“Nero, you come with me!” Elder Parker said to Nero.

“Is there something going on, Elder?” Nero wondered.

“Come with me, just leave Elsa and Anna alone for a while!”

“Well, okay, Elder!”

Immediately, the two walked out of the cave and let Elsa and Anna stay quietly for a while, which may be helpful to Elsa!

The elder walked slowly in front with his short legs, and Nero didn’t know where the elder was going to take him, but he had nowhere else to go, so he followed the elder slowly and walked slowly, just take a walk!

“Nero, have you been to the Elven Land before?” Elder Parker said suddenly.

“What?” Nero was stunned at first, and then nodded busily: “Yes, elder, I went to the elven clan before because of some things!” But how do you know, Elder? ”

This matter has not been told to anyone except Anne of the Kingdom of Gray and Ruby of “Little Red Riding Hood”, and Arendelle’s side does not know how far away from the Kingdom of Gray, so it should be impossible for anyone to know, but how did Elder Parker know?

“Do you know about nature?” Elder Parker did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

Natural grace, what is it? Haven’t heard of it. Nero looked confused.

Seeing Nero’s expression of not knowing and begging for science, Parker knew that no one had told him about it.

“Rounio that kid, really didn’t tell you?” Parker had such an expression on his face!

Elder Parker actually knew about Rounio! Nero was even more confused.

There should be no connection between the two, one is the druid prophet of the elven race, the other is the elder of the goblin race, one is in the elven ancestral land, and the other is in Arendelle, I don’t know how far apart, there should be no intersection!

“The elven race is called the children of nature, protected by the god of nature, loyal to the god of nature, and maintaining the balance of nature, is the mission of the elven race, do you know this?”

“Hmm!” These things were not secrets, and Nero certainly knew.

“However, after the end of the Abyss Invasion War, the elven race disappeared, except for an old immortal tree elder, only the kid Runeo was still there!” Parker looked fond.

Elder Parker actually did everything to the elven race.

“How are the elves doing now?” Elder Parker turned around and asked Nero.

“Well, the last time I went, the elven land was discovered by a giant, but Lord Runeo and Elder Shu have eliminated the giant with their efforts, but Elder Shu has sacrificed!” Nero now thought of the somewhat arrogant old man, and he couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

“That old immortal is also nirvana! Calculate that the old immortal has also stood up for I don’t know how long it has been, and these are finally willing to enter Nirvana! Elder Parker, however, was not sad and rejoicing, and scolded with a smile.

“Well, Nero didn’t know what kind of expression he was doing, he didn’t understand it at all.

Elder Shu died, and Elder Parker actually felt that he died well! Is there some deep hatred between the two?

Parker saw Nero’s confused look, and seemed to finally remember something.

“I almost forgot to tell you, our goblin clan is a branch of the elf clan!”

“Ugh!” Nero was shocked, the mainland is secret! I have never heard of such a thing, it is completely unexpected!

“Actually, the name of our goblin clan is the goblin clan! It is the earth vein of the elven race, but after the abyss invasion war, the earth vein suffered heavy casualties, and the elf race was suddenly attacked by the giant family and disappeared, so we goblins were forced to leave the elf race, and later came to Arendelle! ”

Nero was a little excited, Xinmi! The absolute wall is the mainland Xinmi! It’s really exciting that I have the opportunity to know such a secret!

Nero is a very curious person in his bones, and exploring the unknown is his great interest!

“But then Runeo’s appearance knew about the elves, but at that time, we had been separated from the elven race for a long time, and the goblin family had not yet recovered its vitality, and could not solve the problems of the elf family, in order to preserve the vitality of the elf family, so it was renamed the goblin family!”

The origin of the goblin family is really tortuous!

“But Elder, why are you telling me this?” Nero wondered.

“A person with the blessings of nature should be entitled to know this!” Parker smiled mysteriously.

Nature blessed?

Nero wondered, he didn’t seem to have any natural protection!

“Elder, what exactly is that?”

“You can understand it as helping the elves and getting something in return! A kind of sign of an elven nobleman! ”

It turned out to be a kind of logo! Is there any effect on increasing combat effectiveness, probably useless!

A noble guest of the elves! This is not a continental product! This is to be the halo of the protagonist, and there will be natural gifts when you go there, that is, adventure is constant, and surprises are full of surprises!

Of course, these Nero do not know!


Elder Parker left Nero and left, and Nero is not familiar with life and does not know where to go, but it is not very suitable to return to the elder’s cave now, so he wanders around the goblin village aimlessly!

“Chris!” A loud voice shouted, “Where did you run?” ”


Well, it’s Christophe!

What happened?

Nero was a little puzzled and was about to go over to take a look, but a figure made him stop.

A pretty face in the bushes was hiding there, and Swain was indeed close by.

Well, the owner of that face maybe, probably, maybe, maybe Chris!

Swain doesn’t just follow strangers!

Nero walked over, and the owner of the pretty face looked nervous.

“Uh, should I call you Chris or Kristoff now?”

“Huh…” The owner of the pretty face looked embarrassed, and a man suddenly turned into a girl with a pretty face, which made Chris embarrassed.

“Called… Just call me Chris! The girl’s cheeks were red and shy.


“Actually, I’m an orphan! When I was a child, I lived with Swain, when it was a group of ice pickers who took pity on me, let me live with them, let me go ice picking with them, I gave them the ice cubes I collected, and then they would give me some food, that’s how I grew up! The girl’s eyes were no longer focused, and she was caught in memories.

“Then you must have suffered a lot when you were a child!” Nero pityed.

“It’s not!” The girl shook her head slightly, “At that time, I actually knew that the money I picked for ice cubes far exceeded the value of the food they gave me, but I was still very heartfelt, after all, only they were willing to take me in so that I could survive.” But I didn’t tell them that I was a girl, and they always thought I was a boy. Slowly I almost forgot that I was a girl.

Then one day I found that there were two horses running fast, and the place where the horses ran actually left a broken ice, out of curiosity, I followed, went to the goblin village, and then was adopted by my mother, and now I have a big family. It’s not convenient for girls to pick ice, so I still dress up as a man. I’m sorry, Mr. Nero, I lied to you.

But now that I think about it, the two horses at that time may be Elsa and Anna when they were children. I don’t know if it was predestined, they changed my life, and now let me help them. ”

Chris smiled slightly.

Well, whether fate is predestined or not, I don’t know, but people who know how to be grateful are the most beautiful.

Nero thought. He and Elsa and Anna didn’t actually blame her, after all, everyone had their own secrets. It’s just not a little surprised!

“Chris? No, I should call you Chris in the future! ”

ps: on the shelf, all kinds of requests!

Flowers, tips, collections! Don’t stop!

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