, etc. Other members have similar expressions.
Luckily it has not been heavily damaged before, but it would have been dangerous if it had been a little stronger poison at that time, and so on. If you think about it, you can only be prepared to the limit.
"And then there's the food business, but this doesn't matter. Let's do it, so you don't have to do anything special."
"Right. I don't think you need to cook it for days, even if it should be processed to make it somewhat easy to eat."
"Master, Sister Chun. Maybe I need to cook it out locally or something"
"Oh, well. If so, should I prepare a lot of food? In this case, pork juice is good, but the people at Loufeus don't smell like miso. Perhaps the colour seems harsh, so I don't want the miso soup system. What would you like?
"Potoff or dwarf soup is easy? Stew normally after?
"I wonder if that lineage"
Spring vegetables and Mio twisting their heads if not more so to the new considerations that have emerged from the food rush. That's where the macro is.
"Well, if we do it under the human limit, we won't accept it with a familiar smell, but we'll get over it."
and other rather evil things to say.
"Hong-kun, whatever it is, it's a little..."
"Master, I'm not impressed with preaching Japanese food that way"
The contents are the only contents, and there is an immediate penetration of denial from spring vegetables and Mio.
"Well, there's no particular need to spread Japanese food and settle it in the first place, so don't push our preferences until we put it into the weaknesses of people like that."
"I kind of forgot because I've been spreading it naturally so far, but whatever happens to Japanese food, it doesn't really matter to us, so throw that away when you help people in need."
In addition, harsh words fly from the elderly to the macro.
"Well, half of it's a joke."
"Half of it..."
"I didn't say anything about preaching. According to the ingredients in your hand and the number of people you're dealing with, you might be able to afford something else. Especially if potov or dwarf soup is not comparable to miso soup, but it takes time to simmer."
A little silence descends on the spot on the pointer of the excused macro.
"If you ask me, yes. If it's not enough, it's troublesome."
"Yeah. It does take a little while for Dwarf Soup and Potoff to come out and stain some flavor."
"If it's miso soup or pork juice, if it's bad, it's extravagant, right?
"Yeah. If it's too much, I might have a little trouble disposing of it"
Spring vegetables and genuine harps plain bothering your head over emerging issues. Even with the same excess, Dwarf soup will be consumed in no time if you take it as a saucepan to Stillen or the Dwarves of Crest Cave, and Potoff also has anti-corrosion features in the pan he uses, so he doesn't have to worry about rotting, and he can't turn it to the sale under the pretext that it's a business trip sale.
But that's not why it's pork juice. It is clear that even if it is sold, it will not be sold at this stage at Rufeus. If it is also made for use in cooking applications, it will be a fairly luxurious portion, so there are not enough places to plug it in.
Sometimes I push on Dwarves who eat basically anything or Elves in Ortem Village who love miso soup, but the Elves have never fed Dwarves miso soup anyway. Sometimes I can't read the reaction, so it's hard to get into the choice.
"Then how about something that doesn't take long to simmer, such as juice noodles that are adjusted to be eaten with a fork?
"There's that too, but next time, I might have a tough time making or boiling noodles"
"If I did, would you put together a single line and challenge me to the limit of production speed to prepare an instant ramen of ancestral bird gala?
Spring vegetables pound their hands on the suggestion of Macho. I can't think of any reason to disagree with that suggestion that Makoto, who had various menus lined up, could also be one of the foremost means in terms of food supply in emergencies.
"Hey, I'm gonna line up over there."
"I'll put it together a little bit, so, the master who completes one line is too nice"
"Don't do the usual."
and so on, a macro moving to a true fire furnace building. Apparently, they produce it in a true fire furnace building. Plus Spring Vegetables and Mio, who follow as assistants for once.
If it was supposed to be hygienic, it should be made somewhere else, not in a true fire furnace building where dust seems to be on. Unfortunately, however, the Instant Ramen factory has not yet completely completed the construction of the building, and there is no room in the workshop to temporarily install the type of production line other than the True Fire Furnace Building.
Therefore, it was decided to use the True Fire Furnace Building with the extinguishing method. Since we do not currently use a lot of true fire furnaces, it would be salvation that dust and other measures are not enough to be taken.
"Well, first, get a wall in front of the true fire furnace, clean room inside."
As usual, he goes into work, saying something absurd. After the installation of the line in about an hour, it enters the commissioning.
"In the meantime, it's a little tasteful. Can you still eat Spring Vegetables and Mio?
"As long as it's tasteful, it's fine."
"I can afford it."
"Here, I'll make it."
