
A few beams of sunlight penetrated the dark clouds above Eagle County, like passing through festering ulcers between the clouds, and sprinkled on the streets of Eagle County.

Babies were crying, prostitutes were cursing, tramps were making up rhymes and allegorical sayings, Eagle County guards were cleaning up the bodies that died in this rare bright afternoon, the elderly were sighing, men were rubbing their waists, and women were imagining that life would become better.

Anastasha and Dusula were asking their mother, Lady Temani, questions.

“Mom, who is that young man who walked into the study?”

“Is she Wayne?”

The two peaches in season were eager to be picked.

After seeing Wayne’s tall and handsome figure, their hearts began to be moved.

Mrs. Temani glanced at Wayne and thought, since her husband’s death, this family has not seen a man for many years. The appearance of Wayne is like a stone thrown into the center of the lake, causing an uproar…

She looked at Anastasia and Dusula with a warning look:”This is the Wayne who can easily kill vampires. Stay away from him.”

Although Mrs. Temani sincerely wanted her two daughters to get together with rich men, become baronets, and get a touch of nobility, this mature and beautiful young woman knew in her heart that she could not get together with anyone but Wayne, whose ambition was definitely not to simply take charge of Eagle County!

How could a dragon stay in a pond!

Anastasha and Dusula obediently responded to their mother’s words, but their eyes secretly glanced at Wayne in the study with his back to the window.

In the study.

The thin curtains were like a layer of gauze blocking Wayne from the afternoon sun, and the faint light and shadow were cast on the documents in Wayne’s hand.

This is a list.

Cinderella’s stepmother, Mrs. Temani, although She is not a noble of noble birth, but she seems to have a desire for those noble titles.

This list records several powerful nobles in the current Kingdom of Dolan Gureg. The name of the deceased king,”Mad King” Ludwig has been crossed out.

As a mature list, the number one on the list is obviously not a dead person.

The following is Queen Francesco, Snow White’s stepmother.

The third is the uncle Macbeth, who covets the throne and the beauty of his sister-in-law Queen Francesco.

The following is the eldest prince Hamlet, born to the deceased former queen, and the second prince Laertes, born to the current Queen Francesco.

That is, in a week. The one who will come to Eagle County to hold a ball is the second prince Laertes.

Wayne narrowed his eyes and whispered,”Interesting.” The court of Dolan Gureg is also in turmoil and turbulence.

The more chaotic the situation, the more opportunities there are.

Wayne’s eyes were filled with calmness, and he continued to browse the part below the 350-name list.

In addition to several important officials in the court, Wayne’s name fell on a woman who had no title, only her name.


There is only this one name.

But it ranks eighth on this list. The seven in front of it all have specific official positions, noble identities, and titles, such as the Duke of Burgundy, the King of Naples, etc..

Only this Miledy, without any title, just a name, ranked eighth in the whole kingdom.

This Miledy is a bit interesting…

Wayne thought to himself, and then looked at the list again.

The paper was yellowed, and the edges were a little greasy. It seemed that the compilation of this list took a very long time.

His eyes quickly scanned down the paper, and Wayne also noticed noble figures such as”Grand Duke Vladimir”.

The names behind were long-winded and not very valuable, so Wayne directly put the list into the [Void].

Turning around.

He walked to the bookshelf and picked up a few accounts of Eagle County and started to read them.

“Interestingly, this Nosferatu, when he was alive, had always been in a 70:30 split with Eagle County, and he took 70%”

“No wonder there is money to hire mercenaries.”

Wayne smiled faintly.

He turned the pages faster.

The door of the study had a gap of moderate size.

It was too big to put a hand in.

It was small enough to accommodate two eyes, one above and one below.

The eyes of the sisters Anastasha and Dusula.

They looked at Wayne’s sideways figure, fascinated, intoxicated.

The underground river began to rise, and the cave in the dark was immediately submerged.

The study in the county governor’s mansion was large, and the study was made of heavy beech wood, which had excellent sound insulation. After all, the county governor did not want to be disturbed by the outside world when he was working in the study.


The voices of Anastasha and Dusula talking in a low voice did not reach Wayne’s ears in the study.

“Sister, this Wayne is really more handsome than those princes and nobles we met before!” Anastasha took out her handkerchief from her pocket, her saliva wet the corners of her mouth, and a crystal drop stained her lips.

Dusula’s voice was trembling, as if she was swaying in excitement:”We must get Wayne before he sees the damn Cinderella!”

