"Now, from this situation, how should we rewind..."

Waldis Castle at the same time as Honda is holding a reflection. Holding his head to his great failure, Oldia snapped with a rugged face.

Maneuvers infused with resources that could be held and set up in a special formation. I was well on my way, but at the end of the day, the divinity of spring vegetables turned me upside down with force moves, and I got away with it in a way that didn't follow a trace or a chase. It would also be natural for your face to get rough.

There was a mark on spring vegetables, but there was no such thing as a countermeasure. Instead of saying that, in response to the phenomenon of deification, measures cannot seem to be put in place.

In many cases, dying is triggered, and even if you do nothing, you deify when you deify, so there are no measures that can be put in place.

"To avoid repeating any more mistakes, I'd like to make sure that you think it was a snake in this case?

"It's hard to say. However, when it comes to that woman's deification to a space-time goddess, it's likely that it was too late for us to act."

"That goddess is strong. Totally stopped for hours. Irresistible '

"Either way, at a time when I was alone, in the Fifteenth Lord of Darkness, there was no doubt that the power I could prepare was severe."

Answer Oldia's question honestly what Zavaldo and Octum think, and a false king pokes at a harsh reality.

Even if the Horn is not battle-oriented, and becomes even more godly and shallow and immature, but therefore the battle is only established, and it is supposed to be fought from the front by God or his equivalent, there is no way to beat the Ordia and the others.

There is no difference between Ordia and the ordinary human beings, who are the strongest families of the evil gods, in that they use all the means at their disposal to weaken their opponents and poke at their weaknesses.

"Nevertheless, if we say it in terms of turning down supplies and pushing them, it's the right thing to do to try to put them first. Simply because at the end of the day I was forcefully flipped, I don't think the means were wrong or the serpent."

"Perhaps the timing of your three revivals was either decidedly slow or the people grew and changed abnormally fast. Honestly, this failure is force majeure, even if I point out the problem, I can only say that it took too long to prepare."

Zabaldo and the Fake King mouth a sweet assessment, turning away from tough opinions. In fact, the way to twitch and squeeze was also beginning to be dealt with by the macro, and if we didn't crush the Azma Workshop first, we were becoming jilli poor.

Worse still, even if we try to send troops to countries that provide backward support, including western countries, the Dark Lord and the Mixed Troopers will not have a realistic effect first, caught by a number of rules that cannot be ignored on top of the lack of cost. There are rules that cannot also be ignored in the fight between God in this world and the alien species, the Evil God, so that no matter how many rules the war on earth violates, it is unfortunately virtually impossible at present to catch on to the rules around it.

Especially since the Lord of Darkness boasts a high performance, but therefore a deadly bad cospa for combat, it is difficult to destroy major cities like Urs instantly in one way or another when used for combat, otherwise it is easier to win but better not to do it, the balance of payments does not fit in the dimension.

Moreover, the five largest nations today have unusually low concentrations of gas by the time Hongda takes down whatever he wants, and the supply line that exchanges chi with the East when the Lord of Darkness, who was in charge of the West, is completely cut off. For this reason, it is likely that sending the Lord of Darkness in without lower preparation will not even allow him to move to a form of combat.

Furthermore, when it comes to the Lord Class of Darkness, it is impossible to take the human form and break into the interior, like Baldo, to be held back by the junction. Oldia's high position for her combat abilities also comes to an end because she is free to enter and exit the city while having more than fifteen battle abilities for the Lord of Darkness. Even if you make it that combat capability, you can't show a percent of that combat capability in a big city unless you do something like take the opponent's royalty to your side like Farlane's Baldo did. There is also the problem of air concentrations, and it is almost impossible to fight even if activities can be carried out, which is the current situation in Oldia when going to the western countries.

Talk in the first place on this point, if you can handle it alone, it would be understandable if you think that the Lord of Darkness should be setting it up from the front from the start without internal disturbance or anything like that in Baldo. If the Dark Lord's Class strikes directly at a city that is less than five bodies and is responsible for the backbone of the nation, it will surprisingly be a lighter payback than all kinds of defense systems, unless it first helps to disable the royalty and the temple after it has been sufficiently agitated and ready to go down. The fact that Farlane's Baldo worked so hard was only due to the fact that he had been able to completely cage Catalina over a long period of time, which had almost rendered the royal function in terms of the system powerless.

The fact that mankind is singing civilization for the sake of the wide walk of the Laidboss thing is also due to this kind of teasing.

For the record, cities with a population of 50,000 or more are susceptible to major attacks by monsters, so the city itself is well protected. The guy named the big city is very rare when he collapses from the inside by means that poke a gap in specifications like a subspecies pome, but he's pretty strong when it comes to attacks from the outside, and even this instant death roar unleashed by the combined dark lord will block it completely once or so. A city of about 50,000 people can then be destroyed with overwhelming aggression.

