
The moonlight was cold, and the dark forest was noisy in the wind.

In Wayne’s spacious lounge, the candlelight was bright, warm and quiet.

Du Na Xiangzhuo was eating a baguette up and down.

Wayne sat in front of the wooden table, and the chair was a certain distance away from the wooden table, just enough to accommodate Du Na Xiangzhuo who was half squatting and half kneeling in the middle.

He was reading the potion formula of the second-level [Executioner] in the [Butcher] path.

【Two tips of the tail fin of a sailfish from the Dolan Gureg Strait, one iron tree fruit, and one wolf blood sword grass. 】

His eyes moved down from the potion formula.

The next is the promotion ceremony of the [Executioner].

Compared with the [Killer] ceremony, which requires killing more than three guilty people at the same time, the promotion ceremony of the [Executioner] is more difficult.

【Judge at least ten criminals, announce their crimes, and then behead them.

Wayne smiled faintly.

【The promotion ceremony of the Executioner is a little more difficult than that of the Killer, but it is not worth mentioning for me.

Pronounce the sins of ten guilty people and behead them at the same time.

This is in line with the name of the sequence of the Executioner.

Wayne showed a relaxed smile. In Eagle County, a land that nourishes sin, it is too easy to find more than ten sinners.

Wayne narrowed his eyes, with a calm and calm face.

Because he knew in his heart that the current potion formula and promotion ceremony were not difficult for him.

But compared with the first-level [Killer], the potion formula was plants and animals that could be collected in the Dark Forest.

The potion formula of the second-level [Executioner] looks much more complicated, and they are all rare things.

For example, the swordfish in the Dolan Gureg Strait, which is obviously not something that can be found in Eagle County.

The Dolan Gureg Strait is in the east of the entire Dolan Gureg continent.

It is the name of a sea area between the Kingdom of Dolan Gureg and the Kingdom of Yharnam to the east.

The sailfish in the Dolan Gureg Strait can be found on the black market.

As for the wolf-blood sword grass and iron tree fruit, these are not native vegetation crops in the Dark Forest.

Wayne smiled easily. There are still five days before the second prince Leotis’s ball.

I don’t know how the black market big sister is looking for the Book of the Dead.

The big sister also wants to use the magic crystal shoes in Wayne’s hand to attend the second prince Leotis’s ball.

Now it is just right to contact the black market big sister about the progress of the Book of the Dead.

On the other hand, you can also ask them to help you find the potion materials needed to promote to the second-level [Executioner].

Wayne left his eyes from the wooden table and looked at Duna Xiangzhuo who was busy and hard eating a baguette in front of him.

He put his hand on the back of Duna Xiangzhuo’s head, where she had a cute bun like a ball.

No words all night.

Occasionally, there was a smacking sound.

At dawn the next day,

Wayne left the church.

After enjoying the breakfast that the nuns had carefully prepared for him, he opened the portal. His whole body passed through the portal, and when his feet stepped on the ground, he had already arrived in Eagle County.

The morning in Eagle County was also dead, without the kind of vigorous energy that a day’s plan depends on the morning.

The men of Eagle County had long lost hope in life.

They carried large and small bags on their shoulders and went to the dock. These were some coolies who moved goods at the dock.

On the other side, there were some homeless people sitting next to the stinking ditch. When they were thirsty

, they scooped up some water from the stinking ditch with their hands to quench their thirst. If they were hungry, they would look for leftover food in the trash can next to them. If not, dead rats would also be their food.

These homeless people saw Wayne walking out of the alley.

There was no change in the expression on their faces. They had also heard of the famous legendary demon hunter Wayne. But what’s the use?

There was only hunger, poverty, disease and death in their lives.

Several lifeless eyes like wax balls looked at Wayne.

One of them suddenly had an idea, and he got up from the ground with difficulty, stretched out his hand to Wayne, and begged Wayne.

He begged the legendary demon hunter to take out a few copper coins from his pocket so that he could experience the pleasure of consumption.

Wayne looked at the homeless man who moved over and did not respond.

He knew that every man in Eagle County had a reason for poverty, either because he liked gambling, or because he was with prostitutes, or because he betrayed his family and cheated on other women.

These were all sins that they could not wash away, and this sin also made them a real hell, the homeless in Eagle County.

Wayne ignored the begging homeless man. He walked out of the alley quickly. He had another task at hand. Then he went to find Della, the missing wife of Rasputin

, the leader of the Gunpowder Keg Gang. The wife of this gangster took the fake magic potion on the black market and turned into a monster.

Now I don’t know where she has escaped to.

