"Before I introduce myself, I want to check..."

"What is it?

"Where have you been listening to us?

"I just got here, so all you're talking about is Bardo."

The chief cleric returns a difficult reply to Tatsuya's question on behalf of all of us to determine whether it is a lie or a truth. I questioned the matter, but Tatsuya decided not to pursue it because she was afraid of the snake. There shouldn't be any problems when asked about Alvan's gender, but somehow I thought it would be awkward to know what I was feeling, and for some reason I had no particular basis. As for the rest, there is nothing particularly troublesome to ask, or there is nothing wrong because it is likely that they will confirm it again after asking about the situation.

There are a lot of concerns, but the opponent is the chief cleric of Haichiyama Thousand. I decided that extra penetration should be avoided beyond being someone in the hands of Tatsuya or Spring Vegetables, and Tatsuya just entered the introduction. Respect Tatsuya's judgment, rather than reluctance to make a blur, so we can get on with the situation and finish introducing ourselves.

"So let's get back to it. First of all, did Farlane have a man named Bardo?

"Yes, it was almost six months ago that we set him up."

"Then again, we're going to be separated from Baldo, who left our country."

"Is Bardo here, too?

"Yes, a year ago, it was discussed at the hands of Alvan."

A line of Japanese people accidentally make eye contact with a serious face for other important information besides thoughts. More than a year ago, it's time to see if even True Harp came. I can't say enough that there are thus more than one, but at least there's no doubt that Baldo, who was discussed by Baldo and Alvan, whom Honda has tailored, is someone else.

"So Baldo's M.O. is different from this series of incidents, what?

"In Farlane, it took more than thirty years to penetrate the center of the country, causing chaos without direct death by overthrowing the nation itself, thereby trying to pollute the earth's veins with the impatience it generated. If all the coincidences had overlapped and the Hiroshi and Spring Vegetables here hadn't rescued Aeris, the current princess witch, the country of Farlane would have been in havoc by now."

"Hmm. Is it okay that you know about that, your guests from an unknown continent who saved Farlane from the crisis?

"It would be useless to say that you have that information."

I'd rather be honest with you than pointless where you hide it. Tatsuya, who makes that decision and admits the facts very well. In fact, I didn't do anything dark behind it, and I just said I didn't speak publicly for two reasons: I don't believe in normal people, and it's a pain in the ass to get caught up in extra things. Now that it has already been established that we will be involved, it is less bothersome to just admit it than to be forced to hide it and create an unnatural gap.

"Still, is it a coincidence? The truth is, I don't know so much about the incident that happened only to the princess witch of Urs. With all due respect, may I ask what happened?

"It's not a big deal, it's simply that if I went to pick spider threads, a princess flying in metamagic on a Baldo trap would have been fed by Piaranok, the spider's boss. At that point, until we got involved more fully, neither these two of us had any ideas, especially about working against the Royal Palace, or getting into it and doing something about it."

"I guess so."

While subtly necked by the element of going to pick spider threads, the chief cleric only admits that the Japanese have no ambition. If they had ambitions in the first place, they couldn't have been adventurers in Dar.

"Still, you're familiar with Farlane's circumstances. The fact that guests from an unknown continent were involved in resolving the royal palace's mess, etc. is at least completely unknown at the level of the common people, right?

"This darling relies on a level that cannot be ignored about food against Farlane. We are always attentive to the situation in our neighbours because it is not very nice to have something in Farlane. Besides, when the Temple of Alfemina in Urus is visited, it has a small impact on this temple of Iglesios, so we gather as much information as possible to combat it."

"Well, I guess so."

The spring vegetable question, which was somewhat familiar with the situation within Farlane, had returned a truly convincing answer. Although the main hall in the scorching desert is the main mountain with regard to the temple of Iglesios, there are also a considerable number and size of subdivisions within Farlane. Even for the Temple of Alfemina, every city of more than a certain size in every country of the world has a minute hall, so it's natural to have less impact on each other. Inevitably, we gather more information from each other than from each other.