Also, the Combined Dark Lord's Immediate Death Roar is basically unchargeable with only one shot available. It is only natural that instant death moves like any of the most powerful classes of humans in this world can't resist, and that can kill several kilometres of square, cannot be used again and again. Only in cases of low success are a series of insurmountable immediate death attacks allowed.

"So, my mistake turned out to empower the opponent, but honestly, I can't think of a definite way to launch a suicide bomber."

"As for the three of you, I'd appreciate a direct attack on some city, rather than a suicide bomber."

"I know. I plan to crush the right city for a few days to regain some sanctity. But thanks to those guys, the capitals of the five nations have never been more defensive. If you don't do a little damage to them at any point, they'll stop going either way."

"But when the three resurrected parties are finally lost here, that is the irrevocable pain for this one. If you're going to take responsibility for it, I'd appreciate it if you'd slap an elite unit in front of them."

"I see, that too. Probably a way to catch them for sure, so if you figure out a good way to do a suicide bomb, I'll let you do it as part of that plan."

A false king is desperate to overlap words in an attempt to translate Oldia full of gloom in vain.

Given the damage done by Oldia, in the case of the so-called evil organization of this hand, it is normally solemnly sanctified a long time ago. Perhaps the cult three thousand years ago would have been solemnly sanctified at the moment of his return.

But now that he has taken over the moon and fallen asleep for a long time in the battle against the founding king of Farlane, there is no room for him to solemnize as much power as Oldia, who was finally resurrected, with only one great failure.

Besides, with regard to the Azma Workshop, the whole cult has made various miscalculations. Oldia can't be the only one to blame for making it so much more powerful. Instead, there is a strong side that pushed Oldia to the lumpy plumage of the cult sect, which underestimated the Azma workshop or overallocated resources to the east.

Even in that sense, we do not want Oldia to take responsibility for suicide bombing.

"... Is it possible for a trisomy?

"... not impossible, but not a hundred percent"

Oldia's abrupt question is answered honestly by a false king, even though he accidentally changes his complexion. I haven't said a word about exactly what a trisomy is, Oldia, but from what I've seen, it's decided what the latter two are.

"Is it possible?

"Uhm. But when it becomes a trisomy by the three parties, control probably won't work even if it succeeds. Run off and destroy yourself..."

A false king who tries to answer as far as he can be pushed in case and perceives Oldia's aim.

Run off and destroy yourself. Perhaps that is Oldia's aim. Even when it comes to self-destruction, the Oldias are not the only ones who die. Undoubtedly there is much damage to be done to the surroundings in the process, and the energy generated in self-annihilation and extinction is not safe for any of us, even God.

Normally, there was no winning shot, and measures that seemed to work failed. I'll have to set up a suicide bomb attack after that, but it could be lightly prevented where I ran it straight, stupid and honest. It may also be natural, in a way, for such an Oldia to look at the means of merging.

"... let's be honest. Better not."

"If it's just a matter of success, I'll show you whatever with temper, guts and obsession?

"That's not the problem. Do you know why Lord Oldia did not merge the Lord of Darkness from the beginning?

"If we don't split it it, it's because we can't operate for long periods of time at the cost of consumption, right?

"Sometimes it is said that once combined, it is separated. Also, I use a lot of holy chi to merge them. If you are too inefficient to do it just to destroy yourself, and if you succeed in controlling it by mistake and beat them even more, it is possible that the presence of the three parties will prevent you from doing anything.

There must be no such thing as losing after successfully controlling. No matter how you fall, there's no way we're left behind. "

Oldia often thinks to a false king who tells his feelings naked.

"If we take over the new three or so locations, could it be a little bit?

I don't know what to say.

"But don't let them get in the way, then that's the limit? If we don't pick a suicide bomber or a merger, we're gonna blow our heads off as long as they're alive."

"... I don't mind, but do we study how to combine for a bit of success and cost reduction? It's better than being forced by the three of you."

A false king who gives up a lot and tells a compromise proposal when he sees Oldia, who is more of a willingness than he is. It's not something you can do in three or four days, but it's better than nothing.

Besides, Oldia didn't say anything wrong.

"Well, now we have to decide where we're going to crush it to show it to our eyes."

"Can I eat them all?

"I'm going to squeeze it as far as I can, so just leave it in one place"

"If you do it too flashy, you'll get your eyes on it right away"

"I know. I plan to carefully select places that will have a discreet and plain twitch."

