Second Saturday in May. Finally finishing the work that had to be done to crush the holidays in Japan, the four men - Hiroshi, Spring Vegetables, Makoto and Tatsuya - hadn't missed the castle of God in a long time.

For the record, the offense hasn't progressed that far when it comes to the fair clock of the game. In addition to the fact that Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables have become exam study priorities, Tatsuya and Shiori are sometimes busy with Mio's entanglement, and it's hard for everyone to log in.

Currently, we are in the process of adjusting the equipment pulled out of the warehouse of the Macro, while checking the performance and habits of training and avatar collaboration among the members who can gather together.

"Welcome back, Master"

Laurier welcomes the hosts who have transferred to the castle of God.

The condition of God's castle had not changed much in particular.

"While we're at it... Nothing in particular seems to happen."

"Yes, nothing has changed, especially when it comes to castles, except that some features have been activated"

"Is the new feature active?... oh, around here."

While talking to Laurier about what happened in his absence, Macro manipulates the panel to see what features he can now select. What I was able to do was quite creative and godlike.

"Hey, Hiro. What can I do now?

"Something like this, it feels like I can do something very creative."

"Creative god-like thing? What kind of thing?

"First creature creation and castle planetization, and then the creation of galaxies. After……, create a skill orb? It's important to use the new features that are now available. Is this what it is?

"... right. I mean, think about it. Well, that's the worst part, isn't it?

"Let it go. Well, I just can't seem to get extra skills, and it just seems like the status quo, above intermediate, can be remembered by a person who meets the conditions. Proficiency starts from scratch with some exceptions."

"Still, you can easily make ordinary people superhuman, so be normal."

Hiroshi nods bitterly at Tatsuya's words. In fact, the training of the skills conferred takes a great deal of time, and the stamina consumed is not half the time.

From previous experience, if you're going to take it to a practical level, you have to at least give hard training to the degree of activity that is a regular part of the national tournament in major sports.

Thinking about that area, it is not as easy to make Superman as it is to say, but on the contrary, it is dangerous to think that training at more than a certain level will definitely yield results.

"Well, like Alanwen and Elsa did, we grant it with increased proficiency, and imitations like that are in the current state, so let's not worry about that much. Let's do it. Some of the exceptions are games like Shiori and so on. You can reflect the skills you've developed in real life."

"Oh well. If you have a skill orb, you don't have to help other gods or anything to make Shiori's abilities game-compliant."

"Does that mean it's important"

"In that sense, yeah. Blah, other than that, I'm going to use it."

We listen to the words of the Macro and nod together in a way that feels like half convinced, half reassured, etc.

To be honest, it was a fairly significant source of concern about the physical ability of poetic weaves.

At any rate, although the sorcerer type, Tatsuya's abilities are further developed from game-compliant ones. And even magician-type characters usually develop a lot of melee and defensive skills for the convenience of developing a beginning and improving their defense.

As a result, even the weakest physical attacks have combined muscle strength to the point of lightly snapping and breaking the spine of the average person with a bearhug, if you mean it.

The question of what to do with the ability to ascend the protagonists after clearance, which is common in RPG. In the case of Higashi, Tatsuya was the first to face this problem.

"Well, as to how much skill we will eventually have to discuss with Master Alfemina or something, at the very least, let's try to attach some skill that is mainly clever and durable."

"Right. When I hear you're downing Shiori every night, it must be urgent around here."

"I'm not letting you down every night..."

"Hey, Tatsuya. That's not the same as confessing to me that I let you down sometimes, is it?


Tatsuya is so stuck in the harp and stuck in words. Spring vegetables, who cared about something else, change the story sideways about the two of them.

"Hey, Hiroshi. The creation of protozoa, what? Exclusive in this castle, but you've usually produced creatures and stuff before, haven't you?

"Oh, I guess. I've created creatures on my list so far, but with this feature, I can design everything from visuals to everything myself. So far, bacteria, amoebers, that level of limited burn."

"I see. But does that work?

"There's already, I'll have to actually do it and give it a try. Oh. In the first place, it's not always what it was when I made it."

"I knew it would happen."

Spring vegetables that listen to the explanation of the macro and nod like some kind of convincing. I know very well from various examples that just because I am the Creator doesn't mean that everything works the way I want it to or that it works in one shot.

"Well, I'll see if I can spare time around here to try it, and I'll greet you early."

"Right. Let's start by looking at Fuyuka's face, huh?

"Let it go. Laurier, where's Winterfell?

"I'm taking a nap now. I thought it was time to wake up."

"I see. Look, I'll wait till Winterfell wakes up, so will you bring me here when you wake up?


