Fairy Winner

Chapter 1325: Ruins

When they walked out of the valley, they suddenly changed the scene.

It was dark red everywhere, and the sky was gloomy and straight down, as if you could reach it with your hand.

Right above the head, there is a blood-red vortex with a radius of thousands of feet, like a deep eye. Although it has stopped turning, you can still feel the huge pressure in it. In the vortex, the blood-colored clouds are constantly surging, and the shadows are beautiful. As if there are countless demons and ghosts, they are about to jump out of it.

"This is the blood hole."

Qingque's face was solemn, "The traces left by the foreign races invading that year, the foreign races kept coming out of the blood hole and invading the mysterious yellow world. I have read about it in the classics, but I have never seen the real look. It turned out to be so. "

Zhou Shu nodded, "There is a blood moon in the sky, and the omen of the great evil is recorded in mortal ancient books."

Qingque whispered, "I really didn't expect that the Aolai people at that time brought this ruin into the secret realm and sealed it together. This is not easy. I don't know how many cultivators sacrificed for it... and they didn't have much power. , Sings and tears, worthy of a national soldier."

"The early immortal cultivators did not spare their lives and their lives for the Xuanhuang world, worthy of admiration, but now it is different. Even if there are immortal cultivators, they will spare their lives for their own sect."

Uncontrollably sighed, the two of them retracted their eyes and looked to the ground.

There is Huaguo Mountain in front of you, the once sacred place for immortality cultivation in the Xuanhuang world, the pride of the proud country, the well-being of dozens of sects, the eighth-tier spiritual vein, and thousands of miles of fertile soil. Now the vicissitudes of life have completely changed their appearance.

The original sect was completely destroyed in the war with foreign races, and turned into ashes with a touch of light. In the wind, there are only a few solitary towers. Xu is the symbol of the sect. The material is extraordinary and still high. It stands tall, but it is rusty and does not restore its appearance.

Among the ruins, there are broken bones everywhere, and when I look at it, there is no complete skeleton, which is shocking.

It can be seen that every monk died after trying his best.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, his eyes fixed on a tall mountain without moving.

That mountain range is about three thousand feet high. It is the main peak of Huaguo Mountain, Lingtao Peak. It is shaped like a spiritual peach. It has a great reputation in the world of Xuanhuang. It has "the Lingtao Peak in the Huaguo Mountain, and there is Lingtao Peak on the Lingtao Peak. Spirit peaches have passed the thousand-year-old food, and they have the reputation of being immortal. But that is the past, and it is completely different now. The peaches are broken from the middle, and the middle is shattered. Only a little cliff remains on both sides. Qianren on the wall.

Qingque followed his gaze and slowly said, "The rumored power to split the mountain should be the demon monkey."

"I don't know."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "If it is really it, we have to be more careful. This kind of ability is already a means of approaching power."

"If it is still there, it should perceive us."

Qingque looked left and right, her expression calm, only a trace of terror in her eyes, although she had been prepared for it, she still had some palpitations when she really had to face it.

Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, "It's hard to say that I'm not there. Take a breath first, don't explore too much spiritual knowledge, lest you get disturbed, let's go."


The green bird nodded gently.

Leaving Taniguchi, the two walked forward slowly.

Every time I took a step, the ground was slightly sunken, showing a footprint, and there was a dark green in the footprint, which was quite strange.

After walking a few steps, Qingque became worried, and some did not dare to go any further, "What...what is this?"

"The blood of the demon," Zhou Shu whispered, "the blood of the demon is this color. They are very stubborn and will not dissipate even for thousands of years. Moreover, as long as they are contaminated by the blood of the demon, the aura will be It gradually disappeared and became the so-called land of the demon race, and no spiritual energy would no longer breed. For this reason, it is impossible for the demon race and the human immortal cultivator to co-exist. "


Qingque whispered, "It turns out that this is the blood of the demons. I have read the classics before, but I never thought it was like this."

She glanced at the distance and seemed to understand, "No wonder I can't feel a trace of aura, it turns out that it's all contaminated by the blood of the demons."

"It may be, but it shouldn't be."

Zhou Shu slightly condensed his eyebrows, "The blood of the demon clan can eliminate the spiritual energy, but it is difficult to eliminate the high-level spiritual veins, especially those above the seventh level, and the spiritual veins of the Huaguoshan are the eighth level, even if there is more blood of the demon clan. , It is impossible to eliminate all the spiritual energy vitality in the eighth-order spiritual veins, at most it is the stalemate... It seems that something is wrong with the spiritual veins."

"I'll find out later," Qingque said softly, with some doubts in his eyes, "By the way, the blood of the demon has no effect on us, right?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "It's okay unless you soak in it."

Qingque nodded, let go of some heart, and went on.

After walking for a few miles, a huge arch appeared in front of him, lying between the two mountains.

The arch is full of cracks, like a spider web. I really don’t know why it didn’t split. On the arch, there are big characters written "Tian Beast Gate", and the characters are also broken in half, but the charm is still there, fine. It seems that there is a kind of fairy in it, and the aftertaste is long.

"The Heavenly Beast Gate, I have never heard of it."

Qing Que whispered, "The name is very angry."

Zhou Shu slowly said ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is said to be one of the earliest three beast control sects, and the pioneer of the way of controlling beasts. Although it has long been extinct, there are many ways to control spirit beasts. From the Heavenly Beast Gate, if you carefully explore, you should be able to discover something. "

"Should we go and see now?"

As a cultivator, when he arrived at the ancient Zongmen site, he naturally gave birth to a treasure hunting heart, and Qingque was a little curious.

Zhou Shu shook his head and said indifferently, "Don't go for the time being. First confirm that it is safe. If we can solve the problem of the magic monkey, we can use everything here without any rush."

"That's also true, listening to you say that, I will definitely explore it."

Qingque didn't insist, and only clenched his fists hard, with longing in his eyes.

"The most you should explore is there." Zhou Shu smiled lightly and pointed to the distant mountains.

The dozens of mountains are quite peculiar, shaped like a column, generally straight up and down, and varying in height, like a stone forest magnified many times.

Qingque glanced at it for a few moments and said suspiciously, "Where is that?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "That is the soul tower of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. When the Soul Cultivation of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect is about to die, it will pin its soul in the soul tower, leave its own brand, and pass on the understanding to later generations. In a soul tower, there are many crystallizations of the soul cultivation of the Ten Thousand Soul Gates. If you can comprehend anything from it, it will definitely benefit you a lot."


Qingque stared at the soul tower and opened her mouth slightly, she didn't know what to say anymore.

She knew the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. It was not the origin sect of the Soul Dao, but it was the sect that carried forward the Soul Dao, and the soul tower they left behind was also the place where the soul cultivators were most yearning. ...

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