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Anna walked in the ice and snow palace, the crystal palace will not be cold, probably the ice and snow have completely isolated the cold wind outside, but Anna did not see Elsa’s shadow.

Where is it?

The frozen fountain is like a crystal chain, everything is made of ice carvings, pillars, stairs, and even the headlights on the ceiling are made of ice, but I don’t know if it can be used for lighting!

The gentle footsteps of “stepping on” are particularly noticeable in the wide uninhabited palace.

Someone’s coming! It’s Elsa!

The ice blue dress outlined the girl’s beautiful body, and the long hair that was originally coiled up had fallen down at the moment, but it added a more mature meaning.

Although the girl is dressed thinly, she has a warm feeling with people, like the warm sun in winter, not as proud as the summer sun, but more gentle.

“Anna?” Elsa looked at the visitor with some surprise, wasn’t Anna supposed to be in Arendelle?

The girly model walked down the steps, dignified and beautiful.

Anna looked at her sister who had completely changed her appearance, but this kind of beauty made her sister more mature and beautiful, and the queen was full of fan, and couldn’t help but exclaim: “Wow, Elsa, your appearance has changed, become beautiful!” And this palace, it’s so beautiful! ”

“Thank you!” Elsa thanked that this is now her home, and she did all this herself, Anna’s admiration made Elsa feel a sense of accomplishment, pride: “I never knew that my ability could actually do such a thing!” ”

Well, it’s time to get down to business, Anna knows she’s not here to visit the palace!

“I’m sorry, I’m very sorry for everything that happened before, if only I had done these things earlier!” Anna said as she walked towards Elsa.

Elsa hurriedly took two steps back: “It’s okay, it’s okay!” You don’t need to apologize, it’s none of your business! ”

Seeing Anna, Elsa couldn’t help but think of the incident when she was a child again, the incident that almost made her lose her sister, and the fear that was originally forgotten came again!

“Anna, it’s time for you to go, please!” The fear of hurting her sister made Elsa erect her own spikes like a hedgehog.

“But I’ve just arrived, and I still want to have a good talk with you!” Anna was puzzled.

“No, Anna, Arendelle is where you belong, I only belong here!” Elsa said with some sadness.

“No, Elsa, you are the queen of Arendelle, and she belongs to you, why are you leaving? Go back with me! Arendelle needs you! Anna said.

“No, Anna, Arendel is yours now. And this is where I belong, Arendelle doesn’t need a witch! Elsa’s eyes were slightly red. Alendel is not only the place where Elsa has lived for more than ten years, but also Elsa’s home, Elsa’s memories, and Elsa’s most inseparable place! Saying this, not only Anna felt disbelieving, but even Elsa herself felt that she did not believe that she said it.

But it’s better to stay here than to go back to Arun, where Wan repeatedly hurt others!

She doesn’t want to be a monster in the eyes of others!

“Only here is where I belong, and only I am the only one who can I be my true self!” Elsa muttered, perhaps convincing herself! After all, to really give up, you always need to find a reason for yourself, don’t you?

“Here, I won’t be a man again!”

Anna hurriedly said: “Actually, about this…”

Before Anna could finish speaking, a voice interrupted her.

“59、60!” That’s the sound of Orloff counting!

“Well, what’s that?” Elsa wondered and looked towards the source of the sound.

A small man at the door couldn’t wait to run in.

It’s Olof the snowman!

“Hi, my name is Orloff! I love warm hugs! The snowman ran excitedly to Elsa, who was his creator and his “mother”!

“Orloff?” Elsa frowned, this little man seemed to make her feel very familiar.

“Uh, you built the snowman, don’t you remember?” Orloff said a little lost. The “mother” did not recognize him, which made Orloff feel very disappointed.

“Yay, Orlov!” Elsa remembered the snowman she built with Anna as a child!

“You actually have life!” Elsa was so surprised that everything in front of her made her feel a little incredible!

“I think so!” “Mother” remembered herself, and Orloff was finally not lost, and said a little shyly.

“It’s exactly the same as when I was a kid!” Anna looked at Orloff with a smile.

“yes! It’s really like! ”

“How close we were at that time! We can go back to that time! ”

Elsa also fell into memories, when she was a child, she played with Anna, listened to her father’s story, and her mother prepared clothes for the dance for the two, this scene was like yesterday.

Elsa looked at Anna again, and then a wisp of snow-white appeared in Elsa’s eyes.

That’s a strand of white hair!

“No, no, we can’t go back!” Elsa was terrified, the nightmare reappeared, she hit Anna with magic, and Anna’s whole body was cold, as if she were dead.

No, it can’t happen to you, Elsa started running to the back corridor with some fear.

“Orloff, I said everything to let Anna and her sister have a good talk!” At the gate of the palace, a handsome young man appeared.

Someone else came, Anna looked over, and Elsa stopped because someone else was coming, but she was still ready to run up the corridor.

Escape has become a way of acting for her.

“Nero, why are you here?”

“Sorry, I ran in as soon as I didn’t pay attention to Orlov, I’m really sorry to disturb you!” Nero said apologetically.

“Anna, this is?” Elsa was a little puzzled, wouldn’t this be Anna’s betrothed again, didn’t she just bring one over, and it took less than a day to have another one. Elsa asked Anna questioningly.

“Elsa, this is…”

“Your Majesty, Miss Anna, let me come by myself!” Nero said: “The second meeting, Her Majesty, my name is Nero, I am an adventurer!” ”

“Second meeting?” Elsa was a little puzzled, but soon she remembered that she had met a person on the way here, and that person was dressed very similarly to Nero, but at that time she was really panicked, plus it was a little dark, so she didn’t see the person’s face clearly. Now listening to Nero, she remembered.

“So it’s you! Kind sir! ”

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