Fairy Tale Chronicles

World Edition Spill 2

1. Instant ramen factory, in operation

"We're going on a lunch break!"

"Ha ha!

Elf Eltrinde, the flusher, makes the last material input in the morning before stopping his hand according to the word.

This is an instant ramen factory in Urs. It is a state-of-the-art factory with a large number of almost fully automated lines, with the exception of material inputs and inspections, which began operation six months ago.

Why the fluvial Ertlinde works in such a place, because it was done in a understaffed ramen factory in exchange for Ursus citizenship.

Most importantly, citizenship is not the only bait that Eltrinde has decided to take up a job here. It occurs in a small number of ways, and as a commodity, you get instant ramen for free, because it's one of the deciding factors.

"What's for lunch today?"

"It would be nice to have lunch here."

"It's a good paycheck."

A colleague working in the same department, Eltrinde walks fast to the dining room where the groom and lunch come out, having such a conversation with Georg from Slam.

There are no options for meals served in the dining room with some exceptions, such as not fitting your physique/not being able to eat due to a racial problem, but some are good and quantitative to the extent that you don't get complaints.

"No, did Eltrinde turn to developing new products today?

"Yeah. I want those reasons to hire a drifter like me."

"Elves are strong in ingredients and stuff."

"Because I'm a country man, I deserve to be strong."

To Georg's words, Eltrinde stretches his chest so much as he receives a set meal of saba miso. Only the average elf body shape, and emphasizing it to show off, its fuzziness is no big deal.

"Even so, even though the factory itself is still in operation for half a month, and even though regular ramen is a luxury product, we're already starting to develop new products..."

"It's too late to try to make a new product since I started getting bored," he said.

"Is that what this is about?

"Isn't that what it is?

Apparently, as for development actions based on the speed of the commodity cycle common to the developed countries of the planet, they don't come pinned much. For better or worse, the flow of time in that respect is still slow in this world.

"Well, we don't do a big job because we just give opinions about flavoring and stuff like that,"

"Still, can you eat a new one before the majority of the employees at this factory?

"Wouldn't that happen? I think we'll be eating the prototype a few times too."

Eltrinde and Georg sit in suitably vacant seats, saying relaxing things like that. At this time, they didn't realize that it was a surprisingly tough job to give opinions on flavoring and eating prototypes.

"I don't have to make something weird all of a sudden, but I guess I should start with an application of the product combination that I have now, and increase the number of things that are normally going to be eaten as variations?

After closing hours, planning meetings for new products. New product development, that's what Eltrinde says, so that participants who stood by or said extremely all-you-can-like unscrupulous opinions can be discouraged.

It should be noted that the overtime allowance is paid for this meeting because it deals with business, and in some cases dinner is quite a treat.

"Hmm, what exactly?

That word of Eltrinde silences the bustle of the conference room for a moment. In anticipation of the calm of the attendees, the head of the development department urges Eltrinde to give a specific theory.

"Maybe I'm talking about the convenience of the line or something, but there's no such thing as fried udon or whatever, even though it seems like it would be nice to put it by your side, right?

"If you ask me, yes."

"There are not so many other types of soups right now, but I think it would be nice to try adding noodles to what I normally eat regardless of corn potage or ramen, and see if it can be made into a product if it is compatible and delicious."

Nod again and again, as the person responsible was convinced, to Eltrinde's everywhere obvious point.

Sometimes the majority of the ideas put forward by other participants were honest and wrong but I didn't want to try them, and Eltrinde was desperate for it.

"Right. Before you get weird, start from the point where you make things that are normally going to be eaten."

"After that, I think we should reach out to traditional dishes from non-human races and traditional dishes from all over Farlane"

Between those responsible and Ertlinde, the policy will be consolidated at some point. No one complains about that.

At this time, Ertlinde was unaware of the trap that Hongkong had prepared for the development of the product.

