Fairy Winner

Chapter 1342: Blood waterfall, remains

Zhou Shu followed that trajectory and saw that the red flying sword rushed through, reaching the entrance of the water curtain cave.

What made him a little strange was that the four cultivators in front of the cave entrance did not shoot at the red flying sword, but watched the flying sword penetrate into the cave.

After a few dozen breaths, the flying sword flew out of the hole again and jumped into the sky.

Like crazy, dancing wildly in the air, for a moment the sword shadow filled the sky, the sword intent swept down, and the world seemed to be everywhere.

"Hahahaha! No more, really no more!"

There was a burst of laughter, and the whole secret realm was heard everywhere.

The soul-carrying flying sword entered the Shuilian Cave, clearly perceiving the situation. At this time, the magic monkey is no longer, the spiritual veins are revived, and the old daylight scene is restored. How can you not be ecstatic after such a big event.

The previous wailing was for the many cultivators who came to the country, but now the ecstasy is like this.

Zhou Shu understood in his heart and just watched quietly.


After ecstasy, she turned to weeping again, with inexplicable grief, and a few incomplete words jumped out from time to time, but the words did not form a sentence and did not know the meaning.

The voice gradually fell silent, and Zhou Shu slowly flew up, toward the flying sword, wanting to comfort a few words.

Unexpectedly, just after flying out a few steps, the flying sword suddenly shocked and fell straight down.

The sky full of sword intent also completely disappeared, and the secret realm returned to peace.

Seeing the sword slowly fall in front of him, Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to take it, and touched it lightly, a trace of sadness flowed out of his eyes unconsciously, and the soul in the sword had completely dissipated and disappeared.


It’s not surprising that it’s been silent for tens of thousands of years, and life has basically come to an end. Only one's own obsession is still there, and the trace of sobriety is preserved. It has not become a remnant soul and has not died. But under the great sorrow and joy, the last strength It was also exhausted and couldn't continue.

However, dying in this way is considered complete, and the tens of thousands of years of waiting were not in vain. After seeing the reappearance of the water curtain cave sky, there is no need to persist.

It’s just that Zhou Shu doesn’t know who he is, and it’s a shame that he has not been able to get other news from him.

The world is lingering, and the wrong hand.

Caressing the long sword left by the predecessor, perceiving the origin of the heavens and the earth, and the sword intent in it, Zhou Shu nodded gently.

There is no doubt that this is a seventh-order best flying sword.

The body of the sword is red, from the tip to the hilt, all of the same color, translucent, not gold or stone. I don't know what material it is. The surface is as smooth as jade, and the runes are all inside the sword. There is no trace of carving. It’s hard to think of how Tiancheng was made.

The word "blood waterfall" is tattooed on the hilt of the sword.

As if feeling something, Zhou Shu raised his hand and waved his sword, the sword intent fell like a waterfall, a blood red, tangible and innocent.

The sword intent is extremely strong, even if Zhou Shu doesn't output much, it still behaves very clearly. The blood waterfall sword is obviously much stronger than the sea stepping sword. Its own sword intent is enough to compare with a monk who crosses the tribulation realm. Compared with this, there is no sword spirit among them, which is incredible.

"Do you like it?"

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying flew out of the Sea Step Sword, complained, and got into the Blood Waterfall Sword excitedly.

But after a few breaths, she flew out, panicked like a little rabbit, and hurriedly got back into the sea-sword.

Zhou Shu questioned, "What's the matter?"

"No, that sword palace can't live, although it is big, although strong, but too..." Caiying pondered for a while, but couldn't find a word to describe it.


"Yeah, it's almost like this. Going in is like being trapped by something. It's not like a house but a pipe. How to live is not free at all. In short, Hong Kong feels that if you want to live in it, sooner or later. Annoyed by it, suffocated."

Caiying was busy talking about it, very disgusted.

"Good, then you don't need it."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and said slowly, "I also think that he is not suitable for you and me."

If he was not mistaken, this sword was a bone sword, but it was not made of monster bones, but used to repair the bones.

This kind of flying sword is extremely rare, almost invisible in the current world of immortality.

Unlike flying swords made from heaven, material and earth treasures, this kind of sword bone repairing sword continues too much of the master’s things, sword intent, and even obsessions of the past. Such swords are extremely powerful, but because they carry the sword The will of Xiu is difficult to control, and it is absolutely impossible to give birth to a sword spirit.

Zhou Shu, who likes to control, is not suitable for such a sword, and Caiying is even more not suitable.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Then find something else."

"Well, but hurry up, my palace feels that it is not far from Dujie. If there is no suitable sword, it will be bad." Caiying agreed, also quite worried.

Zhou Shu nodded and put away the two swords together.

There is no disappointment, this sword is not suitable for them, but there are countless people who want it, and it is a rare product.

The mound that was swept away by the sword light showed a deep hole, and when I saw it, I couldn't see it to the end.

Slowly descending, at the end is a simple tunnel, which seems to have been temporarily opened. There are several stone chambers beside the tunnel. Because of the protection of the blood waterfall sword, the place is very well preserved and not contaminated by the blood of the demon race.

Walked into a stone room.

In the middle is a skeleton sitting upright, and the sitting futon, the jade frame on the side has long been turned into nothingness, but the skeleton is as strong as before, and the quality is like white jade. It broke from the shoulder, and it seemed to be bitten off by something, and the fracture was quite hideous.

On the opposite side of the bones ~www.ltnovel.com~ are seven or eight stone slabs with cracks and cracks. The writing on them has long been blurred, and one of the ten characters cannot be recognized.

At that time, jade slips were rare, and most immortal cultivators continued their inheritance by relying on slate and magic.

After a glance, everything on the stone slab was remembered in his heart. At the same time, Zhihai separated a small part and started deduction, trying to restore their original appearance. This would be difficult, but Zhou Shu was confident to do it, only time Length question.

The other stone chambers are similar, but some bones have been weathered, leaving only a pile of debris.

There were three skeletons, all of which were injured, all of which were broken arms. For the sword repairers at the time, if they could not incarnate the body of the sword, they would not be able to use the sword if the arm was damaged. But for this reason, these swords were only able to repair their bones. It can be preserved, otherwise they would fight to death in the battle with the demons at that time, and their bones would be lost.

The injured, unable to fight anymore, opened up this temporary cave to keep the heritage.

After Zhou Shu finished the salute, he put away the bones.

In fact, at such an ancient monk site, regardless of other discoveries, as long as there are remains, it is a great harvest.

At the end of the tunnel, a portrait was hung.

Unlike most things that have been eroded by the years, this portrait is like new, without damage, clean and dust-free.

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