Oldia and I need to prepare for a suicide bomb attack. As a matter of fact, the terrain is basically not cost-effective when it comes to direct attacking to the city, even if it's playing, it's costly, albeit minimal, for the Ordians to do it.

Besides, even if it is suicide bombed, it is quite depleted when shaking off the time domination of spring vegetables in addition to the underdevelopment of measures. As it is, it may not even cost you enough to blow yourself up if you do poorly. To do so, we must ensure that all the pulses in the area that have become relatively easy to reach.

"We have to do something next time."

It was Oldia who had a subtle but not pointless range of raid plans and renewed determination.

"... Huh!

Spring vegetables that are desperate to withstand the taste of blood that spreads in your mouth, with your face up to it.

About thirty minutes after the end of the reflection. Spring vegetables were now enduring the recoil they desperately sent ahead in their own chambers in the castle of God.


It is also empty to be desperate not to spit out, exceeding the limits to a mass of gastric fluid and blood that is sent one after the other out of the stomach, and finally spit out the contents of the mouth in a bucket placed under the pillow.

Fifteen minutes have elapsed since the recoil feed was released. In the bucket, which would be the largest size under the pillow, when it comes to that degree of short time, there is already a mixture of blood clots and gastric fluid accumulating about two-thirds of the volume.

Even then, you will know exactly how reactionary the spring vegetables are.

Moreover, the difficulty is that spring vegetables cannot die or disappear as a result of the recoil being received this time. What can I say, unless you are extra talent, to the extent that you have resurrected one or two dead, the flashy influence cannot be the first to go to the point where the world will perish. It would be natural in some ways because there is no match, such as the extinction of a deified existence as a penalty for that extent.

In the first place, the fact that resuscitation of life within the same world is forbidden is largely due simply to the problem of soul management. When you come back to life like you ignore the management system, you don't know what kind of glitch you're going to have. Only for that reason, therefore, some worlds have a resuscitation system with certain rules, as is often the case in older games from the outset.

Truth is, even in a world where there is no game resuscitation system, most of it exists if it is incomplete. To give an example, undead monsters and others can be considered typical of the incomplete resurrection of the dead that exists in many worlds. It's a hell of a story because when it comes to high altitude, the flesh isn't the same as it was before, except it's dead and has its own inherent weaknesses, and in some cases it can even have children.

As other spring vegetables have done, becoming a higher order life form, such as God, reduces relative dependence on the flesh and produces results that are no different from those of death and resurrection, because it is an imperfect means of resurrection that exists in almost all worlds.

As can be seen from examples such as undead and deification, in the end, resuscitation of the dead is not possible by itself if the world is able to pay the price for twisting and bending the logic by clearing the point that it is necessary for the world to be convinced of issues such as soul management and environmental balance to die and resurrect. And the more incomplete the outcome of resuscitation of the dead, the easier it becomes to cross the hurdle.

However, it is almost impossible for a mere human to do something about both of them, at best to undead them as they can be executed without problems. Assuming that only means are constructed without being ready to cross the hurdle to force a near-complete resuscitation of the dead, it becomes like a catastrophe that is occurring in several cases in the Faircro world. And even if we succeed, we need the consideration of twisting our reason, and that's what we're paying in the form of the recoil we're currently suffering in this case of spring vegetables.

Especially when it comes to this resuscitation of Tatsuya and Makoto, there are times when the resuscitation of the dead is almost as close to complete as before death, even though some degeneration is taking place in the flesh, paying a penalty that is considerably tougher than normal. Even tougher because of the inflated interest on the snowman ceremony because it advanced the recoil, albeit less than a day and on the contrary less than half a day.

"... hey, were you watching sweetly"

After several bloody revulsions, Spring Vegetables squeaks like tired while maintaining their arms, desperately about to blow up. Of course, I have no regrets that I brought Tatsuya and Makoto back to life, that I carried all the recoil myself as consideration for it, or that I sent forward the timing of receiving recoil until now for the sake of later termination.

But apart from not regretting it and wanting to make a weak noise about the tightness, Spring Vegetable flesh was now very glocky.

"... Ugh, I'm scared to look in the mirror right now..."

Creepy swelling at the same time as the pain that seemed insane, blurring spring vegetables in a crying mood as she looked back at her left arm in an instant. Violence sifted from the world with unexplained fear footage and horrible grudges and sets for the sole purpose of breaking hearts twitches and shreds the spiritual energy of spring vegetables.

The recoil that Spring Vegetables is undergoing, if I say so, is that those who fall half-willed and cannot become Buddhists are sanctioned with anger for violating the rules and only helping their own bodies.

