"There you are, Elle"

"Thank you for inviting us today"

It feels like it's no longer the norm to invite Aeris, Fireworks Day at the Reimiya Garden.

Aeris had been visiting the Fujido family with handicrafts and paperwork since morning.

"Uh, what about Mr. Alchem?

"He said he has a little business to do with the World Tree, and that he will be here before lunch."

Copy that.

Spring vegetables listening to Alchem's plans and convincingly nodding.

It's not uncommon for Alchem to rendezvous later with something like this.

"Speaking of which, is Mio here today?

"Mr. Future will call me and we'll rendezvous over there. By the way, for the first time in a long time, Makoto-san has already gone out on her own because she wants to enjoy a festival stall or something."


Aeris nods as he hears the trends of the other women entering and leaving here.

It should be noted that Shiori is basically always one set with Tatsuya, and Hiroshi doesn't come close to the Fujido family on days like this because we know that dressing involves this time.

"So, Elle. What are those papers?

"This is a project that I want you to consider."


"Yes, the fams want us to hire new people."


Spring vegetables that Aeris tells me and unwittingly speaks convincingly.

It's been over three years since I hired the Ginos.

If we close our eyes to success rates and quality, the fams have already succeeded in making second-degree potions, and the zinos are about to have fifth grade as their main focus.

Other production categories are at a similar level, where the fams can be assured that they are above the spring vegetables, except for alchemy, which is no longer enhanced by cooking and sewing and then by special circumstances.

Come on, I'll have to make you a junior.

It should be noted that even now, Spring Vegetables sometimes make their own underwear made of spiritual cloth, and sewing has not yet been caught up by the fam's.

Instead, there are aspects that depend on the ability to detach the skill as we learn design and special sewing from the future to make super serious battle underwear.

"So the paperwork is a resume or something?

"That's how it is."

"I think you said talent ran out when you were at the Instant Ramen factory, but was it okay this time?

"Unlike then, the people I recommend to you didn't have to focus on Farlane."

I remember what it was during the operation of Urs's Instant Ramen factory and talk about it with Spring Vegetables and Aeris smiling with a subtle feel.

The Hiroshi had once been asked by Rayot to create a recruitment test for the Instant Ramen factory, focusing on Tatsuya.

At that time, Spring Vegetables never did anything directly about the exam itself, but I still remember it was quite a bummer.

Later, until I returned to Japan, I gave advice and so on, but when I returned to Japan, I didn't have a chance to go to the Instant Ramen factory, so the Hiroshi don't know what's going on right now.

"Well, we're a small, privately run workshop, and I'm not going to take a hiring test that far"

"It doesn't really matter if you work under Hiroshi."

Aeris laughs bitterly at Spring Vegetables who don't even try to hide the feeling that it's a pain in the ass to get there.

As a real problem, it is the Azma Workshop that has little understanding of Japanese common sense or Faircro world common sense in the work content.

The experience of working in other workshops, for example, is of little use, and vice versa, even if you have never worked, it is not a big problem.

"Honestly, I think the fams can make whatever they want, but that's not how it works, is it?

"Yes. At the very least, we need permission from Hiroshi and Harna to properly confirm..."

"I know that's what the person in charge is, but it's a lot of trouble..."

So, deeply sighing spring vegetables.

I'm not going to take any responsibility for anything, but the operation of the Azma workshop is no longer completely out of the hands of the Spring Vegetables.

If I can, I only want to pinch my mouth when something goes wrong beyond my control.

"In the meantime, why don't you just do it?


"Then I'll look at the day and go over there, so I'll give you an interview then."


"Well, it's still early to wear... so let's have a little tea. I'd like to talk to you, or I'd like to ask Elle for something."

"A favor, sir?


Spring vegetables to shelve what I can't help thinking about right now and move on to the consultation for now.

To change the subject of its spring vegetables, Aeris leaves his neck small.

"Yeah. I'm talking about Lime, and I need to ask Lady Elaine a favor"

"... Oh, is that so?"

Upon hearing Elaine's name, Aeris perceives the thought of spring vegetables.

Nevertheless, there must be no mistake, so see what you want to ask for just in case.

"Master Harna. May I ask your sister about Hiroshi and Lime?

"Yeah. You'll get caught up with me and Elle, and Aunt Miyu scolded you and gave you some advice,"

"Scolded, is it?

