The resistance of the monsters in the lowest area of Purgatory was extremely harsh.

"Next reinforcement, arrival in ten seconds!

"Mio, how many!?

"Arc Demon is seventy, Demon General Class is thirty!

"Don't talk to me again! No, what's the next wave!?

"If my count wasn't wrong, thirty next!

At a time when the word of spring vegetables ends or never ends, we tailor the last two of the herds that Hongqin and Makoto are currently dealing with. Either because the number of slaughtered is the number, or because true harps can die lightly if you do that, the Phantom Knife has already stopped showing defiant attitudes.

The state of the battle is not a battle landscape fought by those who, by mistake, flirtatiously stopped by to collect material, in places such as Shizuku Ragnarok or Harmagedon, if you like.

"Looking at where the Greater Demon is no longer coming out, I wonder if the real miscellaneous fish means stopping!?

"If I let him do it, yes, but! Well, let's start with the discount for now!!

Almost simultaneously with the arrival of the thirtieth wave herd, the Horn uses Tomahawk Rain to reduce the number at once. Exactly. It was impossible in the Demon system to pin down all the strong generals next to the named monster, but the Arch Demon has been wiped out by the blow now. Normally, even an arc demon can withstand a few holy heavenly octope cannons without artifacts at its leisure, so it is too much of an achievement in terms of nudging.

No longer is tapping Tomahawk Rain just before the enemy is picked up signals a start in the game against Demons. Other range attacks have difficulty with either cost or power or range of attack, and basically the time to activation or cool-time relationship makes the series ineffective. At present, Tomahawk Rain is the only powerful move that can be easily used to match the arrival of enemies.

Most importantly, Tomahawk Rain has only a very modest power as an extra skill. Evaluating a move that can end an Arc Demon with a single blow even on a cusp basis, such as whispering, is going to piss off a common tank-based player who is seriously underpowered, but if you use artifacts to release extra skills in the first place, it's odd that you can't even drop a single blow on a cusp basis about Demon Generals.

If you're going to be on that prerequisite, no doubt Tomahawk Rain's firepower is overwhelmingly low as an extra skill. I wouldn't have been able to say very much about God's moves or anything without elements such as just a motion to throw Paul Axe, waiting up to five seconds to fire the next one, the cost is not very different from intermediate attack skills, you can freely range one side of your sight as the maximum, changing the range doesn't attenuate your power, etc.

In other words, Tomahawk Rain is God's usual offensive move. If it's a normal attack used by the New God, there's no choice but to be less powerful.

But even if it's usually an attack, extra skill is extra skill. The heavy rain of Paul Axe pouring out of the sky was amplifying its visual impact and damage to the perimeter after the shelling combined to make it look more like the final war.

"Ten for the rest of the burn!

"You've left me again...! Repeat the procedure and your enemies will get used to it!

To the biggest retrieval ever, a small tongue pounding the legulus aside and trinity at the same time. To date, there were about two or three troops left to burn on a cusp basis. More than five hundred bodies at a time around the fifth and eighth waves, quite a few of them were taken away in the herd, which could not be handled by the proximity of enemies with successors who had pushed them in thousands or tens of thousands of units, resulting in a situation in which they had to take care of Titanic Roar and Geocatastrophe, but still did not leave 10%.

The monster side is also undoubtedly steadily building up measures against Hiroshi in exchange for numerous corpses.

"When the next big one comes, there might be Titanic Lore again..."

"True, there are too many of them!!

With stupidity about the situation, Hiroshi and Makoto at once tailor the remaining opponents. Tatsuya and Mio are also helping to reduce the number with lighter attacks of cost. The takeaway is takeaway. It's not intact just because you didn't hit it directly, it's basically an easy stop if you hit it.

"... Master, it's pretty big next time"

"How long?

"Too many, I couldn't count ahead from three thousand. Mostly large."


Listen to the report from Mio, a macro that draws his face. At a time when Mio's counting ability is exceeded, there is no doubt about thousands or there. If you do poorly, you could even be around tens of thousands.

"Leading arrival in about ten seconds."

"I'm going to Geocatastrov, I'm gonna hit you, please!

"Copy that!"

"Leave it to me!

An ambition to give instructions to other members as they invest in the hand holding the legulus and cancel the cool-time of Titanic Roar and Geocatastrophe in the cooling canceller. Other members who nod to the words of the Macho and each go into preparing for a move-oriented chase.

