Fairy Winner

Chapter 1024: See Yangmei

? "Ku'er Heartland, is the meta mysterious realm?"


   Zhou Shu paused and asked.


   Yuanheyin nodded, "The Daoist is indeed very knowledgeable, and Ku'er Mind is indeed a mysterious realm."


   The so-called meta-mysterious realm refers to the special secret realm that only the primordial spirit can enter. Most of them are built by the power of the sect. There are many trials and difficulties for the primordial spirit, which are unusually difficult and dangerous, but they can also get great benefits after passing.


"The painful mind of this school was established 30,000 years ago by a Mahayana great power before ascending. It was designed for the disciples of this school to hone the essence of the body and fight the mind, but there is too much pain in the mind. It is difficult to save the suffering and the adversity. It is not the great wisdom and the good, and the unsatisfactory... For 30,000 years, many people have entered, but few people have come out. Among them, fewer than five can pass."


Yuan Heyin slowly said, "Ci Hangzong also has many disputes about whether Yangmei should enter the secret realm. Most of them say that they should not enter the secret realm for the time being. They will wait until the later stage of the transformation of the gods. However, there are also elders who said that if Yangmei can smoothly pass through the misery realm , Zongmen let her be free, Yang Mei heard about it, ignored dissuasion, and quietly went in by herself, and has not come out yet."


After listening to Yuanheyin’s explanation, Zhou Shu understood the reason and thought slightly. The people who urged the Yangmei to enter were a bit hateful, but he believed in Yangmei. If anyone he knew was wise and good, that person must be Yangmei. No one else can do it. He has confidence in Yangmei, just as Yangmei has always believed in him.


   Zhou Shu handed Zhu Xiaorou the Qihai Qijie Sword to Zhu Xiaorou, "Xiaorou, you stay here, I will go see Yangmei."


   Zhu Xiaorou nodded, "I see, son."


When the rainbow descends from the sky and the origin of the heaven and earth falls, I wish Xiao Ruan and all the female cultivators are accepting the blessings and shades brought by Zhou Shu, but Zhou Shu does not care. He has already completed his body washing, and it does not make much sense to accept it. Of course, Haijian and Caiying must be rooted in heaven and earth.


   Zhou Shu turned to Yuanhe Yin, "Senior, please lead the way."


   "Just so." Yuan Heyin nodded lightly and flew towards the clan.


The ancient land of Cihangzong has long and beautiful buildings, and there are Lingquan Linghu everywhere. The scenery is picturesque, like a dream or a fairyland. However, Zhou Shu didn't care at all, until he walked to the goddess waterfall, he did not see much in his eyes. Glorious, staring at the front condensedly, motionless for a while.


   In front of the waterfall, Yangmei sits like a statue, her face is kind, but she has no charm. Obviously, she has only a physical body and no soul at this time.


   "I finally saw you, Yang Mei."


   Zhou Shu lightly nodded and sighed, his complexion was indifferent, but his heart was surging, hard for himself, and the long-awaited finally saw it, but it was not yet complete.


   Yuanheyin took a few steps, and said warmly, "Daoists don't need to worry, Yangmei Yuanshen is okay, and people are fine. Staying here with the physical body can also absorb vitality day and night and increase cultivation."


   "Thank you."


   Zhou Shu nodded, turned to the waterfall, and bowed his hands in salute, "Everyone, senior Cihangzong, has been taking care of Yangmei, the juniors are very grateful."


   The flow of the waterfall stopped suddenly, and a sound floated out through the waterfall, "You can see us, know we are inside?"


   Zhou Shu nodded and said, "I can see it. I have disturbed several seniors. The juniors are deeply sorry."


When he arrived here, he felt a few powerful divine senses beside Yang Mei, that divine sense was only stronger than him, and he knew that there were cultivators who crossed the catastrophe realm. He let go of the fourth change and probed. There are at least five people after the knowledge comes from the waterfall.


