Fairy Winner

Chapter 1092: Jade Scale Axe

Staring at Zhou Shu, Xuan Lin was stunned for a while, her eyes were straight, but she lost her mind. Tianlai Novel|2

In his eyes, it was incredible that Zhou Shu could escape this blow. Longwei's power was comparable to the thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, and even more violent, and how could a cultivator in the early stage of the Transcendent God Realm who had not experienced the Heavenly Tribulation escaped? ?

In the face of irresistible forces, such as Tianwei and Longwei, any immortal cultivator will be frightened by them, but the celestial calamity will give the cultivator some time to prepare and recover, and the ancient Longwei he used will naturally not be given to Zhou Shu Over time, he only thought that Zhou Shu was stunned by Long Wei, and then killed with an axe. It was a perfect plan, and he had done this kind of thing many times, no matter it was to the sea clan or the immortal cultivator, he did not fail once, but Unexpectedly, Zhou Shu avoided him.

The most powerful blow didn't work, and the fighting spirit suddenly disappeared.

"How can you hide?"

He hesitated and shouted, although the voice was still like a thunder, but it was already weakened, like Donglei, sound and weak.

Zhou Shu didn't see it, his eyes only fell on the Jade Dragon Scale Axe, "It's really a good magic weapon, I don't know how many more times can I use it for an attack like just now?"

Xuan Lin's complexion was stagnant, only Zhou Shu was taunting, his anger surged, his hands held high, the flat face of the axe kept flashing cold, "Go to death!"

The axe shook swiftly in the seawater, shaking thousands of times in the blink of an eye. The surrounding seawater was cut horizontally and divided into thousands of layers. The layers of seawater were sandwiched by the solid and qualitative power of a dragon, as if Thousands of sharp blades slashed towards Zhou Shu.

This blow was still extremely powerful, and the range was surprisingly large, but the sea water within dozens of miles turned into a sharp and flat axe blade, spreading around Xuan Yun as the center, and there was nowhere to hide.

Several Sea Clan who had been seriously injured before and could not leave, only had time to scream, they were cut into countless pieces of meat.

Thousand waves of sea blades, the secret water movement technique of the Jiejing Jiao clan, the real ultimate move, only a handful of Jiejing Jiao can practice successfully, once used, it can easily destroy a city.

However, although this style is very powerful, without the blessing of Longwei, Zhou Shu didn't care much.

The Qijie Sword of Treading the Sea is erected in front of him, and the swirls are like mirrors, blocking the front and back.

Despite the heavy strokes of the axe and the blade, Ming Jing stood still, and never broke. At this state, the power inside is the strength of the law competition. The power of Jinlong is not too strong. After enlightenment, Zhou Shu, even if it is not used The source of heaven and earth is also sufficient to resist.

The wave edge gradually disappeared, and the sea calmed down again.

Xuanlin was holding the Jade Scale Axe, feeling a little at a loss. Now he can no longer use Longwei, and Zhou Shu's ultimate move was easily resisted. What should he do? He had never encountered such a thing before. It turned out that human beings were so strong, so what were the few that he encountered before? Are they fake human beings?

The sea clan hidden deep in the bottom of the sea hasn't been to many places, and they have too little knowledge.

"you you……"

He pointed at Zhou Shu, but he was speechless.

"It's me."

Zhou Shu raised the tip of his sword, pointed at Xuanlin, and clicked three times.

Three dark green light clusters the size of rice grains condensed a lot of sword intent in them, mixed in the sea water, constantly changing positions, and shooting towards the whirlpool.


The light group suddenly exploded in front of Xuanlin's body, and the sword intent came out wantonly, instantly completely surrounding Xuanlin.

However, Xuanlin was also defensive, and he had waited for it long ago. The Jade Scale Axe in his hand was swung, and the water could not splash in. Zhou Shu's sword intent was also seamless and drillable, all hitting the axe.

The light flashed on the axe, and the sword intent and the scales fought for a while, and finally the sword intent became invisible, and the shape of the scales was slightly shaken, and he took a few steps back.

Xuan scale relaxed a little. Although he couldn't hurt Zhou Shu, it seemed that Zhou Shu couldn't hurt himself either.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, muttered to himself, "It's really good."

Those three sword intents have already used a drop in the ocean. In conjunction with the third change, even if the cultivator of the Tribulation Realm uses the sixth-order best magic weapon, it may not be able to stop it, and Xuanlin relies on the Jade Scale Axe, just a few steps back. There is nothing to lose.

He became more interested in this axe and determined to win it.

Xuan Lin was slightly calm, staring at Zhou Shu, "I didn't expect that kid Xuan Yun could find a helper like you, if..."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "If you had known it earlier, would you not betray your promise, would you rather leave with Xuan Yun?"

Xuan Lin's complexion changed slightly after being poked, "So what?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "If so, now..."

"It's not too late, is it?"

Xuan Lin touched his beard and said with a hint of disdain, "You human immortals like to persuade others, but we are not. If you want me to be convinced and re-fulfill the promise to help Xuan Yun, you must use enough strength. I want to see how you defeated me and my Jade Scale Axe!"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You misunderstood."

Xuan Lin was a little puzzled, "Misunderstanding, what's wrong?"

"I didn't want you to be convinced, and I didn't want you to help Xuan Yun. I promised it only once. If you miss it, you miss it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "No matter what choice you make now, it will not change the result. You will definitely die, and your Jade-scaled Axe will definitely belong to me."


Xuan Lin's expression changed, his face sinking like iron said, "It is so arrogant, I want to see who died!"

Perhaps because of anger, a lot of red light suddenly appeared on his body, which stained the surrounding sea water red. In the sea water, his figure gradually changed, and scales began to appear on his body, and slowly grew on the top of his head. Two horns.

Half-human and half-fish, it is a sign of the violent Jiao Clan. It no longer maintains a human form, converges its soul and consciousness, and makes better use of its flesh ~www.ltnovel.com~ to completely use its own monster's advantage. In this situation, Some tactics can no longer be used, but there are also some tactics whose abilities will be greatly enhanced. For example, the body-refining tactics, but the accuracy is much worse. They are both good and bad, but when facing the sea clan, that is. A complete advantage, it is a pity that he is facing Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu didn't feel strange, instead he nodded slightly, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Divine Sense is like a sea tide, quickly enclosing Xuanlin. At this time, Xuanlin didn't have many means of confrontation. Although he felt it, he could only let Zhou Shushi do it.

"Even if you attack with divine consciousness, what can you do, as long as I stick to it..."

He was thinking to himself that the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. It was no longer a deep sea bottom, but a dark cave. The ground was rocky and there were upside-down stalactites all over his head, but what was dripping from the stalactites was not Stone milk, but drops of blood.

"what's the situation?"

The spin scale is a bit sluggish.

(Ps: Thank you Gulang Tingtao for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for their favorites~~)

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