Fairy Winner

Chapter 1144: Qing Ge Transmission

Xuan Yun pointed to the front, "Friends, I will leave when I reach the sea valley in front. The update is the fastest."

At this time, Xuan Yun's stature has become a lot shorter, and his face has become a bit hateful. It is very different from before. This is the result of the combination of magic weapons and magic arts. Even Zhou Shu, who is close at hand, needs It took a few breaths to fully distinguish it, and it was basically indistinguishable after changing to another person.

Zhou Shu looked at him carefully and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, do you have plans?"


Xuan Yun looked serious, "I still have a few loyal subordinates in the palace. I have already figured out how to contact them. As long as they are contacted, there is no problem entering Liuyun Palace, and it will be fine at most two days."


Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "You must keep the role of home, robes, and Caijing at all times. You can't let others discover you, and the dragon breath on you can't be perceived by others at all. Remember, if something goes wrong when you are alone, you will never survive, and Jiao Ling will not be rescued."

It's a big matter. It can be said that the success or failure of the plan lies with Xuan Yun. If this method is not the most appropriate, Zhou Shu is not willing to let him take risks.

Xuan Yun nodded solemnly, "I understand that it is related to Jiao Ling's life and death, and I will never go wrong."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Let's go, just go there, I will cover you with divine consciousness before I reach Haigu."

Xuan Yun nodded and didn't say much. He escaped into the ocean current and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu looked attentively, released his spiritual consciousness to cover Xuan Yun, covering him, until he entered the sea valley gradually dissipated.

"Okay, don't worry about it."

Zhu Dashan patted Zhou Shu with his fingers, and said loudly, "I think this kid is not bad, he will definitely succeed."

Li Aojian nodded, "Yes, he doesn't see any advantages in normal days, but he is reliable at the critical moment."

"I know, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't have come up with such a plan to let him go, just... I hope it goes well."

Zhou Shu nodded, only a trace of worry in his heart.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Xuan Yun, but most of the time, he wants to control things in his own hands. Whether he loses or wins, he has a bottom in his heart, but at the moment this plan can only be achieved by Xuan Yun, and hope also Pinned to Xuan Yun, so I always feel a little uneasy.

Li Aojian slowly said, "Xiao Zhou, when shall we go to Liuyun Palace?"

Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, "I have been paying attention to the neighborhood these days, and I feel that many sea races are heading towards Liuyun Palace. They should all be invited by Xuan'an. Things are proceeding according to our expectations. Now, three days later, Xuan Yun should be fine by then."


Zhu Dashan agreed and lay down lazily, "I should rest for a few more days."

Li Aojian sat beside him, seemingly thoughtful, "I don't know what's wrong with that Jiao Ling, it's a pity to think about it, it looks like a fairy, but before I can see it, my appearance is ruined."

"There should be a way to recover."

Zhou Shu also sat down, thought about it, and unconsciously took out Qing Gebei.

He and Jiao Ling have only a few fate, but he clearly understands that although Jiao Ling is a sea clan, she is really a strange woman. Her ambitions, sea clan equality, abolition of slavery and so on, all transcend class. It’s not on the same level as the other sea races. Let alone the sea races, even in the entire world of cultivation, Zhou Shu admires her very much and feels that he has a lot to learn from her, even if not. In Zhao Yueru's affairs, she never hoped that something happened to her.

While thinking about it, Qing Gebei in his hand suddenly let out a low cry.

After the low tone, Qing Gebei began to tremble, emitting a burst of light yellow brilliance, converging into a halo, and at the same time, the melodious Qingyuan's singing came out of the bee, clearly in the ears of several people.

The three of them were a little startled and looked towards Qing Gebei.

"This is a token that Jiao Ling gave you, why did you sing a song by yourself?"

"Looking at it this way, it seems like a magic weapon..."

Zhou Shu looked slightly stagnant, and said slowly, "Qing Ge Bei is indeed a magic weapon, but it can only be used by the saints of the mackerel. I also tried to use it, but it didn't work, but now... ah, I know. , This is Jiao Ling!"

There is only one person who can use Qing Ge Bei, Jiao Ling, and it will never be someone else.

Sure enough, the singing ceased, and Qing Gebei soon heard an ethereal and pleasant voice, "Is that you, benefactor?"

The voice was very familiar, and Zhou Shu recognized it at once, but he did not rush to agree. Zhu Dashan wanted to speak, but he was blocked by him. He pressed his hands and told them not to worry.

"Benefactor, is that you? I can hear you when you speak. Qing Gebei has a sound transmission effect, which can be hundreds of thousands of miles."

Repeated it again, her voice seemed very anxious and more worried.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I am Zhou Shu, you are Jiao Ling, right?"

Jiao Ling said happily, "It's me, benefactor, it's great to hear your voice. Please tell me, have you seen Xuan Yun? Is there anything wrong with him?"

Zhou Shu was slightly startled, UU reading www. uukanshu.com suddenly became vigilant, "What did you ask him to do?"

Jiao Ling paused for a while and sighed, "Not long ago, Xuan An said that he was dead. I...I killed him. If it wasn't for me, he must be fine now..."

The voice is very sad, and my heart is broken.

Zhu Dashan was also moved, and was about to speak, but was gagged by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "If there is no one by your side, how do you know we are there?"

As if aware of Zhou Shu’s vigilance, Jiao Ling explained, “Don’t worry, benefactor, Xuan’an is not here, and no one else will hear our conversation. Qing Gebei’s voice transmission can only be used by me. If I don’t want to, other No one can hear it. I don’t know that the benefactor is near Liuyun Palace. It’s just that when I was meditating, I unexpectedly sensed the breath of Qing Gebei. I was pleasantly surprised and transmitted to the benefactor. knew."

"That's me careless."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and nodded, "Only you can use Qing Gebei, and only you can feel its existence and use it to convey news. It's just a matter of seriousness, I can't help but be cautious."

Jiao Ling said softly, "I understand, the benefactor doesn't need to say this."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "You don't need to worry about Xuanyun, and don't think too much about it. Tell me, what's the situation with you, how can I help you out?"

"Save me?"

Jiao Ling was very surprised, and then sighed, "That Xuan'an is very strong, and I was locked in the deepest part of Liuyun Palace. If you can't save it, don't do it. I don't want anyone to do it for me. problem occurs……"

Zhou Shu frowned and said straightly, "Just tell me, and we will talk about other things later."

Jiao Ling's mind was slightly shaken, he didn't know what to say, and just nodded. rw

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