"Hong-kun, it's time for dinner."

"Is it that time already?"

Spring vegetables come to call for dinner when they satisfy scattered manufacturing desires and when the faces of the hong are becoming more matte.

"Spring vegetables, this"

"Have you done it yet?


Unexpectedly, spring vegetables black-and-white their eyes at the exact end of the spectrum as they hand over the chain bracelet.

I just thought it would take a little more.

"Well, even if I could, there are a lot of things that you can actually put on and adjust while observing the progress."

"Still, I didn't expect to be able to do it so soon."

"I have a sense of being a little rampant while I'm making it, but nothing. Get out of my hands?

"I trust you there. I mean, you don't like one of these things, getting out of hand for no reason, do you?

Spring vegetables that respond that way while bitterly laughing at the claims of the Hong while wrapping the received chain bracelet around his left wrist.

In fact, all the things that Macro has ever been out of hand with in connection with manufacturing are those that need to be mass-produced outside of the Azma Workshop, and yet cost issues have been involved. And, technically, rather than out of hand, I was right in pursuing the highest quality with too much scope that would not be a problem.

With regard to one item, there are many things that could not have been made at that time, involving the budget, power relations between states, and power balance within the organization, rather than that pattern being more common after Lauren.

Either way, let's just say that it's just the right case that I've handed it down rather than out of hand.

"Seya, but this time it looks like it, and Spring Vegetables is going to give you the finished product sooner than you expected? I don't know if I'm going to be questioned."

"I like this kind of simplicity, and I know that simple design stuff is actually pretty hard, so I don't think it's clueless just because it looks like it. Besides, it makes sense that you made this design, right?

"For once. Even if you wear it all the time, if you make it a very flashy and conspicuous design, when you go back over there and go back to school, it's a hassle to catch sight of the teacher and Kazaki, or just a lot of burns."

"Right. Sure, no one would say anything about this, but you can do exactly what the Queen of Dars is wearing."

"Let him? So, the silver thing is, if you do a nice simple chain, silver than gold, and the one that matted it out would look better on Spring Vegetables, too, I thought. I don't know if it's flashy or bad, but Spring Vegetables doesn't seem like a hobby."

Spring vegetables nodding joyfully, to the words of the Hong. As you can see from normal life and behavioral principles, spring vegetables basically don't like flashy outfits. Even if they don't, they're flashy in appearance, but there's some hesitation in wearing them with flashy clothes and even accessories.

Most of all, Spring Vegetables don't like flashy outfits not only because they have a plain personality, but also because they don't like it because they look nasty and retarded when they dress flashy, which is one reason why they are mixed up.

In fact, trying not to be nasty even in a flashy outfit is quite challenging. The boundaries between flashy and nasty are vague for the price, and there is also another problem involved that if you fail, you may look like a bad taste. It's an area where amateurs shouldn't get their hands on, even if they're wrong, with a high level of taste and the appearance or hips required to match it.

In the case of spring vegetables, there are items in the usual standing behavior, etc., so even if you dress a little rather flashy, there is no problem, but I'm pretty sure it just looks like a little piece of chimps who are frustrated even though they are nasty and have no strength where they worked so hard when they are around the macro.

In the case of spring vegetables, which have seen a lot of such people, there is no choice but to dress flashy, other than on a stage or formal party where flashy is the default in some ways.

In this case, the fact that plain outfits are equally difficult in different directions should not be pushed in.

"However, the weapons and protective equipment stored in it, honestly, can be quite flashy..."

"... well, all the artifacts are quite flashy except for Makoto's knife, or an externally flavored appearance, so I had some anticipation there."

"It's not as flashy as it sounds."

In the words of Hong, the face of spring vegetables is drawn. Even though Hiroshi's Divine Axe Leggles and Tatsuya's Divine Wand Jasfinia are probably flashy, I don't even want to think about flashy or anything like that.

"In the meantime, check what kind of visuals you have after dinner."

"Right. I'm a little nervous, but I will."

I can't help what I've already done. Spring vegetables so cut off and I just decided to finish dinner.

"Oh, before you do, let me make some adjustments"

"Ha ~ i"

Find the part that needs to be adjusted quickly, and the ambition to quickly adjust before meals. I take the left arm of spring vegetables because it needs to be adjusted while wearing them, but it is no longer as scary or nervous as touching the spring vegetable opponent within the bounds of common sense.