Upon confirmation of that, the Horn waved down the Geocatastrophe of Special Attacks toward a horde of demons that were close to the distance that a normal range attack would reach.

"Out of the way. Hey!!

A huge axe is also waved down as the roar of the Macro, tearing apart the sky and earth at the bottom of purgatory so vast that it can be called the other world, which can only be described as the demonic realm.

An overly gigantic and inevitable blow breaks the demon herd out of the middle and wipes out those who have avoided direct hits due to blown shockwaves as well.

More than 10,000 demons were wiped out in just one blow.

"It's just over or all..."

"If you use two shots, the surrounding damage will become unusual..."


Two cracks carved in invisible length and depth, starting about twenty metres forward from the position of the macro, and a giant crater in front of you. Homage and Spring Vegetables with a lot of troublesome expressions on their faces at the traces of the great moves that would have reached the realm of natural mutation rather than fuss if they did the same outside the alienated spaces and dungeons.

To be clear, it's not easy to use. Because its immensity and overwhelming destructive power are the biggest sellers, it can't be compact for ease of use.

"I let go of two shots, so I felt like I could explore it properly."

"That's right. Besides, not only is the axe cracking where it landed, but the shockwave makes the crackle-free place unscrupulous."

"Even if I did, I wouldn't have used it..."

"Yeah. I've been going back a little while now and counted the numbers, but I've been working on a few more in the dungeon. Honestly, if we didn't attack this much range at once, it would have felt like we were going to be pushed out by the volume"

"I guess..."

Tatsuya nods as she recalls the sight she saw just before Hiroshi waved down Geocatastrophe to the words of Spring Vegetables. If I were to describe the sight I saw, the devil had just said eight, and the sky two.

If Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables are human beings, it is undoubtedly a situation of total annihilation. Geocatastrophe would also be somewhat unavoidable.

"Hey spring vegetables. By the way, how many exactly were there?

"Eh. The last one was a total of 150,000, seven hundred and eighty six bodies that had been poking around. One hundred and seventy-three of them tough and defensively large."

"... that's not a decent number to deal with."

"And I mean, it's like wiping out a whole bigger city, so I'm pretty sure it couldn't have been helped by normal means of attack. When I first used Geocatastrophe, and when I had to use Titanic Roar, there were tens of thousands of them coming in."

A line I can't stop sighing at the consequences I don't think I've accomplished with just five minority parties. Sometimes the Macro earns most of the Killmark, and it's hard to have the perception that he's fought through it.

Tatsuya and the others have been so effective that even the number of people who have finished the burning and punching leaks is usually about to reach the triple digits.

Tatsuya and the others were working so hard that no one would deny that they had fought through the fierce battle because of the abnormal annihilation of the ambient damage.

To put it further, the only time I could take a break was for a few minutes between the first time I shot Geocatastrov and the next wave coming. If this tells you you haven't done anything or you haven't worked hard enough, there's no standing.

"But hey..."

"Master, are you somewhat very dissatisfied?

"Oh, my God. Whatever makes you angry, if you try so hard to get here, you must be angry that the material from the people you defeated is blowing up your roots."


Mio is convinced and unexpectedly agrees with the dissatisfaction and angst of the macro. This battle has not secured any valuable Demon-based materials. It consumes not only cooling cancelers, but also mana potions and stamina potions, which are totally deficit in terms of goods.

At the very least, salvation is about not consuming things like soma and amrita that cannot be numbered in material or production time.

There is no way that the Macro will not remember his dissatisfaction.

"The reason I came here in the first place was to collect material."

"You can't get the material from collecting the material because you fall..."

"Well, not everyone's kamikaze, me and Makoto's artifact seems familiar enough, so it's not in vain..."

"If that's all, I don't feel like I should do it in the dungeon of God's castle..."

"Right. I mean, more fundamentally, it's not our color to dive in a dungeon and just fight..."

They are quite dissatisfied with Tatsuya and Makoto as well as Hiroshi about this battle, which was unproductive by the unusual. Both Tatsuya, a production related no-touch, and Makoto, a combat abolitionist, apparently remembered the pleasure of being able to pick all sorts of materials from the enemies they had tailored, no matter what.

It seems so inadequate that there is no description of the material stripped from the body of the monster by Hiroshi or Mio for what purpose it can be used.