When I write like this, it seems like it's just lynching and suddenly it feels like it's getting pungent, but when I treat this kind of thing lightly, it leads to a breakdown in a way that is not usually even rough. Ancient East and West, genuinely angry and rioting folk, is something that leaves more nail marks than you can ignore. It doesn't matter what unreasonable reason the riot cuts.

Happiness or unhappiness, there are also rules for sanctions, and there are no sanctions on that side, whether it is purity or not, but the harshness is terrific for that matter. Spring vegetables never die or disappear with sanctions in the name of recoil, but conversely, they are better off dead or can't die. Unfortunately, the body of the Goddess Spring Vegetables does not die to that extent, in an attempt to have hundreds of cups lined up with blood reflexed buckets and a whole body exploded.

Even more troublesome is that if you bend your knee against the recoil here, it can become fixed with a horrible appearance such as a peeling face or swollen arms.

In love maidens, such an appearance is ultimately unacceptable. I don't think the more beautiful you are, but I just want you to spare me the traumatic and own romantic nature of the macro that makes you look like the person you're watching pulls or hurts.

Therefore, no matter how weak the sound, no matter how heartbreaking it may be, spring vegetables must endure to the end.

"... for now, from now on..."

Spring vegetables with some determination in their mouth and bloody reflexes whilst still sounding. It feels like it's time to stick your head in the bucket.

"... even under extra circumstances...,... cheap resuscitation of the dead will never..."

Spring vegetables thrust straight into the pillow as they mouth weakly and resolve and spit out blood reflexes again. I no longer have the energy to fix a lot of things.

For this reason only, resuscitation was not carried out cheaply. But it's also true that I wasn't ready. At least, I wasn't even ready to see that it was better to die.

In the end, after winning the battle against recoil, which lasted about three days, and defending himself completely unchanged from normal, Spring Vegetables cemented its determination to never resuscitate the dead with emotions alone again, before a bucket of blood reflexes lined with more than three digits.

"Sister Chun, you won't wake up, but I'm sure you'll be fine..."

A little time back, breakfast seats the day after the reflection. Mio groans with sincere concern at the absence of spring vegetables, who usually wake up a long time ago and are supposed to be cooking a vigorously dedicated breakfast.

A macro who was listening to it shook his neck left and right with a small sigh.

"The world tree information and death can't be better than death, it seems like it all the time, so don't tell me it's okay..."


Mio lays his eyes on the words of the Macho. I don't know if there's anything I can do, because if there is, I know that Hiroshi is acting very well.

If you are anxious but can't replace your shoulder, and you want to replace your shoulder, you know that the result that no one will get is that the spring vegetable recoil will be worse as it is. Therefore, all that can be done is to worry and prepare for the future.

"To be honest, I'm sorry to hear that, but there's nothing we can do about Mr. Haruna. We have to do what we can here."


He nods at the majesty of making breakfast with a tough face and cooks his own dishes. According to the grand saying that even if it is made, it cannot be eaten, the portion of spring vegetables shall be made by looking at their physical condition when they are resurrected. Aerys and Alchem aren't making it at this point either because you should make something that fits your health when you wake up.

Twenty minutes to continue cooking, not least with the heavy air. The Japanese team and Laurier, with the exception of spring vegetables, will be on the table for breakfast.

"In the meantime, until I set you up from here, don't go away from this castle."

Yeah, I know.

Hiroshi told me before breakfast, Tatsuya nodding with a serious face. I wasn't ready for one yesterday today. I can't imitate it to create a gap that's going to be raided.

"No, what's going on with the treatment relationship?

"At the moment, all externally accepted wounded treatment is complete. Also, when it comes to Waldis' monster soldiers, all troops who have re-attacked are stopped at the border."

"At the border, hey. Is that a common unit?

"No. It looks like an elite unit is rotating to contain it. They specialize in wide-area attacks against the military, so in a current situation where there is no danger of friendly fire, as before, and sufficient time is available for the next unit to arrive after annihilation, there is no losing element.

It also confirms that Wyburn and the dragons are raiding the Waldis army to help replace the troops. If we don't infiltrate the territory as many soldiers as we used to, we're expected to be able to stop the weir enough. "

Laurier tells me some detail about the current front against Waldis. I hear it, Macro, but I think a little bit.

"One more time, we should do a dungeon to buy time. Yeah?

"No, probably not necessary. Since the Master returned yesterday, there has been a huge decrease in the amount of air in the world as a whole, so it's probably hard to prepare powerful monsters that can hurt elite troops"

"What are the chances that the people who attacked us will set us up?

"I can't say I don't have one, but it seems useless to create a dungeon."


I laughed bitterly at Laurier's too sharp allegations, and now I decide not to think about anything extra. If they've set up an elite unit, now's the time to screw over and smash the trauma with temper and guts.