Instead, I'm so thrilled with the situation where Spring Vegetables are taken by the Macro more.

"All right, over"

I thought it might take a little longer.

"So-so the current situation, the on-off control of physical condition and limiting things to avoid happening are the limits, so complicated adjustments can be made."


Spring vegetables with an unexpectedly desperate look on the explanation of the macro. I can only be anxious about that or just my constitution when they say they made the aids because of it.

"You look like that. Because there is no room for growth for Godware and Spring Vegetables. So, well, now it's time for dinner."

"Right. I've kept you waiting."

Spring vegetables nod as they manage to suppress the flashly roaring heartbeat, turning away from the desperate mood, to the comforting words of the macro. If we don't get to the cafeteria soon, Mio looks particularly loud. Somehow Mio called out that he was hungry even in the middle of cooking.

It was a spring vegetable that suppressed the urge to prolong the time just for the two of us by thinking of Mio and Winterfell's face waiting for dinner now or now, and somehow regained their normal hearts by the time they returned to the dining room.

"Master, it's late"

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Explain a lot to Spring Vegetables and tweak things."

Shortly after entering the dining room, complaints fly from Mio. He waited now or now for the Macro to come, starving, and his gaze nails the dish in front of him.

By the way, today's dinner is Winterfell and Angelica to the Japanese team. Aeris is heading out to Alphato Castle with Alchem for a solace festival meeting, and the other workshop members are on a different menu at Urs' workshop for the flavoring of Teres and other special training.

Laurier seems to be as obsessed with her servant position as Lela is these days, and she is still thoroughly served for dinner today. Because he is not convinced by the impossibility of inviting them, he makes them like it after making an arrangement to eat together when everyone was not aligned as a compromise or some kind of celebration.

For the first time in a long time, Ra secretly crawls up onto the back of a macro and is present at the dining table, but nobody cares because it's a sight he once looked closely at.

"I'm curious about what you were explaining, but that's what you're doing while you're eating."

"Right. Mio is the limit, and Fuyuka is waiting."

Tatsuya and Makoto smile bitterly and encourage a meal as they see Mio, who is nailed to the dish in a very easy way, and Fuyuwa, who sends a thermal gaze to dinner with the same look on everyone's face. I'm starting to feel sorry for Fuyukawa, who sits quietly and behaves and endures.

"Let it go. Wait any longer, let's eat."

An ambition to declare that you will be seated in your seat promptly upon the urging of your surroundings. When that voice disappears or not, Mio quickly puts chopsticks on the grilled fish.

"I made it a fish today."

"Because the meat went on. Well, most of them are vegetable dishes."


Macro nods to the language of spring vegetables while eating a cooking match of radishes and carrots. It is true that the main one is the three kinds of fish fillets cooked, but the overall items and portions are more vegetable.

In addition to the cooking of the radishes and carrots that Hong is eating, four dishes are lined up as small bowls and accompaniments: spinach sesame, fried sprouts, peppers and broccoli, and kimpy gobo, and above all miso soup also contains radishes and potatoes.

Needless to say, fish fillets are various parts of Leviathan, and all vegetables are vegetables of God.

There is a mix of vegetables that I think I hate for my kids, but Fuyuwa looks happy about who she looks like, and she bakubaku flattens her vegetable dishes deliciously.

With this look, even if it's not as good as spring vegetables or aeris, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with likes or dislikes.

"Hmm. Kids often don't like peppers, carrots, broccoli, etc., but Fuyuwa doesn't seem like it."

"Peppers are going to get used to this bitterness!

"It also has an unusual preference"

"When I was in elementary school, Mio couldn't have peppers, carrots, broccoli or spinach..."

"My brothers, they're eating delicious now, so they don't steam back."

Tatsuya is smugly impressed by the difference with Mio when she sees Fuyuwa, who has a high appetite and doesn't like or dislike her. Mio protests against Tatsuya, who is steamed back such an old thing and seems uncomfortable.

Now is a good time to eat Mio, but he was originally a child with some illnesses, thin food, and a very heavy bias. The meat was seldom spoken of except in the luxury areas, which were easy to eat and tasty, and the fish also treated the bones and guts properly, trying to eat only what they could eat without the hassle. As far as vegetables are concerned, they don't look at anything but potato salad, so much so that if they were peppers or anything else to look at, they would have left no expression on their face.