"Well, I can't help being stupid, and let's move on to exploring"

"Right. Even so, walking as far as I can see is a difficult misery..."

"It wasn't an easy ground to walk from, and it doesn't feel like it's big enough to walk and explore."

True harp mentions the current problem while riding on a proposal for spring vegetables. It is really necessary to walk around on one's own feet to explore accurately, but if the nature of the dungeon makes it difficult to walk, even if it is not, the ground is currently rough at the level of a series of extra skills, even shortly after a catastrophe.

None of the monsters that appear in this hierarchy will have problems traveling because of their ability to float or fly, but it is probably an impossible tragedy for even those with such local interests to fight properly.

Regardless of the spring vegetables that can continue to fly through the sky with space control if you're curious about that, otherwise if you're a basic land war-type master, you can't help but be able to travel.

"Sister Chun, Sister Zhenqin"

"What, Mio?

"Is it something you've noticed?

"In the first place, I don't think it would be useful to look where I can't walk properly"

"... ah"

"If you ask me, you're blowing up with Geocatastrophe, even if you have something you can pick anyway..."

Convinced by Mio's point, Spring Vegetables and Makoto nod loudly. Now we have a policy.

"Which way do we go first, as we fly around on God's ship for now?

"At times like this, it's the stones that head toward the more temperamental, but can you tell?

"It's a lot less in earlier fights, so it might be easier to tell than right after breaking into this area"

Spring vegetables exploring Qi concentrations while answering Tatsuya's question like that. Similar to this, the macro and Mio also confirm the concentration of Qi.

"... I can't tell you for sure because I'm in a fairly widespread state, and I'm out of range for more information, but it feels like the monster is pouring in the direction it's been pushing me from behind."

"Mm-hmm. If I were to say so, rather than from behind, it feels like it's flowing in from the extensions of lines drawn exactly to the cross between East and West and North?

"Let it go. Perhaps because the concentration of air in the middle has rapidly diminished, it should flow from the thicker side."

Spring vegetables agree that way about the results detected in the big mess.

"Hey, spring vegetables. What do you mean, out of range? Like we were counting just now, can we scrutinize this whole area or something?

"I can, but I just used it to grasp the situation, so it feels a little solemn. Because I haven't been able to make a bit of a decision about how far I would be allowed to go if I shouldn't use it much or not much..."

"I see. Then maybe we should have checked around the distribution together earlier."

"Right, I kind of failed. Well, at a time when we're controlling the flow of time and the rate of our aging in the first place, it's not a matter of solemnity or anything, that's true."

Tatsuya also accidentally laughs bitterly at her own circumstances when Spring Vegetables talks bitterly. I know in my previous dealings with the gods, starting with Alfemina, that the gods have the rules of the gods and that it doesn't matter what they do if they have power.

The problem would be that, as one of these people, you don't know the scope allowed by the rules. As a result, both Hongkong and Spring Vegetables have responded oddly well.

"Well, let's put it around there. If you use it too conveniently, Hiro and Spring Vegetables will blunt us even if they are good"

"Right. So, unlike before, this place is likely to be close to a field-type dungeon, but do you know where it is at the moment?

"Yeah, that's okay. I guess it feels like this is almost the end of the southwest. The shape of the dungeon area is almost true circle, about 2,000 kilometers wide"

"... you can't walk and investigate or anything, that"

"I think so, too. When you walk, you don't even get to the middle of it for a month or so, even if you move straight without investigation."

"The number of defeats was also a serious number in the dungeon, but the area is also a serious size in the dungeon..."

The lowest layer of purgatory with only the maximum difficulty and showing a lot of substandard aspects. There are signs of not being a glimmer early on.

"Well, if it's only wide enough, it's a trail to travel on God's ship, but where do we go from here?

"If I did it all the way southwest, I'd be clockwise from the western point. Yeah?


It was a row of purgatory skies flying on God's ship, where the general policy was determined by the proposal of the Horn and it seemed to be spiritually depressing just to watch.

"... the castle."

"... it's a castle, right?"

"... it's a castle"

Fifteen minutes later. Arriving at the westernmost point with a dense concentration of air, Honda had discovered a shitty giant castle full of evil tastes and intimidation that would make her want to call it the Demon King's Castle.

"Difficult, this."


"It depends on whether you're missing it or not, but it's probably going to take a lot of exploration and strategy..."