The damaged wall that I saw in the room of the Gunpowder Keg Gang’s tower yesterday is still vivid.

Wayne smiled faintly. It seems that the strength of this monster is not that simple.

The wall of the tower is made of solid red bricks.

The damaged gap looks like it was hit by a cannonball.

This monster can actually burst out such a huge impact.

It seems that Mr. Rasputin still spares no effort in loving his wife.

I don’t know how much money he spent on fake potions with strong efficacy to turn Della into such a powerful mutant monster.

Complaining about Rasputin in his heart, Wayne began to search for his own information on the streets of Eagle County.

But it is not an easy task to find such a big monster in Eagle County, a ghost place where pedestrians are in a daze and have no light in their eyes. After

Wayne asked around, the only news he heard was that Jack the Ripper came out again last night.

He killed two more prostitutes and took away the two pairs of glands, the adrenal glands and thyroid glands, from their bodies.

In addition, there was no news about mutant monsters.

In the eyes of the people on the streets of Eagle County, it seemed that everyone who could survive in Eagle County was a monster.

The way of collecting verbal intelligence is obviously not feasible.

Wayne stood on the street of Eagle County.

Looking at these Eagle County people who are numb like zombies.

No useful information can be heard from their mouths.

In addition to cursing Mrs. Temani, they hope that prostitutes can provide them with services for free.

Some of these women are directly and blatantly hoping to have in-depth exchanges with Wayne.

As for maintaining the public security of Eagle County and eliminating mutant monsters, these things sound like a fantasy in their eyes.

What does it have to do with them?

Living numbly in Eagle County, enjoying the pleasure brought by indulgence, and fighting against diseases is the theme of everyone’s life.

Wayne laughed sarcastically.

This Eagle County is really a hell on earth. I don’t know how Mrs. Temani has been active in the political arena of Eagle County for so many years without being assassinated. But then again, even if Mrs. Temani is assassinated, it will not have any effect on these people who are already terminally ill.

They don’t need this distant political system, they just need more money, more women and more liquor.

Wayne stood in front of a pub.

The door of the pub was an iron door, very heavy, like a prison.

Wayne was curious about the prison-like door. The pub owner shook his head helplessly and said,”It’s crazy, those homeless people who can’t afford to drink but are addicted to alcohol”

“In the past, they would come to attack and rob my tavern with all kinds of things.”

“Until I had no choice but to change to this prison-like iron door.”

Wayne smiled faintly and took a cup of malt beer from behind the iron door.

The floating foam reflected the golden sunlight. The lifeless morning of the whole Eagle County formed a sharp contrast with this cup of fresh and cheerful beer.

While drinking beer, two emaciated men who looked like drug addicts walked over from the street.

They saw Wayne and immediately walked up to greet Wayne.

“Hello, Lord Wayne, we are from the black market, and we are here to tell you that the big sister wants to report the latest progress of the Book of the Dead.”

Wayne originally thought that after drinking this glass of light beer, he would go to the black market to communicate with the big sister.

When he heard that the big sister actually came to him on her own initiative.

And it was about the progress of the Book of the Dead.

Could it be that the big sister has discovered the burial place of the Book of the Dead or other valuable information?

Wayne drank the beer in his hand.

Looking at the two skinny and sickly men who looked like drug addicts. (To read the violent novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wayne had some impression of these two men who were so thin that they were just skin and bones, like skeletons. This was the younger brother of the fake drug dealer and the helper of the sailing adventurer.

The two men exuded a breath of drug addiction. It seemed that they had taken too many fake drugs in the Eagle County black market and developed a morbid dependence, and their bodies were broken.

Wayne responded calmly;”Okay.”

Wayne followed the two black market helpers and entered the black market from the secret entrance of the Eagle County Bridge. In sharp contrast to the streets of Eagle County, the residents living underground in the Eagle County black market all smiled brightly and cheerfully, as if their lives were sweet and promising.

In the morning, when the black market business was not very busy, they played Gwent and drank sweet wine.

When they saw the legendary demon hunter Wayne, they hurriedly stood up and bowed.

Many people handed Wayne a brand new bottle of sweet wine that had not yet been opened, or took out their own collection of cigars for Wayne to enjoy.

Wayne had walked less than a hundred meters in the underground black market, and now he had two bottles of sweet wine in his hands. and four cigars.

He put two bottles of sweet wine and three of the cigars into the void. He only held a cigar.

While smoking, he felt the mellow aroma of the cigar, which was like chocolate. This aroma made Wayne feel that his previous pipe was inferior in comparison.

He walked behind the two black market helpers.

The two Hei’s helpers took Wayne all the way to the iron gate, and then the two stopped.