To that end, we must first focus on what needs to be made.

"In the meantime, if you eat this, check the collection yard and start preparing Soma and Amrita. Laurie, do you have a list of materials you might be able to take right now?

"If it's a collection yard, we'll be here."

Immediately Laurier projects the list to the enquiry of the macro. Refine your search for what you're looking for from it and snort satisfactorily at the macro.

"Okay, there it is. Yeah, I think I can get a quality one. Amrita and Soma will use the ingredients when they are recovered."

Satisfied with the contents of the ingredients list, where I drank up miso soup, I feel uncomfortable in the face of Tatsuya and Makoto, who finished breakfast at about the same time, slightly frowning. I couldn't tell by looking at it all the time, but definitely somewhere different.

As he searches hard for where that somewhere is, Tatsuya opens her mouth with a subtle expression that takes the form of a man staring at her.

"Hey, Hiro. Is there something on my face?

"I'm not looking for that right now.... Oh, okay. Both my brother and Makoto have all the colours of their left and right eyes."

"" Ha!?

Tatsuya and Makoto accidentally raise their barbaric voices at the same time to a bomb statement by Hiroshi that was dropped abruptly. I looked in the mirror yesterday and this morning, but I don't remember myself.

"Well, even if it's all in place, the intensity of the colors just gets to a seemingly unclear extent, and it turns into red and blue and gold and silver, and then there's the painful difference or ahem that's going to be black history."

"...... hmm. Sure, I don't have all the colors I can go through because of my mind."

I was pointed out and confirmed by the macro, and Mio nodded over and over again.

"No, no, no. Still, I'm in a lot of trouble..."

"Oh, is that true?

"Laurier, the mirror, please."

"Yes, sir."

In response to the doubtful voices of Tatsuya and Makoto, ask Laurier to prepare the mirror. Laurier, instructed by Hiroshi, presents a hand mirror at the hands of Tatsuya and Makoto.

Tatsuya and Makoto, peering into the prepared hand mirror, check the color of the eyes and stop. My eyes in the mirror were undoubtedly left and right.

"... what the hell..."

"... Could this also be a bodily degeneration..."

Tatsuya and Makoto manage to squeeze out their voices as they look at their right eyes, which are still twitching and changing color. When I'm checking my face in a tingly way to see if there's anything else wrong, at some point I have all the color of my left and right eyes.

"... what the hell is this?

"... I don't know, but it kind of depends on your mental state."

You know the law. Tatsuya and Makoto look sincerely sinister in their own eyes that are definitely changing. I'm sure it's no big deal as a price to live back, but I'm somewhat subtly shocked that we're no longer human.

"Hey, brother, Mr. Makoto. Did anything else go wrong when I checked yesterday?

"It's not a big deal. I mean, it's crazy. There was something about it that didn't fall into the category."

"Me too."

Asked by Hiroshi, Tatsuya and Makoto honestly answer that. He didn't say anything about it in yesterday's reflection because it was too big a deal.

"Like what?

"Hmm? Oh. In a few places, when I was wearing clothes and swimsuits, it didn't seem obvious that Revive-01 was a very readable stain or mole."

"Same goes for me. It wasn't the kind of place I usually see, and it felt like I'd never see it in a tattoo or anything, so I had to worry about it. I went through."

Hear the two of you answer, the hong and Mio pulling out the power of their shoulders. I don't know where it is out there, but I'm pretty sure it's not like it's gonna be such a fuss. The meaning of the string is quite painful for the person concerned, but where it was seen by a stranger, it's probably not a big deal. I mean, if you weren't so painful, you wouldn't bother making it a problem.

At least, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what the color of the eyes is rather than unstable, even though the darkness changes slightly.

"... there might be something else."

"... Mio, you had nothing in particular?

"Mm-hmm. Not one scar left."

"Oh well. Good for you."

Exactly. There are a lot more sequelae left than I thought. Tatsuya and Makoto noticed about it, put the hand mirror down and start worrying with a serious face.

In the meantime, Doll Servant lowers the dishes and transports them to the kitchen, but nobody cares because they're all completely used to it.

"... hey, Hiro. What's going on with the dungeon?

"... there, I think all the time. At least it's a killer specification, like Crestcave Mine Depth or Ortem Village Dungeon."

"I see. If so, it's just fine. Let's see if we can fight it right."

"Well, yes."

Tatsuya and Makoto listen to Hiroshi's answers and schedule an appointment from today. We can't leave this castle until Hiroshi has finished making what he plans to make and Spring Vegetables returns. Then you should use a facility just right for your training to rebuild your sweet body and mind.