"In the meantime, here's what I can give you about Bardo, is there anything else?

"Right. If you're the ones who put Baldo in Farlane, I'd like to know what their strength was."

Together with a little thought on how to answer a question that is naturally good for the Chief Cleric. Strong was strong, but because there was something somewhere third-rate about it, I assure you it was strong and hard. Especially since the last fart ends so badly, the image of the dogma is too strong to assess strength.

"If you fight normally, maybe you're strong?

"Until halfway through, it was quite a lot of trouble, wasn't it?

"There's no reason to be weak, to be honest, like letting Hell Inferno go..."

Hiroshi consults with Hiroshi on how to answer. In fact, maybe without Hiroshi, Farlane Castle would have fallen. For there is no doubt that without a living magic canceller named Hiroshi, he would have ended up being burned down the entire castle in Hellferno. However, it is also true that the fact that there is a macro has made Farlane's Baldo so much easier to cope with than he thinks he is the boss.

"In the meantime, let's pull out each element and evaluate it. First, about transformation."

Simply because there was a cheat wall called Hiroshi, but if you do poorly, Makoto, fearful that you were going to settle in on the assessment of Miscellaneous Fish, directs the conversation to evaluate it calmly at all.

"It's kind of hard to appreciate, but every time you changed, at least your magic defense was up."

"The damage is getting harder."

"With your arm strength, and when you hit him with Paul Axe and the damage is hard to pass, the normal attack of a general soldier will be rendered powerless."

"The walls of temper are quite troublesome."


Follow the guidance of the true harp and discuss mainly after the second stage of transformation together. That said, if even the second stage is just the foundation ability, it's just the strength that you can normally control if you have someone as powerful as Doga or Julius.

"But well, if it's just basic abilities, what if there's more than one adventurer in the fifth degree or so?

"If it's just basic abilities,"

"You know, it's hard to hit your body, to herinferno, to summon people around there who can handle you?


"I just said, is that helpful?

Hear the conclusions drawn in a brainstorming way, clergyman with a distressing look on his face. Needless to say, I don't have the means to prevent Hell Inferno.

"No, I'm not paying attention right now,"


"The monster summoned at the construction site, was strangely unpleasant?


If you ask me, in the world of, but it was definitely only a number, but only the grubby fish came out to say that there was no problem with the two of them.

"Something's wrong with me."

"That's right. It's an M.O. aimed directly at the temple, and it's not like Bardo to call a monster in a place like that."

"If you're Baldo, I'll call you stronger"

I felt strange raising the point and keep shaking my neck together. Where a large number of fairly important information has emerged, the clergyman opens his mouth to tell the story.

"Very informative story, thank you"

"It's useful. If you do it, yeah..."

"Enough. So I have one favor to ask..."

"If we're looking for the killer, I don't know if we can do much for you."

Think about what happened when you said what you wanted to ask for first, and flash something that looks like a plan. If we push the flashing proposal through successfully, we can handle another concern together.

"No, I'd like you to cooperate, but apart from that, I'd like you to keep one priest and one apprentice at a time."

"Maybe that's..."

"Yes, both Primla Norton and Judith Norton, the two people who saved your lives."

A line that is too sudden to brag about how to react to an offer.

"Why would you talk like that?

Tatsuya can only honestly speak of the questions that have come to mind, to ask too abrupt a favor. In contrast, the clergyman confronts with a theoretical armed force forcibly constructed on the spot.

"First of all, there's one thing you two would like to thank you for. Because we both have people who are expected to be in the future, it is more convenient to have outside experience. And if they're the ones targeted, they're expected to continue to be targeted, but they don't have that much fighting power together."

"Which is not why we're taking it on, is it?

"Of course, I'm not saying it's just that. This matter remains a formal request for nomination through the Adventurers' Association. If it is a request for nomination from the Temple, it will be treated quite well as an achievement, so it will also have a considerable impact on rank assessment."