"Yeah. Lyme's romantic feelings are something we don't say in four or five at this stage."


Aeris gets so annoyed at the argument that she doesn't even sound like a ghoul, that she looks unwittingly sorry.

With a bitter grin at how that Aeris is doing, Spring Vegetables begins to talk straight about what Miyu told her.

"Auntie said she talked to Hiroshi in a negative stance based on what she's been up to, but basically, it seems like she'd rather recommend having romantic feelings."

"... right. In my case, denying Mr. Lime's feelings is the same as denying his past..."

"Leaving it lying around, Lyme was told that it's not a question of romantic feelings or whether they'll achieve it."

"And when I say...?

"Lyme pointed out that you're a little too rushed to live..."


To the words of spring vegetables, Aeris raises her voice low.

Lyme's growth has something to keep an eye on, but that also means he's a child for less and less time if he returns the back.

It is also the cause of the Aerys' perceived threat in a paedophile sense, but there is anxiety in terms of whether such elements should be left aside, even on the side.

"So I have to convince Lime that there's nothing very good about living in a hurry, but only this time, because it can't be said by me or Elle..."

"So, Elaine, is that your sister?"

"Yeah. Lyme trusted an elderly man, and he got advice to ask someone who was as neutral as possible on this matter and, if possible, a woman with childbirth experience."

"Um, on that condition, wouldn't your mother be more appropriate?

"I also thought about asking the Queen, this time the other way around, because we have less contact..."


Aeris nods that to the words of spring vegetables, speaking of which it was.

Sometimes the implicit understanding determines the negotiator with the Azma Workshop to be the king or heir to the throne, and with the exception of special cases like Avin and Presea, there may surprisingly be no contact with the queen or the king.

"That's why I'm asking Lady Elaine."

"Okay. I'll tell your sister."

"Yeah, please. And I'm only asking the royal family, so I'm asking Shiori."

"I see. If you do, Master Siori, you are persuasive as an adult woman"

To the words of spring vegetables, Aeris convinced from the bottom of his heart.

Poetry weave that looks like spring vegetables due to the atmosphere, skin tension and other influences, but in terms of inclusiveness as an adult woman, I can't fathom Spring Vegetables or Aeris no matter how they stand upside down.

"... recently."


"In the end, whether you grow up or become a goddess, I don't think it's going to change much."

"... when we talk about that, even if they lift me up to say I'm a Virgin, the reality is that I can't even take the concerns of those close to me, I'm just a little girl..."

Spilling foolishly where we think of each other, spring vegetables and aeris that sigh at the same time.

No matter how much intense life experience you've had, no matter how many training grounds you've crept around, you're both little girls who aren't even twenty yet.

Sometimes I get really skewed in terms of the breadth of my experience, and many aspects are immature compared to the queens, Meiyu, etc.

This is all but actively challenging different things and stepping on the number of places for many things.

"... it's a festival because of it, let's just keep going."


Aeris takes the Spring Vegetable suggestion and just switches his mind for now.

It was spring vegetables and aeris thriving with stories about interviews, requests for Elaine, and today's yukata pattern, while sipping tea in the living room as it were.

"I see. So Shiori and Elaine."

"Isn't that just the right candidate?

That night. The usual fireworks show viewing seats at Reimiya Mansion.

Tatsuya and Makoto, who rendezvous, say as if they were convinced a lot by listening to Spring Vegetables and Aeris.

It should be noted that Hiroshi has spoken somewhat with the present Tianyin, and Alchem has not yet emerged with Mio as soon as he arrived and was abducted into the future.

(12) She is currently taking a nap and sleeps well in the cradle in a position where Shiori can deal with it immediately.

"But I haven't been over there much in the past year and a half ~. Is that why Lime listens to me properly?

"I think Spring Vegetables makes more sense than Spring Vegetables for not being a party."

"Yes, yes. People who are close to everyone and close to bystanders often don't have to be twisted."

That's what Tatsuya and Makoto tell Shiori to reassure him about the poetry that makes him seem anxious.

Actually, Tatsuya listens to similar stories rot at her business address, and Shinji sees them on the message boards over there and elsewhere when she's immersed in the ocean of the internet.

Although it may be a fairly exciting story because it is a preposterous story, the fact that there are many similar cases is not in itself a mistake.