"As soon as I get in, the boss room, unless it's something like that, it's probably going to take a lot of work to break through the dungeon normally."

An exterior castle called Demon King Castle, no matter how you look at it. Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables don't even try to hide the annoying look from the expected development from it. The castle of this hand is so complex that the structure makes you want to cry.

"You promised me that there would be more advanced demonic monsters inside..."

"Let's do it. I don't know, by the time I get here, I'll have a pretty good shot down, so there's a lot of grubby fish in here, so let's do it all the time."

"Totally, a nasty dungeon."

In the dungeon, there is another dungeon. Tatsuya's expression is also bitter on the structure that I can only describe that way.

"Well, I can't help being stupid. Do you want to go inside?"

"Let it go. If you don't need to go up the stairs or something, you can break through the worst walls and break through the shortest distance."


I hear it's time to get tired of the dungeon offense that's prolonging, which is also pretty fruitless. How Tatsuya agrees with Hiroshi's rambling and abusive opinions.

"Master, what about the chest?

"The guy on the route collects it, but we don't have to bother looking until we open it."

Copy that.

Stopping by, exploring every corner at times like this, is the usual policy, said Shimahiro in the Azma Workshop. And no one disagrees.

Perhaps the problem is that the lowest level of purgatory is too wide. Exploring every corner from the beginning, it seems impossible to imitate, and when there will be castles of equal size in the rest of the three directions if they are as expected, it seems that they will lose the will to explore them in a decent detail.

Purgatory specific visuals that I can only imagine coming to sharpen the gloomy air and spirit are also factors that are distracting me to explore in detail. A space that seems to freak out before you reach the lower levels if you're a regular person if you do poorly is not a place you want to stay too long, no matter how evolved or guarded by a kamikaze is.

Come on, I want to end the Purgatory offense. Because of that feeling, the five minds were united at a level where a robot with a super electromagnetic feel could merge in one shot.

This is the only story that is bigger than cozy nagging, that the monsters that have been put in place by the shelling of God's ships by the time they get here have been turned into about half their gear, as a reason for their disgust with the offense.

Note that I have already stopped manipulating probabilities by calling them trials when I tell them in the honor of the Divine Cloak. More than half of the equipment has been turned into gear, mainly because the physique of spring vegetables supports the work of appetite sensors.

"Well, obviously there's a pile of them across this gate..."

"Mm-hmm. Five hundred arc demons as far as I can tell. There are also several generals. Currently increasing in progression"

"If Oxide Circle works, yeah, ducks..."

Almost no oxide circle works for dungeon monsters. Without that example, oxide circles only have a binding effect on monsters that come out of purgatory.

Happiness or unhappiness In Purgatory, monsters defeated like ice dungeons are transformed into materials and items without stripping. For this reason, even if oxide circles don't work, you don't need the difficulty of knocking them down to avoid doing extra damage to get the material.

I don't need it, but when it comes to tailoring someone in this dense state all at once, it's hard to magic into the convenience of an Oxide Circle that has expanded its range of effects.

"Well, it doesn't work. Together, it's going to blow you away, kick your ass all at once."

"Even all the time, Tomahawk Rain can't get in here. Besides, no matter how rotten they are, the monsters at the bottom of purgatory appear, and no matter how many phantom swords and places, they can be used by Mr. Makoto to attack an intermediate range, just as surely they can't do with a single blow. Do something similar to your brother around here?

"Right. If it's possible, it's like a magic compressed version of Hell Inferno."

"If you do that, it won't be the same if you burn them all in the castle."

"Well, I guess that's okay."


To Tatsuya's words, think only for a moment. In the meantime, Tatsuya already keeps the magic compression going. There is no guarantee that they will wait for this action, even though it depends on the conclusion of the macro. No matter how you roll, it doesn't hurt to be ready.

"Well, yeah. Brother, please."

"Ooh. Spring vegetables, amplified are the best."

Copy that.

Tatsuya receives the decision of Hiroshi and asks Spring Vegetables for auxiliary magic of the amplification system before entering the chant of Hell Inferno. As Hiroshi said earlier, there is no guarantee that any monster that comes out at the bottom of Purgatory can be dropped with a single blow of normal attack skills, even if it is an attack using artifacts.