“That’s right! Cinderella, that bitch, is the best at seducing men. We can’t let her take Wayne away!” Anastasha clenched her handkerchief.

The bodies of the two sisters were squirming and shaking behind the beech door, like two daffodils in the wet air of the rainy season.

Mrs. Temani was standing on a small two-story building next to her. Anastasha and Dusula were looking at the scenery in front of the study door, and the people looking at the scenery were looking at Anastasha and Dusula upstairs.

The air was hot in the afternoon, and the sun came out from the dark clouds, but it was not pleasant.

Mrs. Temani fanned her armpits with a fan while cursing the horrible weather in July and the horrible climate in Eagle County.

Eagle County was surrounded by mountains on all sides and was tightly surrounded. No cool breeze could blow in. It was as stuffy as a furnace, and the heat made people anxious and irritated, and they wanted to curse!

“Temani is a bitch!”

“Damn bitch!”

“”You stinky bastard, you rotten-crotch Temani!”

Before Mrs. Temani could curse, someone on the street outside was already cursing.

She twisted her plump body and walked angrily to the other end of the second-floor corridor, looking at the street where the curse words came from. Several homeless people with missing limbs were lying like dogs and drinking dirty water from the sewer.

As they drank and cursed, spit and dirty water spurted out of their mouths, splashing on their beards that grew and entangled with their hair.

She looked at the guards in front of the mansion with fierce eyes.

Several guards stepped forward and kicked the faces of these homeless people with their feet. The blood dyed the dirty water at the sewer red. At this time, an old dog He ran up at the smell of freshness, licked the bloody dirty water, and enjoyed the rare meat.

After nightfall, the heat did not subside at all.

Mrs. Temani knew that the heavy rains that lasted for half a month or even several months in Eagle County in the summer were coming.

This was the sultry heat before the rainstorm.

Dinner was in a special restaurant. The maids brought plates of steaks with red blood to the table. The steaks were only 30% done, which seemed to be the favorite of the people of Eagle County.

At the table, there were only Wayne, Mrs. Temani, Anastasia and Dusula.

Wayne noticed that Cinderella was not there. She was not in the mansion during the day, and there was no one at dinner.

“”Where’s Cinderella?” Wayne asked calmly.

As soon as he said this

, Anastasha and Dusula, who were sitting next to him, stirring the cream and fruit salad with their knives and forks, paused for a moment, hesitating, wondering, and getting angry.

Wayne hadn’t spoken in the whole afternoon, so why did he ask about that damn Cinderella Cinderella as his first sentence?

Anastasha’s feet, which were completely free of fat, were clenched in the sparkling shoes with sequins.

Dusula also tightened her stomach, and her whole body showed a bit of tension.

Then, a common idea emerged in the minds of the two. They must take Wayne down immediately, without delay, without waiting!

They must not let this handsome man Wayne fall into the hands of Cinderella Cinderella and let Cinderella get her hands on him!

Mrs. Temani responded:

“Cinderella rejected this family very much. She was hanging out all day long. She was crazy and eager to attend the big shots’ balls.

Wayne said”Oh” and picked up a piece of steak in front of him with a fork.

He asked Mrs. Temani about the current situation in Eagle County. As they chatted, this beautiful mature woman opened up and talked about her past.

“My husband died on a voyage, and I heard from the bigwigs in Lordran that”

“My husband, a sailor, discovered the ancient secrets and died a very bloody and tragic death. Alas, I don’t know what he saw at sea.”

“I heard that the ancient secret was recorded in his logbook, but the logbook may have sunk into the sea.”

“This happened several years ago, when Anastasha and Dusula were still minors, and his little daughter Cinderella was still in this family.”

Mrs. Temani seemed to deliberately mention her stepdaughter Cinderella, but Wayne noticed that her eyes were blinking quickly and her tone was very artificial. This emotion was pretended.

Mrs. Temani continued:

“Even today, many people still tell stories about my husband Columbus’ great voyages, but he is dead, and people are only interested in stories about dead people.”

Navigator husband.

Columbus.” (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Wayne heard the name, his face showed no expression, but he secretly thought in his heart, what a great navigator husband Columbus is.

Mrs. Temani also said that her current position as county governor is a great promotion to the kingdom’s voyage business in memory of her late husband Columbus! This is specially granted to her, the widow left by Columbus, when���The county governor of his hometown Eagle County.

