Fairy Winner

Chapter 1289: It's a robbery

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Two monks walked quickly out of the flying boat, both of them were in the late stage of the gods. m.slk.tw

The two looked at Zhou Shu and Qingque, and they were secretly happy.

Zhou Shu and Qingque both reduced their breaths, and in the eyes of others, they were ordinary early-stage cultivators and Yuanying-level women.

Zhou Shu's expression changed slightly, "Two fellow Taoists, is there something to stop us?"

"Of course something happens."

A middle-aged monk nodded, his eyes circled around Zhou Shu, raised his hand and smiled, "The Taoists look very face-to-face, unlike the monks from Honshu, who came here to participate in Emei’s Star-Calling Ceremony. ?"

The other young monk raised his head slightly, quite arrogant, did not speak, only a powerful pressure radiated out, quietly surrounding Zhou Shu and Qingque.

Zhou Shu frowned secretly, the visitor was unkind.

He watched the two for a while, and suddenly he was surprised, "I'm from Dongshengzhou, it is to participate in the Zhaoxing ceremony. Could the two fellow Taoists come to meet the Emei monks?"


The young monk laughed unconsciously, "Emei is not so kind."

Zhou Shu was surprised, "Who are those two people, why are they stopping us?"

"Haha, fellow daoists, don’t panic," the middle-aged monk and Yan Yueshen said, "I’m Jiao Ren, and he is my brother Jiao Yi. We are all monks from Nanzhanzhou...Since fellow daoists have come to participate in the ceremony of calling stars, they must Also bring Ye Mingzhu? We just want to make a deal with you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I don't understand the deal."

Jiao Yi glanced at Zhou Shu and said proudly, "Friends do not have to understand and pretend to be confused. We want your Ye Mingzhu. Of course, if you store the starlight and star power, we will pay enough, more than what Emei gave you. Good."

"It turned out to be so."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and shook his head quickly, "But I finally collected the Ye Mingzhu. Daoist said that if you want to trade, you must trade. Isn’t it too easy? The conditions are better than Emei. It’s impossible. Ye Mingzhu, who is in me, will put the little girl into the door wall. I have worked hard to collect Ye Mingzhu for this matter. How can I trade with you? It's wrong, it's wrong."

He pointed to the blue bird on the side, and kept shaking his head to refuse, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"I think it's good, but it's not realistic at all," Jiao Yi smiled contemptuously. "If your daughter is good enough and doesn't need you to pay anything, Emei will take the initiative to accept it, and you want to use Ye Mingzhu to impress Emei. That aptitude won't be good. Even if you help her enter Emei, she can only do hard labor at the outer door, and there is no master, and she can't get any advanced techniques."

Jiao Ren followed, "Daoist, you can inquire about it. There have been countless times of this kind of thing. Many people have spent everything in order to enter Emei, but they are slowly aging at the outer door, and their cultivation is stagnant. It is sad and pitiful. . Are you and your daughter willing to pay such a big price to reap such a result? It’s better to sell that Ye Mingzhu to us, so that you won’t suffer."

Zhou Shu looked at the two of them, his thoughts were a little loose, and he hesitated, "Outer disciple is indeed...what benefit will fellow Daoist give me?"

"Hehe, of course it's a good thing."

Jiao Ren smiled and took out a few magic weapons, "These five-tier magic weapons will be given to fellow daoists, plus three hundred yuan stones, don't you suffer?"

At a glance, the magic weapon was only a middle-lower grade, not worth anything at all, and the three-hundred yuan stone... this was clearly a grab.

Zhou Shu said angrily, "You, you are simply robbery!"

"Friends of Taoism, don't taint people's innocence out of thin air," Jiao Ren frowned, "Our price is already very fair. After changing to a few other fellows, there may not be so many."

Jiao Yi's face became cold, and the pressure suddenly increased, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you not want to trade? Dao friends may still be able to leave, but your daughter must be unable to leave...for one Ye Mingzhu, why bother? It's unwise."


Zhou Shu turned to look at Qingque. Qingque was trembling, obviously very scared.

He knows and is pleased. The two seem to have a good heart. Although he didn't say anything, Qingque seemed to understand his purpose for doing this and followed suit.

He sighed, "You are a lot of people, if you want to trade, just trade, but don't hurt my little girl."

Jiao Ren chuckled, "A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, so bring your Ye Mingzhu."

Zhou Shu hesitated for a while, then took out an unused shark pearl. The star power was extremely strong, but it was not a special star and was of no use to him.

Seeing the shark beads, the two of them showed a trace of disappointment in their eyes, but they still grabbed it, "Is that all, nothing else?"

"No, just this one, it's hard to get."

Zhou Shu couldn't help sighing at Yurenzhu, with a lot of dismay in his eyes, as if a piece of meat had been cut.

"Useless things."

Jiao Ren Jiao Yi snorted, returned to Feizhou and left quickly, but the original stone he had said was not left.

Watching the two leave, Zhou Shu shook his head, a trace of killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

Qingque said slowly, "First use words to make people hesitate, and then use force to suppress them. These two people are very proficient in doing this kind of thing. I must have done it many times."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Yes, I don't know how many people's Ye Mingzhu were taken away by them, and there are still many people like them, all of them are here to summon the stars, taking the opportunity to get some oil and water... strange... Yes, with so many people benefiting from it, Emei shouldn't be ignorant as the master, but why does he stand by and watch?"

"How can Emei care? Maybe this is what they want to see."

Qingque said with disdain, "These people grabbed Ye Mingzhu, and in the end they didn't want to send it to Emei, but instead saved Emei a lot of trouble."

Zhou Shu seemed to have a sense of it. "You can say that. Emei doesn't need to be involved and can recruit a group of thugs for free. The price of getting the Ye Mingzhu is also much less. Just doing this is really not good for Emei's reputation."

Qingque shook her head and slowly said, "Emei has long lost its reputation, otherwise Shushan would not break contact with Emei, you don’t know if you are in Dongshengzhou~www.ltnovel.com~ people from Nanzhanzhou You all know what is going on in Emei. I have reminded you a long time ago. Now, half of the chaos in Nanzhanzhou is due to Emei."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I didn't know before, but now I know about it."

"What are you going to do?"

Qingque stared at him, "You should have thoughts on those two people, right?"

"You who know me," Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "follow the vines and take down all those people. The Ye Mingzhu they got is mine. Of course, we can't be idle. Just like them, we also go around looking for people. Trading Ye Mingzhu."

Qingque was startled, and said in astonishment, "What do you want to learn from them?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I'm a real deal, not forcibly taking. Now it's not good for Emei like this to let other people join. I also help them so as not to get into the sea of ​​suffering, are you right? "

Qingque shook her head unconsciously, "What else can I say besides being right?"

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