Fairy Winner

Chapter 1344: Exploring the ruins

The old man is still in the portrait, but there are some differences. Zero reading

There was no hanging sword on his body, but a spirit beast bag. Not far behind him, there was a group of monster beasts lying down. Roaring Tianyi was also among them, lying low and respectful, without daring to raise his head.

Zhou Shu felt stagnant.

The old man in the previous portrait was obviously a sword repairman, but now he is a beast master, and it seems that even Roaring Tianyi is his spirit beast.


No matter how you look at it, both sects put his portrait in the most important place. The status of the old man must be extremely high in Aolai. However, Zhou Shu has no impression of the origin of the old man's name and no classics. mentioned.

It's strange.

But at this time, he didn't need to think too much. After a few bows, Zhou Shu collected the portrait and the bones of Xiao Tianyi and turned away.

That's it, it's time to go to the next place.

Within a few days, Zhou Shu visited the eleven sect ruins in Huaguo Mountain and gained a lot.

Although the blood of the demons annihilated most of the inheritance, each sect also had some special means of preservation, and Zhou Shu also benefited from this.

In the Huaguo Sect, this sect that originated from Huaguo Mountain and focused on searching for spiritual things, Zhou Shu found three eighth-order spiritual things.

One is called Tang Sengguo, which is rumored to be immortal. Although it is not as magical as the rumor, it also has the effect of prolonging life for thousands of years. No matter where it is, it is an existence that others want to compete for.

A kind of banana called Jingtan is a real body-sculpting divine object, which can be formed by the cultivator.

The body of the pure altar is omnipotent. No matter how much spiritual energy, it can be contained, as if the body is an endless sea. In a way, the body of the pure altar is similar to the body of a thousand souls that contains many souls, but One is spiritual energy, and the other is soul.

The body of the pure altar is an excellent alien to the cultivator, and it is about the same as the spiritual body.

There is another kind called Wuyuancao. Although it is an eighth-order spiritual thing, it does not have much aura, and it is not even as good as the third-order, but it is even more rare than Tang Sengguo and Jingtanjiao combined. It is what all aristocratic families want to get. treasure.

It has the special effect of helping mortals to shape spiritual roots, and the resulting spiritual roots are quite effective, no less than some foreign bodies.

Many aristocratic families have intelligent geniuses, but they cannot cultivate immortals without spiritual roots. This is the family's greatest regret, and Wu Yuancao can make up for this shortcoming.

If Wu Yuan Cao is used together with the first two, it can turn a mortal into a true genius in the world of cultivation.

Can collect these three kinds of spiritual things, that Huaguomen, is indeed a strange gate specializing in collecting spiritual things.

In Pill Yunzong, Zhou Shu got an eighth-order top-grade pill, a prescription, and several bottles of seventh-order pill.

The other pills and prescriptions were ruined, and these were not destroyed by the years and the blood of the demons because they were around the eighth-order best-grade pills. 【】

The eighth-order pill does not show its aura, it is quite introverted, it is thick golden, the size of a pigeon egg, and the pill is surrounded by nine-ring pill pattern. The pill pattern is different in color, and the shape is like a dragon. Nine dragons are flying around the pill.

Zhou Shu derived its name, Fulong Emperor Pill, based on this extremely special nine-ring pill pattern.

Fulong Emperor Pill is very famous. The Emperor used the Shennong Ding to create the elixir. This Fulong Emperor Pill was one of the first several types of pill that was refined by the Emperor. The name means "Dragon, must also be respected." I am the emperor".

At that time, human cultivators had just appeared, and the dragon clan was controlling the Xuanhuang world. The next three emperors appeared one after another, driving the dragon clan out of the Xuanhuang world, and mankind became the new ruler.

This Fulong Emperor Pill was hardly said to be refined by the Earth Emperor himself. Most of it was refined by later generations, but even so, the Pill has become a top grade and a first-class treasure.

Fulong Emperor Pill, as the name suggests, after taking the medicine, you will get the power of Fulong.

Of course, the power of Fulong is not a special power, but a very large amount of elemental power and the power of origin. The transformation of the gods to subdue this pill is enough to improve a small level, and for the cultivators of crossing the catastrophe, it is also Enough to save a hundred years of hard work.

Zhou Shu put it away, and has no idea of ​​taking it for the time being. He waited until he crossed the tribulation realm. Unfortunately, there was no prescription for Fulong Emperor Pill.

That pill is the pill of the seventh-order pill Xunyuan Pill. There are many records in the ancient books, but it has long been lost in this world. Now it can be regarded as making up for the regrets of the immortal world, and the lotus school can also inherit one more inheritance. , A very useful heritage.

Xunyuan Pill is an auxiliary pill that can help immortal cultivators to obtain the original Qi for cultivation in places where the aura is thin and even lacks.

The origin of heaven and earth is ubiquitous, but it is extremely subtle in most places, even high-level cultivators can't perceive it, let alone use it. Xunyuan Dan is the answer to this problem.

With the eighth-order spiritual veins, the future lotus sect may not need to find the source pill, but will it spread?

Many immortal cultivators in the Xuanhuang world will be grateful to Zhou Shu, and Zhou Shu's reputation may reach a higher level.

As for the seventh-order pill, Zhou Shu couldn't recognize them one by one, so he could try it slowly later~www.ltnovel.com~ In the Liangyi Sect, Zhou Shu got a very complete picture of Liangyi.

It is worth mentioning that Liangyi Sect was the earliest sect to study the method of calculation, much earlier than Cihangzong.

There are several experts in the sect who know almost everything. Even the occurrence of a demon monkey among the invaders of the demon race was calculated in advance by the Liangyi Sect and told Aolai to make preparations.

If this is not the case, Aolai Kingdom simply does not have enough time to deploy various formations to target the demon monkeys. The likely result is that Aolai Kingdom cannot trap the demon clan and the demon monkeys, allowing the demon monkeys to leave Aolai country and ravage the whole Nanzhanzhou.

Therefore, the importance of the Liangyi Sect is self-evident, and within the Liangyi Sect, except for the monks who clearly deduced the way, this Liangyi picture is the most precious.

Tai Chi is easy to have, and Tai Chi produces two instruments.

The two instruments include yin and yang, heaven and earth, odd and even, spring and autumn, etc., which can be described as all-encompassing.

Everyone knows that the principle of calculation in the realm of immortality lies in Liangyi, but the method of calculation has been passed down from ancient times to the present. The diagram of Liangyi has been changed several times, and the original diagram of Liangyi is no longer visible, and the road of calculation was born. After many changes, it’s hard to say whether these changes are good or bad, because Zhou Shu doesn’t know how to calculate, but what is certain is that this extremely complete picture of the two instruments of ancient times will definitely bring many benefits to the method of calculation. .

Its value is difficult to measure. Once it shows up, it will surely attract many masters of calculation, many of whom are Hidden Sejong and aristocrats.

Zhou Shu was very satisfied with this thing. It was of great help to his future plans, perhaps no less than that sword box.

In his heart, he was already calculating how to use it.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 and Xin Qianxun for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~).


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