That's not even the Hell Inferno, which boasts the strongest range attack, as a non-extra skill, and given individual differences and resistance, the Generals could still burn arc demons, and even lower Greater Demons if poorly done.

Therefore, when it came to definitively stopping, it was necessary to use some means to make it more powerful, and it was the quickest and most effective and easiest to use in a situation like this one.

Above all, amplification magic basically amplifies the power of an attack used within five seconds of activation with a multiplier based on skill. Normally, it takes more than thirty seconds just to chant, and it is very hard to say that HellInferno is compatible in terms of timing when it is difficult to tell how well the chant is going from others.

This time, thanks to the artifact, laminated chanting is easier to do and magic compression is smooth. Hell Inferno, which would otherwise require a lot of chanting time, can also be activated in about five seconds. Therefore, the timing of activation can sometimes be adjusted by Tatsuya, and its incompatibility is not an issue.

"Nevertheless, I wonder how much purgatory is the lowest level of purgatory, even though the artifact is supposed to show overwhelming performance by its name, but I don't know if I can definitely finish one miscellaneous fish..."

"Sister Makoto. It's not uncommon to have RPG."

"This isn't a game, it's a reality, but you can't break through the walls there after all, hey..."

"No matter how many artifacts you say, there are limitations at the point where humans are using them. Because masters and spring sisters usually kill a single blow as long as they let it strike directly"

"After all, that's what this is all about..."

With Tatsuya and Spring Vegetables ready to push off at once, Shinji, who has finally been admitted yet has to experience a lack of power, leaks a blur and pokes a harsh reality at Mio.

As Mio puts it, even online games, rather than regular consumer games, are about as rare in the later dungeons of the RPG as it is to be able to hunt miscellaneous fish in one blow, even with the strongest equipment, so it's not strange that the true harp can't definitely tailor this hierarchy of monsters while waving the Phantom Knife.

However, in the present situation, where even the miscellaneous fish cannot definitely be stopped with a single blow, there is no choice but to become anxious in terms of whether the damage can be passed on to the Evil God opponent, who is the Lasboss, or whether it will be a decent battle before then.

With such genuine harp anxiety, Tatsuya's Hell Inferno is activated, at which time the castle gate is opened. And...

"Hell Inferno!"

Herinferno, who has overwhelmingly compressed his magic and rewritten his nature to limit the range to only the monsters on the property in front of him, not to use extra energy for the destruction of buildings, etc., burns down precisely only the interior of the castle.

"... Eh. I knew the rest of the burn was coming out."

"Ahhh, just can't help but daemon load. He's the final boss of the middle class."

"I mean, that's what's left of burning, which means the boss is usually left of burning."

Tatsuya mourns the lack of firepower, like True Harp, as she tries to intercept the Demon Road, which has come out with still enough combat power left.

Most importantly, no matter how multistage you amplify your firepower, the Boss Monster of Purgatory is not inherently brittle enough to die a blow from every attack by an unevolved artifact that humans handle. In the case of Hell Inferno, all the more so because purgatory bosses are standard and resistant fire attributes.

Tatsuya should rather be proud, as Demon Duke, which is the upper tier lass boss, would have died with a ninety-nine percent blow, and the remaining one percent would have demonstrated just enough firepower to die at a level normally held hostage by physics.

"I guess the only way I can figure it out with gear and ideas is from here on out, I only have training, but hey..."

"When I get here, I want to go back to Japan as soon as possible. I don't want to take that time."


True Harp and Mio have such a conversation while cutting off the remaining daemon loads from the burn with a combined attack without giving them time to fight back. If we fight properly, even there are artifacts. A total annihilation crisis awaits us. Demon Road, but it seems that 70% of the life force was cut off and not a single one was truncated for each counterattack with a dashing sword that cleaves everything.

If you see a front-line strategy group in the game age that has never been able to reach Demon Road and, on the contrary, has been wiped out quite often by even Demon Duke opponents, it is a sight of anger at how much luxury you are talking about.

"Well, it's a hassle, but it's an exploration."

"Maybe we'll leave Lord and Duke behind, so be careful."

"And I think the boss of this castle is usually alive and well. It's not surprisingly diminishing."

"Master, Sister Chun, how shredded do you think you are now?

"It's not an extra skill, so if I go half way, your word, right?

"I guess that's the place. I was just wondering if you'd be glad to crush every castle in Geocatastrophe, or something like that. What do you say?