Honda enters the tasting after finishing the line commissioning and confirming that there are no behavioral problems. No one puts a penetration into having turned it into a clean room in an hour to complete the line anymore.
"... this is what it tastes like"
"Maybe we should shorten the noodle length a little bit. We're used to it, but if it's our first time eating, it's gonna be a little rough."
"Later, a little sooner to unwind"
Copy that.
A macro that receives the waste of spring vegetables and Mio, fine-tunes them, and gives instructions to process all the ingredients that can be set into ramen. Then I will modify it a bit and also prepare a line that only makes bird glass soup with freeze drying.
"In the meantime, now we can have a few meals while we sleep"
"Right. Good luck."
Macro and spring vegetables to declare the end of the work without particularly commenting on the line where people have little place to touch it. In the end, the full operation of the provisionally installed production line ensured a number of instant ramen above the quantity that would probably be required.
'... is that true?
"Yeah. Maybe the Honeys are going to investigate"
At the same time as the Macro assembled the production line. Rayot couldn't stop himself from turning into a sinister face to the information brought to him by Rainey in regular contact.
"I had also received a report from another route, but was it that serious in just a few days..."
"Three days ago, I sent out a third-degree adventurer, so it wasn't that serious yet."
'I see. Five days ago, the closest I've ever heard from anyone but you, so it wasn't that big of a deal. "
"Yeah. Maybe if today wasn't a regular call, I'd have reported it in an emergency call"
To Lainey's supplementary description, one nod, Rayot. Things are getting worse so far, so I'll probably get an emergency call from outside of Lainey. I can easily guess two reasons why I haven't heard from other detectives yet, because of the implications of avoiding the time of regular contact and the fact that I collect a little extra information in between.
"But don't unravel it."
"Your report says the officials of the association were flirting with compulsory nominations by state power, but given their power relationship with us, it seems unnatural for King Lauren to push such a dangerous request on the Hiroshi and the others"
"Perhaps, a runoff of officials. At least it wasn't behind it."
"So much so that the king is licked now that he forgives it," you mean. No, the person in question doesn't think that far, just plainly thinking that the country would give this much order because it's a situation to embark on?
Rainey watches in silence as Rayot starts to indulge in his thoughts as he bumps. I have no reason to pinch my mouth because I'm not being asked for my opinion. Besides, the only information Rainey has picked up and reported is biased judgment. I will speculate on a certain line, but I am dividing that precise analysis is the work of experts.
Well, in Rainey's case, the speculation of that constant line is surprisingly becoming better, and that is also being used as a high level of information-gathering capability.
"The information is a little rough to determine, is it? Judgment is on hold. Still, they're the ones who can push the trouble of making it. '
"Should I cooperate, too?
'No. You're not good at the genre, so don't. Investigate the cult while they're on their way.'
"Roger. Elimination in some cases?
"Oh. Eliminate it all if it's not going to be a source and eliminating it doesn't have any other impact."
Mission understood.
Lainey nods to Rayot's instructions and ends regular contact. Leaving the Evil Gods unattended gives them a strange way to increase. Anyway, if you can swim somewhat, if you have a side connection or are suspicious, it would be neater to get rid of it without any posterior rot, and you can sell thanks to Lauren.
Having also understood the thoughts around it, Lainey began sorting out the information she was grasping a lot in order to get praise from her beloved Honey.
"Parents, are you sure?
I can't even begin to complain now.
"But I don't think there's any more reason to go along with Lauren's situation."
"It's a hassle to turn to the enemies of state power..."
The day before the decision. Dinner on that day, which was supposed to be a special lecture launch party for Hoang's birthday party and Hoang shifted back, had turned into the usual menu due to another postponement. Tomorrow, when we go to a large-scale investigation, there was no room for party-cooking.
It would be impossible for Nora to say something like that when she saw the dinner that day, even though it was not a primitive dish, but there was nothing unusual about it.
"Chiuka, I thought"
"What is it?
"I'm going to slip back so far now. If I do it, I'll just slip it more and do it with Lyme. Yeah?
Consider that perhaps the first week of August will already be over if you return, and make a suggestion that Hiroshi virtually cancel her own birthday party. If he is already twenty years old next year, especially if he is a boy, birthdays and so on can sometimes only be used as a pretext for giving gifts and eating a little good food, and he doesn't care about it for the better.
"No! Absolutely not!
It was Lyme who first hit head-on opposition to such an unscrupulous suggestion by the Macho. If you look at that face, everyone understands that the opposite reason is not your own reason because you can't eat a treat.
"Even all the time. I mean, yeah, but it's only been a little over two weeks, and we're gonna party twice, okay? Especially in terms of preparation."