Achievement, subtly troubled by the word Honda. That's exactly why we're holding off on stalls in Dar. It goes without saying that it is sufficient to raise it to level 5 at most, but that up to that level is a medium steep path.

"Please understand that you can't."

"... what do you want...?

"When the Temple asks, I think turning it down is gonna be a problem for the boulders."

"I just don't see more women..."

"Oh, yeah."

As for Honda, there's nothing wrong with keeping a priest and an apprentice separately. The problem would be that, unlike the pattern that has brought women in so far, there would be no motive to get involved in this. It's not a case of bad aftertaste if left like Aeris, it's not that I got involved from myself like the fam family, or that people like Terez and Nora asked me to take care of them. Strongly speaking, it is close to the time of Alchem, but at that time I knew I would be taken care of in the village of Elf, and there was no reason to act together for another four or six hours, so I had quite a reason to deepen my relationship.

However, in this case, I do not want to go into the temple organization even if it is needed for the temple itself, and the temple itself is generally open to both the main and subdivisional temples. Anyone can worship themselves if they follow the regular procedure, and conversely, they can meet witches and their equivalent where they have made connections in the Hall of Minutes. Besides, there is no harm in connecting with the temple of Iglesios, but there is no doubt that the temple will turn to the enemy where I said no. For what God's presence is familiar to him, each temple is clean in the part where he says so, for better or for worse.

Therefore, our achievements as adventurers and our connections with the Temple are not always attractive enough to take on new women, knowing that they will put extra pressure on the Macro.

"Apparently, you don't mind under these conditions."

"To be honest, you didn't like one woman. It should be a very welcome condition..."

"Then why don't we add to the conditions we've had, that we allow access to the burning desert and the pyloric tower, in the name of the temple?

"Are you okay with doing that?

"If you have as much combat power as you're listening to, you can determine that you have at least the minimum strength necessary to survive wandering around those two things. Besides, we have enough authority to give you special access to the tower."

A line that listens to the Chief Cleric and consults him again. As things stand, there is no business with the Yangtze Tower itself. No, but it is possible that a rarely equipped Mirage set will be available, even though there is no problem with the availability of intermediate to advanced materials from an artisanal point of view. It makes a lot of sense to be able to get in and out, given the possibility that we will also need to step through the tower of Yangtze in future developments.

"What, there's a common pattern and the possibility of getting into a pyloric tower?"

"If you think about it, there's no harm in letting it in at this stage."

"At the moment, do you have any business with the tower itself?

"Especially when it comes to this, but the monster-based materials over there are quite enriching, so just for Mio's training. Yeah, yeah."

"Right. So, you want to take it?

"I don't know. It's like I really want you to take it on, and I think you should hit it with your hand."

If there is no problem with the macro, then the conversation is settled. Seeing as he's been putting the conditions up because he's about to be turned down, I guess the Dar Minutes Hall doesn't have enough troops to crack an escort on those two, or just enough personnel to proceed with the investigation or drag the mastermind without the help of Higashi. In a situation where such circumstances can be perceived, it is possible to turn the temple against the enemy that we continue to imitate more like a conditional struggle.

"On that condition, let's accept"

"Really? Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't."

"No. This is the one who imitated it like a conditional struggle."

"I have something to do with your people. It's only natural that we can't accept it under semi-acceptable conditions."

After this, Hiroshi packs details about the cost, duration, and other aspects of acceptance and raises them for a semblance of preparation. In order to make the priests and apprentice sisters acceptable the next day, they would move around in such a hurry.

"As far as information is concerned, here's the thing"

"... Alvan and I are in a lot of trouble."

"Oh, well, wonder hardly ever offends us."

Lainey makes an honest impression based on information bought from Dar's Bandit Guild, its direct informant. We started to get stuck collecting information on how to make money off of boulders, so we decided to come into contact with this kind of backside organization.

