Fairy Winner

Chapter 1050: Zhuge Traitor

   Except for Zhugemu, the other children still don't understand, but seeing Zhugemu's gloomy expression is rare, so I dare not ask more.

After flying far out of Lingyu City, one of the children finally couldn't help but ask, "Father Si, don't we find the traitor Wang Yingyue?"

The traitor Wang Yingyue is the Ge Shi mentioned earlier.

The Wang family in Xihezhou is also regarded as a top family. His children have always been married to the Zhuge family, and they have a long history. Decades ago, Wang Yingyue and Zhuge’s second son Zhuge Yan became a Taoist couple. It didn’t take long for Wang Yingyue. There will be pregnancy, harmony between piano and serenity, and harmony between Luan and Feng.

It’s worth mentioning that the aristocratic family is different from sect cultivators. In order to continue to pass on, it is important to leave offspring, even more important than self-cultivation. Therefore, most children of aristocratic families will give priority to staying after marriage and marriage. Offspring.

The Zhuge family invited the Tianjimen to calculate and calculated that Wang Yingyue was pregnant with two sons, both of which were rare talents, rare for thousands of years, and Zhuge family successors.

The happy events continue, and the situation is also very good. It was unexpected that Zhuge Yan had a bad heart and deliberately seized his protagonist. He was soon discovered that he had poisoned his own brother-Zhuge Lian, who will be the next Patriarch. After the incident was revealed, Zhuge Yan With nowhere to escape, he was so fierce that he brutally killed the injured Zhuge. Seeing that he was surrounded, Zhuge Yan couldn't escape. He shouted three times and blew himself to death.

The established Patriarch Zhuge even died, so did Zhuge Yan, so the scheduled Patriarch's position was vacated. For this position, many disputes arose in the family.

This incident shocked Zhuge's family. It was too vicious to hate Zhuge Yan, his brothers were harmed, and the sins were unforgivable, but this may not necessarily be what they saw. Many people suspect that Zhuge Yan has a beautiful wife and a good son—— The son is almost destined to be the head of the Patriarch in the future. He has a bright future, but he still has to do such a big rebellion. It is really hard to understand. It is just that the matter happened in the family, and there is no doubt that it is in full view.

People related to Zhuge Yan have been purged by the family one after another. Wang Yingyue and Zhuge Yan's widow in her womb are the most important.

Zhuge Yan's son, no matter how genius, Zhuge family can't ask for it.

However, Wang Yingyue was returning to the Wang family at the time, not in the family. When Zhuge family went to look for it, Wang Yingyue had disappeared. Although she went through the entire Wang family, she did not find any information.

Of course, this kind of family scandal cannot be spread. The Zhuge family has been searching for Wang Yingyue's whereabouts in private, but it was not until more than five years ago that they were discovered in Qingxi Town in Dongsheng Prefecture, but they were a step late and Wang Yingyue was caught by Heyue. Pie picked it up.

The Zhuge family had been asking for someone from the Heyin faction on the grounds that it was a traitor to the Zhuge family, but Hao Ruoyan obeyed Zhou Shu's instructions and just didn't know it, and did nothing.

Of course, the Zhuge family will not stop casually. They have also sent someone here, but because of their reputation, they are not good to be in public, and the private detection is completely blocked by the blue bird. It is helpless. Recently, I heard about Zhou. After Shu came back, they felt that they could not wait any longer, and sent an elder of the Tribulation Realm to ask for it, that is, this Zhugemu.

Zhugemu gently shook his head, "This matter needs to be discussed in the long term."

One of the children was quite puzzled, "We have waited long enough. Zhuge Yan's two sons are always our big troubles. If they come back in the future and even figure out what happened, then our..."

"Shut up!"

Zhuge Mu suddenly appeared stern and stared at him fiercely, his eyes like a knife.

The child hurriedly fell silent and shuddered.

Zhugemu said solemnly, "Although you are confidants, don't talk nonsense outside, otherwise I will deal with it immediately!"


The children nodded quickly, and dared not say more.

"Go back first."

Zhugemu shook his head condensedly, and left in the direction of Xihezhou.

Those children obviously did not notice that the feather fan that their uncle never left his hand is no longer in his hand, and they will not know that the three clusters of black phoenix feathers on the feather fan are now bare. Not as good as chicken feathers.

In the Heyin school, Zhou Shu and Zhugemu were not only a match of the gods, but a secret match.

Before Zhugemu paid attention, the feather fan in his hand was cut to pieces by the sword intent. The moment he saw the feather fan, he suddenly lost his desire to forcibly find Wang Yingyue in the Dutch school, because he understood that that It's impossible to do it at all, close objects are ruined unconsciously, and it is even more impossible to be an opponent in a real fight against life and death.

So he left immediately.

Heyin school, Yingyuefeng.

It is a hill on the edge of the pagoda peak, which was newly built a few years ago.

The periphery of the hill is densely covered with heavy formations, and the defense is so tight that only Shenxing Peak can compare with it.

In the valley, a woman was sitting in front of a thatched cottage, her mind a little restless, her eyes focused on something in the distance, she was dressed in plain clothes, as if she was wearing filial piety, following her gaze, she looked at the one not far away. By the creek, two cultivators closed their eyes and lowered their eyebrows, and they were practicing intently.

Zhou Shu approached slowly, the woman stood up and saluted dignifiedly, "My concubine has seen Sect Master Zhou."

The woman is naturally Wang Yingyue, who has lived here for five years.

Zhou Shu waved her hand, helped her up, smiled and shook her head, "You are here, just as a home, you don't need to be polite."

"The Heyin School is very kind to me, and my concubine dare not be rude."

Wang Yingyue stubbornly finished the ceremony, stood up, sighed lightly, and said in a straightforward voice, "Sect Master Zhou, the concubine has also heard that the fourth elder of the Zhuge family has just come to the Lotus Sect, right? If it is he. If you ask for a concubine, Sect Master Zhou doesn’t have to be embarrassed, just hand over the concubine, it’s just the two children..." She stopped talking, but still said firmly, "Please also Sect Master Zhou to find a way. Keep them~www.ltnovel.com~ If they return to the Zhuge family now, they will be dead. If you stay with them, Sect Master Zhou, you will definitely get enough rewards in the future, and you will never..."

"Wang Yingyue, you don't need to say this, I am not leaving you to return."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Don't worry, they are here, but they have already left."


Wang Yingyue's expression was slightly condensed, surprised and unbelievable, her eyes flickered a few times, "The concubine knows that the Zhuge family is very stubborn and will never give up unless they reach their goals. Since they came this time, they did nothing. Just go back again?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "They can't get anything, so what can they do without leaving?"

"Nothing... Sect Master Zhou, my concubine understands."

Wang Yingyue stared at Zhou Shu, seemingly enlightened, and did not ask any more.

Zhou Shu nodded, glanced at the two people not far away, turned around and said, "You can live here in peace. Just tell me what you need. I can guarantee that you will not be harmed in Lingyu City. of."

Wang Yingyue bowed down and said sternly, "Thank you Sovereign Zhou, we will never disappoint this kindness."

This time, Zhou Shu didn't help.

(PS: Thank you Sky is Azure for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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