Fairy Winner

Chapter 1332: Devilish

"I don't know, just look at it. 〾杂⌒志⌒虫〾"

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and walked forward slowly.

Like other places, there are many bellstones hanging upside down here. The fog condenses into water, and large drops of water drop continuously from the top, like rain, and you will get it if you are not careful.

Sensing the devilish energy here, the two were unwilling to be hit by the drops of water, so they walked very carefully.

The green bird seemed to think, "The water here and the curtain of water outside should come from this lake, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, and said with a heavy tone, "The whole cave is like this, the devilish energy is dense, and a cultivating cave sky has completely turned into a demon cave. If it is really caused by that demon monkey, then it... alas."

There are many worries in Qingque's eyes, "It's very strange, there are still eighth-order spiritual veins here, but I can't feel any spiritual energy..."

Zhou Shu didn't speak, and he had the same doubts in his heart, that demon monkey could actually block the aura of the eighth-order spiritual vein?

Soon, the two walked to the deep lake.

The mist on the lake was evaporating, constantly changing its form, like a fierce monster, with gloomy fangs from time to time, grinning at them.

Both of them frowned slightly, and their hearts sank. The devilish energy in the lake was indescribable, and it was much more than the outside combined.

Zhou Shu glanced, showing a bit of condensedness.

The lake is so clear that you can see the bottom of the lake at a glance, and you can clearly see that the bottom of the lake is covered with countless black gems, each of which is crystal clear and transparent, and it is especially beautiful through the water.

And in the middle of the lake bottom, there was a dark hole. The situation in the hole was invisible. Only a dark surface with a faint light came out.

I can't see the divine consciousness either. The devilish energy in the lake is too strong, and the divine consciousness can only reach three feet, not far away.

"The bottom of the lake..."

Qingque couldn't help but look at it a few more times, then looked at Zhou Shu and said, "What kind of stones are those, they don't look like ordinary things."

"It's the best spirit stone, but it's a spirit stone contaminated by devil qi," Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Obviously, the spirit vein is in that cave, and the best spirit stone is born around it, and the magic monkey is there. Only then will the spirit stone be contaminated. I probably guessed what happened."

"Ah, it is actually a spirit stone, even the best spirit stone is contaminated by devil energy?"

Qingque was taken aback, his heart sank again, and said suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Staring at the bottom of the lake, Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "The monk of Aolai Kingdom didn’t know what method he used to guide the magic monkey into the spiritual vein, and then sealed it with the formation method to prevent it from coming out, trying to use the spiritual vein. Come to suppress it."

"Lingmai Town Magic Monkey..."

If Qingque has realized something, "Yes, demon energy and spiritual energy are just a pair of natural enemies. Use spiritual veins to suppress the demon monkey, and continue to consume the demon monkey's demon energy, making it gradually weaker. It is indeed a good idea, proud. The plan of the monks of the kingdom is very good... But why is there more and more devilish energy here? In other words, the spiritual veins did not have the effect it should have, how is this possible."

Zhou Shu sighed softly, "Yes, it's really puzzling, it's an eighth-order spiritual vein, and it can't stop the magic monkey."

Since the Kunlun Mountains shattered and the ninth-order spiritual veins disappeared, the eighth-order spiritual veins are already the best spiritual veins in the Xuanhuang world, and it can be regarded as one of the origins of the Xuanhuang world, the spiritual energy vitality, and the original energy. , Can be produced continuously from the spiritual veins, but there is no spiritual energy here. Does the demon monkey really have such a great ability to cover the spiritual veins with its own magic energy?

Or could it be said that the magic monkey destroyed the eighth-order spiritual vein?

No matter how you think about it, it is a little unbelievable. The power of the magic monkey has really reached this point?

No wonder Aolai Congress did its utmost to suppress the magic monkey at the expense of the whole country.

He shook his head, his mind was quite heavy, "It seems that only by going down and looking at it will I know what is going on."

After entering the water curtain cave, things did not develop as expected. I did not expect that the water curtain cave had become a magic cave. It seems that for tens of thousands of years, the monks of Aolai Kingdom have not been able to suppress the magic monkey. Was suppressed by the magic monkey.

"Look down?"

Qingque was a little worried, "What if that magic monkey is so powerful, isn't it possible for us to let it go down?"

"It is indeed possible."

Zhou Shu said with a solemn expression, "However, I have to go. Look at the formation around here, I'm afraid it won't last long."

The jade pillars around the formation were originally white, but now most of them have turned into a half-black and white purple, and another half are completely black. The runes on them are gradually blurred, only five or six. Still pure white.

Obviously, those purple and black colors are the result of being affected by devil energy.

Although it has been greatly affected, the formation method Yuzhu can still exert a certain effect, thus suppressing the magic monkey, but it has been unable to contain the demon energy from spreading, and then the demon energy will spread out along the lake. ...Wait for some time, until all the formations and jade pillars are contaminated by demon energy, then the formation will be completely invalid. At that time, not only the water curtain cave, but the entire Huaguoshan secret realm will be dominated by demon energy.

"... Those remnant souls of the demon race that cannot be killed get the nourishment of demon qi, and they will become stronger and stronger, gradually overwhelming the monk soul, and even swallow the monk soul into their own power, and the demon monkey will be released, if If the demon monkey and so many remnants of the demon race leave the secret realm..."

Zhou Shu glanced at the bottom of the lake, his eyes condensed, "No one can change anymore. The entire Nanzhanzhou and even the world of Xuanhuang will usher in a catastrophe."

Qingjing's mind was shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ and his complexion gradually paled, "What you said is that if the devilish energy is allowed to continue to raging like this, anything can happen."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, his complexion gradually turned calm, and said calmly, "Since we are here, we must figure it out and try not to let things go bad. This is the responsibility of our immortal cultivators."

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, as if she didn't recognize it, and then nodded seriously, "Yes."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You don't have to be so heavy. The result may not be as we thought. I will go down and have a look. You can wait for me here. If you don't see me out for half an hour, you can..."

"Go down together."

Qingque just shook her head, even grabbed Zhou Shu's hand, and said dissatisfied, "How can you leave me at this time?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It will really die, there is the soul tower you want outside, if you..."

"Don't underestimate me, the monks of Aolai Kingdom can do it, you can do it, and I can do it," Qingque shook his head, interrupted him, and pointed to the bottom of the lake. "Stop talking, let's go together."

Her eyes are all stubborn, so determined that it is impossible to change.

Zhou Shu glanced at her, only nodded, "Okay."

Smoke bursts from him, which is the effect of the superposition of several domains, pulling the blue bird, and the two swept to the bottom of the lake together.

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