"... am I deliberately missing it?

"Probably. The aristocracy and luxury that Alvan is roughing up are a lot of people who aren't very nice to this one either. Given that, he doesn't seem to welcome us to be weak."

"Almost, that means a little bit?

"Well, this guy will be fine with the service. Funny thing is, the only people we know who were killed by Alvan are the ones who broke our rules. It would have been solemnly cleared not far away, so if we put the issue of Fujiko aside, there's also a weak reason to bother complaining. And in the first place."

"Even though he said it was provoked by the other side, the ones who got their hands on it first, or what?

"That's what I'm saying. He died fighting and fighting back, and the day he complained about the detached, he could paint his own mud on this sign."

Rainey nods convincingly at the word of an informer. So is Farlane's guild, but the bandit guild that this country of hands acquiesces in is the original role of holding the reins to maintain minimum order for those who cannot live in the tabular world for reasons such as background, personality of the person in question, and the qualities they were born with. Therefore, those who unnecessarily lay their hands on a man of steadfastness or unnecessarily persist in stealing are immediately solemnized.

Of course, it's not a beautiful organization, so I would eat some hard-headed people for money, but I wouldn't do anything more than make them suffer some losses unless they were just too busy being steadfast. Most of the money I'm taking from my stamina is like security costs if I tell you, and I don't bother imitating things like doing people on purpose and disrupting sales just because I didn't give them away. It is simply that even if other people, including the detachment, do bad, they do not look aside and do not do any rescue, etc. If the lower end of my place imitates the boulder like that, I will put the grill in the rock immediately.

It's an organization that says so, so I don't run to retaliation unless my constituents were killed by someone and I'm also in the executive class. The only problem with Alvan's behavior is that there is no indication that the subject to be solemnized internally will die of his own accord, and he is not willing to bother complaining unless he has committed such a serious violation. Of course, especially if a person who has not caused problems under the rules of the organization is about to be killed without question, he will retaliate considerably more than that, regardless of the life or death of his constituents.

"Do you have any information about Alvan?

"A different fee."

"How much?"

"Right. I don't have much information, so it's five grand."

Because I really don't hold a lot of information, I will offer a price that I can say is cheap to buy from an informant with this hand. Still, from the content of the information I hold, it's a good point, but the little girl in front of me, almost at first sight, has no particular reason to go out of her way.

"If you do your best to find out in the city, you can't give me five grand."

"I have a little more content, but okay. Four thousand and five hundred."

"Even if you say it's colored, if it's about as much as you can guess from the information you can pick up in the city, three thousand at most"

"... four thousand. I can't lower it any further."

Present the drop point to Rainey, who does not immediately imitate the boulder in terms of paying for it, naturally, etc. In fact, it's still the price of the mood, but it can give support to the extent that it can be inferred from the information that can be picked up in the city, so it's his contention that this much price is a reasonable line if you're going to sell it to the leftovers.


"Every time"

Confirm that Rainey paid four thousand senecas and go side by side with all the information at hand. Even so, most of them overlapped with information on nobility and luxury that I had just sold to Rainey, and other than that, Alvan started some nasty monsters, or just about any clue as to how to guess that kind of combat capability.

If this is all, definitely not worth four thousand senecas at all, etc., but the final added definitive information adds value at once

"Is that really?

"Oh. Definitely. I don't know what line you're eating into, but Alvan is definitely directly involved with the royal family"

An arm-written testimony tracking Alvan that he was opening the castle's hidden passage. That was certainly an important one.

"I don't even ask where or what it is, but do you know how to open that aisle?

"No. According to a man of magic, that passage cannot be opened unless special conditions are met."

"... unnatural"

"Right. Well, I suppose you deliberately leaked that information here so you wouldn't pry into who you are any further."