Regardless, it goes without saying that there are just as many examples of the opposite, but that's part of it that depends on how much we already understand each other and build trust.

All this has to do is believe in ourselves until then.

"But if it's okay for Shiori to go, what about Shiori?

"That's a little troubling, isn't it?"

"As for Mr. Rhyme, I was wondering if it would be possible for Alex and your sister's maid to take care of him while we were talking."

"I was wondering if I'd take you over there."

Spring vegetables mouthing the most troubling part of Aeris's suggestion to the question of true harp.

Even though I've already had a feeling of late since birth, I'm reluctant to take you over there too often.

"Hey, Spring Sister. Instead, there's the hand of taking him and making him confuse again and again."

"Ah, Mio. It's finally over..."

He's finally free from the future, and suddenly Mio interrupts the story.

Spring vegetables that look back to reply to those words and solidify after seeing Mio. Other members caught and gazed at freeze.

It was supposed to be, and Mio was dressed in a yukata with an "attacked" design and a very luscious hue.

Even so, it is not designed to deliberately collapse and expose the valley of the chest and the northern hemisphere, as is often the case with pornographic characters in Japanese clothing.

The hem is shorter as a yukata, but not that exposed, colorful but not nasty.

but while successfully highlighting Mio's crisp body line, the colour and erosion are amplified rather than badly worn down due to its design that does not damage its impression and characteristic appeal as a yukata.

Let's just say it's a yukata that maximizes the allure of Mio, who looks Japanese-style overall except for his chest, in a direction he shouldn't.

While wearing such an experimental element-packed "attacked" yukata in grandeur, it amplifies more luscious that he is dyeing his cheeks somewhat shy, but he is probably unaware of it.

This is the third time in Mio's appearance that the feather ends up like this, after a middle school uniform and a school swimsuit.

But this time, superior designers made full use of their strengths and pitched all they could just to amplify Mio's appeal.

The destructive power is not the same as previous matches.

Most importantly, since we have not done this far, the porosity of spring vegetables and the pornography of the colored vegetables in Dar's time are mutually reinforcing, so there is something about the potential of spring vegetables that cannot be bottomed out.

"... Michi, wasn't that a little too much?

"... because if you don't do this, you won't really let me make Spring Vegetable clothes."


Where the Spring Vegetables are out of line, a future with somewhat distant eyes, Meiyu, and obviously pale skin, gives a face.

Listening to what that future has to say, the resurrected Tatsuya first puts in a penetration.

"I don't know if you want to stir up a sense of spring vegetable crisis, but isn't this just too much? If you go out by mistake, Mio is in danger without joking."

"I know. I don't want to expose Mio, who is so beautiful, beautiful, cute, luscious and colorful, to the eyes of people who have no edge or itch at all."

"If so..."

"But I think there are three kinds of fashion."

In response to Tatsuya's penetration, he says that the future doesn't know how to connect that way.

Tatsuya looks surprised not knowing what the future is trying to say.

I don't even care how it goes. I don't even see it, and the future keeps talking arguments.

From day to day, sometimes they hold the pace like this, and I hear the theory of the future with the faces that the spring vegetables gave up somewhere.

"The first is fashion that is largely shaped as a courtesy, not even as a courtesy, worn for everyday work or when meeting someone you meet for the first time. There's almost no choice, and if you're in a situation and you're not being rude, that's fine."

"Lately, I've been working like a cool, airless outfit who ignores weirdly pointy people like that."

"Conversely, there are cases where you deliberately leave in that outfit as part of a rush?

The first fashion the future talked about. Did you have any thoughts about the content, or True Harp and Spring Vegetables say that?

Nothing. I don't want everything to fit unconditionally into tradition and clinginess, but I ignore it just because I want to rebel even though I don't need a rush or change, it feels like it.

In the first place, there is an effective way to do it, even if it rebels, so it would be the world to run and imitate solitary with just feelings without thinking about it, as opposed to the consciousness of the person, who looks poorly dressed from around him.

"Mr. Future, what's the second?

"The second is fashion that adorns itself for its own satisfaction and focuses on self-expression. It would be fashionable if it matched novelty with harmony with appearance, aesthetics of that era, etc. to a certain or higher standard. What is commonly called fashion will mostly refer to this"

"Mr. Future's job is basically second, right?

