Fairy Winner

Chapter 1350: 3 people meet

"Sorry to disappoint you. "Mobile Reading"

Zhou Shu raised his head and glanced at him, then calmly said, "Then how can you not be disappointed?"

The young monk was stunned, a little stagnated for a while, grasping the silver spear tightly, not knowing what to say.

When he ran into the senior, he thought he would be scolded or even beaten by the senior, but he didn't expect Zhou Shu to be so easy.

After a while, he said, "Senior should stop these barbarians with such a cultivation base. Even if they can only stop them for a few hours, they can slow their offensive and help Shushan."

"Okay, as you wish."

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Shu's mouth, and he nodded gently.


The young monk became more surprised and looked at Zhou Shu, "Senior...do you really want to help?"

Zhou Shu smiled without answering, but pointed down. The monk looked down blankly without knowing why, and he was startled by only one glance.

A transparent phantom with the same appearance as Zhou Shu, holding a cyan long sword in his hand, is marching through the barbarian army.

In the face of a heavy encirclement, it is like walking in a leisurely court. With every sword swing, dozens of barbarians will fall to the ground, blood splattered ten feet, and the phantom will be gone for less than dozens of breaths, and the barbarian army will fall more than half. The barbarian cries and shouts kept retreating, fearing like a tiger, but they never dared to step forward. Many barbarians even abandoned their mounts and ran back.

Thousands of brave and brave barbarians fell apart in the blink of an eye, scurrying around.


The young monk turned his head and looked at Zhou Shu in amazement, "You...you..."

"You" have been "you" for a long time, but I can't think of anything to describe him. The scene in front of him is really shocking. Thousands of armies are instantly destroyed. It is very difficult for even the great monk to cross the catastrophe, and the monk in front of him even No one has ever moved, and it's done with just a ghost.

Zhou Shu looked plain, "It's enough for now."

The young monk put down his spear and bowed with great respect, "In a moment, the barbarians are in smoke, and the juniors have nothing to say, they can only respect them! Junior Lin Yuantian has met seniors."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I am not a monk from Nanzhanzhou, you don't need to remember, Lin Yuantian, are you from Panlongmen?"

"The juniors are not talented, they are the disciples of Panlongmen. The seniors even know this. They are so knowledgeable."

Lin Yuantian was startled slightly. Panlongmen was not considered a big sect in Nanzhanzhou. There was only one cultivator in the God Realm. It could be said that he was unknown, but he didn't expect Zhou Shu to know it.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, seemingly thoughtful, "Although Panlongmen is not big, it is also unique in the gunway. Your gunway is also good. If you hone it, you will have a bright future in the future. To be strong, cost my life in vain."

"What the predecessors taught is."

Lin Yingtian nodded his head cautiously, "Before the junior was too angry and ran into the senior. It was all my fault and I won't do it again in the future."

The arrogance on his face and in his heart is completely gone. This is how young people are. Only those who really convince him will be obedient. Otherwise, they won’t listen. And Zhou Shu’s previous actions have been Let him admire him to the ground.

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said calmly, "Go."


Lin Yuantian hesitated to speak again, "The younger generation still..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Just say whatever you want."

Lin Yingtian took a careful look at Zhou Shu, and said, "Senior should be helping Shushan on this trip, right? Seniors have cultivated like this, I'm afraid not many barbarians are rivals of seniors, if..."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Shu's face was slightly dark, and he scolded, "If you do one thing for you, you still want more. It's hard to fill it with desire, how greedy."

Lin Yuantian's complexion was stagnant, and he quickly explained, "The juniors didn't think so, but the seniors. Now Emei can't rely on it. Mount Shu is in Nanzhanzhou and belongs to the entire Xuanhuang world..."

"Shut up!"

Zhou Shu flicked his sleeve and threw Lin Yuantian out.

Lin Yuantian was floating in the air, at a loss, and Zhou Shu was nowhere to be seen, only a few words echoed in his ear, "Whatever you want, do it yourself. Others will not help you achieve your wish, even if that In your opinion, a wish is something everyone should do, but you are you, everyone is everyone, do not do to others what you do not want, can you do to others what you want?"

He was silent in the air, thinking for a while, his eyes gradually firming up, and he solemnly saluted the direction Zhou Shu was leaving.

Zhou Shu in the cloud is already thousands of miles away.

He didn't have a sudden intention to save Lin Yuantian.

At the Dongsheng Gun Fair decades ago, Zhao Yige praised Panlongmen a lot, saying that in the forest of gun roads in the future, they must have a place. Zhou Shu, who paid attention to the gun fair throughout the whole process, felt the same way, so he saw the disciples of Panlongmen. He helped me by the way.

"This Lin Yuantian is not bad. I hope these words are not in vain. It's just his name, I'm afraid there will be a lot of hardships in the future."

Of course, Zhou Shu also has a bit of support, and he has always cared about the younger generation of immortal cultivators.

This is also a manifestation of his Tao.

"Friends, please stay!"

Not far away, a few monks walked up to the clouds, looking in a hurry.

Zhou Shu seemed to have expected it, and gradually slowed down.

You don’t need to read more ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu knows that it was the monks who watched the battle before, but not all came. Without the one who wanted to escape Nanzhanzhou, otherwise Zhou Shu would not stop, except for that One, the others are not eye-catching.

Several monks stood several tens of meters away from Zhou Shu, saluting one after another, very polite.

"This fellow Taoist, the old man is Liu Yun sitting at the hidden gate."

"A certain Taikechen of Xunyuzong has met fellow Taoists."

"Xia Xia Xu Fanglue, from Qingshan Jianmen."

Zhou Shu turned around, with a slight smile on his face, said faintly, "A few fellow daoists, what can I do to stop me?"

Liu Yun arched his hand and said slowly, "Looking at the direction of the Taoist friend's trip, is he going to Shu Mountain? I also intend to go there, why don't we talk about it together?"

Liu Yun looked very old, with heavy wrinkles on his forehead, but his eyes were unusually bright, always showing a wise light.

"Taoist friends are only able to show their magical skills. I admire them very much. I am willing to make friends, but I don't know what about friendship?"

A green-shirted monk at the side whispered softly, modestly and politely, with a ruler dagger hanging from his waist, although the front was still seen in the sheath, the whole person was surrounded by a faint sword intent. The artistic realm is still above Zhou Shu.

"Friends of Taoism, if we meet by chance, why not drink a few drinks?"

The other man, Tai Kechen, stood steadily, with a stature of one foot tall, and his beard filled most of his face, with only small eyes showing.

He looks very rough, but when you look closely at his clothes, decoration and demeanor, he is also a rough but subtle person.

The three of them are all consummate cultivators in the later stage of the transformation of the gods, and their cultivation is good.


Zhou Shu faintly answered, and one by one, he said, "It is a great honor for the three people to talk with each other, Zhou Shu, I have met three Taoist friends."

"Zhou Shu, your Excellency is Zhou Shu from Dongshengzhou?"

The three of them looked startled, showing a lot of surprises. (600000 Novel Network)

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