Before heading elsewhere to greet you, the first thing you need to see is a confirmation about your face, Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables. I hear I'm still in the middle of a nap, and for now I sit in a nearby chair and gently mess with the Ra's (team potato bugs) who showed up at some point, while continuing to chat in conjunction with the meeting.

If you look closely, there's a slightly fashionable mix of guys among the Ra's, and it's just a story here that has nothing to do with the main story, wondering if they have poison or something in the masterpiece.

"No, how do you explain Fuyukawa?

"That's still to be determined. No matter how I explain it, I'm sure it's going to be very tricky, so I'm holding my head a little bit."

"Whatever the professor or Spring Vegetable's body is, he's a normal person like Hiro's parents..."

"That's right..."

A small sigh of spring vegetables and Tatsuya, thinking of Hiroshi's parents. Unlike Spring Vegetables and Tatsuya, Makoto, who has no knowledge of Hiroshi's parents, is also a contemplative face with a serious expression. Though they have Osaka-based nori, Hiroshi's parents are very normal good people. If you explained that you made a daughter with more than one woman without sexual intercourse, etc., you do not know how to react.

It doesn't matter about Fuyukawa. Even if it's true harp, I haven't been able to properly explain my relationship with Hongda to my parents yet. This issue is unlikely to be as good as other HR because it is definitely an equally difficult explanation even if there is no such thing as Fuyukawa.

"But you can't just not introduce me, can you?

"I don't know. However, when Spring Vegetables came with the professor, I wonder if it would be a lot, considering how he reacted afterwards..."

"What happened?

"Nah, I've done that for a long time. Suddenly Mr. Spring Vegetables came without any foreshadowing to the point where he thought he could normally get along with a girl, and even when he got up awesome..."

"Ah, I kind of figured it out. So, look at the spring vegetables, don't say anything extravagant about not doing it to her, it feels like I said something sexual?

"Exactly like that. Well, in and of itself, I don't care if they say it because I thought it was something, but since my head got cold and my parents said it anyway if other people did it, I don't want to..."

"I didn't put it on the table, but it's been depressing for a long time, and it still seems like you care a lot."

Makoto gets a lot of convincing when he hears descriptions of Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables. I just somehow know what it's like for Hongdae's parents, and I don't think I can help but make a lot of decisions about Hongdae.

Anyway, she's a daughter between three women, including spring vegetables. Though I have done nothing untrue, I get a very dark impression behind me when I hear only that explanation.

I'm not talking about places where the irritation is too strong for people like you who have always cared about words you've thrown up on a bad ride.

"Well, in the end, I'll talk to the professor first, and then I'll feel burns all the time."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm rather surprised you haven't told the professor that story before."

"I got a little lost, so I put him on hold."

"Lost? Oh, it feels like introducing you to an unrelated third party, even if you're blood related, before your real parents?

"Yeah, like that"

True harp is reminded by the opinions of spring vegetables that we don't even know about this. It is also a well understood story that Hongda sends them forward.

Talking to etc......

"Dad! Mom!"

Winterfell, who apparently woke up from a nap, jumped in delighted.

"Long time no see. Hey, you getting a little big?

"Yeah. You've grown up a little bit."

"To be precise, he's two centimeters tall, five millimeters tall and weighs nine hundred and eighty-seven grams more"

Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables talking about that while watching Winter Hua hang happily on the arms of Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables. If Laurier's unusually fine numerical report is sidelined, it is entirely a young couple and their daughter.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better."

"That's right.... In a little while, would it be okay if I let you out of this castle?

"I don't know what to say. I don't know exactly what kind of spiritual defense it feels like, but this is what seniors say. Yeah, let's do it."


Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables discuss what to do in the future as they hug and shoulder car Winterfell to confirm its growth. I still have a faint awareness that I am my own child, but I intend to take the responsibility that I have nevertheless created.

"Well, for now, I'll come face to face with the workshop and the Urs castle, so I'll see you later"

"Dinner, let's eat together"

Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables who deal with each other alone and speak that way where Winterfell settles down. Fuyuwa giggles and honestly nods because she understands how busy they are saying it.

"There you go!

"I'm coming."

"We look forward to your return soon"

Dropped off by the Sisters of Winter Hua and Laurier, it was the first time in about two weeks on the time axis of Hongda and the first time in about three months beyond, Hongda headed to Ursu's Azma Workshop.

"Parent Welcome Back!!

"Ki Woo!

The moment we leave the transfer formation, the lime strikes toward the macro.

Apparently he was waiting to see how he found out about Hongda's visit. Behind them were all the fams.

"What a warm welcome."

"Well, how did you know that?

With Lime's head in good hands, he speaks that way to the early members of the workshop staff who have been waiting for him since before he came. Tatsuya also raises the question as if it were half over.