Since then, the accident has made nutritional intake impossible other than infusions, and Mio has been reminded of the gratitude of being able to eat, including being allowed to fast for about three days after being flown into this world. As a result, the kind of bias that is not very different from mere selfishness has been largely corrected, but that is why it is a past that I want to seal as black history when it comes to likes and dislikes that are not acceptable because they are children with difficulty back then.

Nevertheless, originally alone, in fact, the bigotry itself was not completely corrected. There are quite a few things that you can't really eat, such as guts and delicacies like firefly squid, starting with levers, and things that are hard to eat unless they are extremely flavored, like mozuku vinegar.

However, almost everything that cannot be eaten is something that even adults can't eat where they have tried so hard that even adults can divide their likes and dislikes, so they no longer like it and are cautioned.

"Still, carrots and bell peppers are vegetables that kids don't like."

"At least in our hideout, it was an ingredient that kids didn't really like. In the first place, there are all the ingredients lined up here today, probably some of the divine areas, hiding places, or Farlane."

"Ah, so is that."

Spring vegetables nod, if you ask me, to Angelica's point. At least I didn't see radishes or gobo in marcto, and I don't think peppers were in the foray. Dar doesn't have carrots and spinach, and Lauren doesn't see the type of potato close to a potato.

Considering this, I have to wonder if the villages of Urs and Ortem, which were basically all of these, though similar, were really rich in terms of diet.

Regardless, there is naturally an ingredient that you don't see, so much so that the ingredients are brought in from all over Farlane. However, there are no countries beyond Farlane, and there are no cities beyond Ursus, if only variations of ingredients aligned domestically.

"But I was wondering if the people over here in general can't afford to say how much they like it or dislike it..."

"There were not so many children in me who could not eat and waste their lives. Again, there is something really hard to eat. Especially peppers and carrots, because sometimes they can taste so strange that even adults don't eat them, they definitely hate kids who have hit it first. Even if you don't, the unique smell of pepper bitterness and carrots is something that kids can easily hate."

"Ah, that's the situation."

"Mm-hmm. Whatever, if you grow up in a four-fifths environment, you can say whether you like it or not. Look at the fam and lime, you know what I mean?

Spring vegetables that are basically put out to engage lime with fam that you don't say you like or dislike if you don't have much to spare, and are heartily convinced. In fact, the fams said they liked or disliked it when fams didn't accept carbonated drinks at best. Other than that, the only thing that complains about ingredients are monster (luxury) ingredients that we don't think fit our heights, or unscrupulous things that don't come up with the idea of eating unless they're as bad as spring vegetables, and later things that we don't talk about because of food culture and things that we certified as bad enough that 10,000 people can't eat.

I thought that was standard because I was looking at those fams, but they still have some likes and dislikes in layers where even ordinary people have never had that much trouble eating. Especially in the case of fur lanes and hideouts, even if you lay down whether you eat enough to be full every time, you can afford food and the common people's flair as much as you can choose.

Most likely, if I lived in an Azma workshop, I wouldn't be able to like or dislike it in a different way. Unless there's a reason why I really don't accept the smell and texture physiologically, I've had trauma eating it and dying in the past, etc., it just comes out so delicious that I can't imitate it like I like it or not.

"But I thought there might be a little more for kids, both in type and quantity..."

"You're eating up..."

"This is a big influence on who the parent brothers are..."

While we were talking about that, when I saw it, Fuyuka finished eating her quota and enjoyed dessert satisfactorily. It is something that we should wait and serve until everyone has finished eating, such as dessert after meals, but we do not know when we will still be in reboot mode for updates in the case of Fuyukawa. So I'm trying to feed you all the menus I've prepared while you're awake.


"You've eaten well, Ra Ra"

"Mom's rice, I can eat a lot because it's delicious"

Winter Wah praised by Spring Vegetables and proclaimed so with joy. But my expression is already going to sleep, either because I'm full or to update it to what I've been through today.

"Then why don't we brush our teeth and rest today?"


Okay, okay, I'll stroke your head, and then I'll leave Winterfell with Laurier. I don't know about sitting in the middle of a meal, but I'm not going to be able to stay awake until I'm done with it. After this, I'll tell you something very important, so I honestly decided to leave Winterfell to Laurier.

