Fairy Winner

Chapter 1044: Gather at the gate

   There is already a sea of ​​people in front of the lotus school.

At a glance, I was afraid that there would not be a hundred thousand people going up and down, crowded and crowded.

Many cultivators are okay, they all fly in the air, but the cultivators can't fly in the city, they can only stack on top of each other, like Arhats.

"Hey, you're too much, you want to stand on my shoulder?"

"Isn't the one under you silent, others are standing at the bottom without talking, why are you in a hurry?"

"That's right, the return of Sect Master Zhou is a big deal, everyone wants to see it, let's just let it go."

"Humph, if it wasn't for the face of Sect Master Zhou..."

Even if they were stacked on top of each other, there were still many cultivators who could not squeeze in. They were anxious outside and could only shout loudly.

"Let me see Sect Master Zhou!"

"I also want to see what Sect Master Zhou looks like. Although I have just cultivated an immortal, I have a crush on him for a long time..."

"Is Sect Master Zhou, why didn't I hear the words?"

"Yeah, are you lying to others?"

"Don't say not there, we rushed here, but can't see anything?"

In this case, the divine consciousness is useless. There are too many immortal cultivators, crowded, and everyone’s divine consciousness is crowded with each other, close to each other, it is difficult to penetrate the past. This sea of ​​people is bigger than the others. Most formations are much more effective.

Looking at the noisy surroundings, Zhou Shu felt a slight shock in his heart, but he didn't expect it.

"There are so many people?"

Although Hao Ruoyan mentioned to him that he must be prepared for 10,000 people to welcome him, he would be a little surprised when he really faced it.

This shows that his reputation is greater than expected. Everyone wants to see this genius who was scrambled by six major sects and had to be forced to give up. Of course, it also shows that Lingyucheng is under the management of Hao Ruoyan and others. , Getting better and better, the reputation of the Dutch School has also risen, and even Zhou Shu who is not in Lingyu City has become the focus of everyone's eyes.

"Don't worry, I am here."

He smiled slightly and said calmly, "It's easy to see me, so I don't need to squeeze like this."

The divine consciousness unfolded, and a thousand illusions were launched. In an instant, within dozens of miles, Zhou Shu’s divine consciousness was completely enveloped. Hundreds of Zhou Shu’s figures suddenly appeared and appeared around the gate of the Heyin School. One, there one, everyone can see clearly.

"Ah, I saw Zhou Shu!"

"I saw it too!"

"Don't squeeze, there are everywhere, but why are there so many Zhou Shu?"

"Of course it's a clone!"

"How can there be so many clones? It must be Sect Master Zhou's special technique. I don't understand it. Although I don't understand it, it looks really amazing."

Zhou Shu looked calm and nodded slightly, "Everyone is scattered, everyone can see me, don't worry."

Soon, the crowd gradually dispersed, and a bunch of people surrounded Zhou Shu, all with a lot of excitement, and couldn't help talking.

Those phantoms are not clones, nor real things, but illusory illusions.

Using the One Thousand Illusion, Zhou Shu brought all the immortal cultivators present to the illusion created by him. There were hundreds of thousands of people in it, but there were very few people who could truly understand it. Only monks in the distracted stage could detect it.

And those monks in the distraction phase that were aware of it all showed incomparable astonishment, shocked to the point of unspeakable words.

"How did this happen? I can actually apply the divine mind to this level. I don't even feel that it is a phantom. It's almost the same as the clone. It's so confusing..."

"I can feel that although those phantoms are illusory, they can be transformed into real primordial avatars at any time."

"Yes, I also feel that Zhou Shu's manipulation of divine consciousness is completely in the state of transformation. With so many phantoms, I think there are really so many clones. If you fight against each other, you don't know which is the real one. "

"Still thinking of fighting Zhou Shu? Forget it, even in the Transcendent God Realm or even the Tribulation Realm."

"I think no one wants to fight Zhou Shu anymore, even the monks of the six major sects."

"Oh, the old man knows it naturally, he just sighed, it's incomparable."

Several people communicated with each other, looking at Zhou Shu, couldn't help but shook their heads slightly. They didn't dare to make any rebellious actions at all. The ignorant were fearless. Those cultivators didn’t know the whole story, and those who knew the phantoms were against Zhou Shu His awe has risen to a new level.

Not far away, Zhao Yuanshan, the guardian of Haizhonglou, felt even more shocked.

"What, every one of these is like a real clone... How can there be such a trick, there will be such a monk, how many souls and spirits can he separate... I must not be his opponent? , Otherwise it will definitely die."

He had some provocative heart, and he immediately lost his mind, and he no longer dared to be half rude.

Through continuous deduction and improvement, the Zhenshan's unique knowledge that has developed a thousand illusions and the gate of the gate has been further promoted in the hands of Zhou Shu. Even if the monk of the gate of the gate is reborn, it is impossible to achieve this.

In the future, it will be passed down as a heritage in the Dutch school, but maybe few people can learn it.

"I'm back, you guys can come to meet me, Zhou Shu is very grateful, thank you very much."

Thousands of figures, doing the same movements and saying the same things.

"We are thankful."

Lin Xingyuan walked out a few steps and bowed to Zhou Shu in front of him. Although it was a phantom, he was respectful, "It is because of Sect Master Zhou that Lingyu City has undergone such a big change, and Hongye Sect is deeply impressed. ."

The suzerains of several other forces were no exception, paying salutes one after the other, and Zhou Shu returned the salutes one by one, saying something polite but not plain.

The clones are all on the ground, listening to the people politely, while he himself is still in the air, constantly summoning some important people.

Under the cover of divine consciousness ~www.ltnovel.com~, few people can see it.

"Lord Xiao, this is Daoist Zhao Yuanshan, right?"

Zhou Shu looked at Zhao Yuanshan and Xiao Buming, and gently arched his hands, "Two, you have been working hard these years. You have been helping the Heyin School and Lingyu City, but Zhou Shu is alone, and I feel really sorry."

"What did the original Zhou say."

Xiao Buming frowned, "Although the host is not there, he still worked hard for Haizhonglou? Even more than us. The secrets in the cities, the news of the gun art, etc., other cities are suitable locations. It’s all brought to us by Zhou’s landlord’s entrusted person, and people have always come to help...If it weren’t for this, Haizhonglou wouldn’t have developed so well. There were sub-buildings in all five anti-sea cities, and there were also three In a secret undersea."

These news were naturally obtained from Wushuang City, and the person Zhou Shu sent was a mission in Wushuang City. Although he was in the secret realm, he also contributed a lot to the development of Haizhonglou.

Zhao Yuanshan followed, "Yes, the old man admires Zhou Louzhu's ability. It is an honor for Zhao to be able to protect the law in Haizhonglou."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "It's good for everyone to contribute. I will cooperate better when I come back in the future."

"of course!"

Xiao Buming nodded without hesitation, and Zhao Yuanshan did the same.


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