The words of the host, feeling all kinds of unclear, are silently denied to everyone who was at the dinner table. Instead, the Birthday Party between Hoang and Lime must definitely be held properly for a number of reasons.
"You know what? It's impossible that you celebrated me and Spring Vegetable's birthday properly, but more importantly, you don't celebrate the workshop owner's birthday properly, right?
"That's right, Hiroshi. Besides, the kings of the three western kingdoms are hanging on to you and Lime's birthday."
Makoto and Spring Vegetables poking at all the reasons why they can never be called off to a macro that looks unconvinced. Honestly, if this is going to cancel the Macro birthday party or become a one-set with Lyme, Lauren is going to have a very bad position against the three western powers.
"... why are the kings hanging out..."
"From Farlane, Savior, a useful actor who solved some problems if you try Dar, because for Faure, he's the benefactor who increased the production of Demon Iron?
Spring vegetables to prove the royal memory in the three western nations by juxtaposing previous achievements. An unexpectedly slack face to that answer.
"Well, you said you wouldn't talk about politics, so I think you should celebrate normally."
"The heads of the royal families of the three western nations gathered together, and they were unconvinced by political discourse."
"Master, I promise I won't tell you that"
Mio puts even more into the hong, who slammed into a situation that was definitely going to make the story bigger.
The influence of the Azma workshop is no longer too great, so it becomes a political story where we did what we did. In the first place, it was done at Rufeus, and it was developed with it. It already has political implications. Where birthdays have now been used politically, there is no big difference.
Above all, before that, the fact that the royal families of the three western nations celebrate their birthdays immediately is already a political story in itself. Even if the contents usually just celebrate the benefactor and then make more noise, it can't be taken from the outside. The kings of the three western nations have a pretty good personality because they are usually willing to celebrate their birthdays after understanding that.
"... well, it seems like it's no use resisting now, so I'll have them celebrate all the time."
"Something's really wrong with you."
"As I said yesterday, when I don't give a shit because of Makoto. The Kings have more to do with it."
Commenting that way like tired, Macro carries a millefeuille tailoring of cabbage and rock bore meat in his mouth. Instead of being silent without knowing how to speak to it, Terez and his staff flew over the lap of the host.
"Well, don't worry. Yeah. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, just a lot of time."
"I don't know. Look, I'll make sure it's all over after dinner."
After a conversation that didn't seem to be happening, Hirohiko nodded on the lap of the Macho.
"... By what standards were we brought to this workshop?
"Brother, it looks like you've come to a hell of a place for us to rebuild your home..."
"Dear Igleos...... Is this environment a punishment to me for having a past desire to make more magic props, etc..."
Three new Americans, listening to conversations until then, look up to heaven in too many demons. Gino, a two-week senior who watches that look with some sort of objectified face.
"It's only been two weeks, and Gino's facing seniors."
"Well, with two extra weeks, I guess I can't help but smile at my juniors' wolves"
"I know it's businesslike, but the Gino is starting to be somewhat more of a force for war, so forgive me."
"Seniors, I can't argue with you, but that's a little terrible..."
Gino is jerked off by Fam and Terez after being watched all the time, and Nola stabs him with a stop exactly.
"No, how long does it last to have all the employees around the table?
Tatsuya, who had listened without even listening to the conversation between the fam and the newcomers, grumbles at what she thought.
"Brother Da, what do you mean?
"No, I don't. If we keep going, naturally there 'll be more rookies, right?
"Definitely more first"
"If so, then we'll all be unable to do it in this dining room, and we'll always be all together at the same time, and we'll be forced to cook rice for all the Hiros, won't we?
Tatsuya's simple, but very sharp point pierces everyone.
"That's a tough one, Tatsuya."
"No, I don't blame you or anything. It's important that we all have the same table and eat, but when it gets bigger, it's impossible, so I was just wondering where to draw the line."
"Well, if I were to draw a line, it would be bad for the Ginos, but it would feel like the first four of them and Lella were with us, otherwise unless there were any particular circumstances, right?
Rather, the four purged zinos shake their heads vertically over and over again to the rather relentless line drawings of the true harp. Powerfully, earningly, and relationally, there's something wrong with what's happening right now when Terez and the others are mixing up and dining with a row of workshop owners.
"There's no difference for a year, is that a senseless penetration?"
"It really makes a difference between the people we've been around since the beginning of the launch and the people we've been around since. Besides, it's impossible to treat Lime the same way as the new disciples who came later, and if you're going to treat Lime special, you're going to have to treat my sister Fam and her contemporaries special, right?
"Well, hey."
Tatsuya agrees somewhere lonely while understanding and agreeing with True Harp's theory.