"So I explained something to Spring Vegetables and it was late, or so he said, is that chain?

"Saya. Now that you have your Spring Vegetable artifact, explain it lightly."

"I see. But, you know, it's pretty simple and plain."

"I'm going to forget that you guys are in high school these days..."

Tatsuya and Makoto immediately recall Honda's original position by looking at the chain bracelet that became the Spring Vegetable Goddess and putting in too much plain. Exactly the second year in this world, things around it tend to be subtly forgotten.

"So, was that explanation such a big deal?

"Not yet, no big deal. At best, even if the layers and armor designs stored there become so flashy, they don't have to be. One way or the other, we'll just have a little time to adjust."

"Flashy, hey. Does that fancy feel like it's at the level of eating the look of spring vegetables, or getting gothic and nasty?

"No, no, that direction or ahem. One way or another, a statue of a god or a Buddha or something. Because the base material is material, it doesn't feel like such a product. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can only go in the mythical direction."

"I see. Well, Spring Vegetables is a goddess, so there won't be any problems with flashy dishes on that side."

Tatsuya listens to Hiroshi's explanation and is convinced of a lot of things. If you ask me, the weapons protective equipment made of Shinto steel and world trees as a connection are all mythically shaped but unproductive or too ill for a cook, far from such an image.

As a matter of fact, the connecting equipment made solely of divine steel and world trees is not yet. However, what was made as artifacts does not reflect in any way the will of the macroscopic in the shape. Forging and cutting normally while fusing core materials naturally takes that form.

"As a matter of fact, I'm still looking at what Spring Vegetables would look like if they were equipped."

"I don't know what kind of design it is, either, because I've only heard about it being so flashy."

"Well, the gear's on the run, so let's start with dinner."


You don't have to bother interrupting your meal until you check your gear. That's right, there's a convergence of opinions, and the Hong and Spring Vegetables flatten the remaining third or so of the dinner with a calm attitude. Tatsuya and Makoto smile bitterly at the way it is and indulge in cooking along with good liquor.

If you think about it, there aren't as many times left to surround dinner like this in this member. You should not be impure and enjoy cooking and conversation.

"Speaking of which, does that bracelet have a name or something?

"Well, yeah, I can't think of a name and I'm putting it on hold. At least we should avoid names that seem to be related to existing gods, and often the source of words in those hands is quite related to gods and myths."

Zhenqin asks me, and Hiroshi answers that with a bitter smile. When it comes to artifacts, you can't be bad at naming one.

"Ah, you mean the same as when you decided to name Fuyuka?

"That's what this is about. If I give you a name that reminds you of Alfemina, even if I'm wrong, I can't think of a name, so I thought I'd throw a round at Spring Vegetables."

"Don't you think it's okay for us to have a spring vegetable bracelet? There are quite a few cases of sacred objects and later, believers and sheltered human beings naming themselves."

"Well, from Spring Vegetable's Divine Gear. Still, eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh, but even assuming it's a Divine Gear, eh eh? I don't have a lot of questions..."

"Me, I don't really care about that, so I guess I could use a spring vegetable bracelet, huh?

"If the person does it, yes. If I do that name, I can have weird connections with other gods, all the time."

A bracelet of divine utensils that decides on a very cheap name with a single voice of spring vegetable cranes. Even though there are a lot of difficult circumstances and I can't help it, this is the only story where Angelica accidentally had a distant eye for the appearance of Higashi, who gives too appropriate and cheap a name to the divine artifact.

"Well, if you've decided to talk, do you mind if I ask how you guys move in the future? Depending on the movement, it will also affect the timing of this people's withdrawal."

"I don't know. In the meantime, I'll start talking about it tomorrow, but when I check the state of Spring Vegetables' artifacts and armaments, I think I'll step on it for now, too. So, then, it feels like I'm gonna go around the temple of Lord Angelt, the sky god, and Lord Soles, the sun god, and then I'm gonna fight and sell it to the evil gods for the last time. Well, it remains to be seen which way the temple or Nara will go."

"I see. So how about three days in the long run?"

"Let's do that"

Spring vegetables react to the phrase "about three days in the long run." Mio notices how it is, and talks to Spring Vegetables.