"Lyme said the parents were supposed to come, so we all waited."

"As usual, it's a mystery of how Lime perceives it."

Fam and Nola's words, which answered Tatsuya's question, also engulfed a lot of complex emotions about certain supersensations of Lime.

"But Hirohiro is still a chick, even though the fam and lime will come to rest after a little glance"

"Ki Woo!

"No, I don't care if they claim I don't have a problem with my face like that."


"No, if you say it by normal bird standards, it's just time to hurry"

Compared to fams and limes that are clearly grown up, Hikari obviously doesn't feel like she's growing up, while Hikari puts in that kind of penetration. Even though it is pointless to pursue around it against a divine beast opponent, which is the corner of a mysterious creature, it is just as artistically out not to let the penetration in even though there has been no change so far.

I dare to go through and kill a mess, some hands say, but I'm not up for a choice because I'm less powerful about this one.

"Well, whatever it is, it's been a while"

"I'm sorry. I had more plans over there than I thought."

"Never mind. If you've come home properly, that's all I need."

"I just feel like I'm about to get stuck with a lot of things. If you have time, I'd like to ask for guidance."

"Let it go. Before you go to Ray and Elle, let me take a look."

Nod to Nola's request and decide first to get an idea of the current situation of the staff. The fams smile with joy at the words of that magnificent. It's true that research is a little more stuck, but I'm glad it's been a long time since I've received direct guidance from the Macro.

"Then we'll get a status update from Lela or something."

"Finally, you should also look at the workshops around you and the Melissa Chamber of Commerce"

"Right. I'll use the metastasis until the Melissa Chamber of Commerce."

When Hiroshi is detained there, they trample and make plans that way, Makoto and the others. Right there.

"I heard you had the Horns."

"I'm here to see you."

"If you don't mind, the body will be abandoned."

Octogal comes into the mess, as if he was waiting.

"Something tells me it's only been a little over two weeks and I miss this feeling so much..."

"There's no such funny mysterious creature over there..."

"Something like this, when I went over there, it felt like things were rapidly becoming less realistic."


Higashi leaks such a comment with an unexpectedly vivid eye to one unchanged octogal nori. Leaving good and bad aside, it is nearly impossible for this type of mysterious creature to blend into everyday life so far without discomfort on the modern planet, which is also particularly in the developed world.

Honestly, I'd like to beg your pardon for bringing this nori over there, but if it's not at all, that's a lot to miss.

Even though we think such a casual thing, Hongda stings and realizes that we are back in Ursus.

"Well, it's about Octogall getting caught, and I'm gonna hang out for a while"

"Right. Anyway, let's go see an experimental farm or something."

"Agreed. If you come back in an hour or so, you'll be just in time for lunch."

"Look, I'll just look at the fam and the others, and I'll look at the zino to a certain extent."

Octogal's intrusion sometimes made it impossible to just greet each other in the shortest possible time, and it was Hiroshi who decided to reschedule and relax until noon.

"I see. I can finally go to Loufeus College."

"Yeah, it is!

"I think we should let the Ginos pass by sometime, but I don't have enough arms yet, so I think we need to let them train for a while longer."

"Well, there's a lot of judgment around there after you check it out. There's a lot to be gained from going that way."

The greetings were accompanied by a sightseeing. I dropped off the spring vegetables who set off for the amusement mountain, and first I heard a report on the status of the Macro. You'll have as much to talk about if you want to, but for today, I'll just narrow it down to what it takes to know what's going on in the workshop.

"Still, does the Gino et al. still feel completely stable and hectic in Grade Eight"

"Yeah. Gino feels like he's about to graduate, but the other three haven't"

"Without your parents or Mio, you are visibly growing slower..."

"Well, maybe, but I don't know if that's normal. In the first place, or is it faster than the average in primary medicine at Loufeus College?

"Yes, but somehow we feel all sorts of impudence, including ourselves."

"Well, Mirage. Manufacturing is habit, guts, giving up and inertia. Knowing my limitations, just one more to be gutsy, only the other one after all, I'll improve while I keep making it half inert with a feeling all the time. Well, I don't think I can do it right now. It's important to give up on the limits and all the time today."

That's how you forgive the fams who are so anxious to be stuck. Though it's about the game age, the truth is that I remember Hiroshi as well.

The difference between the Horn and the Phams will be whether there are predecessors. At the very least, Hiroshi is a generation that has gone a long way in hand exploring with other fellow craftsmen and has had extra difficulty getting through the walls for that matter. From above, the fams feel that this is not a time to rush.

Nevertheless, I do not give any advice to the troubled disciples, because, as a master, there are aspects to how it is. So regardless of whether or not it will be something, I intend to give some advice on what seems to be caught after seeing the work.