Wayne did not comment, but just ate his steak.

When the knife and fork hit the edge of the plate, there was a slight crisp sound.

Mrs. Temani continued:[]

“However, there is one thing worth waiting for, and it gives us, the mother and daughter, hope.”

Mrs. Temani, who had just pretended to care about Cinderella, only mentioned”the mother and daughter” here.

Wayne pursed his lips and smiled coldly in his heart. What a hypocritical woman!

“The late husband Columbus had a younger brother who was a wealthy businessman who traveled around the world. It was said that he had made many friends in the royal city of Lordran!”

A wealthy businessman who traveled around the world?

When Wayne heard this, he knew that in the fairy tale world, a wealthy businessman who traveled around the world must not be a simple character.

Mrs. Temani’s words opened the conversation of her two daughters, Anastasha and Dusula.

The two young and lively girls began to tell the story of their uncle.

“He would write us letters, and the paper used for the letters was always the most expensive and luxurious kind, with a faint scent of perfume!”

“The letter would record what new places my uncle had been to, just like a long novel about sailing around the world. My sister and I would always read my uncle’s letters and fall asleep like we were reading an adventure story!”

Wayne listened with great interest. During this time, Anastasha also took out a letter for Wayne to read.

Wayne looked at the words on the letter and felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to laugh.

The letter was written in 1639. The content was that the fleet sailed to the ancient East, where there was a country called Ming. The people were digging wild vegetables and enduring famine.



This was five years before the Qing army entered the pass.

Wayne returned the letter to Anastasha. He always felt that the letter was a little strange, but he couldn’t tell.

Dusula also enthusiastically introduced this wealthy uncle who sailed around the world.

“I always pray for my uncle during my Sunday prayers at church!”

“The beginning is fixed”

“”My uncle Jules!”

Wayne’s knife and fork paused in the air.

My uncle Jules?

Isn’t this the pauper who pretends to be a rich man and acts cool in front of his relatives?

He disguises himself as a tycoon doing business all over the world, but in fact he is just a hard worker selling oysters on the ship.

Wayne smiled faintly and continued to eat his steak.

After dinner,

Wayne said goodbye to the county governor’s mansion. He was going back to his own sky city to spend the night.

By the way, take a look at the renovation of the church.

With the participation of all the villagers of Aoshen Village, plus three master-level construction craftsmen, the renovation of the church is now a piece of cake for them, not worth mentioning.

Mrs. Temani respectfully sent Wayne to the gate.

At the end of dinner, Wayne could clearly see a trace of loss on Anastasia and Dusula’s faces.

These two young The woman couldn’t wait to complete her transformation under Wayne’s witness.

Wayne’s eyes met theirs.

Then he looked away in a trance, and then looked into the distance again.


Mrs. Temani sent Wayne to the gate of the mansion and said goodbye to him respectfully.

Wayne was also preparing to leave the mansion and use the portal to return to the sky city.

At this time.

A strange sound suddenly came from the mansion.

This made Wayne and Mrs. Temani shift their attention.

The two returned to the mansion one after another.

Several panicked maids, as if they had never dealt with such a situation, ran around in the yard barefoot, holding their skirts.

After seeing Wayne and Mrs. Temani.

The panic on the faces of several maids dissipated and faded:”Sir, Madam, it’s not good, something happened!”

Wayne looked at these panicked maids and asked coldly:”What happened?”

These maids pointed directly at Anastasia and Dusula’s room and said,”I don’t know what’s going on with the two ladies. They are vomiting and having diarrhea, and they are going crazy!”

When Wayne and Mrs. Temani heard this, they immediately walked towards the bedroom where the two young ladies were sleeping.

On the bedroom door, two balls of vomit spread like mushroom clouds.

The whole room was filled with the smell of stomach acid and feces.

Anastasia and Dusula were vomiting and having diarrhea, and they were rolling around frantically in the room as if there were millions of ants crawling on their bodies.

After seeing Wayne, there seemed to be a ball of fire in their eyes, which was about to devour Wayne in the next second. Two young ladies with slender waists and graceful figures crawled on the sticky and slippery floor. They crawled towards Wayne, still muttering,”Come on, come on!”

After seeing this scene, Wayne immediately took two steps back to avoid the filth that had begun to flow out on the floor.

He already had a basic understanding of this scene.

These two young ladies had symptoms of both food poisoning and taking aphrodisiacs!

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