We don't have much information on Alvan, because in the end, when we found out about the passage, we stopped the investigation because we were afraid of snakes. Assuming that Alvan's identity was royal, if we take poor action based on that information, we will be solemnly sanctified. In the first place, where the public was told that the worst identity was royalty, it was about a highly popular fornicator from the people. Everyone is likely to be convinced that they will not rebel against the royal family except the ones with scratches on their tibia. The thief has done nothing negative to the average person.

"Is that all you want to hear?

"That's the place. Thanks for the info."

"Come and ask me if anything happens again. I'll sell you as much money as I want."

"Let me guess"

Answering that to the informer, Rainey disappears from the spot before he even realizes when he left. It's been a long time since I had to decide that it was impossible to track down the person I saw after he had been a long-time informant.

"Well, what do you want to explore, Farlane's secret detective?"

I remember Rainey asking questions that were inconsistent with the content of the information I wanted for my arm, and I was an informant whining about that.

Around the same time, at the Azma Workshop in Urs.

"Welcome, Master Elle"


Aeris faces the Azma Workshop very normally, as exemplified by example. Nobody cares anymore because it's the usual thing, but from all the nonmainstream people who are desperate every day to be close to the princess, it's a situation that makes me want to scream in many ways.

"What can I do for you today?

"Is Alchem here?

"Alchem, is it?

On the name that came out of Aeris' mouth, Terez with his little neck. The combination of Aeris and Alchem is not pinned.

"I'm sorry. He's out in the field now."

"Really? Can I keep you waiting?

"Of course."

I go through Aeris in the back for now, with no idea what to do to wait for him to come home on purpose. As a matter of fact, the outside human being who is passed into the reception room of the Azma Workshop is plain limited, and when it becomes a tatami room, it is only about the royal family and its associates, and later Melissa, the nominal landlord, who can get in.

This is not intended to be the case, simply because there is no one else to be that close. More importantly, employees do not imitate more business partners on their own in the absence of the workshop owner. That's the odd hurdle in dealing with the Azma Workshop, with the nagging and extra premiere, but the parties aren't aware of it at all.

"So, what can I do for you, Alchem?

Terez inquires as he serves tea and tea sweets after putting Aeris through the tatami room. The tea on this day is so-called green tea, and the tea confectionery is soy sauce shenzhen. I keep in touch with Alchem when I prepare my tea, so I'll have to wait for him to come back later.

"The details will be explained directly to you, but under certain circumstances, you will be leaving Farlane for a while."

"Besides, we need to take Alchem," he said?


Explain that for now, mouth a cup of tea in elegantly only water. As with spring vegetables, they are not Japanese from anywhere, but they are a trick that quickly entered the hall.

"Do I really need to take you?


"Since when?

"I'm thinking as soon as I can, but first I'll ask for Alchem's convenience."

Seems like a really important matter to do as I go out of my way to accommodate the convenience of Alchem. I understand that, and I decide to stop listening to stories I poke at poorly, Therese. In the meantime, I try to put my mouth on my green tea along with the meaning of placing a beat on it in order to look for another topic. At that time.


Someone suddenly glanced at Terez's spine. Terez, unintentionally tickled with a sensitive place, makes an unexpectedly surprising, less weird voice and is about to drop the hot water swallows in his hand.


"Catcha, catcha"

"Pitcher, I'm freaking out."

Something like an octopus's foot catches a hot swallow that almost sprinkled the contents. Terez knows who the mischievous killer was earlier in a capable weather voice that connects that foot with a word that doesn't make sense.

"When will you..."

"I followed you, Chem."

"I love Elle ~"

"Terez, Elf ~"

Octogall returns an answer that isn't quite the answer, forming on the knees and heads of Aeris and Terez. Keep it up, and stretch your legs out on the shears without even showing any reluctance.

"Not at all..."

Sigh at how Octogal looks like nowhere changes, and now it's time to put your mouth on your yukata. I honestly decided to shake that topic because in a way I had just the right topic.

"How long have these kids been here?

