Jacob took the initiative to greet Wayne warmly, and Wayne nodded lightly and continued to enjoy his breakfast.

The bright morning sun shone on the floor of the restaurant. The waiter just now strode out of the restaurant with a bill in his hand.

Obviously, he was going to the county governor’s mansion to find Mrs. Temani to settle the bill.

A few minutes later.

Wayne had just finished breakfast and coffee, and calmly put the dessert into his mouth.

At this time.

The waiter returned to the Golden Nest and Silver Nest Restaurant with a bulging wallet. It seemed that Mrs. Temani gave him a lot of money.

The waiter bowed to Wayne and said respectfully:

“Honorable sir, if you are willing to honor me, you can come to our restaurant for your three meals a day at any time in the future. Of course, Mrs. Temani asked me to tell you that you are always welcome to the Sheriff’s Mansion!”

Jacob, who was sitting next to him, looked at Wayne with curiosity after hearing this.

He thought to himself, this Golden Nest and Silver Nest restaurant, and his identity as the agent of the Assassin Brotherhood in Eagle County. It’s too expensive to come to this restaurant, and I will feel painful for a few days after eating a meal.

What’s the matter?

Did Mr. Wayne eat and drink directly with public funds, and it was all reimbursed?

A faint envy emerged in Jacob’s heart.

He took out the small medicine bottle from his pocket, took a look at it, and quickly put it back.

Wayne nodded to the waiter, stood up, and left the Golden Nest and Silver Nest restaurant.

Jacob, the agent of the Assassin Brotherhood, followed behind.

He said to Wayne:”If Mr. Wayne has time, you can come with me to visit the Brotherhood in Eagle County!”

“After all, Mr. Wayne is now a powerful ally of our Assassin Brotherhood!”

Wayne was pacing leisurely. There was no other special arrangement this morning.

After hearing what Jacob said, Wayne nodded and agreed.

The Assassin Brotherhood set up a branch in Eagle County, right next to the Eagle County Cathedral.

An unremarkable-looking basement.

After opening the door, the fragrance of pine wood and the dry and warm sandalwood scent came to the face.

Wayne and Jacob walked into the basement. Jacob turned the candlestick on the wall, and the wall at the end spun open.

Inside was a staircase illuminated by candlelight, and the staircase led to a corridor.

In the corridor, there are many antiques and famous paintings, and the decoration is very classical and elegant.

There are many Assassin Brotherhood Members were coming in and out of the rooms on both sides of the corridor.

When they saw Wayne walk in with their boss Jacob, they immediately realized that this was a respected guest and saluted Wayne.

Wayne nodded slowly in response.

After looking around the corridor, he found that at the end of the corridor, there was a somewhat strange bronze door 577.

The painting patterns carved on the surface of this bronze door are all blasphemous stories about betrayal and betrayal in the Bible.

The bulging relief on the surface of the bronze door looks like pathological hyperplasia and deformation from a distance.

Jacob noticed Wayne’s gaze, which stayed on the bronze door. He smiled slightly and explained:

“This bronze door is the most ancient secret in our Assassin Brotherhood!”

“Behind the door, there is an ancient and terrifying existence that is enough to destroy the world!”

Jacob smiled politely, glancing out of the corner of his eyes to see if his two words had whetted Wayne’s appetite.

But he only saw Wayne’s calm expression.

The ancient and terrifying existence that destroyed the world.

When Wayne heard this word, the first thing he thought of was the sentence recorded in Father Faria’s diary.

【At 6:66 on August 8, 1640, the Great Cataclysm will befall the entire world! 】

Behind the door of the Eagle County branch of the Assassin Brotherhood, there is also an ancient and terrifying existence that can destroy the world.

Wayne pursed his lips, looked at Jacob, and said leisurely:”What is this ancient existence?”

Jacob shrugged, spread his hands, and had an expression of no comment:

“”I’m sorry, Mr. Wayne. This is the highest secret in our fraternity and must not be disclosed to anyone who is not a member of the fraternity.”

Wayne nodded slowly, expressing his understanding.

But according to Wayne’s temper, since he couldn’t get the useful information of”what is behind the door”, he had to shake out other secrets from Jacob.

“Let me ask you a time point to see if you know if this has any special meaning?”

“”You can ask, Mr. Wayne!” Jacob smiled.

Wayne said,”6:66.”

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the other members of the Assassin Brotherhood in the corridor showed strange expressions on their faces. Jacob also cleared his throat, his expression was very twisted, as if a wasp bit his butt, or pharyngitis attacked. He said slowly:”Mr. Wayne, 6:66 is recorded in the Bible.