"Now, the actual flavor development adjustments will be made by the cooking team, so I ask you all to use Mr. Eltrinde as the leader of the planning team to make a decision on what to make the first round"


"Of course, don't worry, I'll give you a special salary because I'm a leader"

"No, you know, not..."

Eltrinde is festived by the head of the development department to the leader of the planning team with or without.

It was a moment when her work for the next thirty or so years had been entirely decided.


After eight o'clock. Having finally finished the meeting, Eltrinde returned safely to her roommate's waiting apartment.

It should be noted that my roommate is also a flower, a woman currently working as a Grade VI adventurer in Urs. I tend to be absent because it is a fairly high rank of Grade Six, but since it is a rest day this week, I am mostly in my room at this time.

"Welcome back. You're late."

"I'm home. Yeah, I have a meeting..."

"Conference? You put yourself in that position?

"Well, I was summoned to a meeting to decide what kind of ramen to make, not in a position that would involve management..."

"Ahhh, something went wrong. I bought a nice drink from Mr. Melissa, and if you're stupid, I'll ask you, okay?

"Thanks. Oh, yeah. This, for today"

"Oh, thank you"

Received all kinds of waste today, and accidentally lived with a bare face. Even though a large factory is up and running and well shipped, Instant Ramen is still a luxury item.

"So, Linde. You, what about dinner?

"You let me out at the meeting, so I'm done. Honestly, the meeting until the time I needed to pay for dinner, and the result of everyone saying too much of what they liked..."

"Looks like it's been tough."

"Honestly, if there weren't any wage increases with this, as much as I would have liked to boycott you with my neck..."

A cohabitant who bitterly laughs at Eltrinde's stupidity and prepares cheese to go with good liquor.

Thus, Eltrinde's first day as a developer, later named as the legendary instant ramen developer, ended peacefully.

2. Crestor Royal Job

"Oh, Your Majesty. You're in a bad mood."

"Orlène came to Gastal, you know?

"Oh, no, that's..."

Negotiation of prices for specialties, which can also be considered a rule. They were negotiating with the countries of the Eastern region today, and King Crester, who had just finished the job, was fully equipped and furiously insane.

"Though usual, what's the big deal with that attitude of the guys?"

The gatekeeper of the ice dungeon, who perceived King Crester's reason for his anger, says bitterly as he writes in some paperwork. This gatekeeper has also been present at the table of sight and negotiation as an escort, and he knows very well how bad the countries of the East are.

Crestor is a small country, so we can't afford to hire people just for the gatekeepers in the dungeons. Nor can we have an army of such size that we can separate the Kingsguard from the general soldier, so inevitably all military personnel will be Kingsguards, or their apprenticeships.

Therefore, quite a few things, including confidentiality, are out of the question, but no one cares because of their small size. There is no particular good juice that can be smoked because it was classified, and on a day when you betrayed and isolated in this harsh natural climate, you will freeze to death before you leave the country.

So no one sees this loose management system as a problem.

"Know what? Either way, people who come to someone else's country and behave like that don't need to sell until they bow their heads."

"We're going to tighten it up again with food supplies, right?

"On the other hand, there will be more dealings with Western countries in the future anyway. Let him do as he pleases."

"If you're going to do that from the start, you don't have to be so angry"

"It's a different matter from this. I'm angry with what pisses me off, even though I'm almost going to cut my hands off completely anyway"

The gatekeeper proceeded to handle something pale on the surface, showing an inner understanding of what King Crester said. I don't even show any hints of cold anger, unleashed by a group of fully equipped men holding back behind the king.

"Damn, I wish they were being polite, like Farlane people."

"They're Waldis' kind. I can't help but be angry, but it would be useless to expect that from those barbarians in those hands."

"I always wondered why people make fun of us and act like we're great, the more people who slap prices on you for not buying a big number of them, right?

"It's because you're retarded, isn't it?

A gatekeeper who concludes the process for entering an ice dungeon while having that conversation. As I couldn't wait for that, an elite force that would enter the dungeon with a fast foot ahead of King Crester.

