Fairy Winner

Chapter 1322: Try 1

There were other ways, but Zhou Shu didn't want to use it. Miscellaneous ξ ξ worm ∈

This may be the first time Zhou Shu has encountered such a situation. Even he and Qingque, even higher-level cultivators, have no good way to crack the Seven Nights Formation. After all, they have lost their spiritual consciousness and lost their consciousness. Many perceptions, and the foundation of immortality cultivation is based on these seven senses.

Qiye is worthy of being the most terrifying formation in the world of cultivation.

If you want to go out, you can only find another way. That way has nothing to do with the seven senses.

So he thought of the eighth sense in the Zen gate, the perception that is immortal and immortal, and cannot be affected by anything. Perhaps it is the key to breaking the Seven Nights Array. However, to obtain the eighth sense, the premise is Abandon all desires, including the thought of survival.

Only he doesn't know whether he can regain them after abandoning all his desires, or whether he can definitely feel the eighth sense after abandoning them, and thus leave the Qiye Array.

The result was uncertain, but he didn't want to think about it, so he decided to give it a try.

He remembered the first time he experienced the death formation. When he was with Zhao Yueru, Zhao Yueru hardly hesitated and rushed into the quicksand trap that might die. Now he encountered the same situation. Could it be that he is not as good as he is now Was Zhao Yueru the original one?

Moreover, he also has other reasons.

Unlike Qingque, he has no doubt about the existence of the eighth sense, because he has read the classics and experienced more things. He knows that the eighth sense is not necessary in this world of immortality, but it must be Existence, it is a further sign of the cultivator.

Having an eighth sense, a thought of life and death, and transcendence from the Three Realms, should be something a true immortal can do, even if he can do it, he wants to give it a try to see if he has such aptitude.

The pinnacle of the immortal realm is not something that the power of the Mahayana realm can do. The power is just a starting point.

Qiye gave him such a chance, he would accept it, and he would take risks.

Qingque looked at him intently, expecting an answer.

Somewhat worried.

"Yes," Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "I have an open sky stone. The open sky stone is a thing outside the sky. It is not restricted by the mysterious yellow world. You can open the secret realm entrance anywhere, in this secret realm formation. It’s the same. Now I have enough power to open it, open it, and you can leave."

"Yes..." Listening to Zhou Shu's words, Qingque's expression changed from joy to surprise, "You? What did you say, don't you plan to leave?"

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled lightly, "Yes, I want to try it."

What did Qingque think of, her face gradually paled, and she hurriedly said, "Try what, eighth sense, are you going to die?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not dead, just stay here, waiting for the seven senses to be taken away, and then see what happens."

"What else can happen?"

Qingque said loudly, "You don't even have the seven senses, and it's even more impossible to leave Qiye. You will be stuck here forever. Can you go out without the seven senses? Even if you feel the eighth sense, you know the right one. Direction, you can’t move either."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "I didn't think about it, and I don't need to think about it. I don't have to think about the consequences after I decide."

Qingque was startled, "Without considering the consequences? How could you talk like this, it's not like you in the past."

"Really, I feel that way too."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I can't always act according to my plan and ideas. Although I don't like it very much, I know that sometimes it is necessary. I can't look forward and backward. When I think I should do it, I should do it. It's no good."

Qingque stared at Zhou Shu in a daze, unconsciously sighed, and said quietly, "Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu, if you hadn't been here all the time and had never been abnormal, I would feel that you were possessed by others."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "That won't, I'm still me."

Qingque constricted his eyebrows, "It's you, I know, but you have changed a lot. Wouldn't people who have less perception be different?"

"Maybe there is too little perception, but it will show a different me," Zhou Shu nodded slightly and smiled, "It's nothing, I won't be entangled with this, Qingque, you should go, if it is later, I don’t know if I can still use Kaitian Stone."

Zhou Shu held a small sword in his hand, shining brightly.

It's not easy to take out the Open Heaven Stone. Without the aid of divine consciousness, it is quite difficult to find things in Naxu Ring. It took him a long time.

Qingque stared at Kaitian Stone with expectation in her eyes. She knew that this might be the only way for her to leave.

After only watching for a while, she shook her head slightly, "Forget it."

Zhou Shu's heart was stagnant, he never thought Qingque would answer like this.

He has a hint of surprise, but his expression is still indifferent, he is already cutting off desire.

"Are you not leaving?"

"Don't go, you stay and break the formation, I'm the same, maybe I can help," Qingque nodded, with a shallow nest floating on his face, "Besides, I promised to follow you and go by myself. No matter what's going on, you can't drive me away."

Zhou Shu nodded, put the open sky stone away, did not speak, with a smile on his mouth.

Qingque stared at him, shaking his head lightly, "What are you going to do? Teach me too."

"Abandon all desires ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ wait," Zhou Shu closed his eyes, and his voice slowly flowed out like flowing water, "Don't listen, don't see, don't smell, don't think, from now on, everything will be with you Nothing."

"I understand."

Qingque seemed to realize something, and slowly sat down, "Before Qiye seizes perception, do you give up perception first, okay."

The two sat like rocks without any further movement.

Different from practicing into concentration, the state of the two at this time is closer to the death of Zen.

Cultivating into concentration, although the body does not move, it is extremely active inside. Consciousness of the sea qi channels are all running non-stop, and cessation is to completely relax oneself, give up perception, and gradually stop all activities of the body and mind until completely still.

It is dead.

It is not easy to pass away. Only the highest and deepest meditation can pass before the death, so that one can enter the world of bliss through the eighth sense. However, it is much more difficult for ordinary cultivators to pass away. They have much more desires than meditation.

Among them, the desire to live is the strongest, most persistent, and least likely to give up.

Why is Xiuxian? Longevity.

To give up the idea of ​​life means to give up the foundation of cultivation.

Over the years, they have been walking on the road of cultivating immortals for so long and have experienced countless difficulties and dangers before reaching their current achievements, but they have to give up.


Qingque sighed in his heart.

She tried many times, but when she gave up the thought of life, she would be suppressed by the obsession of longevity and disappear without a trace.

This is true every time.

Suddenly she felt a little absurd, and it was really impossible for a monk like her to give up his thoughts of life.

"Obviously he can go out, why did he choose to do this?"

Qingque didn't understand Zhou Shu's thoughts, because she was still limited in this world of cultivating immortals and had no higher goals.

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