"Yeah, it will. In fact, it's important for us designers to make the first and second runs."

The future, prompted by Mio, where he explains his original work in the form of a second fashion and puts supplements in poetry weave questions.

So-called uniforms and formal costumes, which are also rarely recognized, especially suits, because they cannot be taken off the stereotype to a large extent, but it is also the important task of the designer to make new designs while observing their constraints.

"... I have only ever dressed in clothing that, from a standpoint, does not take into account anything other than clothing that falls into the most category or not floating with patience, but fashion is also something quite deep..."

"Honestly, it's too hard to keep up with a woman like me who has farmed and lived in the countryside so isolated from the world..."

"I, too, have been isolated from the general community just because I stand in different positions, so much the same as Mr. Alchem..."

Aeris and Alchem, who were getting airy behind them, say somewhere fearful about fashion stories that were too deep to follow.

"Mm-hmm. In El's case, the freedom to choose clothes didn't even exist until recently for the sake of"

"No, it wasn't that I didn't at all, I could have told you about my preferences..."

There, Mio penetrates the underlying cause of Aeris' sense of failure to grow.

Aeris denies Mio's penetration, with a distant eye.

Unfortunately, until Catalina's turmoil came to a complete end, Aerys had no habit of mouthing his preferences.

When I was very young, I said that I preferred to eat or dress. but he had also been made a selfish villain in Catalina's conspiracy, and all preferences have been denied in the name of Shiatsu.

For this reason, until we came to the hosts, we half-forgot the very act of saying and choosing preferences in the first place.

It should be noted that Alchem had little choice when it comes to clothing, in a different way than Aeris, but nobody dares touch it because it's something I don't have to tell you about this.

"Mio himself said that after he went over there saying he could get his hands on fashion, right?

"I won't deny that, but in my case, only the material is as much"

"I don't think the material and the dots are being utilized?


Mio accidentally gets stuck with the answer to Tatsuya's penetration that you won't be able to say anything about people.

Over here, Mio, who has always had a complex in his shape since he was able to move, is somewhere where he doesn't try to enjoy fashion very aggressively, even if he is sometimes unsure.

"Michi, Michi. I don't know what you're talking about or what you're going to say from the beginning."

"It's okay. Because the next three are the real questions."

Where Miyu burst into the obvious and blatant deviation of the story, I touch on why the future has finally dressed Mio in such a nasty direction.

"The third fashion I'm thinking of is just to show it to someone specific. I made Mio's yukata just to show you East and Chunvee."

"Well, you don't know, Hiroshi, but what do you mean by showing me...?

"I think it's time for Spring Vegetables to explore the battle clothes they wear just for you East. But even if I talk to Spring Vegetables, they'll get away with it soon..."

"... Ugh, sorry..."

"Spring Vegetables may think that Kamikaze is enough, but if you're referring to the impression you made before, that's something you can totally classify as the most fashionable. I can't wear it just for you, East."

Spring vegetables with no gu noise for future pointers.

Though it is too powerful and can only be shown as ambitious as it is at present, Kamikaze is like a uniform as a god.

Where I got into how much of the best clothing category, those can't be battle clothes in terms of romance.

It is also true that Spring Vegetables have fled from being seriously fashionable due to stalker seniors and other circumstances.

Even though there is no need to escape now, I am completely uncomfortable with it.

It should be noted that, needless to say, the definition of fashion so far is only the idea of the future individual, nor can we distinguish each one clearly.

"Nevertheless, even though you're as bad at it as you've been trying to avoid, it won't work when you suddenly move on to flying, so let's start with a time not so far away"

"Not far away period?

"Yeah. Spring vegetables, what about the mitzvah?


Spring vegetables told by the future and voiced unexpectedly low.

I've forgotten a lot lately, but at the dawn of the year, both Hongkong and Spring Vegetables are mitzvahs.

Even though it's still summer vacation, it's already mid-August. In net terms, I am four months out.

At a time when the future is tense, it will be eighty-nine custom-made, so if you want to make it a shaker, it's time to make it a time limit.

"By the way, Auntie or Future, are you asking Hiroshi what she's going to do with the bar mitzvah?