"This is a big hunt today."

Elite troops rampaging around for stress. A gatekeeper who thinks of the consequences and shrugs his shoulders small.

It was then a week later that a line of elite troops came out of the dungeon.

"Hmm? Hmm."


The night of his return from the dungeon. In the midst of cleaning up the work that had accumulated during his absence, King Crester sees the paperwork the Chancellor brought in and devises something.

Prince Wang gives a strange look at such a father's condition.

"Apparently, we'll have to vacate the castle tomorrow."

"You just got back, are you?

"Mm-hmm. Purchasing from the Divine Zone."

"Then I'll go with my mother. Father, stay here and rest your body while you carry out your duties."

"That's what I want to do, but there are troublesome people over there..."

King Crestor, thinking of those who dwell in the divine domain, tells his son so with a small face. There's no way you can let a bad young man go there.

"Then why don't you get used to it early on?

"Unfortunately, it is certain that if I take you, it will feed them. Regarding that, at the point of being a young man, it is probably inevitable unless there are so many circumstances. Besides, I'm not going to be able to just buy it this time..."

With that word clouding, King Crestor turns a frightening glance at his wife, who continues her paperwork in silence. The queen takes that gaze and nods small with a sinister face. It is interesting not to disrupt the attitude of both parties that they do not accept.

"Don't worry, but if you marry the Queen, make an inheritance, and inherit my mark, you will take her. Let's start there."


Prince Wang honestly gives up, albeit somewhat dissatisfied with the words of his father. It is only here that, more than a decade later, he takes over his role when he matures in many ways, with a distant eye knowing the meaning of his father's words.

"Oh, Your Majesty. Welcome."

It's in the kingdom of Crestor, Dyne's lair. King Crestor was visiting that place, where there were usually only women and snowmen.

"Upon Lord Dyne's call, I ascended."

"Really? Now, as a fee to call on Dear Dyne…"

"We don't do kids, do we?

"Oh, I can't believe it."

Aqua is one of Dyne's witches who welcomes King Crestor, who emerged using a secret passage, at his usual pace, or slightly tempered. The children are the usual thing, but don't accept it as a joke and say YES even if it is wrong.

I said YES in this kind of conversation to my snowlady opponent, but at the end of the day, that's why they squeeze away so much that they could wander the border between life and death, so the answer on this occasion is beyond denial. If you don't resolutely refuse to tolerate any misunderstandings or misunderstandings, you're really joking and even your life is in danger.

When I was younger, my careless brother, who taught King Crestor about it with himself, has become a traumatic and impossible body to make children of at that time. My younger brother, who had no moderation in the lower body sense, stopped trying to be with a woman, although I was not experiencing feminism. The shock swept through the upper levels of the Kingdom of Crestor at the time.

Even if the inheritance already grows splendidly, there is no way the king can become an incapable body of making a son. After leaving the throne, it is not possible to cooperate at this stage after obtaining permission from the Queen.

"I can't talk to you when I'm dealing with you. Where is Lord Freddy?

"I'm going to call you, I'm going to give you the child..."

"Come on!

Freddie (the snowman) relentlessly stretches out the back of Aqua's head trying to demand a child without sexual punishment, without sound or signs. Aqua to relax in front along with the light sound of a spa cone.

It is a permissible exchange between a snowlady who is sturdy to the point of being unusual in cold places and a snowman who has no great power if certain procedures are followed. A child who can be mistaken should not imitate.

"Every time, I'm so sorry..."

"Lord Freddie is struggling..."

"Even though there are some aspects of it that I can't help being racist, every time a man comes from outside, that's..."

"I know it's true because of the survival of the species, but it's hard to cooperate because it's something that I try to squeeze out thoroughly every time..."

So spilling stupidity, King Crestor and Freddie sigh loudly when they look at Aqua groaning at the back of their heads holding them down in an outfit that isn't even there. She is truly an unfortunate woman in many ways when she says she is a clear beauty if only she looks.

