“It’s Your Excellency Nero!” Anna was pleasantly surprised.

“It’s really Mr. Nero!” This is Christophe, and he is also happy at this time.

“Hey, Mr. Nero, are you okay?” Anna shouted across the cliff.

“I’m okay, those wolves were led away by me!”

“Mr. Nero, thank you for your help, I will go by myself for the rest of the way.” Anna thanked Nero, the cliff in front of her is so wide and so deep, Mr. Nero can’t pass it at all, and the road is so dangerous, it’s better not to drag others into the water!

“Thank you, of course, Mr. Christophe!” Anna saluted Kristoff, who was lying on the ground: “Sorry to put you in danger, of course, your sled, when I go back, I will compensate you for all the losses!” ”

Then Anna turned and continued walking in the direction of Kitayama, but after all, she was a princess who grew up in the castle, and she walked with difficulty in the snow.

“Poof” came a broken sound.

“Pounce” a figure fell from the sky: “Miss Anna, what you just said, I didn’t hear clearly!” ”

The figure is none other than Nero!

He actually jumped straight ahead!

Because the place where Christophe was lying was a slope, he could see the cliff opposite, he clearly saw Nero on the opposite side, kicked the ground, and then thought of an off-string arrow and jumped towards the cliff on his side. And it seems to be commonplace, and I don’t see each other at all, and I feel that there is nothing rare.

“What?” Anna thought that Christophe was saying something, but when she turned around, she saw Nero who should have been on the other side of the cliff.

“Mr. Nero?” Anna was a little surprised, how could it be, such a wide cliff, how did Mr. Nero come over.

Arendel is a small commercial city-state surrounded by the sea and backed by mountains, there is no strong existence in the country, and the domestic population is not small, and some are just some elite guards, but Arendel has a very good relationship with other races around it, so because of the help of other races, no other country is willing to invade Arendelle.

After all, no one wants to offend a powerful non-human race.

However, Anna had never seen anyone as wide as Nero who could jump over such a wide cliff, so surprise was inevitable.

“It’s nothing? I said I was an adventurer, and if I didn’t have the strength, I would have died on my adventure! Nero waved his hand, if the strength of the bronze level could not jump at this width, it would be meaningless!

If Nero reaches the silver level, the distance of a jump can be several kilometers, and the gold level, you can even directly ask the existence of gravity and fly directly!

“That’s pretty cool!” Anna looked excited, and her eyes shone with essence! For the girl who has lived in the castle since childhood, the name of adventurer is really cool!

“So, Miss Anna, can you let me accompany you on your way?” I’m getting more and more interested in this adventure! Nero smiled and looked at Anna.

“Of course, my brave adventurer!” Anna looked excited.

“Count us two too!” Christophe pointed to himself and Reindeer Swain: “My sleigh and my business have been completely ruined by this sudden winter, and I have to solve it.” Swain agreed! Right! ”

On the side, Reindeer Swain stared at his master with big eyes and an innocent face.

“Alright! Then Anna’s adventure squad is formed, and the mission is to find her sister and bring back Summer! GO! GO! GO! Anna suddenly exclaimed, she wanted to feel the life of an adventurer, although this time could not be considered an adventure.

Nero smiled slightly.

This girl is quite interesting!

“Anna’s adventure squad?” Kristoff seemed to be quite excited, adventurous, and something seemed to be slowly awakening in his heart, and his face was flushed.

Wait, why blush? You’re a burly man, blushing or something, it’s not at all fit with your identity, okay!

But Nero and Anna didn’t notice.

And as for Swain on the side, well, I don’t see what a reindeer will think, I am not an orc, I have the ability to communicate with monsters and animals.

“Eh, by the way, Nero, how did you escape from the wolves?” Anna asked with interest.

“Oh, after killing a wolf, I used its blood to circle around the forest, and then the wolves seemed to be more interested in blood, so they went to find the source of the blood, so I escaped!” Nero said simply.

“Oh, is that so? Mr. Nero, this is so exciting! After listening to it, Anna became more interested in the adventurer.

But is that really the case?

Of course not, in the cliff forest opposite, there was black blood everywhere, and the corpses of stiff wolves!

And what Nero had in mind was.

What exactly is that black gas?

Why is it very similar to the breath on the magic mirror where I encountered the Count of the Magic Mirror before!

An aura of chaos and depravity!

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