"I heard that a little during the previous drinking party. He said he wanted to attend after rehab, so I suggested that he use feathers. By the way, they have family crests in the East House as well, but in your case, East, I think we should make a new one that suits the essence of our position."

That's what Meiyu answers to the spring vegetable question.

At the last drink, Hiroshi and Meiyu have been able to talk to each other for some time.

"If you want to join me, I'll join you. If it were a feather, it would automatically be a shaker."

"Spring sister, why don't you tell Rongko and Mika about it, and make it a reunion?

"If I said I'd join you, I'd automatically do that, maybe."

Spring vegetables answering that to Mio while contacting Rongzi, who plans to rendezvous later, about the mitzvah.

Returning to the local bar mitzvah is basically a reunion plan and set.

"So, I think I'm further from that story, what could the original story have been?

"What are we going to do with Shiori while she talks to Lime?"

"Oh, yeah, he was. He was. So, what do you do in the end? Take him over there?

I put the story back together. Then, the true harp confirms what you intend to do.

"Sometimes that's what we talked about, and I still can't make up my mind, or I can't stop."

"Well, right"

"It's hard to judge if it's okay to take me over there so many times, in a future sense ~..."

"What do Tatsuya and Shiori, the guardians, think?

I don't think we're just talking about pushing decisions on spring vegetables, and I also talk to Tatsuya and Shiori, who are parents and the other party.

Tatsuya presents her thoughts on behalf of Shinqin when she is shaken by her eyes and eyes.

"I'd avoid taking you over there more than you need to if you can, but this time it's going to be there time. You'd better take him."

"I'm sorry for everything."

"Dear Tatsuya, Siori, I will take care of you..."

"When I got back, I just asked my brother and sister Shiori to help me..."

"Mr. Harna and Master Elle are still distressed that I don't have much to give back..."

Spring vegetables looking sorry to bow their heads to Tatsuya's decision.

Tatsuya nods small with a bitter smile to those spring vegetables.

"You can say it. However, I would like you to pay a little attention to the future of"

"I know. Even so, it's hard to say how to be careful..."

"I guess..."

Spring Vegetables answers that with a troubled look to what can be considered the most important request for Tatsuya.

In response to its spring vegetables, Meiyu offers a help boat.

"Maybe you don't have to worry so much."

"Um, Master Miyu. As far as I can hear, in Japan, magic, spirits, non-human species, and so on seem to be very tough hits on those who speak when those things are real, are they really okay?

"It is in the adult world, but for what kids say, it doesn't matter. There are a lot of reasons, but it's a big deal to say that kids between the ages of three and four can see that in a fair percentage of cases."

"What? Really?

Aeris' question about Miyu, who all of a sudden said it was okay, spring vegetables that accidentally raise their voices like that with vegetables in their answers.

Until he was seven years old, he used to say he was the Son of God, but he just never seemed to think that far.

"Kids often say they found fairies, or they're scared to look at us, they're actually in quite a percentage of cases. Well, I rarely have enough kids to catch and subordinate spirits like you."

"I didn't know that, but that doesn't mean it's okay..."

"In short, it's not uncommon for a child to say that he saw or was there until about that point, so he doesn't need to worry about anything. Well, most kids don't see it by the time they get up to elementary school, and they look strange and forget about themselves."

Meiyu explains the logic of what's okay when you're three or four years old and you're seeing it against spring vegetables that still seem anxious to know the facts.

Sooner than spring vegetables say anything to that logic, Mio taps into a sharp point.

"Hey, Miyu. And since you went up to elementary school, can't you deceive me?

"It sucks around here, I have some plans to follow up, so I don't need to think too deeply."

To Mio's point, Miyu tells him that he's ready around there, bitterly laughing at whether he cares after all.

I was just about to say something more about it,

"... Ugh! Ugh!"

I wake up and start crying out loud when I should have slept well.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hang on a second."

Poetry weave in a great panic to keep crying hard in search of his parents.

"I'm going to change my diaper."

"Is there anything I can do to help?

"It's okay."

Shiori gently turns down the offer of spring vegetables and moves to a separate room.

"Oh, my God, that's so sweet."

"Ah, Hong-kun. Hey, you're awake."

"I see."

With the arrival of a macro there, the conversation ends in a nagging manner.

"Um, Mr. Hiroshi..."


"Mio looks at me and feels desperate to appeal to me..."