"Sister Chun, anything left to worry about?

"... Got it?

"Mm-hmm. That said, Master and one untrained under the roof, that's dismissed"

"I mean, it's not like there's any untrained about living cute like this with everyone, but it's not that way."

"So what?

"It's not a big deal, or even more so now, it's something they're going to say."

Now Higashi shows how he realized something in the dialogue. Angelica makes such an astonishing face to such a magnificent man.

"Something seems to have come to light, but what does Harna leave untrained?

"It's really not a big deal, but I want to do a stall once before I go home."

"... a stall?

"Yeah. In a way, it's our starting point, and I haven't had a chance to do it in quite a while, so I hope I haven't done it in a while."

"... the goddess, the stall?

Angelica accidentally puts a doubtful penetration into the untrained contents of spring vegetables with a jitty eye. Unfortunately, there were times when she didn't have just the right clearance time after her rendezvous with Angelica, and she doesn't know about the past when Honda was stalling whenever she sat back in the newly based city.

"Well, Mr. Spring Vegetables wants to do it, I know all the time, but the stalls are in time after the evil gods are over."


"Saya. I don't know, maybe we can't go back there, at least after the solace ceremony or the aftermath around it."


"I don't know, after I let go of the heavenly and earth fluctuating cannons in the desert, it didn't work right away for a good reason. Try suddenly to get rid of such a persistent obstacle. There's a huge impact on space-time and the world's walls."

Everyone is convinced in one shot by the words of a very convincing macro.

If you think about it, even if the fragments just came back to life or vanished, it was pretty much affecting us here and there. Without the Big Book Evil God, that would have an impact that wouldn't go out of style anymore.

"Besides, even if we don't go back, we have to adjust the chronological order of the alfemina and the others to get it back. On the day Spring Vegetables and I got back on our own, we figured out which timeline we're going to be on over there."

"Even if Hong and Spring Vegetables combine, is that what it is?

"I don't know what to expect too much, but both I and Spring Vegetables are new to America. Traveling between worlds and know-how is completely awesome, so you can't succeed in one shot."

"Had I been lucky with spring vegetables, I wouldn't have figured out what kind of coincidence it would have attracted in the first place..."

"That's what this is all about"

Makoto accepts a lot of convincing stories about whether I'll have to take care of you in this world for a while now. It's bad for Tatsuya, but if I get here already, it's not a big difference about half a month or January.

"Well, the story around here is also for calculation purposes on the assumption that we can defeat the evil gods if we are safe."

"You don't think Hiro can do it?

"Whether you can win or not. This is from a new America, a god who doesn't even know what his powers are. It's gonna be a battle, but I know what kind of accident it's gonna be."

Together we silence ourselves without objection to the words of our grandeur, remembering all that has been said. Head-on is the tri-executive battle that was still in the grip of party devastation.

We have already gotten over it in the sense of trauma, but that series of events is still engraved in many ways.

"Later, ghosts laugh when I say things not too far ahead, and I just talk after it's over, it stinks like a flag"

"I don't know what you're trying to say, but it's not a good idea to overestimate your enemies too mies. I don't know, I don't know if it's a one-time outing, but if you let me tell you, I think we should just deal with it as usual without making mistakes.

"It's like taking charge of gen around here. Either way, let's start with tomorrow's dungeon offense and the temple search."

"Before that, would it be a confirmation of spring vegetable gear? We're all done eating just fine, and how about it's time for a revelation?

"That's what you did. I made all the other artifact gear I could make, other than Mio's bow, me and Haruna at once."

With that said, a macro distributes new equipment to everyone. Thinking about the future, all the new equipment has one-touch detachable specifications.

"... well, I guess this is what our protective gear looks like"

"Right. But if I made this with a pra or something, I'd definitely look like a little cosplay or a chef."

"Well. I mean, I can't help thinking about protective equipment in the first place."

Tatsuya responds so bitterly to the words of Makoto, dressed in a half-plated artifact, Divine Armor Ousum, with a robe artifact, feathers of Divine Set Orstead. Both have only the final equipment of a fantasy RPG, with a pointy design that is truly full of extraneous flavors.

The visual is quite intense when you line up Mio's leather armor, Shelfiel the Divine Koa, to Ostosol the Divine Armor of the Horn.