"It was about April's head. I surprise everyone who works in the castle with their hands."

Aeris explains with a smile and a gentle smile, a voice that makes her feel the heart of mercy. On its knees, Octogall cleverly divides the shears into bite-sized pieces and gives them to his overhead compatriots. Looking closely, at some point Octogall, who was over Therese's head, brewed their share of tea on their own and poured it into three other hot swallows. They are really my-paced people.

"Well, that's bothering you again..."

"No. It's Master Alanwen's family, and everything we do to it is a sinless prank. Instead, I feel a little brighter in the castle since these kids started coming"

Aeris tells Therese that she doesn't have to be gentle and careless, afraid to do it and keep her head down. In fact, it is not something Therese needs to apologize for, and for those who work in the castle, they are accustomed to the existence of a communal octogal, which makes them feel like they have shared pets at work. The head chef and others particularly like Octogal, and look in between to give them a taste of the new dishes. However, I don't feel comfortable classifying sexual harassment attacks as innocent pranks.

"Still, you're familiar..."

"Shouldn't you?

"No, of course not..."

I feel indescribable watching Aeris break the shears I receive from Octogall into two in elegant motion. Say what's subtle, you're putting octogal on your head, but the goodness of the product won't be compromised at all. Octogal's oddly dear is also what makes me feel unspeakable.

"I'm just back, what?

Alchem, who was summoned back and rushed in between the tatami tatami, dots an unexpected sight. At the moment of discovery of the alchem, the octogals' total eight eyes show a glow that makes them want to put on a phonetic sound called Cupid, flying instantly.

"Chem, I found it!"

"Chem, Chem, Chem!"

"What? Hey, all of a sudden it!?

I can't react to Octogal, who's killing me, and Alchem gets messed up in no time. Terez stands up in an unexpected panic to Octogall, who starts doing sexual harassment beyond the feeling of what it's like to make him look like Aeris at his age. Aeris takes a bite of the shears as he grins to see how it goes.

"Chem, fuzzy ~"

"Chem, come on."

"I love you, Chem."

"Terez, mass-produced elves ~"

"What is a mass production type!?

Terez pulls Octogal off Alchem desperately as he puts his way into a dialogue he doesn't quite understand. Aeris watches over it with a smile but doesn't show any particular hand, just enjoys tea in a safe area for one. In the end, it was another fifteen minutes after Aeris got to the point.

"Here, is it?


The Norton sisters show their flashbacks at the guided Japanese stronghold. With a bitter smile at the way it is, Macro messes around a little bit with security.

"In the meantime, try to get in."

"Oops. I'm kind of tired today, let's just get the two of us in the room and get some rest after dinner and bath."


One nod to Tatsuya's suggestion, what to do for dinner this evening ~, etc. Spring vegetables headed to the kitchen with improvised singing. Primla returns to me. Wherever you know it's too late to take care of the exterior immediately, there are things that just make you young on boulders and become a priest. It's a big difference from Judith, who hasn't come back to reality yet.

"Um, excuse me. May I have a moment?"


"Um, is this fine building really your base of activity in Dar?


"... I would like to ask you a question with understanding of your disrespect. I think the rent alone is pretty expensive, but do we need a big building like this?

Primla's, in a way, we just have to laugh again at the obvious question together. Needless to say, Class 6 or 7 adventurers would never normally need a building of this size, and even as a result of Hiroshi's renovation, this is a fine building, and the monthly rent would otherwise be fine beyond the January Inn cost for five people.

But it's hard to say that Honda is normal in many ways. Ordinary adventurers do not need to function as workshops in their bases, nor do they smoke monsters that are normally classified as inedible. In the first place, at a time when I was working as an adventurer between stalls, I doubt it per se fits the definition of adventurer.

"Hey. I don't normally need this size."

"Normally, renting a building this size is tough"

Tatsuya and Makoto have trouble deciding how to explain their specificity in response to Primula's ultimate question.