"Talking about that hand, if you think about it after more people, yeah?
"Yes, yes. Maybe we'll stop here."
In the meantime, it seems that the troubled hong and spring vegetables make suggestions to put the problem ahead.
"When the limits come, will they become natural?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna be"
Spring vegetables agree with the conclusions reached by Tatsuya, and this topic ends. After this, he greatly restored the subtly lowered tension by making a lot of things to fully prepare Hirohiko.
"Thank you for taking on this request"
On the day of the decision. An official pushing the request deeply bows his head to Hongdae, who made a face to the Adventurers Association to announce that he is leaving.
"Well, that's not true..."
An ambition that looks at other people who have been waiting for you, with a nasty attitude toward the officials who bowed their heads.
Yes, the other person who was waiting, is.
"These people, what?
"Upper management decided it wouldn't be a good idea to push just you, and we're going to have a team from the Adventurers Association and a team from the Knights."
"... what the hell, this awesome flagging situation..."
A macro who listens to the explanation and observes the participants again with a very subtle face. I haven't confirmed my buddy's face, but it's not hard to imagine that he probably has a similar look.
"Are you even complaining about something?
"Complaining, hey..."
A team of adventurers who saw Hongda's face tangle with Hongda in a slightly distracted manner. We think our attitude is just rude to the way it is, and we think about how to explain it.
"Brother, throw me an explanation. Yeah?
"It's me..."
"I know it's bad, but I can't think of a good explanation."
"I'm not the same person..."
Throwed round by a macro, he batons a description with a bump.
"Ah, I can't explain it well, but the story of our hometown is that when there are more people in this situation, the situation is often confusing and the extra damage is increased regardless of the strength of the more people. I know it makes you uncomfortable, but it's too similar to the situation. I'm just a little anxious."
"No, I seriously think it's bad. It's just, you guys have a story like that jinx, right?
The adventurers who silently but without disputing Tatsuya's explanation. Clearly, the attitude of the people at the Azma Workshop is not acceptable. but then it bothers me when they ask me if we don't have a story like that.
Because it's not good for a veteran adventurer who doesn't have the jinx in his hand.
"Well, there are other things that I've been hearing so much more about, that I don't have enough pills at all."
"Number of medications?
"When I heard about it, I had a lot of impressions that maybe there would be a mental disorder. In the meantime, I made panacea and anti-teller potion, anti-panic potion, anti-hypnosis potion, and then sanity potion in multiple patterns each, but I thought I could procure ingredients because I planned to go with the five of us, so I made that number."
"Whatever the panacea is, do we have it?
"Grade problems. I've eaten a normal amount of medicine before, and I don't know what to do with it. I've eaten abnormally, and I want to make strong drugs."
"I see."
Adventurers who hear it is a matter of preparation and are finally convinced to go along with the earlier story. Most of all, I don't even imagine that I actually ate it and prevented it, or that it was a Grade IV panacea I used at that time.
"You mean you looked subtle because more people came prepared and remembered the extra jinx?
"Well, that's the place. I was feeling a little subtle because this situation of increasing numbers in unprepared situations matches the common developments in our hometown story."
"I understand the story, but at least stop putting it on your face..."
"I couldn't stand it because it was an accident..."
I heard it was unintentional, and now my gaze concentrates on the staff of the Adventurers Association.
"You didn't talk to him beforehand?
"I've made a quick decision here too..."
"Even if you can't help it the day before the face-to-face meeting, at least let it go through the day before. Otherwise, we'll have extra trouble like this one."
The leader of the Adventurers team, who judged the situation comprehensively and thought the problem lay with the Adventurers Association, not with Higashi, bumps into complaints against officials. As in this case, if you screw personnel later due to adult circumstances, you can rub them with a lot of extra things if you don't talk to everyone at the previous stage.
"Nevertheless, the Knights..."
"Oh, you're anxious too?
"Oh. We heard the Knights would be here in advance, but still, given the job description..."
Apparently, nothing was the only thing that made Higashi feel strange about the existence of the Knights. To the words leaked by the leader of the Adventurer team, Zhenqin says something that feels like an unexpected three to Convinced Seven.
"You think we're in the way?
"It's not like it's going to get in the way because it's not unlikely it's going to be a fight, but a type of investigation like this one doesn't train you like that at all in some departments, does it? I'm a little nervous there."
"If this is looking for monsters that are causing a lot of damage, I can trust them except for the rumored Seventh Knights of Bonbon..."
To the words of True Harp and Leader, the captain of the silent Knights, irrefutable. It is a matter of division of roles, but the Knights do tend to be that way.
