Nero ran anxiously in the direction of the palace, followed by Ruby, “Little Red Riding Hood”.

“Hey, Nero, do you know where the person you’re looking for is going back? Where else should we look? Ruby asked, can’t you go to the palace to find it. And the Princess Anne that Nero said will not go back to the palace now, after all, the palace is still in the hands of the queen, and if she rushes in, it will be a disaster.

“Don’t worry, I already know where Anne they are!” Nero pointed to the mark on the back of his hand, there was a big dog here! Of course, there is no problem finding an acquaintance.

Don’t misunderstand, although the hell guard in the mark is indeed a big dog, but it is not through the sense of smell to find people, that is the mortal dog will do that, he is the hell guard, the legendary guard of the gate of hell, looking for people will not use such a low-level means, he is located through the soul.

The three-headed underworld dog hell guard, for the soul, in addition to the god of the underworld, may be even if he is most familiar, after all, the soul of the deceased is brought to hell, distinguishing the soul of the living and the dead, but his old profession, so he generally finds people by locating the soul, as long as it is the soul living in the mortal world and hell he can find.

“Master, something seems wrong!” The three underdogs in the imprint said a little sullenly.

“What’s wrong?” Nero suddenly felt a little uneasy.

“The breath of Miss Anne’s soul seems to be getting weaker and weaker!”

“How so?”

The soul is actually getting weaker and weaker, Nero’s heart tightens, and generally this happens, either the person is on the verge of death, the soul leaves the body, and will go to the gates of hell guarded by the three hellhounds to report. Or when the souls in hell are reborn through the fountain of the Styx after the atonement for their sins, their vitality becomes stronger and stronger, and the breath belonging to the dead becomes weaker. However, the secrets of these hells, Cephorus only told Nero the first part, and the latter part was not suitable for Nero to know.

Could it be that Anne was killed!

A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Nero’s mind.

“Hurry, must be faster!”

There is not enough time!

With the guidance of the dog, Nero and Ruby will not look like headless flies, but will run straight to a place.

“Master, Miss Anne’s soul breath is about to disappear!” Cerporos’ words made Nero only feel cold all over.

But he was now at the door of Anne’s room.

“Annie, Annie, are you inside?”

A cute but very flustered voice shouted: “Is it a villain? Sister Anne fainted! ”

Sure enough, something happened to Annie!

Nero couldn’t care much at the moment.

When I opened the door, I saw a cute “little lizard” spinning around the fainted Anne in a panic, but she didn’t know what to do.

“Annie! Annie! Nero stepped forward and hugged Anne, shouting incessantly, but to no avail, Anne fell asleep quietly like a doll.

“Little Red Riding Hood” Ruby saw that Nero didn’t care about herself at all, and couldn’t help but give Nero a roll of her eyes, but she also knew that Nero was in a hurry now, so she didn’t blame him.

Since Nero had already entered, of course, as an “entourage”, she also went in.

“This girl is cursed!”

The room fell silent for an instant.

Nero stared at Ruby.

“Do you know what the hell is wrong with her?”

Ruby stretched out her hand: “Of course, although this curse is very rare, I have seen this in the internal literature of the Crusade Mission, Eternal Sleep!” ”

“Eternal sleep?” Although I don’t know what this is, the meaning of the word can also make Nero understand its horror. Fall into a permanent sleep!

“Yes, this is a kind of spell that came out of the Abyss Demon Race when the Abyss Demon Race invaded the continent, and this spell made people fall into a permanent slumber, while constantly consuming the power in the body, and finally turned into flying ash in sleep, and this is even the soul is annihilated together.”

“Sleeping Charm?” Nero listened in some way to another spell.

“No, it’s different!” Ruby quickly retorted, “The sleeping spell is actually a kind of sleeping spell, but it can make people’s bodies vibrant, in fact, this is a medical method, generally used on people who are dying, and then put on a magic array that can restore life, and then the rest is to wait for time to fully recover life, then this person can return to life!” ”

“So what exactly should Anne do now?” Nero doesn’t care what the relationship between the two is now, what he cares most about now is what Anne will do now! Nothing else is so important now!


Claude walked a little sluggishly in the palace, and finally stopped in front of a throne.

The noble and beautiful woman said: “How is it? ”

Claude said sluggishly, “I saw that she had eaten it!” ”

“Yes?” The corners of the woman’s mouth turned up, “Very good, you go down!” ”

Claude still walked out sluggishly, all the way out of the palace, his eyes were instantly clear, and then he looked at the walker suspiciously: “Where is this?” Why am I here? ”

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