Fairy Winner

Chapter 1011: Before the gate

? "Don't read it." Tian Lai "Novel www.⒉"


   Zhou Shu gently patted Zhu Xiaorou.


   I wish Xiao Rou, as if she had first awakened from a dream, she settled down and said apologetically, "My son, Xiao Rou was fascinated for the moment.


   "Attracted by the icon, according to the words of Cihangzong, it means that you are sincere and kind, and you are most suitable to be a disciple of Cihangzong. If you are seen by the people of Cihangzong, you must find a way to get you into the door, haha."


   Zhou Shu smiled, and soon showed a little dignity again, "Sincere and kind are all very good, but the mind must be firm, not easily affected by other things, otherwise it will not be good for you to cultivate."


   Zhu Xiaorou nodded, "The son said that Xiaorou will not be affected by it anymore."


   She thought for a while, and when she looked at the icon again, her eyes had changed, she no longer had the trace of piety before, but was calm and composed.


   was originally a person who was about to transform into the gods. Once he was prepared and stuck to his mind, it would be difficult to influence other things.


   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, thinking of Yangmei unconsciously.


When Yangmei came to Cihangzong, Fairy Heyin deliberately took her around for half an hour in front of the statue of Cihang, wanting her to feel the power of compassion in the icon, and be a disciple of Cihangzong with heart and soul, but The Yangmei in the Golden Core Realm was unaffected by the slightest, and his determination was as firm as a rock.


   failed to convince Yang Mei, which disappointed Yuan Heyin, but she was more fortunate and gratified.


Yangmei is sincere and kind, and will never be less than any Cihangzong disciple, but she is not affected by foreign objects at all. Even if it is the icon of Cihangzong, this mind is the real destiny that Cihangzong wants. Female.


   "Let's go down."


   Ten miles away, Zhou Shu put away the shuttle and walked towards the Cihang Mountain Gate.


  The gate of the mountain is not too big, carved by Yan Fushu. It is three feet high and four feet wide, which is five to five.


   This is completely different from Tianjianmen. The gate of Tianjianmen is a combination of two mountains moved from elsewhere. It is three hundred and thirty meters high and four hundred and forty meters wide.


Before   shanmen, there were four female cultivators, all of them Yuan Ying, all dressed in white, staring at Zhou Shu and Zhu Xiaorou, their eyes flashing, quite alert.


   Zhou Shu walked forward slowly, arched his hands, and said indifferently, "You fellow Cihang, if you want to see the Yangmei of Guizong, I will let you know. I am Zhou Shu. She will know if you say it."




   A female Xiu raised her brows immediately, "How dare you call her by name, Fairy Yangmei, how can you easily call it...what, your name is Zhou Shu?"


   The expressions of the female cultivators were stagnant, their eyes fixed on Zhou Shu, and they kept looking up and down.


   Zhou Shu said calmly, "I am Zhou Shu."


   "Are you really Zhou Shu?"


   Several female cultivators looked at Zhou Shu and hesitated. Although Zhou Shu hadn't covered up with divine consciousness, they already showed their true face, but they couldn't believe it.


   How could Zhou Shu, who had been missing for almost 30 years and was considered dead or abolished, appeared here, before the gate of the Cihangzong Mountain?


   Someone shook his head and said condensedly, "Whether you are Zhou Shu or not, you will never see Fairy Yangmei. Fairy is in retreat. It has been five years and no one will see him."




   Zhou Shu smiled, "But I heard that Yangmei has not been in retreat since he became a god, and has been waiting for me."


   Through Bian Xue, he has always kept in touch with Yang Mei. After Yang Mei was promoted to Huashen two years ago, he followed his words and did not continue to retreat, waiting for him to come.


   "How can you know?"


   The girl Xiu was shocked, "Who are you, anyway?"


   Zhou Shu just smiled, "I said, I’m Zhou Shu, I want to see Yangmei, please let me know."


This sentence was plain and flat, and the tone was very light, but it contained a huge amount of divine consciousness, and went straight through the mountain gate. The words were like silent thunder, suddenly exploded in the Ci Hang Sect and spread out, even if they were thousands. The disciples of Cihangzong inside and outside could hear clearly.


   "What, Zhou Shu, want to see Yangmei?"


   "Is Zhou Shu still alive?"


   "Even if it is really him, why does he dare to show up, don't you know that other sects are looking for him?"


   Because of the storms before and after, Zhou Shu's name has resounded throughout Dongsheng Prefecture for decades, and it can be said that no one knows it. All of a sudden, there was a lot of vibration in the Ci Hang Sect.


   "Where does he speak, how does he seem to be everywhere."


   "Whether it is or not, go to the mountain gate first."


   Many disciples of Cihangzong flew to the gate one after another. In a short time, hundreds of disciples of Cihangzong stood in front of the gate, most of them were in Nascent Soul Realm, and of course there were also many Divine Transformation Realms.


   "Zhou Shu!"


   Familiar voice, familiar figure.


   Fairy Lingyin suddenly appeared in front of the mountain gate, staring at Zhou Shu, his expression was very complicated, and it took a long time to say, "It turned out to be you."


   Zhou Shu gently nodded, and said, "Junior Zhou Shu, I have seen the fairy Lingyin."


  Lingyin Fairy was still a little stunned, "It's really you...you are okay, you are here..."


   With the confirmation from Fairy Lingyin, the other disciples of Cihangzong also exclaimed.


   "Unexpectedly, it is really Zhou Shu!"


   "Where has he been in the past thirty years? It seems that his cultivation has improved a lot. Could it be that which sect was secretly competing for it?"


"There is no reason. The six major sects know each other, and they have never heard of someone who has taken Zhou Shu, and those who have survived the catastrophe in the Yuan Ying realm cannot be hidden so deeply by the sect. This is 30 years. what."


   "The woman next to him who hides her face should be Zhu Xiaorou from the Chongyang Palace, right? The two have been together and have the same cultivation level?"


"what is the problem!?"


   twittering, constant discussion.


   Looking at Zhou Shu, the disciples and elders have all kinds of expressions, shock and doubt are the majority.


   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, very calmly.


He expected this kind of reaction. A focal point that had been missing for many years reappeared. It was hard not to be shocked. However, he could see that the disciples of Cihangzong were pretty good. If he had changed the Heavenly Sword and Chongyang, he would have been unable to restrain himself from questioning. ~www.ltnovel.com~ Because of Zhou Shu, several big sects have suffered a lot, and they will not let it go when they see him. Ci Hang is among them.


   Settling down, Fairy Lingyin said slowly, "Zhou Shu, I don't know where you have been these years, but what do you mean by coming to Cihangzong now?"


   "It doesn't mean anything, just fulfill the past agreement."


   Zhou Shu looked condensed, "Fairy, the promised time has passed, I come to see Yangmei, and I will take Yangmei back to Lingyu City."




Fairy Lingyin immediately shook his head, "Yang Mei is now a disciple of Cihangzong, and will be in the future. She herself will not go back with you, and it is even more impossible for us to let her go back to Lingyu City with you. You are now the four major sects. Everyone wants to arrest you. You can’t protect yourself. Do you still want to implicate her?”


She looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Only in Cihangzong, she can guarantee safety, practice smoothly, and achieve her mission. And you, if you are really good for her, then your best choice is to keep hiding. , Don't show up again."

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