“Knightly Code?” Claude was a little ashamed, he was not only violating the rules of knighthood, but also breaking the laws of the country, but he had no choice.

“Shut up, boy, it seems that you don’t want to live.” Claude was a little angry, as a court knight, no one except the king dared to be rude to him like this anymore, even the older ministers in high positions, but he did not expect that a small soldier dared to talk to him like this today.

“Soldier! Rude! Claude felt his dignity offended, “Duel! For the glory of the knights! ”

Nero was a little dumbfounded, “Is this the strength of a bronze-level knight?” A sword can actually exceed the speed of sound and create a sonic boom. ”

Drip! The current character knight sword stabbed out through the air, and the rapid sword once again produced a sonic boom in the air, and even created a gust of wind to blow towards Nero.

Name: Claude

Strength: Junior Bronze

Skills: Knight’s Glory, Advanced Swordsmanship, Intermediate Riding

Possession: Bronze Court Knight Set.

Relationship: Hostility.

Nero was also the first time he had seen the bronze level, and the bronze level figure claimed to be able to fight a legion on his own without defeat.

When he was in the army before, such a bronze-level figure was directly a high-level existence of the army of a legion leader, you must know that Nero was just a small miscellaneous soldier back then, and he had no chance to see a high-level figure like the legion leader, so this was the first time he had an understanding of the strength of this world.

But the more you learn about the world, the more you fear!

Drip! Survival Mission Release:

Survive from the court knight Claude.

The higher the degree of mission completion, the greater the reward!

Nero didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, peat, he had just completed a survival mission, and he didn’t wait for himself to rest, and another one.

He is just a miscellaneous soldier now, can he really defeat a bronze level?

I’m a hall traverser, if I don’t even dare to face a bronze level, then what qualifications will I have to realize my dream of escaping for the rest of my life!

Nero’s desire to become stronger grows stronger!

Click”, “Click”

Nero did not hesitate to take out the hellhound fire box, and suddenly two big dogs that were exactly the same as the copper head of the earth except for the color of the fur suddenly appeared, the silver head of the sky and the golden head of the flame!

“Magician?” Claude was just a little surprised to see the Bronze Head of Earth before, but now he only felt a little scared.

Although the bronze-level knights on the continent are not to be taken lightly, the most feared are witches and magicians, who possess mysterious and powerful magic, unpredictable body shapes, and magical props with various functions. If you provoke a knight, at most, you will be killed by a sword, and if you provoke a witch or magician, then you may step into hell, they will catch you, and you will become a guinea pig of theirs, test medicine, experiment, and finally the soul will be made into a magic tool by them. Eternal life and eternity are driven by their slavery.

“As a magician to interfere in the internal affairs of the kingdom, are you not afraid to provoke a war between the kingdom and the magicians?” Claude said strongly, but his tone was full of jealousy.

“Magician?” Nero is a little funny, I’m just summoning the three heads of Cerberus with a lighter, do you really think of me as a magic?

But this is an opportunity!

“Knight, I can clearly see that you are murdering! Vainly call the name of a knight! “Nero didn’t explain whether he was a magician or not, a fool did, if you want to misunderstand, you will misunderstand!”

“Magician get out of here, it’s none of your business!” Claude was a little jealous, but this thing had to be done. That person will not allow himself to give up.

“Knight, needless to say, I have taken care of this matter!” Seeing beautiful women suffer and ignore themselves, this is completely inconsistent with my principles, even if it doesn’t work, I will bite off your flesh!

In the past, Nero was an ordinary person who was bound by all kinds of rules and regulations of society, and he couldn’t help himself, but now he comes to this world, although he is a little scared, but Nero himself knows that he is excited in his heart!

Freedom is my pursuit!

“Magician, then don’t blame me!” Claude’s speed instantly surged, and the big sword suddenly slashed straight down, and the awe-inspiring sword momentum was like Mount Tai pressing the top, and the battle was overwhelming.


Before the sword came, the majestic momentum had already arrived, and Nero only felt that his whole body seemed to be solidified.

“Ugh!” Move! Move!

Nero roared in his heart, how could he die if he could get there, and he couldn’t even block the other party’s move?

I’m not willing!


Finally, under the strong will, the body exploded, and finally barely able to move!

Nero shouted

“Heaven’s Silver Head! The Golden Head of Flame! ”

I saw that at the moment before Claude’s long sword appeared, the Silver of Heaven swooped in an instant and grabbed Nero’s clothes, jumped and left the ground, and then stood in the void!

And Yan Zhijin Shou did not hesitate and a flame suddenly erupted from his mouth, and the scorching heat came towards him.

Claude saw that Nero was held by the silver dog and stood in the void, and he knew that nothing could be done, and his foot was rushing, and his figure turned sharply, just avoiding the flame of the golden dog.

The round is over, the two sides are drawn, and Nero survives by luck!

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