Wayne took brisk steps, his tall and narrow figure, casting and dragging in the moonlight on the forest path.

The church was right in front of him.


Wayne suddenly found something wrong.

In front of the church, on the first step, there was a red shadow.

Blood red, like a piece of solidified cinnabar.

Wayne did not bother to take the [Collector] musket out of the [Void].

If this was another minion sent by Nosferatu, then crushing him would be as easy as crushing an ant.

If not, Wayne wanted to see what trick this was.

He walked directly to the steps of the church, in front of the dark red cinnabar shadow.

It was a red bat.

A letter was held in the mouth of the red bat. The huge head like a mouse and two ruby-like eyes were looking at Wayne.

Wayne hooked his finger at the red bat, and the red bat flew up gracefully. Its thin body quickly flapped its film-like wings and flew to Wayne’s palm.

The pointed mouth loosened, and the letter fell into Wayne’s palm.

There were faint bite marks of the red bat on the edge of the envelope.

Wayne’s eyes met the red bat’s.

Wayne suddenly realized that something was wrong.

But he didn’t say it.

He pushed open the church door, and the heavy oak door made a dull sound as it moved slowly.

The first floor of the church was very quiet.

The nuns had all returned to the second floor. It was the second half of the night, and they must be sleeping soundly.

Wayne sat at the warning table and put the letter with a thick wax seal on the table.

He didn’t rush to open the envelope, but glanced at the stained glass window of the church.

The red bat was still squatting in the corner, looking at the church.

Wayne’s expression didn’t change much, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The envelope was torn open, and a piece of parchment of the same texture appeared in front of Wayne.

Wayne looked at the parchment. The paper was filled with a strong, strange scent

, similar to the one Wayne had smelled when he saw Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother bathing through the vent in the basement of the Whitestone Bunker that day.

【Now, your reputation has spread throughout the forest and Oshen Village, Mr. Wayne.】

【I also noticed that you were investigating those mummies and the investigation led you to me.】

【Now, I want to discuss a deal with you.……】

Seeing this, Wayne stopped reading.

Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, dare you to negotiate a deal with me now?

What a pity.

She is not worthy.

Wayne pulled the candlestick on the warning table and placed the parchment on the candlelight.

The bright flame quickly burned a big hole in the surface of the parchment.

Although there were words written on the whole piece of parchment, Wayne didn’t care and didn’t want to read it. Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother and he had no qualifications to negotiate.

Under the firelight, the letter quickly turned into ashes.

Outside the window, after seeing this scene, the red bat also spread its wings and flew towards Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother’s bunker in the forest…………………….

White stone bunker.

The red bat landed lightly on the stone window.

It lowered its head slightly and crawled into the stone window.

The bunker was warm, and there was no smell of blood in the air. Instead, there were elegant and pure fragrances.

The red bat flapped its wings twice and landed on the Persian-style plush carpet on the ground. Its red body began to swell rapidly.

In a few breaths, it turned into a very pretty young woman. She had big wavy golden hair draped over her plump shoulders, a slender waistline, and peach-like curves. She was wearing a pair of blood-red high heels on her feet.

The young woman who had turned into the red bat now raised her eyebrows, and her face seemed to be a little worried and anxious.

She opened her plump red lips, and the voice that slipped out of her jade throat was as sweet as swallowing countless pieces of rose soap:

“Madam, Lady Elizabeth!”

“there is a problem!”

“”Madam Elizabeth!” The

Red Bat Windburned Young Lady’s tone was very anxious.

The space in the bunker was more spacious than expected.

The room behind the stone window looked like a study.

The study was connected to a corridor similar to the Shadow Gallery, filled with antique collections from various eras.

In the corridor, there was a graceful figure.

She was wearing a white long dress, with a flat body and a slender waist. Her hands were crossed at her lower abdomen.

After hearing what the Red Bat Young Lady said, she did not speed up her pace, but walked towards the windburned bunker lazily, without any hurry. The young woman came over.

Her long golden hair, in the shadow of the corridor, was like a golden river that had dimmed over the long years.

Her neck was as white as jade, as perfect as a marble sculpture.