   "It's not easy, it doesn't matter if you can pass through the waterfall formation, but also through my divine sense...the next generation is terrifying."


   The female voice was slightly emotional, and said slowly, "It seems that you are Zhou Shu. Being able to come here shows that Heyin and Xuexi have not blocked you. It is really rare."


   Yuanheyin nodded, showing a bit of regret, "Everyone, the elders, the Heyin is not strong enough to protect the sect. You should take the punishment yourself, and you will go to Binghuofeng to face the wall tomorrow."


The female voice said indifferently, "Forget it, Heyin, you have done your best, so you don’t need to blame yourself anymore. It’s also God’s will. The day before Miaodi’s stargazing, Yangmei and Cihangzong should have this difficulty, and it has nothing to do with you. ."


   Yuan Heyin nodded and saluted, "Heyin got it, Elder Ping."


Elder Ping said slowly, "Zhou Shu, since you are here, we won't stop you anymore, but Yangmei now you can't take away. When her soul returns, we will naturally let her go, as long as she remembers herself It's a disciple of the Cihang School, we won't care wherever we go."


   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, thought for a while, nodded and said, "The younger generation understands what Elder Ping and Ci Hangzong mean, and agrees, but the younger generation has a question, can the younger generation go in?"


"Anyone who comes to the heart of suffering is welcome, and everyone is welcome, but it is impossible to enter without practicing the power of compassion," Elder Ping smiled slightly, "Zhou Shu, if you intend to learn the power of compassion If you do, I can teach you personally. With your qualifications, I promise you can master it in five years."


   "Thank you very much for the kindness of Elder Ping, and the younger generation's heart for me, but I dare not learn the unique knowledge of Cihangzong." Zhou Shu shook his head and refused directly.


   Now that Zhou Shu has his own Tao, to learn the power of compassion is tantamount to changing course, changing one's own Tao, this kind of thing is impossible to do.


   "Hehe, just kidding, don't care."


  Elder Ping chuckled, and then he paused, and said suspiciously, "Zhou Shu, you have just been promoted to the gods, and you have survived the catastrophe. Are you in Xiangyuangu?"


These things are naturally transmitted by Yuan Heyin just now. They live deep in the waterfall, and their spiritual consciousness is only around. They basically ignore the outside world. They do not care about the sect, but must be like this, otherwise they may be Attracted the catastrophe.


The monks here have survived the catastrophe and a hundred years later, they can only hide and practice with peace of mind, avoid getting close to the heavens, triggering the catastrophe, and the cultivators have cultivated tortoise shells. They are also helpless, but they are not bad, some have already The cultivating monk who has avoided for hundreds of years and thousands of years is impossible even to practice, and his vitality is not good, but he lives in the world and has almost no sense of existence. As for those who have succeeded in crossing the Tribulation for less than a hundred years, they are either managing the sect, such as Yuanheyin, or traveling abroad, looking for better magic weapons and other opportunities to increase the success rate of the next crossing.


   Not only Cihangzong~www.ltnovel.com~ This is the case for most of the great sects, and there are very few that can be seen.


   Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "Yes, the younger generation succeeded in breaking through the tribulation here, and I also want to thank the Ci Hangzong, so the Guizong’s Xiang Yuangu was damaged, and the younger generation will compensate and repair it."


   "You thank us, but you have to compensate?"


Elder Ping laughed unconsciously, feeling incredible, "You said the opposite, we should be thankful. As for the damaged Xiang Yuangu, don't care about it, let alone repair it, just keep it as it is. From now on, it will serve as a place for the disciples to meditate. Visualize."




   Zhou Shu was startled slightly, but soon he nodded. Xiang Yuangu, who had successfully survived the catastrophe, could indeed have a lot of enlightenment besides motivation.


   "This point is not counted at all..."


  Elder Ping expressed a lot of emotion and turned to Zhou Shu, "Zhou Shu, you have left a rare place for cultivation in this sect. We, Cihang Sect, will not take it for nothing. What do you want?"

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