"It would be expensive if I borrowed it normally, but this time I borrowed the building in front of the ruins and renovated it myself, so I didn't get an OK for 10,000 senecas a month."

Hiroshi ignores those two troubles and explains the tease very normally.

"... on your own, is it?

"It's more like it's costing you money..."

Judith, who was briefed by the Macro and finally came back to reality, puts this in another reality based penetration. Sure it would be if it were normal, but it is useless to put that penetration into a human being who is straying away from the definition of normal.

"Well, I would if I asked the vendor, but I fixed it all myself from scratch. The same material I used elsewhere before. I took too much, and it cost a lot of money."

"Somewhere else?

"It's nothing to hide. Oh, and I can tell you. Yeah?

Maybe I won't be relieved if I don't give him some reasonable explanation. I have no particular objection to the ambitious question of thinking so. Confirm the matter and explain the important matters carefully.

"I wander around in a little bit of a situation, but we're doing a workshop in Farlane, too. So, there's a lot of extra material for the expansion work there and whatever. I used it around, so I don't need to incur new costs. Besides, there were a lot of guys who went to procure their own materials."


"You need to lie and look good. Oh, no. In the first place, even if I did this building with honor, I'm not paying the rent for another three months, and I'm not particularly annoyed with myself."

Primla, who was a little suspicious of the macro, convinces me in her last comment that's true, too, and pulls out her shoulder. Regardless of the main hall and the Dar Minutes Hall, I don't have to wonder how it is a better building than the temple of Igleos in any other regional city, but that's what I said, it can only be mere seclusion.

"If I'm convinced, I'll get a room."

"In the meantime, choose the appropriate room without a plate"

Encouraged by the words of Hiroshi and Tatsuya, we can obviously rent a room that is bigger and more splendid than the one we have lived in. I tried to rent a room as small as I could because it was basically above my residence, even though some of the costs were paid by the temple, but I stopped thinking because of the original interval problem or because even the smallest room was nearly twice the size of Primla's original room.

"Fine furniture is not available today, only beds are available in time."

Hiroshi, who came into the room of two people who still had nothing at all, said something like that and took the folding bed out of the bag. Its folding bed, packed with advanced craftsmanship, was a high quality substitute that had no edge on the primers again because of its good workmanship due to its normal single size because of its appearance and size, but also because of the advantages of springs. Needless to say, the Spring Vegetables made in practice were modified by Hiroshi with this hand.

Note that the language is Frank because he offered to stop saluting from his sisters' side. If they even use respectful language to reside, they won't be able to resist. Besides, you can't make Hiroshi feel hard in many ways, sisterly. Tatsuya and Makoto are now using respectful language because of their elders, but the tone is the usual around the end of the room.

"Sister, I'm going to have a lot of weird common sense"

"Judith, you can't take this for granted, can you?

"If you take it for granted, it's kind of going to end a lot."

Primla touches the bed prepared in a word in time and nails Judith's words with a distant eye somewhere. At least as a reluctance, we decided to occupy one room together, but it didn't seem to make much sense.

"If you need anything else, don't hesitate. Because I'll make it right away."

"No. No!

"I'm very happy for you, but if you have something better, you won't be able to go back to your previous life"

To the words of the Macho, the two of them speak hastily and reluctantly. In fact, if this goes any further, I can't go back to my previous life without joking.

"I wouldn't hesitate to, but yeah. When I stopped at Master Alanwen's temple, I still had a lot of hunter tree material to cut down, so I could make a desk or something right away."

"It's better to sell it somewhere than let us use it..."

"If you put a lot of other than consumables into circulation, there might be a lot of problems."

For the first time since I've been told, the Norton sisters have their heads turned to that possibility. I can normally imagine even the primaries, who are slightly reluctant to have public relations, that there will certainly be problems instead of there.

"Well, I'll make it if you're around, and I'll bring the guy I've been using, and I'll carry him if I do."