Her gourds were half-hidden, and her raspberries were hidden. Her willow-like waist was like a dancing sea snake, vaguely visible under her plain and elegant white dress.

Elizabeth Bathory, the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood, walked in front of the young woman who had transformed from a red bat.

Although the young woman’s voice was already very sweet and charming, the moment Elizabeth Bathory opened her mouth, there was still a huge difference.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?” Elizabeth asked the young lady in front of her in a sweet and charming voice.

The young lady lifted her golden wavy hair with one hand and let it fall on her jade back.

She said to the beautiful lady Elizabeth:”Wayne took a look at the beginning of your letter and burned it. He didn’t bother to read it, let alone finish it.”

Elizabeth still crossed her hands on her belly, and smiled lightly on her sweet and charming face:

“Sisters, don’t be nervous. Wayne is just a man after all. If he is a man, he will have flaws.”

Elizabeth showed a confident smile, with sweet dimples on the corners of her mouth. Puzzlement flashed across the face of the Red Bat Fengshao Young Lady, but she still believed in Lady Elizabeth.

In the eyes of the Fengshao Young Lady, this Lady Elizabeth is no less legendary than Wayne! Lady

Elizabeth didn’t know how old she was, but she always looked like a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Not only did she adopt a little vampire girl, Camilla, in her long and youthful life, she also let Camilla marry the local vampire Count Nosferatu when she grew up!

I thought this would be a marriage that would benefit both parties, but I didn’t expect… , Lady Elizabeth’s adopted daughter, Camilla Bartoli, actually had an extramarital affair with a young hunter from the Aoshen Village, fell in love, and gave birth to Little Red Riding Hood Valerie!

Just when the furious Nosferatu was about to execute Little Red Riding Hood, it was Lady Elizabeth who saved her granddaughter.

In the mind of the young woman with a burning heart, she recalled the legendary experience of Lady Elizabeth that she knew.

She also knew an obscure secret.

Lady Elizabeth has always been a virgin!

It is said that this must be maintained in order to satisfy a certain sequence of the path to becoming a god!

Otherwise, she will not be able to be promoted to the ranks of the extraordinary people in that sequence.

“Tsk tsk tsk.”Fengshao young woman couldn’t help but admire Lady Elizabeth.

How did she survive without a man for so many years?

In addition to ordering her men to capture living people, take blood baths, and catch poisonous snakes and drink snake venom to stay young forever.

Lady Elizabeth Bathory put all her energy into the research of the path to becoming a god.

Fengshao young woman thought to herself, and she admired Lady Elizabeth more and more.

Perhaps, this Wayne is capable enough to kill Nosferatu and his blood servants.

It’s hard to say when meeting Lady Elizabeth.

Fengshao young woman didn’t say anything more to Elizabeth. She twisted her slender waist and walked to the side, glancing at the bookshelf in the study.

There were many letters there.

Although Lady Elizabeth was in the remote dark forest in the southwest corner of the Kingdom of Dolan Gureg, she could use bats to send letters and had correspondence with some celebrities and dignitaries in the entire kingdom.

Fengshao young woman glanced and happened to catch a glimpse of the top letter.

Half opened, a signature happened to be on the exposed corner: Hamlet.

The young woman was suddenly curious.

She felt that the name was familiar.


Isn’t this the prince in the royal city?

The eldest son of the mad King Ludwig who died of illness last year, Prince Hamlet.

The eldest brother of the famous Snow White.

The heir to the throne of Dolan Gureg.

But now, the evil queen, Hamlet’s stepmother is in power, and Hamlet’s uncle, the prince Macbeth, is coveting the throne. The road to succession for Prince Hamlet is bumpy.

To think that Prince Hamlet would secretly communicate with Lady Elizabeth!

Stone window.

Lady Elizabeth was looking out the window. She had just bathed in twenty liters of blood this morning. Her skin was now comparable to that of the Snow Princess in the royal city!

But her mind was not on beauty.

It was on Wayne.

Wayne was an absolute strong man…

Elizabeth thought of Wayne and looked at the distant mountains outside the dark forest.

In the middle of the night.

Under the moonlight.

The distant mountains were hazy, casting a faint shadow in the clouds.

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