Fairy Winner

Chapter 1329: Monk mummy

By the deep pool at the entrance of the cave, four figures slowly walked out. ∧Miscellaneous∏Zhi∏Insect∧

They were all muck, and they couldn't do it anymore.

The skinny body, the skin-covered, swarthy, skull-like face, the deep-set eye sockets are like black holes, seeming to carry a kind of enchanting magic, and the thick iron chains are worn on the feet, and the other end of the chain is connected On the keel stone, it seems to be integrated with the keel stone and is inseparable.

Some of them have their bare hands, some have a big sword behind them, and some have a shield on their arms, all of which are different.

The four people walked slowly to the edge of the pool and moved back and forth. Because of the restrictions of the iron chain, they could not leave the cave too far. They walked back at a distance of several tens of meters, and blocked the cave entrance firmly.

So back and forth, the sound of the chain mopping the ground, one after another.

"These are all monks, did the demons do it?"

Qingque stared at them, a little angrily, "Why the devil kept them here?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It won't be made by the demons. The demons can't refine magic weapons, let alone imprison others with magic weapons. The iron chain is obviously a magic weapon. They put themselves on themselves and locked them in front of the hole. ."

Qingque was puzzled, "Then why?"

"In order to protect the water curtain cave sky, in order not to leave..." Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "They were afraid that they had anticipated the situation tens of thousands of years later, and worried that they would leave after they died and could no longer protect this place. , So they put themselves on beforehand and never leave. Of course, it is more likely that after they put on themselves, they chose to become corpses."


Qingque couldn't help exclaiming, but after looking at it, he had to admit that Zhou Shu made a lot of sense, and that's how it was.

She sighed, "These monks...death to guard the water curtain cave sky, not let the demons enter, it is really great."

"I'm afraid it's not that the demons are not allowed to enter, but the demons are not allowed to come out."

Zhou Shu shook his head again, and said slowly, "Outside, we did not find any trace of the magic monkey. It is impossible for the magic monkey to go out. Then the only possibility is to be trapped in this water curtain cave. These monks are In order to prevent it from coming out, it was guarded here."


Qingque was startled again, and there was a hint of fear in that exclaim.

What Zhou Shu said was probably true. The magic monkey was trapped in the water curtain cave, and these monks were all the elites from the country, taking themselves as the first line of defense, and would rather die than leave.

Concentrated, she looked at Zhou Shu, "They are at the door, how do we get in? Or should I try it first?"

Zhou Shupo glanced at her approvingly. He knew that the magic monkey was inside, but he still wanted to go in. Qingque's answer made him very satisfied.

He shook his head and said, "Don't be in a hurry, let's try the magic weapon first. We can't perceive their ability, so it's better not to move rashly."

With that said, Zhou Shu took out a shield, which was obtained from Tian Guangbo's Jiuyouxuan steel cover.

With the injection of vitality, the steel cover of Jiuyouxuan quickly became larger, and the black light was solid, like a pagoda. Jiuyouxuangang is a very rare seventh-order material, and it can’t be damaged even if it is facing the tribulation realm. The magic weapon also has a lot of resistance.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and waved out, and the Jiuyouxuan steel cover flew towards the entrance of the water curtain, at an extremely fast speed, like a meteor.

Seeing that he was about to pass through several people, a mummy suddenly moved.

It was the cultivator who was dragging the big sword behind him. He leaped up and flew past flatly. The big sword drew an arc and slashed straight towards the Jiuyouxuan steel cover.

Zhou Shu naturally expected it, using his divine sense to manipulate the Jiuyou Profound Steel Cover to constantly change its position, trying to avoid the big sword.

But just after hiding twice, the big sword suddenly turned and fell down at an incredible speed and angle, standing on the Jiuyouxuan steel cover.

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly stagnant, that strength was not small.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the sixth-order magic weapon Jiuyouxuan's steel cover split into two immediately and fell to the ground.

The cultivator's corpse slowly fell to the ground and continued to walk forward, staggering step by step, as if the matter just now had nothing to do with him.

Qingque whispered, "That's the best flying sword, and... he was probably already the fifth stage of the Tribulation Realm before he was alive."

She saw many things from the temptation, and Zhou Shu saw more.


Zhou Shu nodded, rather solemnly, "Although they don't know how they did it, they obviously used some kind of strange means, such as pill or something, to seal off their cultivation base before they were alive, and gradually integrate into it. In the flesh, after turning them into corpses, they did not lose their cultivation base. No matter their speed, strength or reaction, they did not degenerate. They were not afraid of pain or illusion, but became stronger."

Qing Que's heart was shocked, "It is said that there were some ancient corpse refining methods, and indeed they used themselves to refine corpses..."

"It seems that it is, they are prepared."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "The strength of those cultivators is not lower than that of the great sword cultivator. Among them, the one with the shield is the strongest. I am afraid that there is already the Seventh Stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm. Look at the place where he walked."

Several other mummified corpses, with heavy bodies and iron chains, dragged traces on the ground when they walked, while the mummified corpse of the monk with the shield ~www.ltnovel.com~ There were no traces at all when walking, with a huge weight. There was nothing on him.

This shows that he has survived the seven calamities, only the last and the most difficult three calamities. At this time, his physical body has reached a higher level, integrated into the world and everything, and the sky does not bear the weight, even if he weighs a thousand pounds. Ten thousand catties, the world and everything will not have any perception, even with the things he is carrying.

Qingque looked up and nodded unconsciously, "It is true."

She frowned, and said with some worry, "There is a problem now, we are afraid we can't get in."

They can hide the demon corpse outside, but they can't hide it here. In order to get into the cave, they have to face it.

Qingque thought for a while, "Otherwise, let's take the outside things first, and then come back with a higher cultivation base?"

As soon as the words were spoken, she felt wrong, and shook her head, "It still doesn’t work. We don’t understand this, and we don’t know if there will be any changes. If something is touched outside, it will be troublesome to draw the magic monkey out. Speak clearly."

"Yes, there are many dreams in the night. It is better to figure out the magic monkey earlier, and then rest assured to obtain the treasure, then the magic monkey..."

Zhou Shu looked at the four monks thoughtfully, "Although they are extremely powerful, we may not be opponents, and we can't even break through, but after all, they are corpses without self-consciousness, and they are chained. You can’t get too far away from the entrance of the cave. Just think about it, there should be a way."

Qingque said suddenly, "Otherwise, I will lure you in, while they attack me?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and shook his head, "No, you may not be able to withstand so many cultivators' attacks. Even if you can, I may not have the opportunity to go in. Don't even think about trying it yourself, I have a way."


Qingque nodded obediently.

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