Fairy Winner

Chapter 1087: Call sea flute

"Lao Zhu, are you okay?"

Looking at Zhu Dashan, who was still pale yellow, Li Aojian was still a little worried.

"What's the problem? I'm fine, just leave, leave me alone."

Zhu Dashan patted his chest and yelled loudly, but he didn't take a few steps, his body shook uncontrollably and almost fell to the ground.

"Don't be brave."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Your injury is not minor, and so is Lao Li. I have been using the sword for a long time, and I need to rest."

"I'm not as crisp as Lao Zhu."

Li Aojian curled his lips, but his face gradually turned pale. The sword body has high demands on the body, and the consumption is not small every time it is used. Moreover, he is facing the sixth-order sea clan, saying that nothing is impossible. In fact, like Zhu Dashan, he can explode extremely powerful in a short time, but it is difficult to maintain it for a long time, and there is a period of weakness after use.

Certain special techniques have similar hidden dangers, which is one of the important reasons why there are few such special practitioners in the world of immortality.

Zhu Dashan followed, "Leave us alone, we will have a rest while walking, and we will be fine in a while."

Zhou Shu shook his head, showing a little seriousness, "It's not a matter of a while, you have to rest well."

As he said, he turned to Xuan Yun, "I saw that you always had a mount before, is it gone now?"


Xuan Yun nodded, "You only have to be far away from the city to summon it. It is difficult to recruit from the city. We can walk a few hundred miles."

Li Aojian curiously asked, "Summon?"

Xuan Yun took out a jet-black conch, long and thin like a flute, with many small holes on it. "This is a sea-calling flute. The sound can be transmitted hundreds of thousands of miles through the sea. Using it can attract some special The submarine monsters, those monsters have only superficial wisdom and cannot be transformed, but they can be used as mounts with a little tame."

"Interesting and interesting."

Zhu Dashan's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to **** Huan Haidi, looking up and down, left and right.

"What do you look at, you can't blow it, your mouth is too big, haha." Li Aojian glanced at him and smiled quite cheerfully.

"Who said I can't blow."

Zhu Dashan glanced at Li Aojian sideways, stuffed the entire Sea Calling Flute into his mouth, and blew it hard.

"Ah, wait--"

Xuan Yun's expression changed, but there was no time to stop him.

The sound that could only be heard came from Zhu Dashan's mouth. The sound was not loud, but it was extremely low. It seemed to coincide with a certain pattern, and the seawater oscillated, wave after wave spreading far away.

Zhou Shu looked at Xuan Yun, "What's wrong?"

Some worried expressions appeared on Xuan Yun’s face, “It’s my fault. I didn’t explain it in advance. Calling the sea flute is not a casual use. Different melody can summon different sea monsters. If you make a mistake, it may attract a lot of Terrible monster."

Li Aojian questioned, "How terrible?"

Xuan Yun sighed, "It is said that some sea people used the sea flute to call the sea king snake..."

Zhu Dashan spit out the magic sea flute and couldn't help but said, "The name is a bit domineering, but I haven't heard of it. What kind of thing is it awesome?"

Xuan Yun shook his head unconsciously, "It is a Tier 8 sea beast, with ancient bloodlines. Although it is insufficiently wise and cannot be transformed, it has truly powerful power. No one can stop and summon its sea clan. The clan where it belongs is completely swallowed by the sea king snake. There is nothing left..."

"Eighth order..."

Zhu Dashan was also startled.

Li Aojian didn't take it to heart, "I heard that the eighth-order monster beast is equivalent to the seventh stage of the immortal cultivator's crossing the tribulation realm. It is indeed terrible..." He paused, and looked at the worried Xuan Yun. Realizing something, he couldn't help but be surprised, "Don't say, the way that Lao Zhu played the flute just now might attract the king snake, right?"

Xuan Yun nodded his head very heavily, "Yes, the way Zhu Daoyou just now, it is indeed possible to attract the Sea King Snake, and the possibility is very high."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Zhu Dashan stayed in a daze, his mouth opened wider.

"I really didn't expect anyone to play the flute like this. I didn't think about it for a while. It was indeed my fault," Xuan Yun sighed. "Now let's run. I heard that the speed of the Sea King Snake is not very high in the eighth rank. Hurry, maybe there is still a chance to leave."

"What are you waiting for, run!"

Hearing that he might face a Tier 8 monster, Zhu Dashan pulled up Li Aojian and ran forward quickly, seeming to have forgotten his injuries.

"It seems it's too late."

Zhou Shu shook his head and pointed to the distance, "Look over there, even the slower Tier 8 monster beasts cannot be avoided by us."

Hundreds of miles away, vortexes appeared one after another, and the tide was constantly surging, and a large number of currents were coming here.


Xuan Yun was stunned for a while, and then looked into the distance, his face instantly turned pale, and he couldn't help but shake. For the Sea Clan, the eighth-order sea beast is a real nightmare, and no one wants to encounter it. Li Aojian stood still and stared. In the distance, standing straight, there was a trace of fear in his eyes unconsciously, but that fear was quickly overwhelmed by the fighting spirit. As a sword repairer, even a strong opponent would not avoid fighting.

Zhu Dashan widened his eyes, but he couldn't feel anything.

He glanced around and shouted, "Is it really here? My old Zhu is fighting with him here, don't worry about it, run faster!"

The others were worried, only Zhou Shu stood quietly, not worried at all, even with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

Soon Li Aojian discovered Zhou Shu's abnormality, and he immediately understood, "Xiao Zhou, you can see far and know that it is not the sea king snake that is here, right?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Although I don't know what it is, it is definitely not a Tier 8 monster."

"Then you are scaring us, really **** it."

Zhu Dashan slapped Zhou Shu hard, almost hitting Zhou Shu into the rock, but relaxed, laughing very happily.

Li Aojian glared at Zhou Shu and shook his head regretfully, "I thought I could play with the eighth-order demon, but it's a pity that I can only hope for the next time."

Xuan Yun also put away his worry, "Friend Zhou, you... almost scared the little brother to death."

"Haha~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't be too nervous."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's not far from Huiyue Palace, there won't be such terrible monsters."

Not long.

The tide gradually approached, and a black sea beast that was ten feet long swam over the ups and downs of the sea.

The sea beast was born quite strange, with a horse-headed snake body and three large round shells on its back, connected in a string, some resembling a snail with three shells, but obviously not, it is much larger. .


A very soft and soft cry came from the sea beast's mouth. The sea beast looked at the four people in front of him and lowered his head docilely.

Li Aojian questioned, "What kind of sea beast is this, it looks safe?"

"This is a sea snail horse."

Looking at the sea beast in front of him, Xuan Yun unconsciously showed a lot of joy, "Very rare guy, being able to summon it shows that we are really lucky."

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