"Whatever you do, you can't say anything about watching the work. Hey, before you do, do you want to build yourself a boat?

"... I haven't been able to make a proper floating guy yet"

"How was it okay..."

"It's supposed to be shaped like the drawings, but it's not going to work..."

"Ahhh, around that first, after all? If you're fishing, do it right?

"I usually do that over there. Lately, I've been able to fish enough to sell for four people, including Lime."

"I see. Look, I've been coaching you since we built the ship today."

Just a status report, a macro that identifies the part that is the necklace. It doesn't improve there visibly where it has been done, but it is an element that becomes absolutely imperative when we think about what lies ahead.

Why, the fams are also brushing their arms to such an extent that they want a making mastery.

"Look at the guy who made it first. Do you want to leave it behind?

"Yes, but not that many of them sink deep and can no longer be recovered..."

"Don't worry, if you look at one ship, you'll see."

With that said, Higashi moves into the space to make the big guy. Telles took a boat of failures out of the warehouse where he put things that were going to get in the way.

"This is it."

"... I see. I can't assure you I'm not going to check it properly, but I think I got it."

"Already, you understand?

"Well, it's just a prediction all the time, and I don't know if I'm right."

That said, a macro confirming the boat from corner to corner. One nod in the way you're sure of something, and I'll tell you the conclusion.

"I did what I expected. You have a good seal and you have a couple of spots."

"" "What!?

"Later, there is something suspicious about the waterproofing. When I smoke water, I mix the one with the big distortion (hizu). If I make it, it's a normal range, but it's not for Fam and the others to build a ship."

To Macho's point, Fam, Terez and Nora snap at each other with a sinister face. No matter how much I'm studying, not specializing, I'm not going to talk about using wood unsuitable for ships.

As a matter of fact, large distortions are not as distorted as you can tell by the amateur's sight, to the extent that there are just a few more gaps. Since it is not an issue at all for ordinary furniture and so on, it is not something that the fams can blame for using without discerning.

Even if used on ships, this degree of distortion can be absorbed if the seal is properly made, but it has become a fatal problem for amateur ship accidents.

"Just to be sure, while I'm at it, did you coach someone who specializes properly?

"It's about half a month, but I was given proper guidance. Even if it's an ingredient, I used something that I got inked with that would be fine."

"I see. Well, actually, there's no way they're going to teach you lies because there's not enough wood to use, and in the end, let's do the time and density issues we've been coached. Normally I teach you while letting you actually work on building a ship for a whole day"

Ask Nola's answer and keep track of the ship carpenters who became temporary masters.

In the first place, the ship carpenter is conscientious only to give proper, non-lying instruction to the opponent who could become a rival if he did worse than the outsider at all. To put it further, no such reckless imitation of a ship carpenter, no matter how much ordinary carpenter experience he has, makes a beginner suddenly bump into a ship in production.

Originally, it is normal to go through the process of working with parents, seniors, etc., gradually increasing the number of parts to do alone, and if you start to build a boat by yourself, one serving. Like the fams, no one comes to teach only in the afternoon and learns in the same way.

All this is a difference between the educational system and the part that we have as our goal, and we can never say how badly we teach ship carpenters.

"In the meantime, I'll teach you in our fashion this time. First of all, the wood burn..."

While apologizing in my heart to the ship carpenters who coached the fam and the others, I will teach them how to make it, as I did when I coached Spring Vegetables for now. Sometimes we know we're on our own, and instruction and ship manufacturing go smoothly.

And about an hour later.

"And well, here's the thing. After that, cure it for a while, then test it for leaks and float it in the water. Yes."

The first boat will be completed as soon as possible. Accurate instructions fly from the macro after making it several times and getting used to it to a certain extent, plus the fact that it took four people to work, including lime, is amazing speed.

"I don't know, I just thought, after I made it, you weren't properly cured?

"Oh, yeah, maybe."

"When you're properly cured and float in the water, the seal will fly and the water will peel off."

"Conversely, it is possible that the area was wasted while curing it."

"Something else, the distortion that came out of curing made the overall balance crazy, because it seems like it's possible,"

In the words of a macro, the fams come up with some possibilities for what was not possible. Perhaps we would not have realized it was just ourselves.

"Didn't the ship carpenter want you to see it?

"Somehow, there was something far-fetched around there..."

"Where you seem so busy, you have a bit of guts to bring in the nasty boat the Atasis have built to see what's wrong with you..."

"Anyway, if this had to be delivered and it was stuffed with cutting feathers, asking for a check even though I don't have to have trouble building a ship doesn't make me feel pretty discouraged when it comes to paying for it"

"Parents, he said he was coming back. So, Lymes, when my parents came back, they decided to tell me."

