Fairy Winner

Chapter 1348: Shushan is besieged

Suddenly shook his head and sighed lightly, "Oh, I'm still fighting. www.uuk.la"

He was not involved, but he also understood very clearly.

Although the witch **** Xuan Ming was unable to successfully descend, his appearance made the tribe gain supreme prestige.

As a result, hundreds of barbarian tribes united and invaded Shushan.

Headed by the high priest of the tribe Suddenly, Suddenly Thunder, known as the High Priest of Thunder, the team is full of savage talents, among which there are more than fifty high priests, and there are countless priests. The army is mighty, at a glance Go, it's endless.

All the barbarians are full of ambition and think that they can easily capture Shu Mountain, but they don’t know that Shu Mountain has been prepared for a long time. From the moment they left Shiwan Dashan, all kinds of ambushes have not stopped. At the time, 10% was 30% less.

In the eyes of the barbarians, 70% is enough, and they brazenly launched an offensive.

This battle lasted more than four years.

Both sides were severely damaged. More than half of the barbarian tribes were killed and injured. In contrast, the Shushan casualties were much smaller, less than one-thirtieth of the barbarians. After all, all Shushan disciples were elites in the world of immortality, but even 30 One of them is also a big blow to Shushan. There are far fewer people in Shushan than the barbarians.

What's more, the resources that Shushan consumes most are Lingshi Yuanshi and other resources.

In order to stop the barbarians, the mountain of Shu has laid a ten-pointed array of destruction, which completely covers the mountain of thousands of miles. The barbarians have to pay the price of flesh and blood for every step forward, and the mountain of Shu has to pay countless spiritual stones.

Now that four years have passed, the two sides are in a stalemate, and no one can win for the time being.

"So that's it..."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and there were some surprises, "I didn't expect that you can fight for so long, aren't you barbarians not good at protracted fighting? Brute force and divine power must be supplemented by sacrifices?"

"Yes, every once in a while, the priests must return to the Shiwan Mountain to supplement their sacrifices. The reason why the Panshi High Priest is in the tribe is also for this."

Suddenly nodded, "But now our barbarians have completely besieged Shu Mountain. If we don’t stick to it, it would be a pity. Such an opportunity will not be available for tens of thousands of years. The high priests have said. No matter how difficult it is, we must persevere and we must destroy Shu Mountain."

"Shu Mountain is surrounded?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is there no other sect to rescue?"

"Yes, but it won't be a climate. As long as Emei doesn't come, the other sects don't have to worry about it, and how can Emei go?"

Suddenly shook his head, with a trace of contempt in his eyes, "For seven hundred years, they have not violated each other, and even treated us courteously. This makes us a little uncomfortable, huh... we know they don’t Only if you will participate, you will leave Shiwan Dashan to Shushan.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, his expression calm, only a lot of thoughts in his heart.

It seems that the barbarians have the upper hand. Somewhat unexpectedly, the entire mountain of Shu is besieged by the barbarians. This kind of thing has never happened. According to the truth, the background of the mountain will never be surrounded by the barbarians. Then, Was it something that happened inside Shushan, or was Shushan brewing something to consume the barbarians and counterattack one hundred thousand mountains?

Both are possible.

And Emei's actions were even more surprising. The sect of the same continent was besieged by the barbarians. In such a big crisis, he didn't even help? Even if there are two great resentments, in the face of the big righteousness, they wouldn't do it, right?

Inside Emei, something must have gone wrong, a big problem.

What happened 700 years ago? Could it be that... Jiang's incident also appeared in Emei?

"Brother White Horse, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly he patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder and looked at him sincerely, "I know you are a cultivator, and if you want to help Shushan, I will never stop it, let alone treat you, but... I think you'd better not go. The war is too fierce... and Shushan may not lose, and the barbarians may not win. I always feel that things will not be that simple."

"There is no war that is not fierce. I will check the situation. I have other important things to do. I won't be able to stay long."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said calmly, "You are right, Shushan will not be destroyed like this, their foundation is much stronger than you."

Although he said that he would not participate, he never wanted to see that Mount Shu was really dangerous. Mount Shu was too important to him and the world of cultivating immortals. He must go, at least to confirm whether there was anything wrong with Mount Shu.

"Maybe, I don't want to participate in these things, because it has nothing to do with my goal."

Suddenly, he nodded and shook his head, and smiled calmly, "I know the white horse will definitely go, so I won't say much, you can see what the situation is when you get to Shu Mountain, but you must be careful."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and smiled lightly, "Okay, I understand."

"Don't talk about the disappointments~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly waved his hand, a little anxious, some anticipation said, "Brother White Horse, where have you been these years, I have been to the sacred mountain several times. Can't you? "

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I will tell you later, but now is not the time."

"Okay," suddenly nodded, "Brother White Horse, I have studied the picture you gave me and got a new kind of wild pattern."

"Oh, is it all right?"

Zhou Shu paused slightly, "In just a few years, Brother Elephant has made the wild patterns, which is really unexpected."

"It's nothing." Suddenly touched his head, a little embarrassed. "Actually, the patterns you gave me are quite mature. They are not much different from the wild patterns. I only changed a few places. I found it was enough to use. I even felt the power in it. It was too big to imagine, but I didn't know what kind of brutal beast it was..."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Have you tried it?"

"No." Suddenly shook his head, and said quite solemnly, "The power in it focuses on defense and recovery. It is not suitable for me, nor will it meet Zhu Rong's fiery power. The brute force I need is not like this. Without the permission of Brother White Horse, I did not find anyone else to try."

"You really know brute force. It is a mountain, a brute that is really good at recovery and defense."

Zhou Shu expressed admiration, "Since you don't need it, just give it to me."

He didn't say before that he wanted to see how well Kuanxiang understands the wild patterns. Now it seems that there is no problem. In that case, most of the wild patterns studied by Kuaxiang will not be wrong.

"Naturally want to give it to you."

Suddenly nodded, he solemnly took out an animal skin drawing and gave it to Zhou Shu.

He seemed to have thought of something, he was taken aback for a moment, and said in astonishment, "Mountain, is it that dragon-bred savage beast?" rw

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