“When the original vampire Lilith Lamia betrayed God and became the first vampire in the world”

“The entire time point is 6:66 on August 8, 1640 BC.”

Wayne raised his eyebrows after listening to Jacob’s words, and then everything could be explained.

The first vampire in the world, that is, the vampire ancestor Lilith Lamia completed the transformation in 1640 BC.

And now is the year 1640 (bgcc).

It is exactly a reincarnation.

The great catastrophe on August 8, 1640 recorded in Father Mo Faria’s diary.

Could it be that the ancestor vampire Lilith Lamia has returned to the world?

Wayne smiled and nodded to Jacob:”Very good, I know.”

He and Jacob chatted again.

He learned that Jacob has now taken the [Assassin] path, the first-level [Faceless Man] potion. The most urgent task is to complete the promotion ceremony

【Kill three people in three different ways on the same day without being noticed.

Wayne wished Jacob good luck.

Then he said goodbye.

Walking out of the Eagle County branch of the Assassin Brotherhood and closing the iron door of the basement, the incense-scented breeze from the Eagle County Cathedral blew on Wayne’s face.

The Eagle County Cathedral is one of the places with the largest flow of people in Eagle County.

On the clock tower of the cathedral, the dial pointer pointed to 9:30 in the morning.

Several newsboys were still hawking the Eagle County Morning Post.

Newspapers are basically no different from waste paper after noon. Wayne glanced around and saw the newsboy who walked into the Golden Wo and Silver Wo restaurant in the morning and handed Jacob a small medicine bottle. He turned on his toes and walked towards the little newsboy.

“Sir, would you like a copy of the Eagle County Morning Post?”The newspaper boy saw Wayne and came up to him quickly.

Wayne grabbed a few copper coins and put them in the boy’s hand.

“I want to find out the location of the Eagle County black market.”Wayne said calmly.

The little newsboy counted the copper coins in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He looked up at the tall Wayne and said:

“There are many places to go to the black market!”

“The manhole cover behind the cathedral, the first bridge hole on the left of the Eagle County Bridge, the secret compartment behind the fountain statue in the Civic Square, the door pushed by the belly of the horse under the huge statue of the former King Ludwig at the city gate……”

The newsboy told Wayne all the secret passages to the Eagle County Black Market.

Wayne smiled and nodded, very satisfied, and took out a few more copper coins from his pocket and gave them to the newsboy.

The newsboy jumped away happily.

Eagle County Black Market.

Buried underground.

No one knows when it was built.

The height and depth of this black market alone are 40 to 50 meters, just like a huge underground city!

Wayne walked on one of the small roads in the black market.

There were some black market vendors selling books on black magic, gunpowder, and drugs that can prevent the Black Death around.

Such a huge black market, it seems that at least 10,000 to 20,000 people flow through it every day.

Wayne looked at the black market street in front of him, which was like an underground termite nest with magnificent and complex buildings.

He stopped. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He knew that his aimless search was not a big deal.

Such a huge black market must have its manager.

He walked directly to a potion shop nearby and asked a skinny old woman with a huge hooked nose.

After hearing what Wayne asked, the old woman grinned and laughed.

The smile was very strange, and the corners of her mouth were almost split to the roots of her ears.[]

“The underground black market in Eagle County is managed by a big sister!”

“If you want to learn some secrets from the black market, or buy rare and scarce items, you have to go directly to the big sister!”

“However, to see the big sister, you need to make a gamble at the cost of your life!”

“Last few years���No one will live to see the big sister.”

“Are you sure you still want to see her?”

The old woman had a hideous, twisted and weird smile on her face.

Wayne looked calm and said in a calm tone:”What’s the bet?”

The old woman looked at Wayne with appreciation, as if praising his courage:

“At the deepest part of the black market, there is an iron door”

“Push open that iron door, if you can reach the end alive, you will see the big sister”

“But young man, let me kindly remind you that no one can make it to the end alive.”

Wayne did not listen to her next words, he just remembered the iron door deep in the black market.

Then he left.

He walked down the stairs and walked to the depths of the black market.

At this time.

He looked at the stalls on both sides and suddenly saw something familiar.

A smile emerged from the corner of Wayne’s mouth.

Finally I caught it!

Wayne directly quickened his pace.

The skinny man seemed to realize that something was wrong and was about to run.

But the next second, Wayne’s big hand had already grasped his skinny wrist tightly like shackles and shackles.

The man’s back He was carrying a box on his back, and in the half-open box was a small medicine bottle exactly the same as the one in Jacob’s hand. It was a small white medicine bottle.