"Here, just give me a minute. I'll change the specifications of the dungeon."

"What kind of change is that?

"If you take damage like death, you'll be penned back to the entrance. Change to specifications. Pena got it in the dungeon. All confiscated and around behavioral inhibition combined with the total number of exterminations. Yeah. Behavioral inhibition gradually resolves over time. In the meantime, all the dungeons that run now because of the ease of setting up individually are in this specification, and anyone who makes them in the future will normally die."

That's right, a macro that manipulates the panel at its best. Thanks to Laurier's growing skills as an administrator, it is convenient at times like this to be able to change specifications and other things without having to go to the core room.

"I'm just not willing to die, but assuming you die inside with that specification, what happens to injuries and stuff when you come out?

"All abnormalities should be removed and injuries should remain to the extent of death or sequelae. It's called HP1 status."

"I see."

Convinced by Hiroshi's words, Tatsuya snorts one thing. I don't even feel a little overprotective, but you should have it so that you can be somewhat impotent when it comes to working back out.

Even if not, none of the deactivation systems are currently reusable. Moreover, it is a state of anxiety as to whether they can fight, and Tatsuya and Makoto will not have the next if they die.

It would be just enough to be overprotective.

"Brother Da, Sister Zhenqin, I'm coming too"

"Okay. Then I'll be there as soon as I'm ready."


At present, all items prepared for immediate use have been destroyed. There is enough stock in the warehouse, but there are too many types to take it out and use.

It was not until after Tatsuya and the others left for the dungeon that the items were carefully selected and prepared.

"Parents, is Harna okay?

Though to the host who came to pick up Soma and Amrita's ingredients, Lyme asks anxiously, jumping as she had been waiting.

"It's just a mistake to die, but I'm not saying it's okay..."

"May I ask my parents, Elles and Harna, to pay their respects?

"Elle and Alchem will confirm tomorrow or so. It feels like spring vegetables."


To Therese, who has asked questions in the form of a ride on the lime, Macho answers clearly. Officials who listen to that answer and honestly back off.

Aeris and Alchem went down in yesterday's battle, and I was worried because I heard that the Hordes were in terrible shape and fleeing.

Although the survival of the four Japanese, excluding spring vegetables, had been confirmed at the time of the bath, because the spring vegetables had already lifted the recoil advance, the Teres and the others had not yet seen the spring vegetables once.

"Let's worry about it, but be patient today and make the pills as usual."

"I know. We need to build up more potion reserves for a while than the war is over yet."

"It feels like we're gonna have to rely on Mr. Hendrick or something to deliver to Mr. Melissa for a while."

"I thought you didn't have much to do with delivery, but Mr. Hendrick took my place."

"Angelica is helping us, too."

Macro rounds his eyes to unexpected information heard from Fam and Terez.

He said, "Anything is subtly out of hand."

"Did you have time for those two..."

"It's harder to move than it is to be free."

"I see."

To Fam's word, understand the current situation of Hendrick and Angelica.

The reason why the two of them are currently staying in the castle of God is two things: two protected villagers who are evacuating here just in case, and to cope with the vampires of the undead.

For this reason, we have basically declared ourselves neutral against the war between Markt and Waldis, and we are in a difficult position to act under the present circumstances.

"So, what's the parent doing today?

"I've had a lot of painful eyes to reflect on. I'm going to make the best I can make right now to deal with that problem."

"... In the meantime, I just understood that Nora and the others wouldn't be helpful to see. Nora and the others are just going to collect the ingredients and get to work today."

"Whoa. Call me as soon as something happens."

With officials who nod at the words of the Macho and start picking up materials scattered in thoughtful places. Only Lime collects a kind of herb that can be seen silently on the side of the macro, but the other three are quite a distance away.

"... Parents, what's that?

"This is lamedica all over grass. All I need this time is stems and roots, but for once, leaves and flowers are useful. It just takes a lot of work to get it to work."

Lyme asks if he was concerned about the grass that the macro would collect one after the other. A macro that shows you how to pick while answering that. Watching the demonstration of the Macro, Lyme gives up crisply that she still can't do it, and collects another herb.

It's about thirty minutes to continue that sight. Where the necessary materials have been gathered, Hoang returns to the workplace with a shout out to the fam and the others.

"Well, here's where we're from."

A macro with a serious look at all times while arranging the finest materials on one workbench after another: the horns of the unicorn, the lamedica, the moss barcela secured at the Great Spirit Peak, the leaves of the world tree and the sea of life.

Of the ingredients of Soma and Amrita, two were not in the hands of the Macro: Lamedica and Veralona. Lamedica is a herb native to the meadows around exactly where it is now a battlefield, and Veralona is a flower that blooms in some alpines within Waldis territory.