With simple combat abilities, the Knights will never fall behind the Adventurers, unless they are so exceptional. Naturally, in Adventurers and Knights, equipment and combat training are very different in quality and quantity. There are plenty of training for survival in bad environments, so there is no pulling your legs in that respect.
But when it comes to investigating such anomalies as this one, it's not just combat ability and survivability that can be managed. Without training as a so-called scourge and a wealth of knowledge and experience, it would be no different from a human foot with the capacity of a meat wall.
"Apparently, it doesn't meet expectations. Sorry."
"No, words have passed this way too"
"The points pointed out are the best. I have no choice but to make you anxious. In the first place, it's only natural for veteran adventurers to feel uneasy when they see people wearing full plates to investigate outlying islands, but at a time when we don't realize it ourselves, there's no disputing your allegations."
"No, that's why I don't think the Knights are incompetent because of the department and the genre."
Leader of a team of genuine harps and adventurers who desperately utter words of follow-up to the knights who reflect and depress in earnest. As the Knight Captain put it, it is true that I was anxious to try on a full plate and go to investigate the outlying islands, but in this case it would be a matter of the person who ordered this job to the troops operating with it as official gear.
They are only trying to carry out the tasks ordered on the basis of their own training. There is no point in convicting a person on the scene who has no veto.
"I mean, Mr. Makoto. In this case, the Ordinary Knights came and I think that would be appreciated."
"What do you mean?
"From the circumstances, first and foremost at the moment, there's definitely some damage to the fishing village that serves as the base for the investigation, right?
"Oh, you do have a very important job, too, with an army of ordinary knights who are good at base defense."
I am convinced that both the true harp and the leader of the Adventurer team should be mentioned in pointing out that Spring Vegetables is also a follow-up.
"If there were some people out here from the Knights Special Forces, it would have been perfect, except for our lack of preparation."
"Currently, they say all the Knights' special forces are in a situation where they can't get their hands off. He also wanted to make it convenient for a platoon..."
"I know why you're busy, so you can't complain. In a way, it's like we're causing trouble."
"Annoying, is it?
"This way."
A genuine harp with a strange-faced Adventurers Association official and a gaze at his peers. It no longer seems necessary to say a mess.
"In the meantime, let's just leave when we're done talking"
"Let it go. Unexpectedly, everyone on the ships they plan to use will have burns no matter how hard they try."
Adventurers Association staff noticed that they forgot to inform Hiroshi that no ship arrangements were needed. To be clear, this time it continues to be so disoriented that there is no excuse.
"Also, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that I don't need to arrange a ship..."
"Well, I'll arrange it, I'll bring the boat I built before, so we'll just have to talk about using it."
"You guys have a boat or something?
"I don't have one special guy. Because I can carry it, and if we do it alone, we can handle it."
Adventurers who hear they can carry and imagine something like a bigger canoe. Normally, what a raft or canoe a ship is capable of making its own and carrying, so their imagination is not a mistake unless it is also a Higashi opponent.
"Trying to get to Dorte Island on a small boat that you can carry isn't a reckless dimension, is it?
"I don't know what kind of ship you imagined, but on a sturdy, speedy ship with proper power. The purpose and structure are special."
Adventurers who listen to the lies and smell of the Macro and turn their faces to the officials. I know the name of the Azma Workshop, but I don't think it has that much technical skill.
"So, how do we get to Dorte Island?
"We're supposed to borrow ships and personnel from the Navy."
"I see. I appreciate that."
A leader who is perfectly satisfied with the official's reply. Situationally, it is also undeniable that a large aquatic monster appeared around the island of Dorte. Considering that, I wanted to avoid asking fishermen and others to send out their boats.
It is something else, such as a small boat that Hiroshi has (and the adventurers think).
"Then do we go towards the harbor? It's bad to keep you waiting."
"I don't have a problem with being kept waiting, but are you ready?
"From the gear we're wearing with these guys' mouths just now, there 'll always be enough of them to be purchased here. We're replenished with regular medicines and food."
"Right. Then go."
The leader of a team of adventurers, who at some point took the lead, declares his departure. I realize that they have taken the lead, but my background and experience as an adventurer is better with them, so I am not particularly willing to make a difference.
What a troublesome imitation of a leader is only to be done by the person who wants to divide it.
"... so, by now, I don't care"
"What's the matter, Hiroshi?
"I'm gonna introduce myself. Did I forget?
It was during the first meeting aboard the ship that Hiroshi mentioned that. In the end, it turned out to be a dumb situation of being the first to introduce myself at a meeting, and it was a line that made me strangely anxious to get ahead, also influenced by the horror comics that True Harp was sneaking over to me.
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