What the hell is this group? Honestly, such a question is inevitable no matter how.

"Even so, Mio is going to have a hard time controlling weapons."

"... not very much appreciated"

"So, the key spring vegetables have been..."

So when True Harp turns his gaze to Spring Vegetables, there's a look of Spring Vegetables with a distressed look on his hand with a rapier who changes the color of his body like Aurora.

"... it's flashy when it comes to flashy"

"Yeah. When the weapon is this, I'm scared of what's going on with the armor and I'm really stomping..."

"Well, it feels more mysterious, or fantastic, than flashy, and that expression feels more right, and the armor should probably be on that side, too?

"I don't think so, but I have a bad feeling about wearing the same series of armor as this..."

"Give up and put some armor on at a time when you're holding that sword in many ways. We have to equip ourselves when dealing with evil gods."

"... yeah, you are"

Zhenqin told me, ready and dressed in armor spring vegetables. As soon as all combat gear is in place, the hairstyle changes to half-ups on its own, as does the bracelet and kamikaze design.

Breast plate of spring vegetables like armored Aurora. With it, the shoe also changes to a boot with even the knee, and with the cape becomes a creviceless hesitation.

Divine power, amplified by being fully equipped, began to creep out. majesty as an overflowing god.

Coupled with its beauty, Spring Vegetables reigned there as a goddess with nothing to do with anyone's eyes.

"... this is..."

"... are you serious..."

"... Wow..."

The look of the finished spring vegetables. Tatsuya and Makoto, Mio, who are drunk by their majesty and divinity and lose their words. The fact that spring vegetables are no longer what they are, which we have not been particularly aware of before. At this time, the true harp and the human group finally realized the truth.

Head high. We have to kneel fast. Why, until now, did you think it was reciprocal? Our Goddess, merciful and gentle. From now on, I have to change my mind and serve my whole life as a loyal servant.

Tatsuya and Makoto, Mio, who are completely sane and begin to stop thinking in the religious direction. Spring vegetables with an anxious, crying grin so frightened by how they look. When I saw the look on that spring vegetable's face, it was the true harp that first noticed my ugliness.

"... Huh!?

"... Makoto-san?

I feel sorry for you.


"You knew that spring vegetables were like this when you brought me and Tatsuya back to life. And yet, there's so much to be sad about being drunk and thankful for just being a little decent..."

So true harp that slaps itself on the cheek as much as you want. It sounds good with Pern, and the stunning Momiji rises on both of its cheeks.

"Ma, Makoto-san!?

"Shh...! I woke up..."

Spring vegetables that round their eyes to abrupt behavior and speak out somewhere in a hurry. Makoto responds to such spring vegetables with groaning words. Other members are also solidified with a surprise look at the sudden action of the true harp. Angelica can't decide her own attitude either, and the only thing she's usually doing is keeping an eye on things with some discerning face.

"Sorry, spring vegetables. I was totally drunk by you right now. I was about to break out and force him to gear it up, but he made me do it. I'm really sorry about that. I can't tell you anything about the Macro..."

"When God is in battle mode, it's natural, in a way, for a normal creature to be vivid?

"You're not just in combat mode with your armor on, are you? Besides, how is it different from the numb guy who wants spring vegetables when the contents haven't changed but the appearance just looks like that?

How pitiful he was, the true harp that slashes and sinks Hiroshi's help boat himself. Keep nagging, indefinitely snapping. Tatsuya and Mio, who watched it, can be likened to Makoto.

"If it doesn't snag much, does that sound like a shock to you, Mr. Spring Vegetables?

"I know. Just let me reflect some more. 'Cause I'm a little too pitiful right now to switch so easily."

"Well, yeah, but I don't mean me or the gods over here."

Seeing the trumpet harps that are so snaggy, or a macro that makes extra tea to tease. In contrast, comments come in from unexpected opponents.

"These gods try to be thorough with the basic stage equipment, but they don't put majesty or anything like that on the table except when they really need it. Besides, unlike Harna, Hiroshi has nothing to do with such majesty as appearance and atmosphere. If you see the power and the power of God in his creature in the sight of his true ancestors, you will never know that the Lord is God."

"Wow, let me tell you something."

"... if you ask me, a master is the type of man God is likely to say, even if he is God, imaginatively, 'hell, I'm God'"


Horn bursts into a comment Mio leaked aboard Angelica's ass horse, bitterly smiling and no-time.