It is unfortunate to say that the snow lady herself always behaves in a disappointing way when viewed as a man, albeit with problems of racial characteristics and circumstances.

It should be noted, for the record, that King Crester and Freddie are old friends and best friends beyond the race while they are nearing their age. Because of this, the tone is pretty close.

"I have no kiri when I'm dealing with these guys. Let me show you to Lord Dyne."


It was King Crestor and Freddie, who still held their heads and left Aqua groaning, and just moved to Dyne.

Honest, Lord Freddy.

"What is it?

"Even if it wasn't for me, I'd have thought about it."

When I plugged around that it was time for Dine's waiting diocese. King Crestor leaked those words unexpectedly to Aqua's but strangely temperamental behavior as usual.

A man who shows no fatigue whatsoever no matter how many days he dives into the dungeon is showing exhaustion to the point.

There is no such thing as a world wide enough to tire King Crester, but it would be snowladylike not to boast at all.

"Hmm? What's the idea?

"Gather sex offenders from all over the world and let them spend their sentences here"

"I see. The people in those hands won't be rehabilitated if it's not so much, but if it isn't, it's hard to commit death. Surely letting these guys deal with you is a good way to punish the sins you've committed."

"Oh, I thought it'd be a good idea to put criminals in the shrine, so I said no."

For reasons of abstinence, Freddy nods that it makes sense too. As a matter of fact before that, if you think about the junction that protects the Divine Domain, chances are you won't even be able to come in here to send in criminals in the first place.

"Sometimes I don't even want to think about what kind of child a child born between a sex offender and a snow lady will grow up with"

"... you can't deny it..."

Perhaps Freddie agrees with what would be King Crester's most genuine word.

There is no sin in the child to be born, and it is not necessarily because he is a child of a criminal that he becomes a criminal, but in the case of a snowlady it is only if he is somewhat different in his thinking that his stance on men varies greatly from adult to child.

There is a degree of good sense not to identify criminals with their children. Even a certain King Crester would have such anxiety, and it would be difficult for anyone to deny that anxiety.

"If they can remember to wait a little longer and weigh themselves down, I don't know how to open it..."

"O king. I appreciate you giving them that much consideration, but if you can remember your weight in the first place, it's not like you're going to be isolated here. Even the same kind of race, Sacubas blends properly into human society and normally thrives on the species."

"Right. I can't help thinking..."

"Uh-huh. Besides, it's more important now than the Snow Lady thing to ask the King."

"Speaking of which, what's the story?

"The details are to be said directly by Lord Dyne, but if you're going to be blunt, I want you to take the adventurers who have strayed into the divine domain to Crestor. You're a young man, so be careful that Snow Lady doesn't find you."

"... again, that's a difficult job"

King Crester gets an overview from Freddie and puts on his face. Snowlady's eyes won't stop looking for a man, and he wants to take the adventurer out through a secret route so he won't remember the path. It's not impossible, but it's a pretty difficult mission.

Besides, as far as Aqua is concerned today, the Snow Ladies are in a better mood in many ways than usual for what happened.

This is going to be a pretty bone breaking job.

If I knew that the reason for that temper had come a while back and that it lay in the fact that I didn't end up getting anything from the person who was supposed to be okay with squeezing it out no matter how much, I would have had to be foolish to see if it wasn't a little later.

"Looking at the snow lady as usual, it looks like she's either such a good young man or has such a tough background, but this time it's going to be pretty difficult."

"When it comes to rescuers, let's say it's both. That's why you can't get caught by a snow lady by mistake. If we get caught, we're in a bad position, but the king's position is in danger."

"... we'll do our best, but naturally we'll get your best cooperation."


I assure King Crester with a sombre look, Freddie, that I feel sorry for him.

As a result, the rescue of the adventurer ended inconclusively in itself, but he was King Crestor, who would run into a variety of diplomatic issues because the person who rescued him was a royalty without the inheritance rights of his neighbour.

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