"Oh, well, I don't know."

Somehow convinced by the opinions of Therese and the others, Macro. Whatever your hand is when you're free, it's tempting to bring in a favor that's not even a big deal of money when you seem to be busy, and you don't have to do it urgently.

Even though there is reluctance around it, it will be a complete outsider.

Moreover, in this case, it was more likely that some of the causes of the busy boat carpenters were involved in the instruction given to the Azma Workshop, which was even more demanding.

Although I was slightly anxious to see if I would really come back, it would be easier to wait for the Macro, who I had heard would come back, with less effort and mood. So the fams didn't hesitate to make the choice of waiting in trial and error until their dependable bodies returned.

It should be noted that there is no sense that the fams do not want their failures to be known to the outside world with regard to this kind of thing, so there may be no reason only to be ashamed of bringing in a ship that did not float and could not go to ask.

"Well, in the end, we'll go back to talking about what I can teach you and annoying other people's hands. There's no such thing as bad judgment when I wait. After many prototypes, it doesn't feel like a long wait."

One nod to the words of the Horn, the fams. At that time, the spring vegetables return from the outside.

"I'm home."

"Whoa, welcome back. Did something unusual happen to you?

"Mm-hmm, especially. At best, I've heard rumors that there's a plan to connect the east and west of Ursus in the wake of the experiments that preceded it, because it will be laid on the railroad in Waldis' capital, Jayan."

"Sora again, big story. I'll go say hello to Ray at noon, and then I'll ask."

"Right. Well, it's been a while since I've cooked dinner over here, but what do you want?

"I don't know. Because of this, let's use God's ingredients in a delicious way."

Spring vegetables smiling and nodding to the opinion of the macro. Having come to Ursus because of this, it would be a waste to eat dishes with ingredients that can be eaten even on Earth.

"The problem is that Mio is going to resent me..."

"Well, you're going to have to give that up. I mean, I just had regular dinner here, and they say if Mio believes it or not..."


Tatsuya and Makoto, who mention Mio, who can only wake up his upper body but has not yet been released from his sleeping cut and had to be absent today. About that Mio, spring vegetables pinch my mouth.

"Mio has been banned from eating since the 9th, and I think he'll be able to eat something decent by the time he gets here next week."

"I mean, I thought it sounded loud because the diet is rather banned. Anyway, the solids haven't been completely unlocked yet, and I just finally got egg porridge from consomme soup yesterday."

"Not that it tastes bad, but I complained that it doesn't taste good."

"Yeah. So I'm thinking about making Mio's share today and plugging it in when a decent meal is completely unlocked. I think I'll be able to get out of bed by then."

Tatsuya and Makoto nod to the words of spring vegetables, I see. If you get that far, all you have to do is rehabilitate so you can do your daily life later. Since I can almost say that I have become healthy, I would have prepared a treat as a pleasure celebration.

The problem is that there are tons of ingredients that I have to wonder if it's okay to bring to Earth, but I decide to shelve the problem there that Heavenly Sound will do something about it.

"So, I don't care what you make, even if you do it lavishly"

"Then we'll do our best to recreate the special lunch that came out during the class reunion"

"Let it be, let it be."

Macro nods to Spring Vegetable suggestions.

Thirty minutes later, a truly luxurious lunch plate with Behemoth's cut steak as the main dish would line the table, making it controversial whether you ate this stuff for class lunch even if you subtracted the ingredients.

"I haven't seen this room in a while, either."

It's true.

"I haven't been away that long, but I feel like it's been a really long time..."

"Right. In fact, regardless of Hiro and Spring Vegetables, it's only been about two weeks for me and True Harp..."

Lunch was also successfully completed, during the afternoon when the handicrafts to be brought were completed and a visit to the castle was made. I waited for Rayots, saying that there was no such benefit in the familiar rooms anymore. There, I hear a modest knock.

"Go ahead."

Spring vegetables that detect who came from the signs and encourage them to enter the room.

Probably kept working until just before. When the door opened, there was Aeris there, dressed as a witch.

"Dear Hiroshi!

Aeris, who suppressed his impatient mind with spiritual strength and came into the guest room desperately to remember the lady's sagging, but apparently the maiden's self-control reached its limits there.

Though I didn't imitate jumping, I couldn't stand it until my hands moved to the distance I could touch and raised my voice like I was impressed.

"Long time no see, El. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Sorry I kept you waiting"

"No..., no...! I saw you again, that's enough......!

Aeris, desperate and tearful, and Macro and Spring Vegetables, who treat such aeris with the usual attitude. An elderly group watching that with warm eyes. There, again, the sound of a knock.

"Hmm, did Aeris cross the line?"

"Or Aeris. What do you say we leave Alchem behind?

