Fairy Winner

Chapter 1041: Cultivating

   Lin Zhu looked at Zhou Shu and said seriously, "The little girl is really grateful to Sister Ruoyan. The update is the fastest."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Thank you."

Hao Ruoyan always understood what Zhou Shu wanted and needed, and knew that Zhou Shu needed to concentrate on researching the way of teleportation, so he specially arranged for Lin Zhu the best practice environment so that Lin Zhu could quickly improve his cultivation...not just for Lin Zhu alone. She did the same to other people, not to mention, Lingyucheng was also all managed by Hao Ruoyan. Without her, Zhou Shu wouldn't worry about leaving, and it would be difficult to follow his own way.

   Zhou Shu deeply understands that among these people, Hao Ruoyan is undoubtedly the most important one. After returning home, she must be compensated.

   The two looked at each other, they seemed to know what each other was thinking, and smiled in silence.

   After a while, Lin Zhu whispered, "Senior, after the little girl turns into a god, I will concentrate on studying the formation."


   Zhou Shu nodded, "But don't worry, it will take some time to consolidate the realm after turning the gods. I have some experience in this area and I will teach you then."

   "Well, the little girl is looking forward to it."

   Lin Zhu clapped her hands, showing a lot of joy, but soon calmed down again, "Senior, the little girl has a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The little girl has been concentrating on cultivating, and she didn’t think about the formations at all. A few days ago, after her realm was completed, she went to look at the things in the formations again, but the little woman found that the places that used to be very fuzzy can now be seen soon. Understand, I can slowly see where there is no clue..."

   Lin Zhu tilted her head, very confused, "The little girl obviously doesn't control the formation, why can the formation be improved?"

   "Hehe, it turned out to be this problem."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "You think it's strange, but it's not strange. For you, even if you don't care and focus on improving your cultivation, your formation will continue to improve."


Zhou Shusheng explained, "This is because you have already fully clarified the Tao you insist on as early as in the Qi Refining Realm, and you regard the formation of the Dao as your purpose of cultivating immortals. Taking Dao as the foundation, for you, cultivating immortals means cultivating Dao. , So as you improve your cultivation, your own formation will also improve. Although the progress of the Tao is invisible, you can understand the difference when you really use it."

   Lin Zhu blinked and thought for a while, only shook his head, "But the little girl still doesn't understand."

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Don't understand too much, it's better to do it than to understand."

   Lin Zhu looked thoughtful, nodded and shook his head.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel a little bit, and said slowly, "Cultivation of the Tao is very important, or the most important, for the cultivator, but many cultivators don’t pay attention to it, thinking that at the beginning of cultivating, they don’t care about anything. As long as you try your best to improve your cultivation, it’s not too late to wait until the Nascent Soul Stage to determine the path you want to choose... But in fact, it’s a bit late. The sooner you clarify your path, the more benefits you will have. It takes a lot of time and the cultivation base will lag behind the average person a lot, but it is worth it. The result of this is that the Dao and cultivation base can progress together like you. Concentrating on the cultivation of immortals will not affect cultivation, and the road to cultivation will be much smoother in the future. ."

   These principles took him a lot of contemplation.

   Immortal cultivation and Taoism are issues he has been pondering.

In the current world of cultivating immortals, many cultivators know that cultivating the Tao is very important. If they don’t have the Tao, they can’t be strong, let alone get through the catastrophe and rise to the immortal. But they still put the cultivator behind the cultivator. In their opinion, Immortal cultivation is the foundation of Taoism, and it is even more important. You must have enough cultivation to talk about Taoism. Without cultivation, Tao is just empty talk and it is impossible to succeed. My own way, but what's the use? Or in other words, a mortal painter has reached a very high level of understanding of painting, but he doesn't even have a cultivation base, so what's the use?

   can not cultivate, but must cultivate immortality, otherwise it is not a cultivator at all.

   After cultivating immortality, it is feasible to slowly understand the path that you want to stick to. Cultivation is more important than cultivating.

   Zhou Shu had always thought this way before. Before cultivating the Tao, he had enough cultivation skills to talk about the Tao, but after he clarified his own Tao, he became confused. Is this really the case?

   A cultivator or a mortal, can he not cultivate without a cultivation base?

The answer is not like this. There are many ancient powers. They first gained Taoism and then cultivated. They cultivated Taoism first and then cultivated immortality. For example, Confucianism, Taoism, Kongli, Kitchen Taoism, Paotian, Medical Taoism, Bianning, and so on. So, but there is one thing in common. These people have created the power of Tao and turned the Tao that they have realized into a Tao for countless people to imitate in future generations. Therefore, they can have Tao first and then cultivate. Dao Shengxian.

   One can die after hearing Tao Xi, mortals enlighten Tao and become immortals overnight, they are talking about such great power.

To a certain extent, Zhou Shu is very similar to these great abilities. His Dao is also his own original creation. He can also start with Dao first and then cultivate immortality. In fact, he also did this, but he could not clearly understand his own at first. What is Tao, can be done but cannot be said.

   Once the question has been answered, the cultivator can also cultivate the Tao first and then the immortal. Zhou Shu and Da Neng are examples, but it does not mean that other people can do the same.

Not to mention the great power of creation. The so-called three thousand avenues and one hundred thousand trails are available in the world of immortality. It is unlikely that a new Tao will be born, and it is impossible for Zhou Shu’s Tao to have any imitators. A unique way that suits him as a traveler.

   He thought about it, and finally returned to the original result. It is indeed very reasonable to cultivate the immortals first and then the Taoism in the world of cultivating immortals.

   If you don’t have a cultivation base, you may not be able to live long~www.ltnovel.com~ How can you understand the way you want to stick to?

But for some special cultivators, such as no worries of survival, genius, etc., this can also be changed slightly. Taoism and cultivating go hand in hand, and the sooner you clearly confirm your own way, it will also greatly promote your own cultivation. It works, and there will not be too many shackles in the process of cultivating immortals. This is reflected in Zhou Shu and Lin Zhu...

Of course, it is not so easy to clarify one's own Tao, especially when the cultivation base is low and you cannot observe the world. After the clarification, there is implementation. Tao must be implemented and everything must serve Tao. It is not easy. , Especially when there is a conflict with Xiuxian on the surface.

   Everyone has a different situation, and you have to change according to your own situation, whether you should cultivate immortality first or later, should you practice together or...

   Talking about it, Lin Zhu became more and more confused, and couldn't help but hugged his head, "Senior, don't talk about it... I'm dizzy..."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Then let's not talk about it. It's actually not very useful to understand this. For you, the status quo is already very good, and they, I try to guide them, you don't need to understand so much. "

   "Yeah, it’s good for seniors to understand by themselves, we just follow seniors and do what we say."

   Lin Zhu nodded again and again, his face turned pale, she was scared by Zhou Shu's words. (To be continued...)


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