"My instincts are about to complain. If I see that now, I'll die..."

"Death may not be such an exaggeration... Think about it..."

Afterwards, the battle between Mio, who wanted him to look directly at the Macro somehow, and the Macro, who tried to avoid looking directly at him thoroughly due to the issue of survival instincts, lasted until just before the fireworks began, and in many ways everything would be put forward by Mio eventually changing color.

"Baby, it was cute"

A few days later, the Duke of Risefeld house, the mansion of Elaine. Tea party seats invited by Elaine and Shiori.

Reminds me of the children I used to play with earlier, Lyme says, breaking up with each other.

Today's tea party was dominated by the face-to-face meeting of Elaine's son, Alex.

It should be noted that until earlier, some fam seemed to have guessed something and played with the kids all the way before rushing home on the pretext of work.

Lyme also went home with her when she saw that her sister was about to go home soon, but she was tempted by Fam because it was rude for the two of them to leave without tea.

"It's been a little harder than ever since I started moving around."

"If you're alarmed, you'll do something surprising."

"Really hey"

Elaine and Shiori talk with real pleasure about the difficulty of parenting.

I mean it's hard to raise a child, but I'm more than happy that the child I gave birth to hurts my stomach will grow up healthy.

That feeling was in the gestures and expressions, and they were both totally in the mother's face.

"... nice..."

"Exactly, it's too early for Lime."

"I know.... I want to grow up soon..."

Lime twinkles and sighs like that just as truthfully.

Elaine and Shiori face to face with what's up with that rather nasty look.

After a little silence, Elaine asks Lyme.

"... what's wrong?


Lime silences herself again by saying something to Elaine's vague inquiry.

I know what Elaine's trying to hear, but I don't know how to say it or if I can say it in the first place.

"I'm telling you because they say you can screw with me if you need me, but they actually want me to talk to you because Lyme is worried about something, too,"

"From your sister...?

"Yeah. Well, Fam seems to be pretty much guessing what Lyme's worried about, too."

A lime with an unexpectedly stunned look at the crap from Elaine.

I thought you were aware of it because it was a well-guessed fam thing, but I didn't think you were worried enough to make me take such a step back there.

It should be noted that the adults around me are quite worried about the fam, but it feels like they are no longer completely in the swamps of manufacturing.

Unlike the romantic aspect, the manufacturing aspect of things can deny the existence of a macro, and these days we have to agree that it is no longer too late because it feels like Fam's reaction to the new material is entirely female version of Hiroshi.

"Actually, Fam asked me to, too,"

"Siori, your sister too?

"Yeah. So first, tell me about Lime's troubles. 'Cause whatever you ask, you don't get angry."

By my sister, I have been fed to some extent since the beginning. Lyme, who learns about it, speaks of her troubles as she perceived them.

"I, Harna, like your sisters, want to be your parent's daughter-in-law. But I've never spoken out loud, but I know your sisters don't like you, and you don't really care because your sister Terez or your sister Nora is still a child..."

"... well, I thought you would. In the first place, Aeris really loved Hiroshi in the same year as Lyme is today."

"I wonder if Terez or Nora's reaction is a common deviation between the senses of adults and children. After all, there are things that kids only know and kids don't know."

"After that, it's only natural that Harna and the others don't think much about it. Regardless of which is the main factor, what looks like parents and children or siblings are about to get married on top of more competitors"

"Spring vegetables are complicated too ~"

"Really hey"

Elaine and Shiori tell me that they just thought they knew about Lime's troubles, not particularly surprising or angry.

You thought that reaction was unnatural, and Lime hits the poetry weave with doubts.

"Sister Siori hasn't heard anything from your sister Harna?

"Well, naturally, I've heard a lot about it ~. It's just that Spring Vegetables, too, put you on hold for half the talk because when you get involved with Hiroshi, you won't be calm ~"

"Uh, aren't you going to say no?

"It's wild to say this at the moment. If you can say anything, it's just Haruyaki, who worked hard until Hong-kun was able to accept women, or Hong-kun himself."

To Lime's question, Poetry Weaves answers that lightly. Next to it, Elaine also nods with a straight face.

"I just don't say anything about liking it, but trying to rush it to accomplish it or make a fait accompli is just gonna piss you off, huh?

"... is that because I'm just a child?

