Nero looked at the seven little chuangs and had an idea, and then looked at Snow White beside him.

Suddenly he understood.

Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

And what about the seven dwarves now?

The right way is: there is a person who can’t say anything, and if he says it, he will appear in front of you, and that person is the legendary Cao Cao.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

“Big brother, did we find gold today!”

“Yes, big brother, what should we do? If the tax is not paid, the queen will definitely drive us dwarves. ”

“Second brother, what are you afraid of, we dwarves can’t deal with the kingdom’s army, it’s a big deal to scatter in one shot.”

“Little Five, no, if we really reach any step, we dwarves will suffer the most!” After all, the kingdom’s army is more numerous than ours, and we still have old and young women and children, so we can’t go far? ”

“So what to do?”

“This can’t work, that’s not okay, do we just let that greedy vicious woman bully at will?” Our warriors of the dwarves can’t swallow this breath! The hot-tempered old third suddenly burst out of anger, with the intention of doing it with a knife.

“Okay, tomorrow we will go to the old gold mine in the mountains to take a look, if it really doesn’t work, we will discuss what to do!” The boss spoke.

“It seems that this is the only way.”

“Everyone rest early today, and work hard tomorrow!”


“Click” the sound of the wooden door opening.

Nero looked at the few people who came in, and suddenly felt that he had been deceived.

What about the said okay and amiable beard? And what about that petite #* small thin body? Play me!

Seeing that they were greeted by seven strong men, strong muscles, strong figures, and big eyes like copper bells, that is, their height was only about one meter and four, but just by looking at that body type Nero, he knew that their strength was definitely stronger than himself.

Pushing open the door, the dwarves suddenly found Nero and Annie, and the inexplicable meeting between the two, both sides were stunned.

“Uh, good evening!” Nero said hello with some embarrassment, why is it embarrassing, you a stranger broke into someone else’s room and was discovered by the owner, wouldn’t you be embarrassed? Of course, thieves and robbers are exceptions.

“Who are you?”

When I boarded, I saw seven short and strong men with fierce faces and imposing faces walking towards the two.

“Thief?” The most mature strong man looked at the two with an unkind face

“Robbers?” Probably the man who ranked second looked at the two with the same fierceness.

“Bum?” I don’t know who among the strong men said this.

“Big brother and second brother, what you said is not right, they are definitely a couple who eloped!” The man who looked the smallest suddenly blurted out.

The rest of the men listened, and their hearts moved, the woman in the shabby soldier’s uniform, but with such a beautiful face and snow-white skin, and then look at the man’s clothes made of big leaves, although the temperament is good, the face is also good, but it is definitely a homeless man.

The love story of a rich lady and a homeless man?

“So romantic!” The youngest strong man said emotionally.

Annie’s face was red at the moment, no one had ever dared to speak to her like this, and the girl was shy when she boarded.

But Nero only had one idea, this brain hole is so big!

“Stop stop, stop… Seven, uh, sir, rushed into your home, very sorry, yes, this is our friends who went out on a trip together, because we got lost in the forest, so we were not able to get out of the forest in time, and then because we saw the lights in your house, and we didn’t see anyone, so we didn’t invite in, if there is anything that was not done well, we are very sorry. Nero quickly explained, otherwise I really don’t know where these seven strong men will open their brains.

“Huh, friend?” The youngest man looked at Nero and Anne with ambiguous eyes, “Well, we understand, yes, it’s friends!” Right, brothers! ”

“Yes, yes, friends!” The rest of the men seemed to understand something, “Don’t worry, we seven brothers won’t tell you about being here.” ”

Nero was speechless, wasn’t this tone completely misunderstood?

And Anne looked at Nero coquettishly, and hid behind Nero timidly.

“Oh! Friend! The seven strong men coaxed together in a mocking tone.

Nero looked at Annie, who at this time looked like a little daughter-in-law, and she was alive from the appearance of a young girl who was not deeply involved in the world sympathizing with Lang and eloping.

Uh, okay! This setting seems to be good!

Being a couple with Bai Fumei, or a Bai Fumei whose own strength is comparable to an elite army, this feeling of being a little white face seems to be good!

Although fake! But thinking about Nero, he was also a little excited, and he actually had a day to be a little white face.

You rely on talent to flirt with girls, and I just rely on my face! The new generation of small fresh meat is none other than me!

But in fact, Anne feels that her current identity cannot be revealed for the time being, and Nero is about the same age as her, and it is best for the two to disguise themselves as brothers and sisters or lovers. And here, the seven strong men mistook it for a little couple who eloped, and Anne followed the trend and became Nero’s couple.

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