I can hear Rayot and Elaine before they try to give me permission to come in. When Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables peel over you, there's Rayot smiling bitterly as Knock's posture and Elaine with a flashing face like pushing Alchem forward.

Apparently, at the time Aeris came in, the door was left open. Perhaps the cabinetry clerk, who was seeing Rayots, was waiting with him open, distracted.

By the way, Tatsuya and Makoto had noticed that the Rayots had come close. Instead, it was Tatsuya who gave instructions to the concierge who had asked him what to do with his gaze, and Shinji nodded and agreed to it.

It should be noted that Alchem, like Aeris, is still dressed as a witch, emotional and speechless, and so on and so forth, the movement is stopped.

"Also, sorry!

"Well, I don't even know how Aeris feels. Next, you just have to be careful."

Rayot looks out for Aeris, who is in a great rush to bow his head in his own crude phase, with warm eyes. How Rayot says this about leaving Alchem is different, but at the time Alchem is currently in a freeze, and he's not a character with this kind of thing at its root in the first place.

So in the meantime, Rayot gave his forgiveness on his behalf in order to put the place away.

"An inspiring reunion would be nice, but why don't you sit down?

"Right. It doesn't start when you're standing there forever."

Zhenqin tells me, Rayot, who honestly takes his seat. It mimics Rayot, and the other humans sit one after the other. Alchem, who usually refrains from standing behind him while standing as a samurai, is also on the side of being entertained this time because he is a witch.

Tea and confectionery are served as soon as everyone is seated. Waiting for them to go over to everyone, Rayot opens his mouth so he can re-divide them.

"Well, it's been a while, but you look fine and above all,"

"This way, it's been so long. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"I'm still busy, but I've got a lot of work to do. Especially now that you've brought down the evil gods, your response to them has diminished."

"Thanks to your father, Rayot and Mark, we've been able to get a decent dinner, and we haven't had to rely on much extraordinary food in the Aeris room lately."

"Exactly, I can't say it's healthy to push into my sister's room in the middle of the night and eat instant ramen while having a family reunion. It's a shame in terms of regimentation, but it's time to graduate from the days surrounding the table in that way."

Soon after the partition is re-divided, the unspeakable unfortunate circumstances of the Farlane royal family pop up. It is also subtle that it gathers in the Aeris room at night, but the regret drifts to the point that its purpose is instant ramen, and that it is one of the few decent meals.

What if the top of the world's richest country is such a poor minister's diet? Japanese teams agree on that sentiment.

"Well, I don't care about our diet. How's that?

"I don't have much to talk about. Chicken over there, we've only been here about two weeks. If I insist, Mio will come back earlier than he originally planned.

"Right. So, can we stay here forever in the future?

"That's not why I'm here. Anyway, the unemployed Makoto can only come here on his day off because he has a job or a school."

"Hmm. Then it doesn't make sense to ask for a lot of things like before."

"Well, the area depends on the content. It's not a very laborious job with a very tight delivery schedule, but it's a one-time job. You can't just snap out of it, like when you were at the Instant Ramen factory, and you don't have to be involved in it all the time."

"I see. Then there are a lot of things that I would like you to cooperate with, but I'll turn the consultation around later. It's not too bad to keep Aeris or Alchem waiting."

That's what I said, Rayot, mouthing the cup. Aeris opens her mouth for a few seconds.

"Again, long time no see"

"As I said earlier, you look fine and most importantly. Elle, haven't you grown up a lot?


To the words of spring vegetables, Aeris necks strangely. My underwear got tight a while ago and I put it back together, but there's nothing else I'd feel like I grew up with.

Most of all, there are parts of Aeris that I can't help but feel that I grew up with. Anyway, what you wear every day is highly defensive clothing, mostly with automated sizing enchants made by the Macro. The size changes automatically, so you can't help but have a faint sense of what you're growing.

Because of the royalty, dresses and other outfits are often tailored to new things, but conversely, because of the royalty, changes in stature and shape are not much discussed. As a result, the people around us are in a state where there is a perception that they have grown up quite recently here, but they don't think their stature has changed that much.

Incidentally, the height of Aeris has grown about four centimeters since the time of the solace ceremony, and at the moment it is time to become very different in height from that of spring vegetables. but from its spring vegetables in the first place, it is classified as small when compared to the average of Farlane women. That would also be the reason why it would be difficult for Aeris to experience his own physical growth.

For the record, the current Aeris is about the same as Nora's height, including her ears. I would have been taller than Nora if I hadn't had ear minutes from the beginning, but now I can't figure out how to reverse it with Nora. It can be back length.

"In a little while, you're not much different from Spring Vegetables."

"Oh. That's a lot bigger than when we first met."