Both gathered material information by God's castle sitting in its current position for a long time, and were finally able to collect it in the castle early this morning.

For that matter, Lamedica has a slight quality difficulty with Bellarona, but she will manage to cover it with her arms.

For the record, during the game, the horns of the unicorn were procured in exchange for a high level potion by a friend whose main activity was in Marcto, the sea of life was acquired as he got the spiritual thread, and other materials, including the leaves of the world tree, were all-you-can-pick inside the Great Spirit Grotto. Other materials are normally collected.

Even during the game, unicorns were quite awesome monsters when hunted by Marcto, but with more than a certain fame in Marcto, you get to divide the corners that fell out during the rebirth for a good price.

From what I said, Soma and Amrita were the only extra skilled items in the game era that were able to align materials.

"Let's start with the unicorn horn processing."

In subjective time, it was God's drink that was no longer made more than a year ago. Regardless of whether you can make something of satisfactory quality, you should be able to make something that will prevent you from dying, at least during the effect time.

Desperately shaking away the memories of a glimmering tragedy in his head, he takes a deep breath and pulls out his shoulder strength, concentrating on making the best thing he can make with the ingredients at hand.

Truth is, Hiroshi hasn't slept a single night since last night. The moment my companions were killed, I kept going around my head, and I couldn't sleep very well. Also, when I'm talking to people, I can kick them out of my consciousness because I'm focused on the content of the story, but when I'm alone in between tasks, as I am now, my consciousness immediately goes there.

Normally, production work in such conditions would normally fail even in out-of-rate potions. But for better or worse, today's macro has become a god specialized in power in making things. No matter how bad the condition, the task of making things never fails.

Concentrate such power on the material in front of you and proceed smoothly with the work. Bellarona, which should have been inferior in quality, is also revitalized with the divine power infused from the macro, becoming of the highest quality at will.

However, Hiroshi continues to work so that such material degeneration is not in the eyes. The horns of the unicorn, amplified to the limit of potency by shredding and powdering them to react with Veralona, are mixed into an ocean of life revitalized with the leaves of the world tree.

Calming the two abruptly repulsed by putting in the barcela, after stirring enough, the Lamedica stem is added to orient the nature of the stock solution towards the soma. It reacts well there, pouring in the fruit juice of Sormeisen where the aroma of liquor has been slightly faint, promoting fermentation while even mixing.

The clear, thin amber liquid that was thus made, this is the peak soma of the healing item.

"... Okay, you did it right"

One nod, as he was convinced, observed a beautiful amber liquid that would not let go of the beholder's eyes with a harsh eye that would not allow even a slight compromise.

The amount of soma made in this task is roughly for one barrel. I would have just said around a hundred if I were to subdivide it one time at a time.

Actually, Soma and Amrita have to make at least one bottle of liquor at a time. Naturally, the amount of material required in a single task increases, as does the difficulty of working.

Hiroshi said that he had gathered thousands for three, but that was only the number of things that had the ability to prevent instant death and maintain constant vitality, magic and stamina to their maximum value, including all state anomalies for five minutes. Something that simply recovers the maximum value immediately after drinking, or that, in addition, has the ability to prevent death for about a minute, is much more than the number of primary potions, LV8 potions mentioned in the notation of the game, when all combined.

Regardless, the failures are made several times more so. If the specifications did not improve proficiency due to failure, as in the case of primary production skills, they would probably not have been able to take it to Kanst, although not very much. Although the work time was surprisingly short by about thirty minutes, the increase in proficiency was significant for production extra skills due to the large number of products to be made in one go. After all, even failure develops skills, which is very significant.

"Just in case, let's see if it works"

Put the soma you could do into a glass once, and a horse who drinks it up all at once. I felt a faint taste of alcohol for a moment, and immediately after that the aromatic aroma sticks from my throat to my nose. Perhaps the taste as alcohol is sweet, but I don't know what it is like as alcohol, even if I know it tastes good as a drink in a macro that basically only tastes alcohol as a seasoning. However, at least it's not as sweet as juice, so I feel it would be for the most part for cooking.

In Japan, it is normal to touch the law to drink soma, which is originally a ritual classification in degrees. But the problem is that in the case of Soma, children do not get drunk even if they drink it, and if a human who has had problems with liver function and renal function and is told to abstain from drinking, he will recover immediately to the full state of his liver and kidneys, a substitute such as that which is extremely good in terms other than his drunken function as the head of an encyclopedia. When alcohol just contains alcohol and does not adversely affect the body in any way, it is a healthier substitute than some nutritional drinks.