There was no writing on the surface, and the small glass bottle looked very rough.

This was the black medicine that Jacob bought from the black market, asking a newspaper boy to run errands.

Wayne controlled the drug dealer with one hand, and picked up a small medicine bottle with the other hand, unscrewed the bottle cap, and looked at the medicine inside.

The medicine in the bottle was very strange. The pills looked like eyeballs, sticky, and covered with a layer of dense fuzz on the surface.

“What kind of medicine is this?” Wayne looked at the drug dealer with cold eyes.

The drug dealer seemed to sense the fear of death and trembled out all the secrets.

“This is a special medicine specifically for extraordinary people, which can speed up the improvement of their abilities!”

“Greatly enhance the abilities of extraordinary people!”

After hearing this, Wayne looked at the eyeball-like pills.

He understood in his heart.

The reason why Jacob bought this kind of medicine on the black market was to improve his abilities.

But can this kind of eyeball-like pill achieve that kind of effect?

Wayne looked at the panic-stricken expression of the drug dealer in front of him.

The answer was obviously already on the paper.

The guilty drug dealer’s frightened look had already shown that this was a complete fake drug.

Wayne smiled coldly:”How dare you sell this kind of fake medicine? I think you think your life is too long!”

“You dare to cheat even the extraordinary people!”

When the fake drug dealer heard this, he burst into tears and said that he was a small business and just wanted to make a living.

Wayne didn’t give him a chance to explain.

“You can leave these words to Mrs. Temani to explain.”Wayne said coldly.

When the fake drug dealer heard this, he panicked and begged for help.

Finally, he said to Wayne:”My brother is also selling things in the black market! He is a sea adventurer! Sir, if you can let me go, I will let my brother give you the most precious treasure he fished out of the sea!”

After hearing this, Wayne thought secretly.

In order to become stronger, Jacob did everything he could, even going to the black market to buy this fake drug that looks like an eyeball.

It’s his own fault.

But the black market is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are all kinds of talents. There are all kinds of treasures.

This is the most precious treasure salvaged from the sea.

If you don’t miss it, it will be in vain.

“Lead the way!” Wayne said indifferently.

The fake drug dealer got up from the ground and walked in front to lead Wayne.

The huge black market that was like an underground kingdom, with intricate roads like a maze.

In the steady and capable footsteps of this fake drug dealer, he was already familiar with it.

Wayne followed the fake drug dealer and walked for about ten minutes.

He came to the deepest part of the underground black market.

Looking at the end from a distance, you can already see an iron door that seems to have never been opened for many years, and the surface is covered with thick moss!

That is the iron door to see the big sister of the black market.

Wayne turned his eyes to the front.

In front of him was a black market stall with a strong pirate style.

There were shark skulls everywhere on the ground, and octopuses were spitting mucus and crawling back and forth in the puddle.

A fat man sat next to a few wooden boxes. These were large wooden boxes with seaweed tied on the surface and iron locks rusted out of shape.

Each box was clearly marked with a price and a unique introduction.

“The treasure of the Redbeard Pirate King!”

“The treasure of Dolan Gureg’s Royal Fleet!”

“The treasure of the global sailing caravan!”

Although it is difficult to confirm the truth of these gimmicks, the fat man’s face is full of confidence.

As if he is the pirate king of this world.

The fake drug dealer ran directly to his brother and told him what had just happened.

The fat man’s face immediately flashed with anger, and his hand reached behind his waist, where there was a musket case.

But he didn’t have time to draw the musket.

Wayne’s black muzzle was already aimed at him, and the smell of gunpowder from the muzzle irritated the fat man’s nasal cavity, making him want to sneeze.

“”Don’t be stupid!” Wayne warned the fat man coldly.

When the fat man saw how fierce and powerful Wayne was, he also backed down.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong seems to be the nature engraved in human DNA.

He stepped on a pair of slippers and squeaked back to a room full of seaweed next door.

After a while, he came out holding a very large box.

He carefully placed it in front of Wayne and said:

“Sir, if you are willing to let my brother who sells medicine live, this treasure chest is yours!”

Wayne pointed his gun at the fat man, implying that he should tell the truth. Once he told a lie, the bullet would not have eyes.

The fat man also understood what Wayne meant, and he spoke out word by word:

“This box came from the distressed shipwreck of Columbus, the most famous navigator in the kingdom!”

“My fleet fished at sea for more than half a year before we found this box!”

“You know, Mrs. Temanee is now the sheriff because of her murdered husband Columbus.”

“I guess there must be a lot of valuable treasures in this box!”

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