"Well, as far as height is concerned, I was run over quite a while ago."

Makoto and Tatsuya talk about the growth of Aeris that way. I didn't say anything in particular earlier, but the fam and lime have grown considerably too.

For a growing child, just over three months is a good time.

Most importantly, the individual difference is that the female height almost stops growing by about thirteen years, and after that, it will be the same for the Farlanes to grow a centimeter and two centimeters over several years. Given that, Aeris' back is also about to stop growing big. Perhaps his height will stop at about one hundred and sixty-seven centimeters the same as Spring Vegetables and Elaine, as he once did when he became an adult in Lyme's birthday present.

By the way, Nora, who was the subject of comparison earlier on about Aeris' height, has barely changed since he came to the Azma Workshop in his own right. Instead, the breasts are growing up quite well, and in a year's time, they received an ungrateful acclaim for erotic rabbits, a flair that is likely to be almost identical to what they looked like after growing up.

If Mio sees Nola now, whose flesh has gone backwards and her chest has squeezed to the point that it is better than not, he must definitely consider how to do it first. It is about that size.

As for chest size, it's time for Aeris to grow up in front of the D-cup (rather than grow up that far, she needed new underwear), but she probably doesn't have the guts to imitate Mio with you. Not because you lost authority or power, but because you don't have the guts to get dirty enough to do it to a virgin Aeris opponent.

It would be the samurai's pity to decide not to ask in Mio's honor that the penetration is not so much now.

"On the contrary, it's not much different in Alchem."

"Well, it's an elf"

"Speaking of which, I've been wondering, how old does an elf get to be?

"Right. When it comes to height, women end up growing up roughly between the ages of 12 and 13, the same as the average of the human species, but other than that, they grow up pretty slowly, between the ages of 70 and 80."

"I see. Like that for a guy?

"It doesn't change that growing up big is in the early teens, but until I'm about eighty, I feel taller than a woman."

"Hee ~"

Spring vegetables that shake the story about how the elves are because we somehow talked about growth. Alchem answers that simple question of spring vegetables.

"That means that Alchem's breasts could still grow..."

"No, you know, I just haven't had a change in size in the last five years or so, so I thought maybe I'd grow any more"

"Oh well. Well, you're half a loser, but when you get bigger than that, you're not on the level of getting in the way, are you? In the first place, when one more cup grows bigger, it feels like it's time to stick one foot in the area of malformations."

"Makoto-san, can you tell a story like that at a place where the royal family and me..."

"Oh, I'm sorry"

True harp who is treated that way by a subtly blue-faced macro and apologizes honestly, albeit with a mild attitude. It's no longer like a conditional reflex for a macro to blur on a topic like this, and unlike in the past, I don't panic from here. So lately, for the reason that apologizing with a less serious attitude makes the air worse, at times like this, it's done with a mild apology with an implicit understanding, so that we don't steam back the same story.

The story continues to change as it is, and what happened during his absence, and what about the impact of doing a lot of things against the Three Executives and against the Evil God.

I hear with a serious look that Rayot and Elaine were also concerned about what happened around here.

"... and whether Elle and Alchem will age properly after the growth period is over becomes rather suspicious."

"Right. Without sickness and accidents, I feel at least as alive as Mr. Angelica."

"Oh, and in the first place, you die of life expectancy?

"I don't know, but right now, maybe even immortality. Go, but if you get a chance to do some big rituals, that's all you need to get out of the normal human race."

Aerys and Alchem listen to the words of the Machete and exchange meaningful gazes. Rayot, who looked over at it, pinched his mouth like a little panicked.

"I'll keep the nails on for now, but don't imitate the rituals, even though you don't have to? I don't know the idea of wanting a little life expectancy to get out of Harna, but it's blasphemy against God, such as performing rituals for impure reasons like that, right?

"... it's okay, brother. It's still pretty good."

"... I trust in other things, but I can't really trust Hiroshi and rice..."

Aeris and Alchem, told by Rayot and subtly out of sight. As a matter of fact, some of its gods are inciting it to "do it," but it is a fact that it cannot be just spoken of for the convenience of authority or anywhere else.

"Hey, Your Highness Rayot. I'm just curious, can I ask you something?


"With regard to Elle's life expectancy, I think the most problematic thing is the term of office of the princess witch, what happens around there?

"... right. Externally, you'll be delegating your position to the next princess witch sooner or later, but as long as Aerys is in Farlane, there 'll be two practically princess witches."

"Are there no instances where long-lived species have become princess witches?

"Only once, a royal princess, born as an elf in return for her ancestors, has become a princess witch by showing her high qualities. At that time, he gave up his position to the next princess witch in about forty years, but he was practically two princess witches for about two hundred years before he married her."

"I see."