"That's the next castle, yah. I haven't had a cool time since I've been here."

With that conversation, a line breaking into the Castle of Demons.

It was not until two hours later that they had finished their quest for the castle, lost in their inner strays, and had laid down Gundorf, the Lord of the castle and the lowest boss.

"I took it for granted that no one could attack..."


"I mean, I didn't know you'd be polite enough to prepare different castle and monster types in the East, West, North and South..."

"You were caught off guard because the monsters were all daemon..."

"Hmm, it was just a shock that the Great Ghost of Armored Warriors flew and raided..."

The last time I attacked the Chinese-style castle I left behind, I escaped by tailoring my boss, the Succubus Princess of the Demon King, and I unfolded the cottage and finally took a breather, a line blurry with a distant eye. So far, it's been a hassle.

That said, the Arabic-style court that was in the north was still good. I have punished a lot in the first castle, and I finished each castle by crushing it with Sakuri Castle in Geocatastrov, so it hassle-free of one thing.

Actually, the magic lamp (true), which is the boss drop, has disappeared and no one knows about it, but it probably wouldn't have been a shame to know, because it doesn't help the wish to be fulfilled where it was.

But the other two things Geokatastrov couldn't use because of his cool-time relationship were going to be a real pain in the ass.

The Japanese-style castle, which was in the East, was simple in its very structure, but tough and awesome when the boss's Purgatory Kid did it, and was damaged with less true harp and Mio by a phrase that hit through the Guardian field, which was supposed to be fortified with Sentinel Guard.

Eighty-five Holy Heaven octopolar cannons and two hundred and sixty tomahawk rains have actually burst until the Phantom Knife grows during the battle and the slashed wounds can no longer be regenerated, and only a few Ostosol and Sentinel Guards have stopped the attacks.

As far as the last Chinese-style castle was concerned, the structure was troublesome, but the boss was a troublesome type for the price, and toughness, anyway, even took the trouble of just doing damage to the diverse means of defense and the constant summons of surroundings themselves.

Most importantly, the Chinese boss's prodigal princess was difficult because Mio, who made a mistake in judging from tiredness at the end, was caught by the prodigal princess and failed to resist a state anomaly that was supposed to succeed ninety-nine percent.

Needless to say, Higashi doesn't know the boss's name or anything.

"I don't know, Mio. If you couldn't help but get caught by mistake, you didn't deliberately eat horny, did you?

"Not on purpose. I'm innocent."

"I'd like to think that it's impossible to think about how much or what it takes to eat a state anomaly by punching out a kamikaze or a panacea."

"I don't deny that I was interested in what it's like to be a common horny, eating pornography or something. But I'm innocent."

Mio pales a very suspicious word. No one but himself knows if the redness is due to aftertaste or shame when he was eating a state anomaly.

"I mean, no matter how much I do, I'm not going out of my way to imitate the state anomalies my boss has been using"

"For once, I trust you there. Because of the type of state anomaly, in your case, there are aspects you can't trust from your daily behavior."

"Hey, Sister Jin Qin. I didn't even know it was horny until I ate it in the first place, or I didn't even know there was such a state anomaly in their attack, but I can imitate how scared I am to eat it deliberately..."

"... right. That's true."

Unusual, Mio's persuasive objections about this kind of thing. Listen to that, Makoto, who holds the spear.

In fact, nobody knew what Mio ate until Spring Vegetables used his powers as a space-time god to analyze it. However, it was only decided that Mio, caught by a corrupt princess who had metastasized, had eaten a strange state anomaly from suddenly starting to leak a troubled voice.

In the first place, there was no such thing as a state abnormality as profanity when playing games. It is a game of all ages, naturally because sexual function is not a type of state anomaly that can be implemented no matter how hard you try, in specifications that are all but inseparable around the senses in the first place.

For this reason, I never thought that there would be such a state abnormality that I would want to say which erosion was there until Mio actually ate it.

"But I don't know I can't disarm it with a panacea..."

"It feels like I checked it out, and it looks like I did half a curse. Conditional anomalies with strong curse elements are outside the jurisdiction of the panacea."

"Oh, I see. You know what?"

Tatsuya hears Hiroshi's explanation and understands why Mio didn't go back to normal with the panacea. I guess the panacea means it's only medicine.

"I understand a lot of logic, but even more importantly, the next thing I know about Hiroshi and now Spring Vegetables is that they ate Mio, which is highly resistant to abnormalities."

