“I didn’t expect that there was still this kind of thing in Pahala’s bag, it seems that witches are not simple guys, even if they are weak witches like Pahala!” Nero felt that he seemed to underestimate the witch, and it seemed that he should choose a time to take a good inventory of the witch collection in his bag!

But now is not the time to worry about that

The cover cloak is what Nero took out, this is a special cloak that covers the breath, after wearing this cloak, it can completely cover its own breath and figure, but it cannot be invisible, bronze-level low-grade equipment.

Nero shook his cloak with both hands and draped it over his body.

The cloak completely covered Nero, and he could not feel any breath at all, as if it were nothing more than a lifeless ornament.

“Well, it’s really a good thing!” Nero looked at himself, and was really completely covered under the cloak, leaving only a dark figure.

However, Nero had a strange thought, “Is this body completely like a suspicious element with a sneaky appearance?” ”

But that seems to be in line with what Nero is going to do, doesn’t it?

“Probing?” The corners of Nero’s mouth turned up slightly, he wanted to figure out what the giant was doing, and the most important thing was that the giant actually knocked his black stick! In any case, it is a capital offense!

Isn’t it?

A murderous aura flashed under Nero’s eyes.

Then quietly enter the village, don’t shoot the gun!

Dive in to start!


“Elder, the above is my investigation here, but according to these circumstances, I think there are indeed remnants of the elven race here!” The stunned giant Nero said something in a certain direction.

“Oh yes? Elves! It’s really a difficult opponent,” said a voice full of vicissitudes, seemingly caught in a long memory, “Well, since they are still there, go and clean them up!” Teddell! ”

It turned out that the name of the giant who stunned Nero was Teddle.

“Your Excellency, Lord Senator! I will clean up the remnants of the elven race completely! Teddell soothed.

“Then I’ll leave it to you, Teddle, and hopefully you won’t let us down!” The vicissitudes of voice said lightly, but the tone was full of trust.

Being so trusted by the senators, Teddton’s blood boiled.

The giant’s room was really big enough, and a figure in a black cloak in a corner muttered secretly. But it’s really because of this that I can find a suitable place to explore, right?

This figure is none other than Nero.

Nero wearing a cloak of concealment is now like a dead thing in the room, as long as he does not make a sound, he can almost go undetected, but this is only for people of the gold level and below, and the existence above the gold can be easily detected no matter what disguise Nero makes.

But in this room, there is no such existence at all!

“It turns out that there is such an existence as a giant and an elder, and the giant is honored by strength, so it can be said that the elder is definitely an existence whose strength is higher than Nero’s, above gold?” Nero said to himself.

Existence above gold!

Nero’s pupils are shrunk, a legendary existence!

It seems that it is not unreasonable that the giant race can fight the continental races alone with the power of one family!

Well, these things are not something that I can worry about with a small black iron level, the most important thing now is to solve this giant named Tedder first, and it is really damn to dare to knock on Uncle Ben’s black stick!

Nero gave a violent smile.

Teddell took the golden apple he got from Nero and looked at it: “This is the golden apple brought back by which little bug, after identification, it is the secret treasure of the elves, but this thing is actually not of great use, but with the body, guided by mental power, it should be able to simulate the breath of the elf race, through the enchantment, but his own body shape is still not very easy to do!” ”

The giant’s height is more than ten meters, which is not something that can suddenly become exactly the same as the body of the elven race. You must know that the height of the elf is similar to that of a human, and this several times the body size gap is not easily solved.

Teddell shook his head, originally wanted to go in to see the situation inside that enchantment, but now it seems a little unrealistic, forget it, just kill it, do so many redundant things.

Yes, my task is not to get rid of those elven remnants, I don’t need to care about the rest!

Teddell’s eyes were full of murderous aura.

Remnants of the elves? I will come with death!

Nero looked at the giant Teddell in the corner, this giant is definitely a racist, not exactly a racist!

Giant Teddell took the golden apple and walked towards another room.

“Keep up!” What the giant plans to do you don’t know, then follow along and see! Seek opportunities!

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