"I noticed and appreciate it. But even though it was the chief clergyman's offer, I'm tempted to ask you to help me that far."

"Think it's for our training, so don't do it."

I gently turn down the offer of the Macro and smile heartily with gratitude. Based on that appearance, I understand that training is not an excuse, but a pretty serious word, and I will not say any more. Apparently, the same thing happens in the Temple of Iglesios that doesn't break the first time a temple official puts out this word.

"Copy that. I'll explain the equipment here later."


Sisters who are once again taken around by a macro and have to go around the building. There were a few things that spooked me, most of all.

"... sister, I have a bath..."

"... I don't know about Farlane, but bathing is valuable in this country to the extent that it can only be used by royalty..."

It still seems to have been the presence of a bath. As the sisters say, we cannot afford that much water resources in Dar. At best, the extent to which water cleansed by water purification magic is used around to wipe the body. And if we can't all use water purification magic, we can't turn the magic around every day. The two men who officially work in the Temple on the boulder have a degree of magic, but they still don't have the magic to just bathe in the boulder.

"Never mind about the water. Yeah. I'll make it out of magic props."

"... I'm tired of being surprised..."

"Sister, I'm kind of sorry..."

I don't think of it as a team of adventurers with only six levels at the top, living in facilities that are too full. Judith feels truly sorry for being forced to interrupt in the name of giving back to such a place. Primla's a little on the boulder, too. This makes us realize clearly that we're too glamorous, and we're about to hit the chief cleric with a grudge festival by accident.

"I'm ready for dinner."

In my heart I hear the words of spring vegetables that in a sense stop me from confessing to God to my sisters. Stop penitentiating with that voice and be guided to the dining room by a magnificent.

"I'm sorry, but the food in this country is still in the process of being researched, but they let me cook it in our country. I'm sorry."

"No. You're going to cover all your food and accommodation. Complaining and so on."

"So, what's today? It smells like curry."

"Cutlet Curry with Slash Jaguar Cheese Cutlets"

"Hmm? Sounds delicious"

Laughing happily at Tatsuya's words, I prepare curry and salad for everyone, then water. In Dar, where water is a basic precious product, there are not many types of simmering dishes. It also has a slightly subtle shade of stuff in front of it. Approximately the sisters confused, you will have it. Together with the Japanese who poke a spoon without hesitation.

"Great with cheese, cutlets and curry!

"Cuttlefish curry, I knew it."

"It's a little different than a regular cutlet, though."

"Sister Chun, delicious is justice at all times"

Looking at Bakubaku and the Japanese going to flatten the curry really deliciously while saying things like that, curiosity and appetite seem to prevail over rejection of appearance. Fearful one spoonful dull, sisters to taste carefully in their mouths. In the meantime, the more spicy Dar's dishes are, the less impactful the flavor is, the more I notice the exquisite spiciness that adds to the intricate flavor that spreads through my mouth, the more and more my food goes.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"I've never had a dish that tasted so sophisticated"

"Dar's cuisine doesn't taste like this type of delicious, does it, sister?"

"Right. The type of seasoning is also biased."

The Norton sisters remember just a little lonely for the lack of spread of their country's food culture. Most importantly, this is not something to be ashamed of, as this is an issue that involves vegetation and the characteristics of the region, including temperature. In the first place, soy sauce alone is more unusual in Japan, where there are dozens of different flavors due to differences in manufacturer and method.

"Nevertheless, I can't believe the living environment is not only comfortable, but even the food is delicious..."

"Sister, can we go back to our original lives...?

"Tighten your mind..."

Sisters who can no longer hide their anxiety in their over-comfortable lives when they have finished their meals and finished their prayers for gratitude. It's the only thing that put a chase on those sisters.

"Sister! Water comes out of the toilet seat and it's on your butt!

"Calm down!

"But you can tell if your sister tries it again!

"... this..."

Born in the United States and blossomed in Japan, it was a monster named Washlet.

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