Wayne noticed that Little Red Riding Hood’s face was a little lost.

She was distraught and distracted.

He and Little Red Riding Hood left the strange white stone bunker where her grandmother lived.

After walking a distance,

Wayne said calmly,”I’ll take you back to Ao Shen Village.”

While saying this, Wayne had deeper plans in his mind.

While escorting Little Red Riding Hood back to Ao Shen Village, he investigated what kind of person this hunter Oak was.

If he was really as lustful and tyrannical as Little Red Riding Hood said, then Oak would also become Wayne’s target.

Right now, one thing that can be confirmed is that

Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother is definitely abnormal. An old woman of the grandmother’s generation can actually sound like a young woman in her twenties!

There is a lot of story here!

Wayne thought to himself.

He and Little Red Riding Hood were walking, and Little Red Riding Hood was still silent, as if she was blaming herself for losing the two poisonous vipers…………………….

Next to Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood, more than ten meters away, in the dense bushes,

Oak’s beard and brown eyes hidden under brown eyebrows poked out.

The other four young hunters also showed half of their faces in the bushes next to them.

Their eyes first looked at the huge bunker of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother.

Hunter Oak’s eyes were as big as potatoes:”What the hell, what is this place?”

The hunter next to him spat:”My God, how many secrets are hidden in this dark forest?”

The grandmother’s huge bunker looked very oppressive in the eyes of the five hunters, and even made them dare not breathe!

“I remember now!” A one-eyed hunter’s only eye flashed with wisdom.

Pointing at Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood who were walking away, the one-eyed hunter said,”That young woman in a red hat is also from our village!”

When Oak heard this, disgust appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth,”Damn it, how did this woman get together with the church guardian?!”

The one-eyed hunter interrupted,”That Wayne is a tough guy. The old priest who did business with vampires in the church was killed by him!”

Oak looked at Wayne’s back with disgust on his face,”Let’s see what the situation is! A man who gets together with this woman can’t be a good person!”

“If it doesn’t work, just kill him!”………………………

As Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood continued walking, the thick layer of fallen leaves suddenly slipped under their feet.

Wayne turned sideways and dodged to the side.

The thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground collapsed, and Little Red Riding Hood fell directly into the pit hidden under the fallen leaves.

Wayne leaned down and was about to pull Little Red Riding Hood out of the pit.

His fingers touched Little Red Riding Hood’s huge gourd.

The warm touch suddenly spread from the milky white cod!

Little Red Riding Hood’s pleasant voice floated out:”No, this seems to be a cellar at my grandmother’s house.”


Wayne frowned.

Little Red Riding Hood stood up in the pit, and her shiny black stockings were now covered with dust.

But she couldn’t care less.

She pushed the heavy fallen leaves in front of her to both sides, and a passage suddenly appeared in front of Little Red Riding Hood and Wayne.

Little Red Riding Hood’s expression now is very similar to the expression of Warden Norton in”The Shawshank Redemption” when he discovered the big hole in the wall of the male protagonist.

“It’s really grandma’s cellar!”Little Red Riding Hood smiled slightly.

She heard from her mother that there were many delicious foods in grandma’s house.

Could it be that grandma stored all the delicious foods in the cellar?

Little Red Riding Hood was very happy for a moment, swinging her feet.

Shiny black stockings wrapped her straight long pants, and a red short skirt covered her honey pot.

Wayne also jumped into the pit and looked at the passage in front of him.

This passage was embedded in the side wall of the pit.

The length and width were both two meters, very neat, and there were wall tiles at the entrance, but the pattern of the wall tiles was a bit obscene. Filthy.

It was a carnival for countless people.

Wayne had long felt that Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother was very strange, so he would not give up this great opportunity for investigation.

He motioned Little Red Riding Hood to hide behind him.

The two entered the passage one after the other.

The musty and dull smell that was awakened again after being sealed for a long time gathered into a turbulent flow and poured into the mouths and noses of Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood.

The passage was still moving horizontally at first.

After walking a few meters, it suddenly went down, but many steps were dug out on the ground of the passage.

Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood continued to go down the steps.

They soon arrived at the cellar.

The air was filled with the sour smell of rotting meat, which was pungent and made people want to vomit.

In the sour smell, there was also a more pungent acid-base mixture like venom.

After Wayne saw this scene in front of him, a purple wormhole of [Void] suddenly appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Little Red Riding Hood hid directly behind Wayne, leaning on Wayne’s steel-like back.

Her legs were trembling, and Yu Xi was also trembling, raising dust that stained her long hair. On the shiny stockings on the legs.

In front of the two.

There were dozens of bodies that had been drained of blood. Not even a drop of blood was left on each body, and there was no trace of blood on the ground.

This was why after Wayne and Little Red Riding Hood entered the passage, they only smelled the smell of rotten meat, not blood!

Around the bodies were groups of dead snakes that were discarded casually like hemp ropes.

These snakes were all poisonous vipers without exception!

And all of them had their fangs pulled out, and the snake venom and blood were squeezed out, turning into snake-shaped mummies!

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