"Not on purpose"

"Exactly, I'm not suspicious there anymore. But the Kamikaze must have improved state abnormality tolerance, right?

"Follow me?

"I don't know if it's too much to eat."

"The curse is so powerful when the dying one..."

Tell Zhenqin's question why there is likely to be a macro. that, only to curse, it is impossible to allow man to prevent a hundred percent completely. Even if you try to keep the kamikaze together, depending on the obsession of the opponent and the prep, you will be cursed lightly without being able to resist.

On top of that, the corrupt princess is not ashamed of her name, and the moves that make man care about it abound. The moment he caught Mio, he also used the best of his hand's manifold to switch it on in an instant, making the curse more receptive.

Because of those piles, Mio's mind, which had accumulated a little fatigue so far, could not resist the curse for just a few moments.

"Well, it's an abnormal condition. I'll go beyond eating it here even if it comes out in the future, and I can't be overly alert because of the rather special circumstances that I ate, but, uh..."

"I hope so. Honestly, I don't want to taste that awkward air again..."

"Right. I'm having trouble with the way my eyes work, and I'm kind of feeling weird this way..."

"Honestly, I was pretty tough even if I just endured being attacked by Sister Chun and Sister True Qin..."

Spring vegetables and genuine harp that I agree would like that to happen while dyeing my face red to the macro saying that it will probably be okay next time. Mio also remembers a lot, he mouths something outrageous, nodding cocklessly with a bright red face like an apple with no expression.

In fact, Mio, when he was eating a state anomaly, was desperately putting up with the likelihood of reaching out to himself as well as to other people's bodies when he was caught off guard, forcing him to imitate in vain the high spiritual strength of enduring the stimulus of running all over his body with just a little movement.

If this was probably not the lowest level of purgatory, no one nearby, or just spring vegetables or true harps, there is no denying the possibility that the taga was off in a sexual sense.

Hiroshi and Tatsuya are being omitted here because neither of them is the counterpart to the act. Assuming that it was attacked by a macro, just enough female phobia has not yet been corrected to be able to enter into sexual activity, and in the present situation, there is only a future in which Mio is frightened or frightened by a bee to return the favor. Also, if it's any other woman regarding Tatsuya, only Mio doesn't care about Tatsuya's opponents even in a horny state.

The safety of the men was only ensured without trying, but whether it was a pleasure or not would be set aside.

For the record, Mio, in a horny state, notes that his eyes moistened on his exasperated cheeks, his hot and troubled exhalation when he did it, his hair disturbed by sweat, and yet his expression itself was faceless and so leaky in colour that he did not seem to be the same person as his everyday appearance, which did not make him feel more colourful or erotic than Spring Vegetables, that he was in such a state that it was not the words of Spring Vegetables and Makoto but his surroundings were also quite questionable about his mental strength.

"In the meantime, I feel a little tired, so let's get some rest today"

"That's better. Mio was something you would never eat."

"Then we head back to the castle?

"I know you should go back, but when you get out of the dungeon, you don't know if you can do it from this continuation is the neck"

"I don't know. It's a little bit like doing the same thing..."

Silence to the ambitious comment on Spring Vegetable Anxiety without anyone coming up with a word of objection.

"... If we can even make sure it's safe, why don't we just have a cottage here?

"Vote for our brother."

"I'd like to pass this place again in time."

"Hey, let's just get away from this castle and camp in the right place."

In the end, a line that fears the risk of being forced to attack Purgatory again from the beginning and decides to camp with multiple boundaries close to the starting point.

"I'm just settling down, it's time to get ready for dinner..."

"Stress relief at times like this is limited to grilled meat."

"Right. Because of this, how about scattering all kinds of meat in your hand, the best parts?

"That's nice. I felt like meat today, too."

"Hmm, I want to eat a lot more than usual, in a plethora of sunshine today"

He was so stressed, that this evening's dinner was full of luxury parts of Behemoth and Galvalenzia.

"Is that it, Mr. Spring Vegetable?


Perhaps at a late hour. Spring vegetables were somehow blurry and looking at the sky as the awakened macro went outside the cottage.

"I don't want to, in this place"

"Somehow, I couldn't sleep"

Spring vegetables answer in a somewhat discouraged fashion to the worryingly enquiring macro. I'm really worried about the way it looks.