"Yeah. If I were to be more precise, I'd try to stop being a kid."


I don't understand what Elaine is trying to say, lime tilting her neck.

In response to that lime, Elaine suddenly starts saying strange things.

"You know, lime. Adults are so long."

"Ah, I think so ~"

I agree with Elaine's words, which have not yet been folded back by her twenties, that the poetic weave, which is Alasser but not in the thirtieth way, is smudged.

Lyme, who naturally doesn't know what it feels like around it, gives a bewildered look to the two older people who abruptly mentioned that.

"I may not come to Lime quite yet, but once I grow up, I'm an adult until I die. I'm an adult at fifteen in Farlane, but then about forty to fifty years until I die, maybe more for some people? That's all the time I've been an adult."

"In Lime's case, maybe you're going to grow up longer? Because I want to be your wife."

"Oh, sure you do. If you want to marry Hiroshi, you have to overcome the longevity of the human species."

"Assuming your life expectancy is a thousand years, about a hundred times as long as Lime's life so far?

"Is a thousand years enough?

A conversation between Elaine and Shiori, Lyme finally understands what they're trying to say when she hears the interminable numbers that are also a thousand years and a hundred times more.

A child's time allowed even if he or she is powerless to be the subject of asylum is not so long in his or her lifetime.

There are exceptions, such as semis, but it is only natural that they are short as ratios, because they would otherwise be disadvantaged in the competition for survival.

"But still, I, I want to grow up soon..."

"When I was a kid, we all wanted to grow up fast. But when I grow up, I feel like I wanted to be more of a child."

"... Really?

"Yes, and if you live too long and rush to be a child, you'll have a great deal of that mess later. Sometimes you can't even look at Aeris because he didn't have the time to be a kid."

"Master Elle!?

Lime shouts an unexpected surprise at Elaine's words.

From the lime, Aeris is one of those people I admire and set an example for.

It would be harder not to be surprised because that means that from Elaine's point of view, we're in a situation where we can't even see.

"Speaking of which, Elle is so bad at playing and getting out of hand, isn't she? It's not like I'm not playing, but it takes more than I need to do anything..."

"You don't seem to like it anyway, like you make it big enough or give it a break when you plan something for yourself. You're applauding the impossibility of passing because you have authority."

"And you don't seem to like moving your body around and playing or making plans like that, do you?"

"You have enough strength, but your motor nerves are devastating, so you feel extra inclined to do that. Even around here, I wonder if it might be the harm of being isolated from the temple and working as a princess as an adult."

I know it because it's inside me, Aeris' flaws. Lime that rounds his eyes when asked around it.

Consider that the harm of living and hurrying has been properly conveyed to that appearance, and now I tell you that Shiori is another important thing.

"Besides, Lyme may have a favor for adults, but adults are no big deal ~?"


"Yeah. 'Cause adults are just kids who grow up and get a little smarter, and parents are kids who end up with more wrinkles"

A poetic weave that mentions something quite subtle, whether it is something to say to the child.

Elaine scratches her mouth from the side so that she can cover it.

"It would be a big difference if there was still a year of growing lime, but when it comes to our years. Unfortunately, I can almost imagine myself a year from now. I've repeated it ten times, and it's no big deal."

Elaine mocks herself about a far future for Lyme.

Together with Shiori, they're not old enough to talk about this yet, but they still have a lot to think about when they look at Lime.

"Hey, Lime. Don't try to grow up in too much haste, you have to play as much as you want while you can be a kid and do a lot of things. Because what you didn't do when you were a kid is something you can't even try to do when you grow up."

"Hong-kun would probably be happier to go through proper kids like that and grow up, and maybe that would be a better thread for the offense"

"... is it true that parents are happy?

Lyme eats slightly at the words of Shiori and listens back with bodies such as half-heartedness.

A poetic weave that smiles and snorts against its lime.

The threads of the offense are out for guidance, but it's better to experience childish children full of eyes before they grow up, but Macho is definitely happy.

"I can't suddenly change it because I've been working so hard, but I'll stop stretching out as much as I can"

"Yeah, you better do that"

"From now on, it's honestly sweet to the parents, even while they're kids."

Lyme smiles with a smile that makes her calmly innocent but somewhere lukewarm.

of Lime and the Horns, hundreds of years of defense. At this time, it began in earnest.

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