"... in the end, because of this face, is that a big thing?

"The whole face, the whole look, including the atmosphere, maybe."

"... it feels like I lost it again because of my appearance"

"Well, Harna's not the type of person who can make use of her looks or anything. Without at least a split between the princess and the witch, or Nora and her figure, she can be born with a protruding appearance."

Angelica calmly comments on the spring vegetables snagging at the attitude of the true harps, apparently finally catching the pace.

"It's my choice, and I couldn't help thinking about Tatsuya and Makoto, but now for the first time I regret being a god..."

"Well, if you think about it later, respect anyone like me."

"If you can be a fanatic to your people, you better not be respected."

Spring vegetables that disarm and spill stupidity while completely snagging. An ambition that comforts it with strange reason.

"I've worn it once and updated it, so even if I can't deploy that armor separately in the future, my defense itself will remain the same."

"... say that first..."

"I'm sorry. I forgot to explain it to you. Well, I don't know if it's too early or too late."

Spring vegetables that seriously come with a crisp forgetfulness of important stories. Thanks to the usual and unusual exchanges around here, it was a line of Azma workshop where we were able to return completely to our original sense of distance when we took a bath.

"This is the temple of Lord Soles, the Sun God, and Lord Angelt, the Sky God?

"Of, should be"

Before noon the next day. As the last underneath preparation before challenging the Evil God, we had reached a floating island about a kilometer around the sky, with the temple of Soles, the Sun God, the last pillar of the five great gods.

Although it is quite a huge island, its existence is little known because it is a dangerous zone where large monsters like rock birds and others fly around around around where there are islands, at fairly high altitudes and above all because they hide themselves with optical camouflage things.

Hongda doesn't know, but it can be the first time in thousands of years that visitors from outside have actually done so.

In fact, I have already challenged Nara, the last scheduled offensive dungeon, once in the morning. but Naruto is a monster configuration called Undead all the way from miscellaneous fish to bosses. For this reason, unfortunately, except that Mio took time to get used to the new gear, the crisp offense was completed in little time, and everything ended at a pace that would allow him to arrive at the Temple of Soles before noon.

Even though it is a dungeon of the highest difficulty, a dungeon made up of undead only, is bad. In the end, the dungeon offense itself was over in less than an hour after Spring Vegetables, which still had yesterday's depression, exploited the microphone and instrumental features planted in his divine artifacts in full and kept singing the general menstrual gospel as much as he could, which would be a miscellaneous fish, but would be the boss, but would disappear in an instant regardless.

More than has been done so far, perhaps for a while Nara will not even gush the weakest class of skeletons or zombies as a whole.

"But I didn't know the contact details or the means to contact you, so I went directly to you, but are you glad you walked into the premises on your own?

"The gates are still creeping, yeah?

"I hope so."

In response to Tatsuya, who became anxious in terms of courtesy as she is now, Hiroshi says something somewhat easygoing. I don't know, it's a new America, but there are more than two pillars of God, so it's hard to pay up front. However, Tatsuya has a concern that the young creatures of new America, such as God, may bend their navels, such as stepping in without making any effort to contact them.

To affirm that concern, a dragon about fifty metres long flew from the summit of a hill with a temple.

The truth is this dragon, the same person as the dragon that once saved the remnants of the Reefa faction from Waldis monster soldiers at Waldis' border (keep aside the person, whether the expression is correct or not), but Hiroshi, who doesn't know the episode in the first place, doesn't know if he can communicate his will just by watching it, etc.

Therefore, just because a dragon flew in, it really enters a state of vigilance.

"... after all, have you bent your navel?

"... that's not what it feels like. One way or another, visitor confirmation and observation."

Dragons that land slowly and carefully, distancing each other to such an extent that melee attacks are not immediately possible. Seeing that, Tatsuya and Makoto will secretly consult on future developments.

At this time, the elderly group could not realize that the production junkie, the Lord of the Azma Workshop next to it and the Lord God of the Castle, was shining his eyes with an exciting look when he did it.

"Was it a new god who came from an unknown continent, if he thought a guest had visited him rarely? I was so well hidden that I didn't notice immediately and excused myself. '

"We've always been like this, never mind. Yeah. It still feels sweet to be conscious and controlled by God and all the time. than that......"