Still, the law is the law, so I'm not going to drink anything in Japan until I grow up. However, since no one is old enough to drink in this world, I am only going to classify this as a buffed recovery item frame and drink it normally without worrying about it.

"... All right, don't get the least effect right. Amrita's next."

While the effects of Soma continue, verification also goes into the manufacture of Amrita. Nevertheless, until Barcela is put in, neither Soma nor Amrita will change the method of making it. The difference is that in Soma, we put the stem in the lamedica, and in Amrita, we put the root.

Less than the first five minutes from the start of the work, I didn't feel any magic or stamina decrease until the effect of Soma expired, so I am confident that it had sufficient effect. By the time the remnants of the soma that remain in the body disappear, confirm that the time has come for the most difficult Barcela to put in.

Put in the barcela and drink another soma without stopping the stirring hand around the rebellion has subsided. From here, the difficulty drops, but the drainage becomes more intense at once, so it's much easier to drink it here.

Don't point out the fact that you don't have to drink anything, no magic or stamina at all. This drinking also confirms cool-time, so it doesn't really matter how much magic or stamina is left. However, it is naturally easier not to reduce it than to wear it out, so it's not that it's just slightly less valuable and makes no sense for recovery.

"... because we have all the production extras? Clearly cool-time was short compared to what I made over there."

Compared to the working time I remember in my body, I lean my neck towards the fact that the reuse time was obviously short. If it's as I remember it, the only way I can drink it again is around Barcela's grain disappearing and the pointy reaction disappearing. If you say it in time, it's about two to three minutes off.

"Well, it's working right, and for a short cool-time, yeah"

If the effect is inferior but the cooltime is short, or whatever, the cooltime is reduced after the desired effect. There is no reason to see it as a problem.

Amrita also completes while doing things with others. The effect is to flashly amplify the abilities of both body and mind. At that time, in order to replace the flesh with health, it is not as intoxicating as Soma, nor will it die during the effect time. If it is Soma who stays healthy, it is Amrita who gives the invincible flesh.

Amrita's color is clear, light red. The taste is somewhat dry, but the fact that it has a refreshingly drinkable and complex flavor and seems to go well with the general dish is no different from soma.

"It doesn't look like there's a problem with both. Honestly, I wish Spring Vegetable's recoil would have been lighter..."

Somewhere sadly blurry and ambiguous to see more buckets currently being used in the progression. On the day I let him drink something like this in the midst of withstanding the recoil, I see the harshness and time multiplying in the game.

He who speaks of the world is very strict about this sort of thing.

Regardless, the bucket can be prepared indefinitely with the function of the castle. It was Laurier who set it up, but Spring Vegetables who gave the instructions.

"... Well, next..."

"Master, Master Aerys and Master Alchem are awake. Please prepare your meal as I will examine you."

"Oops, copy that. What about visitors? No?

"... I think it would be better if you stopped today. You both say you don't want to show us exactly what you haven't been able to do today."

"Well, let's do it. That's not a problem for me, so I contacted Therese and the others."

"Yes, sir."

Responding to Laurier's request, which appeared just in time for the separation, we are now moving to the kitchen. Aeris and Alchem today need to think about the menu without it because it is dangerous to make them drink soma and amrita in a different way than spring vegetables.

It was an ambition that had to continue to face the case of an example that had become a new trauma all the way straight from the front, while deciding on a menu and cooking based on vital data and medical findings sent by Laurier.

"... Ha. Pathetic, dude."

Tatsuya raises a dry laugh with a trembling voice before the carcass of Minotaur, who was struck so magically that he no longer left his original form. That carcass, scattered with excessive firepower, will not take materials or anything else where it worked so hard.

As soon as Minotaur came out of the back barking in, Tatsuya panicked and activated fast, firing high-powered magic as she was about to lose her hips, making sure she was dead, but she still kept pounding in the magic.

"... it's really sad for us..."

True harp still whines in a trembling voice as he glances down at the silverback that he slashed and threw away in a splash with a wind slash. When I was jumped from behind, I panicked with fear and forgot me, inadvertently knocking the wind slaughter/ground in reflexion.

"... This requires considerable rehabilitation"

Mio looks sinister, not as excessive as Tatsuya and Makoto, but similarly hasty and over-attacked with fear. It wasn't as good as Tatsuya or Makoto simply because they didn't have that much excessive firepower moves.

Apparently, it's quite traumatic to say that he died once or was pushed to the point just before he died.

"At this point, I don't think I'm going to be training for Fortress..."

"That's right..."

"First, we need to be able to fight calmly..."

"In the meantime, I'm glad you had this dungeon..."

A defeat that left deeper nail marks than I thought. Tatsuya and the others were quite prepared to rehabilitate in order to recover from it.

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