In the entire Eagle County, perhaps the entire Dolan Gureg Kingdom, the only one who has passed the life and death test behind this iron gate is Lord Wayne.

After all, behind the iron gate is the Sphinx, a sphinx-headed banshee. Those who can guess her riddles, from her claws and Before Lord Wayne, no one had ever escaped from the fangs.

Wayne pushed open the iron door with one hand, and behind the iron door was still the familiar underground tunnel. Walking in the tunnel, a dry breath hit his face.

There was no wind.

The candles in the pits dug on the wall were burning vertically upwards.

Sphinx was still standing at the end of the tunnel.

Her job was to guard this underground tunnel day after day, year after year.

After seeing Wayne coming, she smiled charmingly.

It seemed that she missed Wayne’s baguette.

But Wayne did not put the baguette into her mouth.

Because now is not the time.

He came to talk to the big sister in black silk for something important. He greeted the Sphinx and… After a simple body language exchange.

Wayne walked into the wooden door full of door nails.

Pushing open the wooden door, there was a familiar scene behind.

Countless young women were sitting in front of the wooden table counting money. When they saw the legendary demon hunter Wayne walk in, they paused.

They secretly sighed at Wayne’s handsomeness.

And these young women suddenly became restless, suddenly became infatuated, and suddenly whispered and confided in each other here.

These movements also made the big sister understand that Wayne was here.

The large box at the core of the huge cave stood in the center with golden splendor.

Now the lights in it suddenly became brighter, and the big sister’s voice came from inside:

“Mr. Wayne, we now have some preliminary information about the Book of the Dead that you asked us to find.”[]

After hearing this, Wayne did not say anything directly at first, but just smiled faintly:”Very good.”

Then the big sister’s voice came from the huge box again:

“Our spies have already learned”

“The ancient book of the dead may be buried in the vast Dolan Gureg Strait in the east of Dolan Gureg, on an island called Monte Cristo Island.”

“That island is in the high seas between the Kingdom of Dolan Gureg and the Kingdom of Yharnam, and does not involve the territorial waters of the two countries.”

Wayne did not comment, but said lightly:”The reply you gave me at the moment is only a possibility, and I want to hear the exact news here.”

The voice of the big sister came from the box:

“I will report the progress to you now. Later, I will definitely remove the word”may” and make it”indeed”. But now I want to see the magic crystal dancing shoes. I feel that the quality of your goods, Mr. Wayne, the legendary demon hunter, must be good.”

Wayne had no expression on his face, but he laughed playfully in his heart.

When the female river god in the lake next to the church gave him the magic crystal dancing shoes, she clearly said that he must have sex after wearing them.

Otherwise, he would dance all the time until he went crazy.

Since the black silk big sister wanted to see the magic crystal dancing shoes so much,

Wayne also helped her and took out the magic crystal dancing shoes from the void and held them in his hand.

A window of the huge box opened, revealing a figure in the window, but it was far away from Wayne, so Wayne did not see the specific appearance of the figure, but saw two huge gourds on his chest.

The man looked at the dancing shoes in Wayne’s hand as if he was obsessed and intoxicated. He was silent for half a minute, and then said:

“As expected of Mr. Wayne, the legendary demon hunter, even the treasures he has privately collected are rare treasures and are one of a kind.”

“I am very satisfied with this pair of dancing shoes. Mr. Wayne just needs to wait for the information from the Book of the Dead.”

Wayne reminded calmly,”Now there are only four days left to Laertes’s ball.”

The big sister also replied,”I know.”

After leaving the black market,

Wayne searched for information about Della in Eagle County City.

However, he did not make much progress.

Wayne was very sure of one thing in his mind, that this monster would definitely come out to look for food.

Since there was no sound during the day, it would definitely come at night.

After confirming this idea, he went to the Temani Mansion.

It was exactly six o’clock in the afternoon, and the bells in the bell tower of the Eagle County Cathedral rang slowly six times.

It was time for dinner.

He could just go to the Temani Mansion and enjoy a meal with Cinderella’s two sisters, Anastasia and Dusula. Dinner.

During dinner, Wayne and Cinderella’s two sisters didn’t say much on the surface.

But under the table, Anastasha and Dusula had stretched their legs at the same time, stroking Wayne’s legs like plucking the strings of a guitar.

After dinner, Wayne returned to his private room in the Temani Mansion.

This was an extra spacious and elegantly decorated room that Mrs. Temani had carefully prepared for him so that Wayne could rest.

Wayne sat at the table.

A void wormhole appeared in the palm of his right hand, and he took out the Columbus treasure chest from the void..

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