Answer the strangely frightening dragon openly and confirm its appearance from top to bottom. Hiroshi utters a deadly word before Tatsuya and Makoto put in a penetration to control him when they have a bad feeling about the behavior.

"I changed my hair, I fell out, I cut it when I took care of it. Yeah, so they got scales as a material or something?

"Don't try to rob material from someone you can talk to!!

Tatsuya knocks Harrison in the full swing to a macro who suddenly utters rude things. In a way, I was just sitting there, and the speed is phenomenal. It was a brilliant early start, unlike the man who was fanaticized yesterday by the divinity of spring vegetables.

"I'll never forgive you today..."

"That's because you're a rude imitator! Mostly, I already have artifact gear and artifact grade consumables, what are you going to make!? I don't think you need it!!

"I don't know, if I had the material I could get from a dragon just for this, I'd make it. It's all up to me. By and large, we only collect the necessary materials and disqualify the production system."

"Don't imitate rude even though you don't have to, it's on!

Tatsuya knocks Harrison in the full swing again to a macro that doesn't look bad. Dragons open their mouths to follow, however much within their peers, bewildered by too intolerant an action.

"If it's a favor from the New God, I'll give you as much as the missing fangs and the peeled scales, but do you know that's an application for marriage between us?

"Really? Oh, yeah."

'No, I am not going to make such demands on you who have become God for as much as you want...'

"I know that's not the problem..."

Tatsuya plunges in again while holding her forehead against a macro who talks to the dragon opponent in a way that deviates with all her might.

"I mean, Mr. Dragon was a girl"

"Uhm. Well, I don't want you people to tell me the gender of dragons at first glance, etc., so don't worry."

"No, because that's not even the problem, Spring Vegetables"

He says he tried to modify the orbit by putting a penetration into the macro because of it, but the new assassin tries to get the story sidetracked again. While deepening the crease between the eyebrows in response to this, he also inserted a penetration into the spring vegetables to try to modify the track of the story. You perceived Tatsuya's hardship like that, or the dragon will help you get back to the story of it on the sidelines.

'So, customer. What can you do for Master Solace?

"Right. I'm sorry about all of a sudden without even touching you, but can I see you? If it's not convenient, I'll come back out."

'No, it's no problem. Last night, Alfemina contacted me that it was time for you to visit. So I'm ready to welcome you anytime. After that, you don't have to worry about the first touch. Because this temple deliberately refuses to engage with the outside world, it is impossible to communicate with these gods in the first place. "

"Still, the misconduct is illegal, so you're a little concerned."

"What? Even this one didn't know immediately that you were Soles' guests, and he made me wary of you while I was checking. It must be your son. For now, stand talkin '. I'll show you to the guest room, so can you follow me?

That's how he tries to turn his back and turns to Hiroshi again like he realizes something.

'Speaking of which, you haven't introduced yourself yet. Besides, there's enough rudeness while I try to show you around in this intimidating way. "

"You don't have to worry about the dragon because it looks good. Me, I'd rather be guided as it is."

'No, that's not how it works. Besides, considering why you visited Solace, we need to change who you are once. "

That way, when the dragon barks, its appearance is instantly smaller.

Later, what remained was a woman of a human race with a very tall, standard body shape and a human appearance that looked cute and about the middle.

If you want to raise the difference from the human species, two pointed horns with slightly pointy ears and dragon remnants, and about the scale that remains there. Perhaps if I were introduced to myself as a Dragoneworthy race, I wouldn't suspect anyone, that's what it looks like.

"Let me introduce myself again. I'm Balshem. I'm making you one of the Dragon Roads, and I'm letting you witch Master Soles. Perhaps we'll have a long relationship, so thank you in the future."

Dragon Things Listen to Balshem introduce himself, and the true harp freezes on the spot. Honda remembers why the true harp froze a moment late, with a stunned look on her face.

"What? Dragon Road?




"Master Solace's witch?

"I don't know."

A few seconds later. Makoto, who has finally thawed, confirms what was heard with a trembling voice. With such a strange look on his true harp attitude, Balshem continues his affirmative words.

"... yeah ~!?"

A surprise voice from the bottom of my heart, of Makoto, who understood that Balshem was not lying. The voice echoed all over the island.

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