Tatsuya nods as impressed by Rayot's answer. That's only a big country with three millennia of history, and they have roughly any examples of problems that might come to mind.

"Well, there's no need to do this right now with the issue of Elle and Mr. Alchem's life expectancy, and let's just put it aside"

"Right. In many ways, I'm not in a hurry yet."

"So, I'm sure we were talking about Master Elaine and Mr. Julius getting married, when will the wedding be?

"For once, you're planning your first Sunday in October. I was wondering if you guys would be back that day. It's not this decision yet, so you can change it for as long as it drifts back."

"Does that mean October 7th? Oh, but because the number of days in February and the month of the thirtieth and thirty-first are different..."

Yeah, well, spring vegetables that light up your calendar in your head. The conclusions drawn are…….

"It's a coincidence, but just because it's Saturday on our calendar, it's our day off."


"Mio will be fully healed by then, so you can join without a problem."

"Let it go. So, is Elle in charge of the ritual for Sister Ele's wedding?

"Yes, we will do it."

"Us?... Could it be, Mr. Alchem too?

"Yes. As a witch to Alanwen too, I am to join you in the role of assistant to Elle, the princess of Alfemina"

"... somehow, it hasn't been a very luxurious wedding?

Elaine nods with a bitter smile at Spring Vegetable pointing out. It should be noted, for the record, that with regard to the wedding of Rayot, whose addressee is still to be determined, Judith, a witch of Soles, is also to be added here: Balshem and Elsa.

Although it does not extend to the founding kings of Farlane, partitioned by all the Witches of the Five Great Gods and the Witches of the Gods in relatively important roles such as Igleos, Alanwen and Darjan, it can be said that Rayot's wedding is certain to be the second most extravagant in history in terms of rituals.

"Not that it's related, but there's a case I'd like to ask you guys for some advice."

"Maybe you're talking about the railroad?

"What, did you know"

"Spring Nanaka and the others picked it up in the rumors of the city. Conversely, I only know the content to that extent."

"Hmm. Well, I won't talk about details today, but I'd appreciate your cooperation"

"Just for the weekend. Yeah. If I do, I'll help. However, when Mio returns, he will be looking for people, so it will be your priority for a while."

"I don't mind your plans being the top priority. It's not like it's gonna end in a year or two on the scale of the plan. On the contrary, it's suspicious to even start a year or so."

Honda nods to Rayot's words. Even on Earth, the opening of new railway lines is a major undertaking. There are reasons, such as the fact that easy passage is almost over, but even partial opening usually takes ten or twenty years, even if it clears issues such as land acquisitions.

If Farlane, which is somewhat impossible to get through with royal power and currently has a good economy and economic power, it may be possible to lay a certain number of routes in six months and a year with the help of aliens like Hiroshi. In fact, it would not be impossible because the railway lines were growing with tremendous momentum even on Earth during the industrial revolution and so on.

But based on that, it probably won't end up in Rayot's place when it comes to completing enough rail networks within the Ursus. To that extent, the virus is wide.

There are also other issues of building and inheriting operational and maintenance management know-how, which is definitely a highly challenging business to go about as thoughtfully as ever.

"Well, I plan to come over tomorrow for the rest of the day, and then I'll come face-to-face and talk to you. Sometimes I want to talk to Elle about Alfemina."

"To Master Alfemina, is it? If so, if you'll give us some time after this, shall we step in so that we can talk?

"I don't know. Talk about your brother's wife, or is it faster?"

"Then I will ask Master Alfemina now"


Aeris nods to the words of the Macro, closing his eyes and making contact with Alfemina. A few seconds later.

"Dear Alfemina, I have taken the time"

"Hmm. So you're going to cut it up today and give priority to the guy named Hiroshi and the others."


"Never mind. For that matter, I'll give you some time tomorrow."

Copy that.

A macro nods to Rayot's words and drinks up the rest of his tea. Aeris and Alchem, who look at it and take their seats for guidance.

"Okay, brother, sister. Excuse me first."

"Excuse me."


One nod to Aeris, who offers to leave the room first, and Rayot, who sees the hosts walk away with two leads.

"Nevertheless, when Octogal was touching on the Hiroshi and the others, I thought Aerys and Alchem would fly away no matter what..."

"As a witch, I couldn't help but have a ritual I couldn't take off. That's all there is to it, unless it's a danger to your life."

"I see. Seems like it was just a bad time, but it feels like watching that made me exercise a lot of self-control..."

"Right. For that matter, it seems a lot sweet today and tomorrow in a subtle way..."

When I left the room, it was Rayot and Elaine cutting crosses in their minds with this in mind that would happen in the future around the macro in the rear of Aeris and Alchem as if they were happily waving their tails.

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