He's a classmate for once, even though he had little contact in Japan, and he's the longest opponent to act together since he was flown here. Naturally I would also be worried if I could show an attitude that I usually control the feelings of this hand well but can tell that I am depressed, albeit somewhat.

"Oh, my God, I feel like I'm falling apart, but I really don't."

"... this time, I'm really annoying everyone..."

"Annoying?... Oh, you mean power"

Guess why the spring vegetables are depressed, and the macro sighs unexpectedly.

Certainly annoying when it comes to annoyance, but if you say about this one, the appetite sensors are simply doing the job. It is simply true that it is a little flashy in scale, but honestly, even without the physique of spring vegetables, this is often the case.

Speaking of annoyance, etc., it's not enough to cross a macro that is swinging around doing a lot of nasty things that come to mind.

"If you get depressed about this, I'm in my shoes."

"... is that right?

"Saya. Even if you think about it, look. Were there any more things about Leviathan, like Dar's underground or Faure's militant tournament? I just kept coming up with it, but I swung around like I wanted to, you know, three things?

"... that's not even an example of how we can attack one of you because we can't offer objections to losing or braking our desires either..."

"But it's true that you can do whatever you want on your own, and the scale of the nuisance that affects you is comparable."

I'm willing to reflect and regret it, but I snuck up and listened to the words of Macro, and I accidentally erupt small spring vegetables. To that fascinating smile, a macro secretly raises his chest wondering if he feels any better.

Normally, it's a very attractive spring vegetable smile, like dodgy or falling in love again in a romantic sense, but there it is. What I was looking at was a macro.

I've seen all these smiles scattered so far, and there's nothing bigger than shaking my emotions now.

Before that, aren't you in love with Spring Vegetables to this extent or are you actually in love with her yourself? Spring vegetables have not struggled so far, if you seem to think of it as such.

"For now, ya. I've been perfectly conscious until yesterday, and all of a sudden I can control it today."

"But it doesn't make sense, does it?

"Sora, I don't know how to leave much alone. I'll do something early, Haruya-san. I'll do something with my personal efforts. It's a mistake all the time, maybe."


"Try to remember a bike or something? Until we can get on it, we're gonna put an auxiliary wheel on it or somebody's gonna support it or something?

"... I've never done anything like that on a bike ride..."

"... from this, the genius type of human being..."

An unexpected macro with a head for the undevelopment of the story I gave you as an example.

As a matter of fact, Spring Vegetables could move a child's body if they practiced, without particular difficulty, as long as they looked at the sample for the most part, they had been made to above average level in a single try. Even if you don't, you don't have the experience to be assisted by someone because you've stepped into enough space as an amateur in less than three months if you practice properly.

"Well, Spring Vegetables himself, it's unusual or irrelevant for the public to use aids until they get used to it, or for someone to assist them, so if you approach it in that way about this one, yeah, just so."

"On that side? For example?"

"God, are you full of gods? It's rare to take a unique tool. Spring vegetables, if you make them like that, yeah."

"Make, even if they say..."

"Don't worry, but I'll make it, Sora. I don't know, Spring Vegetables and Mio still make weapons artifacts, and I just make them in the stream."

"... thanks"

"Tools and equipment are my property. It's like being thankful. This way."

"... Still, thanks"

Spring vegetables that say thank you from the bottom of their hearts with a flying smile, dyeing their cheeks with joy, to a macro who says strangely masculine things.

As a matter of fact, at this time, I was thinking extra things about Mio's colored incense, and all kinds of telepathic things about it from Kamikaze, and so on, and I feel more comfortable looking after them for all the inconvenience. I feel extra inside about the fact that they were in a flowing mood, but even if I subtracted it, I'm sure my feelings surfaced more than when I was looking at the sky.

"Well, even if we do it, if we boss tomorrow, we'll talk about burns after we knock them down."

"... yeah, you are"

"Well, that's why, when I worry too deeply"

"... yeah"

"We can go to bed, but we'd better get some sleep to finish safely tomorrow. Yeah."

"... yeah, I know. Thanks for today, good night."

"Ho, good night"

After seeing that his troubles cleared up, this time he drove the spring vegetables to the cottage. Only Arc Demons who were sucked up to the junction by the worms invited to the insecticidal lamp burned down and extinguished were watching the two very healthy young people, depending on what they saw.

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