Fairy Winner

Chapter 1346: The rock soon

After clearing the formation before the exit, closing the array eyes and so on, after thinking about it, Zhou Shu disguised a little and left the secret realm.

Leave temporarily and will return soon.

The stagnant water still seeped, but Zhou Shu didn't care, the mist covered his whole body, quickly rising to the surface of the lake.

As soon as he arrived at the lake, Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and a half-length naked old man stood in front of him. Although his body was small, his momentum was as solid as a mountain, his eyes fixed on Zhou Shu like a falcon, his brows frowned.

This old man, Zhou Shu had seen before, was suddenly the tribe’s high priest Rock.

Huamisi Lake completely blocked the divine consciousness. Zhou Shu couldn't find out when the rock appeared.

It was a bit of negligence to think about it. Now that it has been several years since entering the secret realm, Huamisi Lake may not be as empty as before, but Zhou Shu also made some preparations in advance, disguised as a barbarian, if it is still a cultivator. , I’m afraid I’ll be attacked when I’m in the lake.

The Rock High Priest strode forward, stood by the lake, and shouted sharply, "Who are you?"

Zhou Shu didn't answer, but just like a dragonfly, he swept across the water and ran straight down the mountain.

"Want to go, where to go?"

Yan Shi let out a cold snort, his body flickered with black light, and his figure flew out like a cannonball. It seemed a bit cumbersome, but the speed was surprisingly fast. However, the two ups and downs exceeded Zhou Shu and blocked Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu slowed down and bowed indifferently, "I have seen the High Priest of Rock."

The last time I saw the High Priest of Rock, I expected that he was a barbarian known for speed. Now it seems that this is true, but it is faster than Zhou Shu thought.

It seems that it is probably impossible to run directly.

"Stop talking nonsense, which tribe do you belong to, dare to trespass into the sacred mountain!"

Pan Shi was already a little angry, and black energy gradually emerged from his body. In the black energy, the strange wild patterns seemed to be swimming, which was quite strange.

Zhou Shu smiled and said nothing more. In this situation, it is impossible to explain, only a battle.

"Don't say so, there is always time for you to say."

Panshi breathed a long sigh of relief, and the black qi became more and more intense, and gradually enveloped his entire body. The voice passed through the black qi, and it became very stern, like the wailing from the underground palace, and the heart was terrible.

Before the words fell, the rock had moved.

At a distance of tens of feet, the arm surrounded by black energy was as solid as a rock and hit Zhou Shu's front door.

Zhou Shu knew that it was too late to dodge, and didn't move that thought. The sword box moved slightly, and the four sword intents stood in front of him. They were as sharp as knives, carrying a formidable chill, if the rock insisted on passing through. , Most of it can't be pleased.


Panshi's fist fell heavily on Zhou Shu's chest.

Zhou Shu's complexion tightened. Although he had multiple protections, he was still beaten out and fell ten feet away.

"This speed and response are beyond imagination, and they are definitely not comparable to the ordinary Tribulation Realm. What kind of brutal pattern is he and what supernatural power has he gained?"

Zhou Shu secretly said in his heart, he was a little surprised, but at a distance of a few feet, Pan Shi's arm changed direction and quickly bypassed the resistance of the sword intent. Before Zhou Shu had time to erect the second sword wall, he used incredible The angle hit Zhou Shu.

"However, his power is not too strong yet, it is the average level of cultivation in the tribulation realm."

Staring at the Rock High Priest, Zhou Shu seemed to understand.

Yan Shi glanced at it, and he was also quite surprised. He didn't leave his hand in that punch, and the barbarians on the opposite side didn't even vomit blood.

"As a ninth-class priest, you are very good at fighting. Could it be the brutal pattern of the crescent moon? But even so, how many times can you endure?"

With a kick on both feet, Pan Shi appeared in front of Zhou Shu the next moment.

Zhou Shuyi defended, with a few more sword intents, densely packed like a net, seemingly no cracks to drill.

But Panshi's fist still fell on him, hitting behind Zhou Shu's shoulder.

Zhou Shu staggered forward and fell out a few steps. When his footing was not stable, the next punch came in front of him again. He still hit Zhou Shu's lower abdomen at an unimaginable angle and speed, and Zhou Shu flew directly. Hanging in the air.

The fists and kicks continued, and within a few breaths, Zhou Shu hit hundreds of blows.

If it weren't for the lifeless exercise, I was afraid that it would be hurt badly, but at this time Zhou Shu had a perfect physique and the power of Dao protection, but only a small injury.

There was an accident in Pan Shi's eyes, but his hands and feet did not stop at all, but the speed became faster.

With one punch after another, Zhou Shu was like a sandbag, letting it be ravaged in the air.

"Only fast will not break."

In the constant beating, Zhou Shu also secretly shook his head.

The Rock High Priest really took this to the extreme, and he was definitely not mediocre if he could be a Barbarian High Priest.

However, after receiving so many punches, almost a few thousand times, Zhou Shu also completely calculated the attack method and trajectory of Pan Shi. If Pan Shi did not have more powerful means, he would have the chance to win.

With another heavy blow, Zhou Shu was knocked down, and a hole was smashed into the ground.

"Even the savage pattern of the crescent moon can't stand so many times, right?"

The rock fell to the edge of the pit, staring at Zhou Shu, with a lot of doubts in his eyes, "Moreover, you can resist the water of Huamisi Lake. Your physique is about to catch up with that kid. I am also a little interested in you. Let's talk about you. What kind of tribe, say it, I might let you go."

Zhou Shu was shot from the pit~www.ltnovel.com~ with a smile, "I am also very surprised, what kind of brutal pattern is the high priest, how fast?"

"I am asking you."

Rock snorted, "Do you still want to continue being beaten? If you really want to, I can beat you all day, depending on whether you can afford it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's fine for a whole month, but you may not be able to call me again."

"Then you try."

Pan Shi's face turned black, and his fists hit simultaneously.

The distance between the two is only two feet, which is not considered a distance in Pan Shi's eyes. He should hear the sound of punches. He is already considering how to teach this arrogant priest of the barbarian tribe with a few punches.

But to his surprise, those two punches failed at the same time, and Zhou Shu was still standing there, as if he hadn't moved.

Panshi's mind was trembling slightly, and without hesitation, he swung his arm and went around in turn, hitting Zhou Shu's head directly.

Like the electric flint, there is no time to think and react, and even the punches he attacked according to intuition and habits.

However, the punch still fell through.

This time, he could see clearly that Zhou Shu had already moved before he punched it. Although it was only a small invisible movement, it was able to pass his attack.

"This guy……"

Pan Shi stood with his fists, as if as a mountain, he clearly understood the reason, "In such a short period of time, have you fully understood my punching habits and attack methods? There is nothing wrong with him, his comprehension and intuition in battle? I'm afraid it's no less than that kid."

He didn't know that it was not only from intuition and understanding, but also from deduction and calculation.

In Zhou Shu's eyes, experience is obviously more reliable than intuition. That experience has been verified through millions of calculations.

(Ps: Thank you Xin Qianxun for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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