Fairy Tall: Tremor Man

Chapter 28 - Ch.26 Y-You Mo-Monster

Vergil: x784, two years have passed since I went for the decade year mission, I miss everyone but miss Rose the most, I wonder how she is.

Meanwhile at fairy tail, Erza, Gray and Natsu were fighting a giant wooden monster with holes in it, after the final attack from the three, it finally fell down and was defeated. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.26-y-you-mo-monster_52130644813205336 for visiting.

Everyone was celebrating but Erza looked dazed and stared blankly in nowhere particularly.

Erza: ' It has been two yeats when are you going to come back V, everyone is worried about you and misses you, I miss you a lot just come back quickly and you even have a promise to fulfil'

Blondie: What happened Erza? are you fine

Erza: I am fine lucy, just needed a minute

Back to are MC

Vergil: Thanks for the magazine lady, have a nice day.

Giving back the magazine to the lady Vergil continued this journey and went to the city Mayor's house directly.

While going towards the mayor's manor Vergil looked around and felt that the number of dark guild members has increased in the town.

After reaching the manor, Vergil went inside to the reception to ask for the mayor but to his surprise, he was already there, going towards the mayor Vergil greeted him.

Vergil: Hello Ms Mayor, long time no see, by the way, I completed the mission now can you give me my reward money so I can go back home, been a long time since I went back.

Mayor: Sorry young man, but who are you, I do not remember you.

Vergil: Really now old man, I am the mage from the fairy tail that you hired to complete the dungeon, I did my mission and now you dare nit to go back on the contract and bit give me the money, and if possible arrange a bath for me.

Mayor: Oh! you are the fairy tail mage, thank god you completed the dungeon, today was the last day, the people from the dark guilds came to me and gave me the warning that if we did not leave the town they will take over it forcefully and kill everyone.

Mayor: Yes, that is the reason. Let me arrange the reward money for you and let my ȧssistant take you to the bathroom.

After taking a bath Vergil could see his face more clearly as all the dirt and blood was washed off. He has got more mȧturė looks now, his hair reaches his lower back and he decided to keep them that way as it looks good.

He also has many scars on his body as they were never taken care of properly because of a lack of resources, he knew most of them will go away once some magical medical solution is put on them but some will still remain.

If one would see Vergil know Would be a bit shocked to see the difference between his back and front as there is not even a single scar on his back where his big guild symbol is. ( Whitebeard's teachings)

Vergil did not have anything to wear but just black lowers, everything else was either too dirty or destroyed. He decided to buy a top to wear when he gets his mission money.

Going back down to the mayor he took his money and said goodbye to the mayor. The first thing he did was bought a black hooded cloak, as he got an idea of how to make his entrance into the guild.

Arriving at the train station and taking a ride back home which he will reach tomorrow in the morning, so he decided to take a nap n the train.

[sometime later]

Opening his eyes to rays of the sun Vergil first looked around and then asked the around to see how long of the journey is left for him to reach back, which was an hour more.

Standing on the platform Vergil put the hood of the cloak over his head and laugh sinisterly.

Vergil: Kukukuku, I will have fun doing this, hope Rose does not get too angry with me.

After five minutes Vergil was standing in front of the guild and put his plan in motion. He went to the door and could hear everyone laughing in the guildhall.

Vergil kicked the door open and release some of his magic power to put pressure on the others. Soon everyone went quiet and focused on him. But he could see Old man Makarov could see through his act and he was trying not to laugh.

Vergil spoke in a very deep with help of magic, like the level of the corpse husband deep voice.

Vergil: Give me Titania

Everyone was shocked at what happened all of a sudden, by one idiot was angry,

Natsu: Hey you what are you doing by kicking the door of my guild.

Natsu got closer and sniffed the air as he felt this person was somewhat familiar.

Vergil did not let Natsu complete his sentence and punched his stomach and when Natsu fell on the ground Vergil put his feet on the back of his head to not let him speak.

Vergil: I said give me Titania!

Everyone in the guildhall was very tensed. Then Erza came forwards and said.

Erza: I am Erza Scarlett also known as Titania, you want me let the others go

Vergil: Titania I want you to do something for me

Erza: And what would that be

Everyone in the guild gulped and the tension in the atmosphere increase, meanwhile master Makarov was trying hard to not let out his laugh.

Vergil: I want you to not eat Strawberry Cake anymore in your life.

Erza: Y-you mo-monster.

A/N- so guys I am just continuing the story as it is and will edit with the story going on and will tell when it is finally done so at that time please read the previous chapters too. I Will start editing on 10th march

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