“Hahaha…” “Fran” laughed maniacally: “When, my Abyss Demon Race Demon Mirror Count Mu Li will also fall to the fate of being besieged by silver-level mongrels!” Human, you really excite me and make me feel excited! I absolutely grant you eternal darkness! ”

“Fran”, oh, it should be Mu Li, Count of the Abyss Demon Demon Mirror, said haughtily and gloomy, as if he was judging the ants high above the earth!

The Count of the Demon Race is actually the gold level of the human strength level, but Mu Li has been self-sealed for hundreds of years due to the plan of that year, and her strength is constantly declining, and now she actually only has the strength of the silver level, but she also has the magic mirror, which is the magic tool from which her count was called back then!

“Magic mirror, how much longer?” Mu Li knows that all she can do now is delay time, the magic mirror is still locating the sealed demon world by connecting runes, according to the plan, the tower of connection should have been built in the demon world a long time ago, and when the connection runes on both sides are successfully positioned, they will be able to connect the space corridor and cross the space, and at that time, the seal of the demon world will not be so important!

In the battle of the ancients, the demon race was jointly expelled by the joint camp of the continental race and the sea tribe of the endless sea, and was forced to retreat to the abyss, and the two major forces at that time also laid a heavy seal at the entrance of the abyss, and even the legendary-level – the strongest under the gods sacrificed themselves to lay a seal that was almost miraculous, which made the abyss demon race almost unable to find a way to crack it, except for that, find the demon emperor – billy, and the trace disappeared for countless years The supreme existence of the demon race.

However, the Demon Race knows that it is almost impossible, and the Demon Emperor does not care what will happen to the Demon Race, because as long as there is a person under the Demon Emperor Crown, he can be called a Demon Race.

In the origin of the demon race, all the demon races were created under the crown of the demon emperor, so the demon emperor is the father of the demon race, the god of the demon race! The most important thing is that His Majesty the Demon Emperor has disappeared after creating the Demon Race, but the Demon Race knows that His Majesty the Demon Emperor is still there, but he can’t find his old man.

This path will not work!

Of course, the Demon Race is not a fuel-saving lamp!

When the battle was lost, the 7 Dukes of the Demon Clan had already made plans to return again. Choose the right Demon Race, seal yourself, communicate with the Demon Council at the right time, establish a spatial teleportation, and let the Demon Race come to the continent again!

It’s very easy to say, but it’s much more difficult to do.

Mu Li is one of them, sealing himself into magic tools, self-exile, and treating himself as a dead being, without any consciousness, like a dead thing, and as time goes by, it is more and more difficult to recover, until later the soul is slowly worn out by time, and it can no longer be restored, and finally it really becomes a dead thing.

Mu Li was also a member on the verge of defeat at that time, nearly a thousand years from the sealing time, the gold-level existence, under the passage of time, there is only a chance of being wiped out, if there is a little more time, Mu Li is disappearing in this world, and the Magic Mirror Count Mu Li, will only be left with the Magic Mirror!

Maybe it’s Endless Mu Li, about three years ago, she was discovered, when she was still sealed in the magic mirror, and the appearance of the magic mirror was a mirror outlined with beautiful patterns and delicate light, graceful and luxurious. So she, along with the mirror, was replaced by King Red. Gray, father of Snow White Anne.

When Anne’s mother died, King Red married Fran, and in order to please the beauty, Red gave Fran a large number of ornaments and belongings, including this mirror.

No matter where you are, the people with the most power always give the highest priority to the best environment to live in, and this is the case with King Gray Palace. The environment is beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and most importantly, there are quite a lot of magic runes here, which means that the magic element is dense.

So Mu Li revived, time not only wiped out Mu Li’s soul, but also made the seal not so stable, under the dense magic elements, only the remnant soul of the magic mirror Count Mu Li woke up from the seal!

And at the beginning, the person Mu Li chose to devour the soul was actually King Red, who had the identity of a king, and it was of course the most convenient to do things. However, she miscalculated a little and overestimated her resistance.

She was too weak, and the emptiness of her soul made her unable to stop once she began to devour, and King Red died suddenly because her soul was devoured.

As a last resort, she chose Queen Fran again, a woman who did not have the slightest strength, but she once miscalculated, this woman’s perseverance was beyond her imagination, and after facing herself who had recovered to silver-level strength after devouring the soul of King Red, she still insisted on the clarity of the depths of the soul and guarded the bottom of the soul.

This also gave Mu Li a loophole in her soul.

Occasionally, Fran breaks through this loophole and returns to freedom, but this time is very short.

The magic mirror said sullenly: “The queen’s magic infusion has been completed, there is left, and then look at the rune to locate itself!” All it takes is time! ”

Mu Li’s eyes lit up, and she took advantage of this time to solve this troublesome brat.

And Xiaojin, their attack at this time is also coming!

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