Fairy Winner

Chapter 1013: Yuxuexi

? Seeing such a scene, all the female cultivators looked stagnant, some exclaimed, some hid their faces, and some shook their heads. Tian Lai Xiao "Say Ww" W. 』⒉


   Fairy Ru Yue, who waved the red silk, didn't look much, turned around and snorted to Fairy Lingyin, "Of course I kept my hand, but I just taught him a lesson."


   The reputation of the fairy like moon is quite big in the Cihang School.


Because she practices the domineering way that is almost the opposite of the power of compassion, and also because she likes to stand out for the same family, the disciples of the Ci Hang Sect encountered things, and the result of going to the master was to let herself tolerate, only when she called her, She will not only help you out, but also make you feel very comfortable, just do it and be refreshed.


   But she is not a stubborn person, the red silk is extremely powerful, but she also retains skill, just want to press Zhou Shu to kneel down, and it will not really hurt Zhou Shu.


   It's just that she didn't expect, nor did the other female cultivators, that the menacing red damask giant stick hit the small tree and stopped.


   seems to be stuck in the air, unable to fall down an inch or a centimetre.


   All the female cultivators were slightly stagnant. They knew that Fairy Ruyue had left her hands, but they would never even miss Zhou Shu's body.


   Ruyue Fairy's face is a bit unbearable, the vitality burst out, constantly pouring into the red silk, but no matter how she increases the strength, the red silk can't go any further, and it is blocked to death from three feet away.


   This small tree looks small, but in fact it is a condensation of the domain of tree rings.


   Zhou Shu, who is enlightened, has mastered the use of domains, and can use it anytime he wants.


Needless to say, the defensive power of the tree wheel domain, not to mention the Azure Nether domain, coupled with the combination of wood aura, and triple protection, even if Fairy Ruyue doesn't keep his hands at all, it is impossible to break through.


   But also because of her retention, Zhou Shu didn't choose to fight back, just bear it lightly.


   Fairy Ruyue's face was even redder, and she wanted to increase her strength, a familiar voice floated over, "Enough, you all get out."


  In the distance, two sisters walked along the lotus and stopped in front of the mountain gate.


   "Uncle Lotus Music."


   "Uncle Xuexi."


   Seeing the two, many female cultivators stepped forward to salute and did not dare to neglect.


   Fairy just like Yueyue was a little unconvinced and shouted loudly, "Two uncles, I can beat him!"


   Xuexi real person Yu Xuexi slowly said, "In fact, he defeated you. You have already lost, but you are still persistent, which is very bad."


Yuan Heyin nodded and turned to the many female cultivators, "You have already lost. If Zhou Shu moves when he enters the door, none of you can escape. Since you have lost, you must give up and stop struggling, we Cihang Zong disciple, it's not that you can't afford to lose."


   All the female cultivators have different expressions. Some people have understood it a long time ago, but some people have raised their eyebrows slightly. After thinking about it, they understand.


   No matter what tactics Zhou Shu used, he did have a chance to win but let them go. He didn't shoot them. They had already lost badly. As a disciple of the Ci Hang Sect, they would lose their identity if they continued to struggle.


   "The uncle teacher taught me."


   Numerous female sisters nodded and stepped back.


Zhou Shu was also a little surprised. He has a chance to win, but it is difficult to move freely under a thousand illusions. Moreover, he can't make a rash move to hurt people. He is actually ready to go in and fight another battle. But I didn't want to retreat in a word.


   The disciples of Ci Hangzong are really different, but this also means that the two great cultivators who cross the Tribulation Realm will definitely do it themselves.


   Zhou Shu put away the small tree above his head and saluted the two female monks, "Senior Heyin, Senior Xuexi."


   "Zhou Shu, it's really you."


   Yuanheyin's expression was condensed, "You are growing fast, beyond my expectations, did you enter Kunlun?"


   Zhou Shu shook his head, "The juniors haven't entered anywhere. They are still from the Dutch school, and only from the Dutch school."


   Yuanheyin frowned slightly, "Then I don't understand even more, how did you reach this level?"


   "Sister Heyin, don't ask any more, his affairs are meaningless to us."


Yu Xuexi slowly shook her head and turned to Zhou Shu, showing a lot of solemnity, "Zhou Shu, you are very strong, better than many people in Cihangzong, but you can't do what you can do. You should leave early. , I can’t let you take Yang Mei. She is the destined daughter of Ci Hang Sect. She is my true nobleman. Only with her is the complete Ci Hang Sect."


   Her speech was calm at first, but then she rushed, passionate and eager.


   Zhou Shu even felt a sense of fanaticism, as if Yu Xuexi had regarded Yangmei as the totem of Cihangzong, and he couldn't even say it casually, let alone take it away.


   Zhou Shu is a little inexplicable, Yang Mei already has such a high status in the lotus school?


  He didn't know that the reason why Yuxuexi reached the tribulation stage had a lot to do with Yangmei.


Yuxuexi was trapped in the late stage of the transformation of the gods for many years and was unable to fit together until after she practiced with Yangmei, she gained a lot of new insights from Yangmei, and the power of compassion rose to a higher level before breaking through the shackles and smoothly fitting the body. , Passed the tribulation again and became a monk crossing the tribulation realm.


   Although Yangmei came into contact with the power of compassion much later than her, she understood more deeply.


   This was only ten years ago, so Yu Xuexi naturally regarded Yangmei as her lucky star, the nobleman of Cihangzong.


And she was not the only one who had this kind of thought. After Yangmei arrived, Ci Hangzong’s luck seemed to have improved a lot, and there were continuous breakthroughs. The identity of Yangmei’s destiny daughter was recognized in Cihangzong. Not a virtual predicate.


   Zhou Shu pushed Zhu Xiaorou away, and looked at Yu Xuexi sternly, "Senior, come on."


   In his eyes, there was a sudden burst of energy, like a star Yaoran, full of fighting spirit, overflowing.


   A battle was inevitable, and he was already prepared.


   Yu Xuexi's complexion was slightly condensed, and a suspicion flashed in his eyes, "You, want to fight me?"


   "Senior won't let me take Yangmei, but I must take it. If I don't agree, I will fight."


   Zhou Shu's expression was flat, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, no sound was felt, and the situation stopped.


The female cultivators looked shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know what to say, a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator wants to challenge the Great Tribulation Realm cultivator. They have never seen such a thing before, and it seems that there is no such thing in the cultivating world. Over.


   "I know you have survived the catastrophe, you are a real genius..."


Yu Xuexi stared at Zhou Shu and said every word, "But you know, I have just crossed the catastrophe for less than ten years, even if I try my best, I will not attract the catastrophe, I have no scruples, just like this, you still want Fight against me?"


The cultivators of the Transcendent God Realm dare to fight against the Transcendent Tribulation Realm, and their great reliance is because Transcendent Realm does not dare to do their best to avoid the catastrophe. Once Transcendent Realm has no such scruples, then few Transcendent God Realm monks dare to do it. Up.


   After all, after the cultivators have merged to cross the Tribulation, their body and body are unified, and most of the tactics have no effect on them. How can you not make the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm be injured? Is it meaningful to fight like that?


   All the female cultivators looked at Zhou Shu together. Yu Xuexi had already said this. Shouldn't Zhou Shu be arrogant anymore?


   But Zhou Shu just nodded slightly, "Yes, come on."

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